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Full text of "Alonzo Delano's California correspondence; being letters hitherto uncollected from the Ottawa (Illinois) Free Trader and the New Orleans True Delta, 1849-1852 ;"

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Probable  route  followed  by  Delano other  emigrant  routes 






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Alonzo  Delano's 
California  Correspondence 

Digitized  by  the  Internet  Archive 

in  2012  with  funding  from 

University  of  Illinois  Urbana-Champaign 

Alonzo  Delano's 
California  Correspondence 

Being  letters  hitherto  uncollected  from  the  Ottawa  (Illinois) 

Free  Trader  and  the  New  Orleans  True  Delta,  1849-1852. 

Edited  with  an  Introduction  and 

Notes  by  Irving  McKee.  Maps  by  Stewart  Mitchell. 

Decorations  by  Harry  O.  Diamond 


Sacramento,  California 





23373  d!  Ill 


As  in  the  case  of  its  previous  publications,  the  Sacramento  Book 
Collectors  Club  comes  before  its  public  with  a  co-operative  enterprise. 
The  present  work  owes  its  inception  to  Mr.  Harold  Holmes,  of  Oak- 
land, who  first  collected  transcripts  of  Alonzo  Delano's  letters  in 
Eastern  newspapers.  At  the  timely  suggestion  of  Mr.  Walter  Stoddard, 
Mr.  Holmes  then  very  generously  turned  these  over  to  the  Club, 
along  with  various  photostats  of  the  New  Orleans  True  Delta.  Mrs. 
Allan  Ottley  performed  the  arduous  task  of  transcribing  all  the  letters, 
and  Mrs.  Edgar  Sayre  arranged  for  photographic  reproduction  of 
maps,  illustrations,  and  other  material. 

Of  the  many  librarians  who  generously  contributed,  two  at  least 
must  be  named.  Mr.  Arthur  Whitenack,  of  Reddick's  Library,  Ottawa, 
Illinois,  superintended  the  photostating  of  the  Free  Trader  letters  and 
researched  many  local  names.  Miss  Caroline  Wenzel  and  her  staff  in 
the  California  State  Library  provided  the  indispensable  aid  which 
apparently  attends  every  work  dealing  with  the  Golden  State's  history. 

To  particularize  our  debt  further  would  be  to  present  a  roster  of 
the  Club's  members,  all  of  whom  extended  advice  and  encouragement. 

The  Book  Committee: 

Michael  Harrison 
Marion  Tinling 
Irving  McKee 

Table  of  Contents 

Tehama  Block — True  Delta  Depot — 

Sacramento  City facing  xi 

Introduction  xi 

1.  St.  Joseph,  April  19,  1849 1 

2.  St.  Joseph,  April  21,  1849 8 

3.  English  Grove,  April  30,  1849 12 

4.  Harney's  Landing,  May  2,  1849 15 

5.  Lawson's  Settlement,  California,  September  18,  1849 16 

6.  Sacramento  City,  September  30,  1849 21 

7.  Upper  Diggings,  Feather  River,  October  12,  1849 22 

8.  Valley  of  the  Sacramento,  November  19,  1849 26 

9.  Dawlytown,  February  16,  1850 36 

10.  Sacramento  City,  March  2,  1850 39 

11.  Ottawa  Bar,  March  12,  1850 46 

12.  Ottawa  Bar,  March  22,  1850 52 

13.  Dawlytown,  April  4,  1850 61 

14.  Oleepa,  May  8,  1850 64 

15.  Oleepa,  May  12,  1850 69 

16.  Yateston,  June  14,  1850 75 

17.  Dawlytown,  June  25,  1850 77 

18.  Stringtown,  July  22,  1850 81 

19.  Stringtown,  July  29,  1850 84 

20.  Independence,  September  1,  1850 88 

21.  Independence,  October  20,  1850 94 

22.  Marysville,  October  31,  1850 96 

23.  Sacramento  City,  November  5,  1850 99 

24.  San  Francisco,  November  15,  1850 101 

25.  San  Francisco,  January  15,  1851 105 

26.  San  Francisco,  April  1,  1851 108 

27.  Grass  Valley,  Nevada  County,  June  11,  1851 112 

28.  San  Francisco,  June  13,  1851  117 

29.  Grass  Valley,  Sierra  Nevada  Quartz  Mines,  June  29,  1851 . 1 20 

30.  San  Francisco,  August  1,  1851 123 

31.  Sacramento  City,  August  6,  1851 128 

32.  Grass  Valley,  August  30,  1851 131 

33.  Grass  Valley,  September  29,  1851 134 

34.  Shasta  City,  October  20,  1851 138 

35.  Parkman,  Ohio,  June,  1 852 142 

36.  Parkman,  Ohio,  August  1,  1852 144 

Index  149 


From  Ottawa  to  the  Platte Front  End  Papers 

From  Nebraska  to  California Front  End  Papers 

"Upper  Diggings,"  Feather  River xxvi 

The  "Gold  Lake"  Country xxvi 

From  Lassen's  Meadows  to  the 

Gold  Diggings Back  End  Papers 

Tehama  Block — True  Delta  Depot — Sacramento  City. 

This  illustration  appeared  on  the  front  page  of  the  New  Orleans  True  Delta,  May  1  1, 
1851.  It  is  a  copy,  with  modifications,  of  a  wood  engraving  reproduced  in  the  Sacramento 
Union,  March  31,  with  the  comment:  "The  building  measures  34  feet  on  Front  street  and 
63  on  J  street.  The  apartment  occupied  as  the  True  Delta  Depot,  originally  rented  for 
$1,200  per  month.  What  its  present  rent  is  we  are  unable  to  say,  but  if  newspaper  litera- 
ture pays  a  profit,  the  rent  ought  to  be  nearly  as  high  as  formerly,  as  from  the  Depot  are 
issued  semi-monthly,  six  thousand  five  hundred  copies  of  the  California  True  Delta,  the 
best  paper  that  comes  to  California." 

The  True  Delta's  chief  modification  of  the  Union's  illustration  was  the  introduction  of 
figures  hawking  the  New  Orleans  daily  in  front  of  the  building.  One  of  these,  the  later 
caption  informs  us,  is  Alonzo  Delano's  friend,  Colonel  Joseph  Grant:  "The  figures  of  the 
honest  miners  returning  from  the  scene  of  their  labors,  with  well  filled  pouches  hastening 
to  Col.  Grant's  office  to  exchange  their  dust  for  legal  coin  and  True  Deltas —  the  True 
Delta  agents  displaying  the  favorite  sheet,  and  the  portly  figure  of  the  indefatigable  Col. 
Grant,  as  he  stands  on  the  balcony  with  a  pile  of  True  Deltas  under  his  left  arm,  while 
in  his  right  hand  he  holds  a  copy  of  the  latest  issue,  unfolded  to  the  admiring  gaze  of  the 
returned  miners — are  all  sketched  to  the  life." 


"Sixty,  seventy,  or  eighty  years  ago,  Old  Block  needed  no  intro- 
duction to  his  public."  Thus  begins  an  account  of  Alonzo  Delano1 
which  is  at  once  definitive  and  sympathetically  humorous.2  The 
present  editor  acknowledges  at  the  outset  a  considerable  debt  to  the 
late  Ezra  Dane,  who  first  properly  introduced  California's  genial  and 
whimsical  Forty-Niner  to  the  twentieth  century.  With  charm  and 
delicacy  Dane  invoked  the  magnificent  nose,  in  spite — or  because — 
of  which  Old  Block  became  a  prodigy  fondly  cherished  throughout 
the  State  and  a  citizen  deeply  respected  in  Grass  Valley. 

Delano  was  born  July  2,  1806,  at  Aurora,  New  York,  the  tenth 
of  the  eleven  children  of  Dr.  Frederick  Delano  and  his  wife,  Joanna 
Doty.  The  worthy  physician  was  himself  a  great-grandson  of  Jona- 
than De  La  Noye,  an  offspring  of  French  Huguenots.  De  La  Noye, 
in  turn,  was  the  great-great-great-great-grandfather  of  Franklin 
Delano  Roosevelt.  Thus  our  humorist  can  be  termed  a  third  cousin, 
twice  removed,  of  the  thirty-second  President.  And  for  three  cen- 
turies the  members  of  this  prolific  clan  generally  pronounced  the 
name  Delano  as  did  the  Roosevelts.3 

But  Alonzo  knew  nothing  of  his  most  illustrious  American  rela- 
tives; as  Dane  puts  it,  "he  was  the  plainest  of  plain  Americans." 
Educated  in  the  local  academy,  he  embarked  at  the  age  of  fifteen 
upon  a  career  of  counter-jumping  which  took  him  to  various  frontier 
settlements  of  Ohio  and  Indiana.  When  he  revisited  his  native 
Aurora  in  1830  to  woo  and  wed  Mary  Burt,  he  was  a  lean  young 
man,  some  five  feet  ten  inches  in  height,  with  brown  hair  and  blue 
eyes — and  a  conspicuous  nose.4  He  later  recalled  his  amatory  suc- 
cess with  typical  self -deprecation  and  gallantry:  "I  fooled  one  good 
looking  girl,  and  pulled  the  wool  over  her  eyes  in  such  a  way  as  to 
make  her  believe  I  was  a  handsome  young  scamp,  and  she  took  me 
for  better  or  worse,  and  is  now  the  mother  of  my  children." 5  These 

1  Pronounced  DELLano. 

2  G.  Ezra  Dane,  ed.,  Alonzo  Delano's  Pen-Knife  Sketches,  or  Chips  of  the  Old  Block 
(San  Francisco,  1934),  v-xxii. 

3  Joel  A.  Delano,  Genealogy,  History,  and  Alliances  of  the  American  House  of  Delano, 
1621  to  1899  (New  York,  1899),  294-505.  The  town  of  Delano  in  Kern  County,  however, 
is  pronounced  DeLAYno,  although  named  in  1873  after  another  of  Alonzo's  cousins, 
Columbus  Delano  (1809-1896),  Secretary  of  the  Interior  under  President  Grant.  Erwin 
A.  Gudde,  California  Place  Names:  A  Geographical  Dictionary  (Berkeley,  1949). 

4  Marion  V.  Conaway,  Delano's  neighbor  at  Grass  Valley,  1870-1874,  in  a  letter  to  Milton 
J.  Ferguson,  March  13,  1919,  Ms.  in  the  California  State  Library.  See  also  the  caricature 
by  Charles  Nahl  in  Pen-Knife  Sketches,  frontispiece. 

5  Alonzo  Delano,  Across  the  Plains  and  Among  the  Diggings  (New  York,  1936),  9-10. 
This  was  originally  published  as  Life  on  the  Plains  and  Among  the  Diggings  (Auburn  and 
Buffalo,  1854). 


last,  a  son  named  Fred  and  a  daughter  Harriet,  were  born  about 
1833  and  1843  respectively,  probably  at  South  Bend,  Indiana, 
where  Delano  conducted  a  general  store.  July,  1848,  found  him  at 
Ottawa,  Illinois,  presumably  engaged  in  the  same  occupation;  his 
social  and  fraternal  success  here  is  indicated  by  the  fact  that  he  was 
Noble  Grand,  or  first  officer,  of  the  original  Ottawa  Lodge  of  the 
Independent  Order  of  Odd  Fellows.  Here  he  might  have  remained, 
except  for  two  decisive  circumstances:  he  was  afflicted  with  con- 
sumption, and  gold  had  been  discovered  in  California:0 

My  constitution  had  suffered  sad  inroads  by  disease  incident  to  western 
climate,  and  my  physician  frankly  told  me,  that  a  change  of  residence  and 
more  bodily  exertion  was  absolutely  necessary  to  effect  a  radical  change 
in  my  system — in  fact,  that  my  life  depended  upon  such  a  change,  and  I 
finally  concluded  to  adopt  his  advice.  About  this  time,  the  astonishing 
accounts  of  the  vast  deposits  of  gold  in  California  reached  us,  and  besides 
the  fever  of  the  body,  I  was  suddenly  seized  with  the  fever  of  the  mind 
for  gold;  and  in  hopes  of  receiving  a  speedy  cure  for  the  ills  both  of  body 
and  mind,  I  turned  my  attention  "westward  ho!"  and  immediately  com- 
menced making  arrangements  for  my  departure." 7 

Such  was  the  spirit  of  this  Argonaut,  who  fancied  the  man-killing 
California  mining  country  as  a  health  resort. 

A  "California  Company"  had  been  formed  at  Dayton,  a  village 
situated  a  few  miles  above  Ottawa  on  the  Fox  River,  under  the  com- 
mand of  "Captain"  Jesse  Green.  St.  Joseph,  Missouri,  was  to  be  the 
company's  first  place  of  rendezvous.  Being  a  man  of  some  substance, 
Delano  purchased  cattle  and  a  wagon,  dispatched  the  first  across 
country  under  hired  escort,  and  shipped  the  second  by  water  to  St. 
Joseph.  In  addition  he  engaged  three  young  Ottawans,  Matthew 
Harris,  Robert  Brown,  and  Eben  Smith,  to  assist  him  on  the  journey 
and  to  repay  him  for  their  share  of  supplies  and  equipment  with  one 
half  the  profit  they  would  earn  during  the  first  year  away  from  home 
— "a  contract  which  was  then  common."  Thereupon,  with  Harris, 
Brown,  Smith,  and  a  fourth  Ottawan  named  Isaac  H.  Fredenburg 
as  "the  companions  of  my  mess,"  Delano  bade  farewell  to  wife  and 
children  on  April  5, 1849,  and  proceeded  by  wagon  to  Peru,  Illinois, 
a  day's  ride  down  the  Illinois  River.  That  evening  they  boarded  the 
steamer  Revolution  for  St.  Louis.8 

How  or  when  Delano  first  manifested  journalistic  propensities  we 
shall  probably  never  know.  Certain  it  is,  however,  that  before  his 

6  Mary  Delano  Fletcher,  M.D.  (1830-1914),  a  god-daughter  of  Delano,  suggested  the 
birth  dates  of  his  children  and  the  nature  of  his  illness  in  an  undated  letter  to  James  L. 
Gillis,  Ms.  in  the  California  State  Library.  Harriet  was  nine  years  old  in  1852.  Pen-Knife 
Sketches,  58.  For  his  Ottawa  lodge,  see  Ottawa:  Old  and  New,  a  Complete  History  of 
Ottawa,  Illinois  (Ottawa,  1912-1914),  156-157. 

7  Across  the  Plains,  1.         8  Ibid.,  1,  107. 


departure  he  agreed  with  the  brothers  William  and  Moses  Osman, 
proprietors  of  the  Ottawa  weekly  Free  Trader,  to  write  a  "Califor- 
nia Correspondence"  in  exchange  for  one  or  more  mail  subscrip- 
tions. Besides  penning  the  letters,  he  kept  a  journal  which  also 
appeared,  in  part,  in  the  Free  Trader,  and  he  later  simultaneously 
maintained  a  second  correspondence  with  the  New  Orleans  True 
Delta.  The  journal  formed  the  basis  of  Delano's  second  book,  Life 
on  the  Plains  and  Among  the  Diggings  ( 1854).  But  the  thirty-six 
letters,  of  which  he  evidently  did  not  retain  copies,  contain  matter 
of  such  interest  as  to  deserve  rescue  from  the  newspaper  files  in 
which  they  have  lain,  buried  and  forgotten,  for  more  than  a  hundred 

Dating  from  April  19,  1849,  to  August  1,  1852,  they  relate 
graphically  the  events  of  the  river  voyage  to  St.  Joseph,  the  hazard- 
ous overland  journey,  and  the  sojourns  in  Sacramento,  the  mines, 
San  Francisco,  and  points  north.  The  saving  grace  of  humor,  for 
which  Delano  was  later  to  achieve  fame  under  his  nom  de  plume,  is 
present  in  judicious  quantities,  but  the  letters  are  essentially  serious 
and  realistic.  For  our  correspondent  was  keenly  aware  that  his  pub- 
lic consisted  of  hardhanded  farmers  and  merchants  who  looked  for 
an  accurate  report  of  the  pains  as  well  as  the  pleasures  of  the  adven- 
ture. He  thus  turns  appropriately  from  a  sparkling  narrative  of 
coffee-making  on  an  overcrowded  river  steamboat  to  the  death  by 
cholera  of  a  member  of  a  Virginia  company:  "The  first  use  made  of 
the  spade  that  was  taken  to  turn  up  the  golden  sands  of  California, 
was  to  bury  one  of  their  own  companions  amid  the  rocky  bluffs  of 
the  Missouri"  (April  19). 

Scientific  historians  of  the  Great  Gold  Rush  may  discover  little 
that  is  essentially  new  in  the  letters,  but  aficionados  will  detect  an 
authentic  flavor  of  considerable  value.  For  here  we  see  the  Forty- 
Niners  close  up,  in  their  broadbrimmed  hats,  their  checked  and 
woolen  shirts,  and  their  high  boots.  They  are  a  patriotic  lot,  ready 
to  chase  all  foreigners — whether  Indian,  Mexican,  or  British — out 
of  their  own  California  (in  which  they  had  not  yet  set  foot).  But 
they  are  also  peaceable  and  respectable,  or  as  Delano  writes,  "they 
are  almost  entirely  composed  of  energetic,  well-informed,  resolute 
law-and-order  men,  who  have  characters  at  home,  and  who  cannot 
at  once  depart  from  the  habits  and  mental  training  from  childhood 
of  a  civilized  and  moral  community"  (April  21 ).  Like  Delano,  and 
like  later  generations  of  American  voyagers,  they  yearn  continually 
for  mail  from  "the  States;"  upon  quitting  St.  Joseph  for  the  Indian 
country,  our  correspondent  poignantly  notes :  "I  got  no  letters  from 
home  and  have  not  received  the  least  word  from  any  of  my  friends 
since  I  left,  and  now,  probably,  shall  not"  (April  30).  Ten  months 
of  toil  and  danger  without  a  word  from  Ottawa  lay  ahead;  only  a 
vision  as  of  the  Promised  Land  sustained  him  and  his  fellows. 


The  Dayton  (Illinois)  Company,  with  which  Delano  had  cast  his 
lot,  committed  two  costly  errors.  In  attempting  to  follow  the  "Ne- 
maha Cut-off"  some  distance  north  of  St.  Joseph,  it  got  lost,  and  in- 
stead of  saving  time  fell  eight  or  ten  days  behind  those  who  from  the 
start  had  stuck  to  the  St.  Joseph  Road.  Three  harrowing  weeks  after 
having  crossed  the  Missouri,  the  train  at  last  found  the  Road,  only 
to  encounter  two  more  weeks  of  cold  and  rainy  weather  which  be- 
numbed the  emigrants'  fingers  "while  pitching  tents,  guarding  cattle, 
preparing  meals,  gathering  fuel  so  scantily  distributed,  and  a  thou- 
sand et  ceteras"  (October  12).  To  top  it  all,  Delano  became  ill  and 
feverish  from  exposure  and  had  to  ride  the  wagon  for  almost  a  week. 
For  once  he  lost  faith,  temporarily,  in  the  male  humanity  around 
him,  denouncing  to  Mary  Delano  "the  narrow-minded  ribaldry — 
the  ceaseless  strife  which  is  constantly  marring  the  tranquility  of 
such  a  crowd — a  mass  of  men  in  which  each  individual  acts  inde- 
pendent of  all  the  rest,  caring  for  none  but  himself,  which  renders  it 
most  insufferable"  (September  13).  He  recovered  just  in  time  to 
reconcile  himself  to  eighty-eight  days  of  burning  sun  and  sand 
across  what  is  now  Nebraska,  Wyoming,  Idaho,  and  Nevada,  where 
"the  utmost  vigilance  is  required  to  keep  marauding  bands  of  In- 
dians from  stealing  or  maiming  your  cattle." 

At  the  Humboldt  River  the  company  committed  what  Delano 
considered  its  second  serious  mistake — pursuing  the  Lassen  Trail, 
"by  which  we  lost  three  weeks'  time  in  getting  in,  and  on  account  of 
which  we  ran  short  of  provisions  and  had  to  pass  four  hundred  miles 
through  hostile  Indians  that  kept  us  on  the  lookout  day  and  night" 
(October  12).  But  "Lawson's,"  the  settlement  (like  the  trail) 
founded  by  Peter  Lassen,  was  now  only  three  weeks  away,  via 
Fandango  Pass,  the  Pit  River,  and  the  Sacramento.  Delano  arrived 
there  intact  on  September  17,  reporting  to  his  wife  that  "my  health 
is  as  good  as  it  ever  was,  and  I  can  endure  any  amount  of  fatigue." 

But  this  satisfaction  did  not  suffice:  "Any  man  who  makes  a  trip 
by  land  to  California  deserves  to  find  a  fortune"  (October  12) ;  like 
many  another,  Delano  was  understandably  chagrined  when  the  for- 
tune did  not  immediately  materialize.  Disappointment  had  vent  in 
observations  unfavorable  to  the  Sacramento  Valley,  such  as:  "I 
would  not  exchange  a  good  farm  on  one  of  our  rich  prairies  for  the 
whole  of  it"  (September  30);  he  disliked  the  regular  late-summer 
drought  and  could  see  little  prospect  of  agricultural  wealth  in  all 
California.  (Three  years  later  he  manfully  confessed  how  wrong  he 
had  been  about  this.)  His  wealth  now  consisted,  apparently,  of  a 
wagon,  a  yoke  of  oxen,  and  the  sum  of  four  dollars.  Never  lacking 
in  friends,  however,  he  borrowed  two  hundred  dollars  from  Dr.  M. 
B.  Angle,  who  had  prospered  in  the  mines,  and  bought  a  load  of 
provisions  which  he  "designed  to  sell  or  live  upon"  until  he  could 
succeed  at  mining.  In  company  with  F.  C.  Pomeroy,  another  old 


acquaintance,  he  set  out  on  October  1  for  the  "upper  diggings"  of 
the  Feather  River.  At  Dawlytown,  adjoining  Bidwell  Bar  on  the 
South  Fork,  Delano  and  Pomeroy  opened  a  store  on  the  10th.9 

News  went  to  Ottawa  of  deflated  mining  and  inflated  prices,  the 
latter  enabling  the  partners  to  show  a  profit  of  six  hundred  dollars 
in  two  weeks.  On  October  25  Delano  drove  back  to  Sacramento  to 
replenish  their  stock,  but  torrential  rains  caused  the  loss  of  an  ox  in 
fording  the  Yuba  River  and  prolonged  the  return  trip  by  six  weeks, 
three  of  which  he  passed  at  "Mud  Hill"  near  Oroville.10  His  letter  of 
November  19  is  replete  with  vivid  details  of  that  hard  season,  when 
poverty-stricken  miners  by  the  hundreds  underwent  exposure  to  the 
elements,  malnutrition,  and  disease.  Back  at  Dawlytown,  he  found 
the  camp  largely  deserted,  Dame  Rumor  having  lured  the  emigrants 
to  the  South  Fork's  upper  reaches.  A  bout  with  the  ague  detained 
Delano  for  three  weeks;  then  on  January  2,  1850,  he  set  out  with 
Pomeroy  and  two  others  for  the  latest  El  Dorado.  Laborious  ascents 
through  rain  and  snow  brought  them  to  two  bars  in  the  neighbor- 
hood of  Stringtown,  one  of  which  they  named  Ottawa;  in  accord- 
ance with  a  new  miners'  "law,"  they  commenced  working  the  claims 
within  ten  days  of  discovery.11 

At  Mud  Hill,  Delano  had  met  and  been  host  to  "Colonel"  Joseph 
Grant,  versatile  agent  of  the  New  Orleans  Daily  True  Delta  and  a 
veteran  of  the  upper  diggings.  In  February  a  gracious  letter  and  a 
bundle  of  True  Deltas — latest  news  from  the  States — arrived  at 
Stringtown  from  Grant,  now  in  Sacramento.  The  letter  asked  Del- 
ano to  undertake  a  California  Correspondence  for  the  benefit  of  a 
vast  and  expectant  Louisiana  public;  his  enthusiastic  reply  of  Feb- 
ruary 16  is  the  first  of  eighteen  letters  published  in  the  True  Delta. 
But  the  thrill  of  solicited  authorship  was  nothing  compared  to  the 
receipt,  late  that  month,  of  his  first  letter  from  Illinois,  from  Mary 
Delano:  "This  I  walked  fifteen  miles  [to  Dawlytown]  to  get  when  I 
heard  of  the  arrival  of  the  Express  a  week  ago,  and  I  would  have 
walked  a  hundred  for  another  with  the  greatest  of  pleasure"  (March 
2 ) .  He  returned  to  Ottawa  Bar,  where  the  company  now  apparently 
consisted  of  nine  members,  with  redoubled  vigor: 

More  labor,  more  exposure;  but  "veni,  vidi,  vici."  We  took  our  rations 
again,  and  axes,  and  set  out.  The  logs  were  cut  and  rolled  together, 
shingles  split  out  of  the  beautiful  pine  and  put  on  the  roof,  a  large  fire- 
place and  chimney  built,  stools,  shelves,  bedsteads,  and  door  made,  &c, 
&c,  all  of  which  occupied  about  ten  days,  and  it  rained  most  of  the  time, 
while  two  more  of  the  company  were  engaged  in  getting  up  provisions.  At 
last  we  were  comfortably  settled  in  the  best  quarters  which  I  have  found 
in  California,  with  enough  to  eat,  such  as  it  is,  a  good  roof  over  us,  and 

9  Across  the  Plains,  52,  109-112.         10  Ibid.,  113-119.         »  Ibid.,  119-122. 


any  amount  of  hard  work  before  us,  and  perhaps  not  a  dollar  in  either 
bar  to  repay  our  toil,  or  it  may  be  a  fortune  (March  22) . 

High  water  prevented  mining  operations  in  April,  and  Delano 
visited  mushrooming  Sacramento,  and  then  Marysville,  where  a 
thousand  newcomers  inhabited  buildings  of  cloth  and  wood.  Five 
months  before  "but  a  single  adobe  house"  had  marked  the  place. 
Here  he  witnessed  a  jury  trial  of  two  men  caught  red-handed  in 
grand  larceny;  they  were  sentenced  "each  to  receive  one  hundred 
lashes  on  the  bare  back,  and,  if  found  in  town  in  the  morning,  a  fine 
of  a  thousand  dollars  and  two  years'  labor  in  the  chain  gang  of  San 
Francisco.  Sentence  was  immediately  executed"  (April  4).  As  he 
adds,  Delano  himself  was  nearly  "strapped"  at  the  time,  possessing 
a  total  capital  of  only  thirty-two  dollars — "enough  to  sustain  me 
one  week,  as  the  price  of  board  then  ranged."  Nothing  if  not  adapta- 
able,  he  set  himself  up  in  Marysville  as  a  miniature  painter  ("having 
a  little  skill  in  drawing");  in  three  weeks,  at  an  ounce  a  head,  he 
cleared  four  hundred  dollars.  Half  of  this  went  down  the  drain  of 
speculation  in  "paper  town  lots."  The  rest,  in  partnership  with  one 
T.  E.  Gray  of  Florida,  he  invested  in  a  real  estate  claim  on  the 
Feather  about  twenty  miles  above  Marysville.  Here,  adjoining  two 
villages  of  Indians,  one  of  them  called  Oleepa,  Gray  and  Delano 
determined  to  lay  out  a  town,  open  a  tent  store  and  a  tent  hotel,  and 
await  customers.  In  the  course  of  these  labors  our  correspondent 
exercised  his  talents  as  artist  and  physician  (the  latter  a  family  in- 
heritance) to  win  popularity  among  the  scantily  clad  Oleepans:12 

There  are  about  fifty  naked  wretches  sitting  on  the  ground  in  front  of  my 
building,  in  the  sun,  laughing,  singing,  and  taking  comfort,  all  playing  the 
same  tune  and  beating  time  with  their  hands  on  their  bodies,  for  it  is 
slap,  slap,  slap,  as  the  tormenting  mosquitoes  bore  into  their  naked, 
copper-colored  hides  (May  8). 

A  few  days  later  he  penned  a  semi-humorous  account  of  how  he 
successfully  treated  an  inflammation  behind  Chief  Oleepa's  ear  with 
horse  liniment  and  an  opium  pill;  this  and  other  cures  gained  him 
such  credit  that  he  was  able  to  report  exhaustively  on  intimate  ob- 
servations of  Maidu  architecture,  interior  decoration,  culinary  arts, 
religion,  dancing,  dialects,  burial  rites,  courtship,  marriage,  morals, 
gambling,  and  superstitions  (May  12). 

A  letter  dated  June  14  is  devoted  to  the  fabulous  Jim  Beck- 
wourth,  Indian-fighter,  scout,  and  explorer,  who  discovered  a  low- 
altitude  pass  over  the  Sierra  subsequently  named  for  him.  Another 
(June  25)  recounts  the  strenuous  but  fruitless  adventures  of  his 
friends,  Colonel  Grant  and  Captain  John  Freeland,  in  the  Feather 

12  Ibid.,  127-128. 


River  diggings  the  previous  November;  it  closes  with  a  narrative  of 
a  bloody  battle  between  emigrants  and  Indians  in  Nevada  one  sum- 
mer day  of  49. 

The  Oleepa  business  ended  in  financial  failure.13  "During  the 
last  days  of  June  I  had  my  affairs  in  the  Valley  arranged  and  came 
here  to  superintend  the  working  of  this  claim,"  Delano  writes 
from  Stringtown  (July  22),  in  introduction  of  a  series  of  narrow 
escapes — from  a  falling  tree,  a  steep  mountain  precipice,  and  a 
scorpion's  sting  in  the  night.  A  week  later  the  humor  waxes  mel- 
lower as  he  describes  the  snug  little  cabin  at  Stringtown,  its  old- 
fashioned  fireplace,  bake  kettle,  and  yeast  pail,  with  which  he  is 
particularly  familiar  since  "I  am  the  cook."  Other  furnishings  in- 
clude a  library — a  volume  of  Shakespeare,  Goldsmith's  Vicar  of 
Wakefield,  a  work  of  natural  philosophy,  and  a  geological  treatise — 
all  of  which  he  laboriously  carried  from  St.  Joseph.  An  old  violin 
hangs  on  the  wall,  and  thereby  also  hangs  the  sad  tale  of  old  Turner, 
Henry  County  (Illinois)  fiddler,  who  died  in  January  and  now  lies 
buried  in  the  hillside  above  the  cabin.  Delano  serves  as  juror  in  a 
civil  action,  weighing  the  conflicting  claims  of  two  mining  compan- 
ies; the  verdict  in  favor  of  one  is  acquiesced  in  by  the  other  without 
a  murmur  (July  29). 

His  own  group,  now  comprising  "four  large  messes  or  companies," 
invested  "over  thirteen  thousand  dollars  in  labor"  at  Stringtown,  but 
no  treasure  revealed  itself.  Meanwhile  the  notorious  Gold  Lake 
fever  swept  the  diggings:  up  in  the  mountains  northeast  of  String- 
town,  some  forty  miles  as  the  crow  flies,  there  was  a  mountain  full 
of  gold  and  a  lake  lined  with  it.  Miners  by  the  hundreds  girded  their 
loins  for  one  more  desperate  sortie,  and  expeditions  by  the  score 
converged  upon  the  wilds  north  of  the  Yuba.14  Early  in  August, 
Delano  hopefully  formed  a  partnership  with  some  friends  at  Marys- 
ville  in  a  trading  post  to  be  established  in  the  Gold  Lake  region. 
Having  secured  a  stock  of  goods,  a  junior  clerk  (American),  and  a 
muleteer  (Mexican),  he  set  out  on  August  14.  The  journey  over 
mountain  trails  occupied  about  two  weeks,  in  the  course  of  which 
three  mules  vanished,  our  adventurer  dismissed  the  Mexican  for 
insubordination,  and  precipices  claimed  their  moiety  of  the  goods. 
But  by  September,  Delano  had  established  himself  in  a  mountain 
camp  on  Nelson  Creek  called  Independence  Bar,  with  a  thousand 
or  two  potential  patrons  around  him.15 

"In  this  pure  and  bracing  atmosphere  there  is  no  sickness,"  he 
announces  to  readers  of  the  Free  Trader,  and  then  relates  the  hard- 
ships of  newly-arrived  emigrants  who  have  barely  survived  the 
droughts  and  snows  of  1 850,  only  to  face  more  formidable  perils : 

13  Ibid.,  146. 

14  Gudde,  "Gold  Lake,"  California  Place  Names. 

15  Across  the  Plains,  146-151. 


We  shall  see  more  suffering,  more  destitution  this  winter  than  there  ever 
has  been,  and  although  there  is  gold  in  the  mountains,  the  indefatigable 
attempt  to  get  it  of  those  who  came  a  year  ago  without  success,  whereso- 
ever courage,  strength  and  manhood  have  been  used  to  their  full  extent, 
surely  should  convince  you  at  home  that  it  is  folly  to  forsake  a  living 
business  at  home  and  come  here  in  the  desperate  search  of  gold. 

Moreover,  affairs  in  the  Valley  have  deteriorated;  "chill,  fevers, 
ague,  and  flux"  prevail,  and  the  sanguinary  Squatter  Riots  in  Sacra- 
mento, August  14  and  15,  involving  the  proponents  and  opponents 
of  Sutter's  Mexican  land  title,  resulted  in  the  killing  of  seven  men, 
including  the  Sheriff,  and  the  wounding  of  a  half  dozen  others 
(September  l).1(i  The  gloom  thickens  in  the  ensuing  weeks:  "The 
miners  have  been  mostly  frightened  away  by  a  succession  of  stormy 
weather,  rain  in  the  valleys  and  snow  in  the  mountains  ...  I  went 
out  and  rocked  the  cradle  an  hour  or  so  for  pastime,  and  got  only 
twenty-five  cents;  so  I  gave  it  up."  He  completely  (but  not  irrevo- 
cably) loses  faith  in  California:  "Oregon  will  be  the  greatest  of  the 
two."  The  only  enjoyments  left  in  life  are  sociable  repasts  with  the 
miners  and  hours  devoted  to  sketching  the  scenery  and  contemplat- 
ing an  excursion  to  Gold  Lake  and  Gold  Mountain  (October  20). 
This  last  is  the  subject  of  a  letter  full  of  geological  observation  (but- 
tressed by  the  library)  and  unfulfilled  yearning  for  treasure.  But  the 
end  of  October  finds  him  back  at  Marysville,  "in  the  throng  of 
civilized  man — a  washed,  combed  and  shaven  hombre"  (October 
31);  the  next  week  he  is  in  Sacramento,  "a  citizen  of  the  world  with 
nothing  to  do" — but  report  on  the  living  and  dying  during  the  city's 
great  cholera  epidemic  (November  5).17  The  next  day  he  is  in  San 

In  this  Phoenix  of  the  Pacific  (it  had  already  burned  down  four 
times),18  Delano  becomes  "  a  dweller  on  Long  Wharf,  and  a  dealer 
in  squashes  and  cabbages" — and  correspondent  for  another  news- 
paper. This  was  the  California  Daily  Courier,  which,  during  the 
next  two  and  a  half  years,  published  the  jeux  d' esprit  to  be  collected 
in  1853  as  Pen-Knife  Sketches,  or  Chips  of  the  Old  Block,  his  first 
book.19  According  to  one  contemporary  journalist,  he  was  well  paid 
for  the  correspondence;  more  certainly,  these  refinements  of  his  ex- 
periences in  the  upper  diggings — for  such  they  largely  were — 
account  for  much  of  his  subsequent  reputation  as  co-founder  with 
"John  Phoenix"  (George  Horatio  Derby)  of  California  humor, 
"fluttering,"  as  Ezra  Dane  analyzes  it,  "between  absurdity  and 

1G  Sacramento  Transcript,  August  15-16,  1850. 
»  History  of  Sacramento  (Oakland,  1880),  56-57. 

18  Frank  Soule,  John  H.  Gihon,  and  James  Nisbet,  Annals  of  San  Francsico  (New  York, 
1855),  241,  274,  277,  290. 

19  San  Francisco  California  Daily  Courier,  June  12,  1851. 


pathos." 20  The  sojourn  in  San  Francisco  also  resulted  in  three  letters 
celebrating  with  appropriate  irony  the  luxuries  of  city  life  as  con- 
trasted to  the  enforced  asceticism  of  Independence  Bar  and  envi- 
rons. A  notable  preliminary  was  the  steamboat  voyage  down  the 
Sacramento  River  financed  by  the  genial  Colonel  Grant — "Every- 
thing in  tip-top  style,  cabins,  tables,  staterooms,  magnificent;  cook, 
steward,  chamber-boy,  and  waiter,  civil  and  obliging,  and  the  cap- 
tain a  gentleman."  Then  comes  the  spectacle  of  the  Bay,  jammed 
with  ships  whose  masts  form  "a  vast  forest  of  dead  pines;"  streets 
full  of  people  wearing  respectable  clothes;  "carts,  drays,  candy 
stands,  bookracks,  newsboys,  and  the  Lord  knows  what  all" — and 
a  woman!  With  Grant  he  visits  the  barque  Constance,  Captain  John 
Barry,  out  of  Salem;  fries  a  mess  of  griddle  cakes,  and  hears  Captain 
Welsh's  tales  of  the  Ryukyu  Islands  (November  15). 

Weighing  two  seasons  in  the  diggings,  Delano  finds  he  has  noth- 
ing to  show  but  a  farm  at  Oleepa  and  memories.  He  warns  his  New 
Orleans  readers  of  imminent  deflation  in  San  Francisco  (January 
15,  1851 )  and  his  Ottawa  public  of  inflated  tales  from  the  placers. 
But  after  four  months  he  alters  his  view  of  business  prospects  in  the 
new  seaport:  "I  think  it  must  become  one  of  the  most  important 
cities  on  the  Pacific."  If  only  his  wife  and  children  were  with  him,  he 
would  prefer  living  here  "to  any  town  east  of  the  Rocky  Moun- 
tains." He  even  promises  not  to  return  to  Ottawa  if  Editor  Osman 
will  pass  the  hat  and  pay  the  three  dependent  Delanos'  passage. 
(Osman  apparently  preferred  to  have  his  correspondent  come 
back.)  He  describes  the  Oriental  inhabitants,  and  Colonel  Joseph 
Watkins  of  Virginia,  who  knew  Jefferson  and  Marshall  in  the  flesh, 
and  he  reports  on  the  new  (to  California)  science  of  quartz  mining 
which  promises  to  supplant  the  old  placer  (April  1 ) . 

Quartz  mining  brings  him  back  for  a  brief  visit  to  the  diggings. 
In  March  he  became  San  Francisco  agent  for  the  Sierra  Nevada 
Quartz  Mining  Company;21  in  June  he  locates  a  vein  of  quartz  at 
Grass  Valley  for  the  company,  sells  out  his  stock  of  merchandise, 
and  invests  the  proceeds  in  the  vein.  "The  desire  for  wealth  brought 
me  here,"  he  writes  from  Grass  Valley,  "and  the  weary  search  for 
gold  hath  made  misery  often  my  companion;  yet,  although  I  have 
not  been  completely  successful  and  have  run  many  risks,  I  am  not 
discouraged  and  will  still  plod  on."  Thereupon  follows  an  account 
of  quartz  prospects  in  the  vicinity  (June  11),  filling  a  column  and  a 
half  in  the  True  Delta.  Meanwhile  a  fire  devastated  San  Francisco 
in  May;22  having  lost  over  twelve  hundred  dollars,  Delano  castigates 

20  Pen-Knife  Sketches,  iv,  x-xi. 

21  His  business  card  reads:  "Sierra  Nevada  Quartz  Mining  Company — A.  Delano,  Agent 
— Office,  opposite  New  World  Hotel,  on  Long  Wharf,  where  a  large  number  of  specimens 
can  be  inspected."  San  Francisco  Pacific  News,  March  11-21,  1851. 

12  This  was  the  fifth  of  six  "great  fires,"  on  December  24,  1849;  May  4,  June  14,  and 
September  17,  1850;  May  4  and  June  22,  1851.  Soule  et  al.,  Annals,  241,  274,  277,  290, 
329,  345. 


the  criminal  element  which  he  believes  responsible.  Then,  tempo- 
rarily re-established  in  his  San  Francisco  office,  he  effectively  de- 
fends himself  against  some  vicious  gossip: 

As  your  country  [Ottawa]  is  great  for  reports,  I  have  been  amused — 
not  offended — at  one  I  recently  heard  respecting  myself  and  to  this  effect, 
"that  Delano  provided  nothing  for  his  family  when  he  left  home,  that  he 
has  sent  them  nothing  since  he  has  been  here,  and  that  he  traveled  across 
the  plains  with  another  woman."  As  for  the  first  two,  it  may  spoil  a  good 
story  when  I  refer  the  lovers  of  the  dark  side  to  my  own  family  for  the 
truth  of  the  two  first  counts,  and  for  the  third,  I  simply  ask  those  who 
traveled  in  our  train  to  state  the  facts.  As  for  women,  I  did  save  the  life  of 
one  here  in  San  Francisco,  and  gave  her  shelter  and  protection  after  the 
fire  for  two  or  three  days,  until  she  got  a  situation  with  Captain  Sutter's 
family  at  one  thousand  dollars  a  year;  and  could  you  hear  her  story, 
it  would  be  that  of  respect,  and  that  even  here  a  man  may  do  a  good  deed 
which  he  may  not  blush  to  own.  Except  for  this  one,  who  by  circum- 
stances was  thrown  upon  my  protection  by  a  course  of  events — an 
interesting  tale  of  itself — when  a  man  should  blush  not  to  do  as  I  did,  and 
when  I  was  encouraged  by  pious  and  good  people  of  both  sexes,  there 
are  not  three  other  females  in  California  that  even  know  my  name;  and  I 
do  not  blush,  nor  need  any  of  my  friends  blush  for  any  act  of  mine  since 
I  have  been  in  this  God-forsaken  land,  nor  will  they  have  occasion  to. 

From  slanderers  he  turns  to  thieves  and  murderers  who  provoked 
the  San  Francisco  Vigilance  Committee  of  1851;  he  applauds  its 
necessary  usurpation  of  powers  maladministered  by  a  corrupt  ex- 
ecutive and  judiciary.  Felonies  are  again  out  of  hand,  but  reports 
of  rampant  prostitution  are  exaggerated  ( June  13). 

Around  Grass  Valley  the  peaceable  miners,  tending  seven  crush- 
ing mills,  organized  Vigilance  Committees  of  their  own:  "One  was 
formed  here  last  night,  and  we  are  ready  to  pay  our  respects  to  all 
scoundrels  who  may  be  inclined  to  pay  us  a  visit."  Prices  are  falling, 
but  the  miners  raise  their  own  vegetables.  "We  have  a  daily  stage 
and  mail  passing  through  from  Sacramento  City  to  Nevada  City, 
although  a  year  ago  a  road  was  not  opened,  and  the  Indians  were 
killing  and  driving  off  the  whites"  (June  29) .  A  Vigilance  Commit- 
tee has  commenced  drastic  operations  in  Sacramento  (August  1). 
Another  "great  fire,"  San  Francisco's  sixth  in  three  years,  has  finally 
wiped  out  Delano's  office  there,  but  he  consoles  himself  with  a 
monthly  salary  of  three  hundred  dollars  now  tendered  him  by  the 
Sierra  Nevada  Quartz  Mining  Company  in  exchange  for  his  serv- 
ices as  its  Grass  Valley  superintendent.  He  bids  farewell  to  the  Free 
Trader  with  a  facetious  epistle :  "I  find  my  time  so  much  occupied 
that  I  shall  be  unable  to  continue  my  correspondence  with  your 
paper,  and  of  course  must  relinquish  all  claim  on  you  for  sending 


your  paper  either  to  me  or  to  my  friends  on  my  account . .  .  There  is 
lots  of  news,  but  the  papers  have  it  all,  and  letter-writers  are  getting 
below  par. — Money  is  scarce  and  taters  is  fell"  (August  6). 

But  there  are  five  more  letters  to  the  True  Delta.  He  reveals  the 
new  wonders  of  irrigation  as  applied  to  quartz  mining:  "Rivers  and 
creeks  are  turned  from  their  channels  and  carried  by  canals  along 
mountains,  over  hills,  across  gulches,  by  means  of  aqueducts,  for 
forty  miles  or  more,  thus  distributing  the  indispensable  element  to 
the  miner  for  separating  the  gold  from  the  earth  and  opening  to  man 
rich  deposits  which  could  not  be  worked  without  water."  An  esti- 
mated two  thousand  miners  are  at  work  in  the  Grass  Valley  region, 
attracting  an  unspecified  number  of  another  kind  of  gold-digger: 
"it  too  often  happens  here  that  females  who  have  borne  unexcep- 
tionable characters  at  home,  adopt  the  code  of  morals  of  the  coun- 
try and  instead  of  endeavoring  to  stem  the  current,  float  along  with 
it"  (August  30).  The  last  letter  from  Grass  Valley  notes  improve- 
ments in  machinery  and  ore-refining,  as  well  as  the  presence  of  dis- 
tinguished foreign  visitors  and  the  fact  that  the  Sierra  Nevada 
Quartz  Mining  Company,  Delano's  employer,  has  sold  out  to  the 
Rocky  Bar  Company  (September  29).  Fancy-free  again,  he  takes 
stagecoach  passage  to  Shasta  City,  some  175  miles  north  of  Sacra- 
mento. With  indefatigable  enthusiasm  he  reports  mysteries  of  the 
Valley  and  mountains  newly  opened  to  civilization,  or  soon  to  be: 
"The  plain  was  dotted  with  large  herds  of  elk,  antelope,  and  deer 
which  in  seeming  security  scarcely  moved  beyond  gunshot  from  us, 
barely  raising  their  heads  with  curiosity  as  we  passed,  as  if  to  en- 
quire what  the  devil  we  were  doing  on  their  stamping  ground,  while 
we  on  our  part  were  smacking  our  lips  with  the  poetic  thought  of  a 
broiled  steak  from  their  haunches."  He  studies  the  funeral  rites  of 
the  Colusa  Indians  and  speculates  on  the  coming  conquest  of  the 
northern  Coast  Range :  "the  time  will  soon  come  when  the  attention 
of  the  indomitable  Yankee  will  be  diverted  from  the  eastern  moun- 
tains toward  the  West,  and  then  the  tales  of  suffering,  of  toil  and 
blood,  of  savage  warfare  and  Christian  cupidity,  will  find  a  locale  in 
the  broad,  broken  belt  between  the  Pacific  Ocean  and  the  Valley  of 
the  Sacramento."  His  imagination  bridges  the  gap  in  the  road  from 
Shasta  to  Shasta  Butte  (now  Yreka)  and  he  contemplates  unlimited 
treasure  just  out  of  reach:  "In  the  neighborhood  of  Shasta  I  ob- 
served vast  quantities  of  auriferous  quartz,  more  than  can  be  ex- 
hausted in  hundreds  of  years,  and  I  also  saw  many  specimens  which 
were  brought  in  from  Shasta  Butte  City,  from  Scott  and  Trinity 
rivers  and  their  affluents,  indeed  in  all  directions,  north  and  east- 
ward, for  an  hundred  miles  or  more"  (October  20). 

Early  in  the  spring  of  1852,  Delano  boarded  ship  for  New  York, 
via  Nicaragua,  for  a  family  reunion  at  Aurora.  Here  his  wife  and 
children  met  him  on  May  1.  But  "ill  health  turned  my  thoughts 


again  to  California," 2:t  and  the  next  month  finds  him  at  Parkman, 
Ohio,  whence  he  addresses  the  True  Delta  once  more  on  the  subject 
of  the  Golden  State:  "California  is  indeed  a  great  country,  with  a 
beautiful  climate  and  fertile  soil,  and  in  this  last  particular  I  have 
been  compelled  to  change  my  opinion."  He  also  feels  compelled, 
however,  to  warn  emigrants  against  the  danger  of  surplus  agricul- 
tural production,  the  scarcity  of  minable  gold,  and  the  ever-present 
hardships  of  the  westward  journey  by  whatever  route:  "I  would 
rather  take  a  family  to  California  by  the  land  route,  provided  the 
emigration  did  not  exceed  ten  thousand,  than  through  Central 
America,  with  the  present  facilities  of  traveling  up  the  San  Juan 
River  and  to  San  Juan  del  Sur"  (June,  1852).  His  last  California 
Correspondence,  also  from  Parkman,  displays  most  confidence  in 
the  new  State:  "the  elements  of  prosperity  are  at  work  which,  in  an 
unparalleled  short  period  in  the  history  of  nations,  must  place  it 
among  the  most  prominent  States  of  the  Union  for  wealth  and  ex- 
tensive business  operations."  The  final  letter  also  foreshadows  a  new 
connection  which  was  to  sustain  him  for  the  next  four  years :  "Liv- 
ingston and  Wells  are  known  among  the  successful  pioneers  of  ex- 
presses, and  I  see  by  the  public  papers  that  they  are  extending  their 
operations  by  association  to  California  under  the  name  of  Wells, 
Fargo  and  Company  .  . .  Some  of  those  connected  with  them  I  have 
known  from  childhood,  and  I  speak  understandingly  when  I  say  that 
more  energetic,  faithful,  and  perfectly  responsible  men  do  not  exist 
in  any  express  company  than  these"  (August  1 ).  Delano  failed  to 
mention — perhaps  because  it  might  have  given  his  letter  an  air  of 
bias — the  fact  that  he  had  been  appointed  Grass  Valley  agent  for 
this  company,  organized  by  two  fellow  Aurorans,  Henry  Wells  and 
Edwin  B.  Morgan,  and  William  G.  Fargo  of  nearby  Auburn.24 

Thus  end  the  letters  which  concern  us  here.  While  they  reposed  in 
the  dust-gathering  files  of  the  Free  Trader  and  the  True  Delta,  their 
author  prospered  in  the  California  mountain  town  of  his  adoption. 
The  Grass  Valley  Telegraph  advertised  him  as  agent  for  "Wells, 
Fargo  &  Co.'s  Express  and  Banking  Exchange  Office,  opposite 
Beatty  House,  Main  St."  Two  events  distinguished  his  tenure.  One 
morning  during  the  financial  panic  of  1855  a  throng  of  excited  de- 
positors pressed  against  the  agency  door  while  Delano  pondered  a 
message  from  his  superior,  the  San  Francisco  manager,  to  suspend 
payment.  But  when  he  opened  the  door  at  the  appointed  hour,  ac- 
cording to  the  Telegraph,  "he  mounted  the  counter,  and  told  the 
people  to  'Come  on,  he  would  pay  out  to  the  last  dollar,  and  if  that 
was  not  enough  his  own  property  should  go.'  This,  however,  proved 
unnecessary,  as  he  had  more  than  sufficient  on  hand.  The  confidence 

23  Pen-Knife  Sketches,  58. 

24  See  the  articles  on  Wells,  Morgan,  and  Fargo  in  the  Dictionary  of  American  Biography. 


in  the  house  was  fully  restored."25  The  timorous  San  Francisco 
manager  was  replaced  and,  two  weeks  later,  the  citizens  of  Grass 
Valley  elected  Delano  their  treasurer. 

The  second  event  was  a  fire  which  swept  the  town  on  September 
1 3  and  14  following.  Not  a  single  one  of  the  three  hundred  buildings 
which  had  comprised  the  business  section  remained  intact.  In  later 
years  the  old  inhabitants  were  to  remember  as  the  turning  point  in 
their  despair  an  incident  vividly  narrated  by  Ezra  Dane: 

Something  was  moving  down  the  hill  from  the  west  end  of  town.  It  was 
a  frame  shanty,  on  rollers.  And  who  was  the  figure  in  the  rumpled  frock 
coat  directing  its  progress?  A  profile  view  identified  him  as  Old  Block, 
setting  an  example  of  California  courage  for  the  citizens.  A  willing  crowd 
gathered  to  assist  in  backing  the  building  up  against  a  brick  vault,  which 
was  hot  but  still  standing  among  the  ruins  where  the  express  agency  had 
been.  A  few  minutes  later  a  ten-foot  scantling  was  nailed  over  the  door, 
roughly  lettered  "Wells,  Fargo  &  Co.'s  Express  Office" — and  Old  Block, 
so  the  county  history  tells  us,  "stood  smiling  behind  his  counter,  amid 
the  smouldering  ruins  and  with  the  ground  still  warm  beneath  his  feet, 
ready,  as  he  said,  'to  attend  to  business.'  "26 

Henceforth,  with  the  honorary  title  of  "Captain"  (in  deference 
to  his  leadership  in  '49),  Delano  somehow  symbolized  municipal 
progress.  But  his  fame  was  more  than  local.  The  editors  of  the 
Sacramento  Union  collected  his  California  Courier  pieces  under  the 
title  Pen-Knife  Sketches,  with  illustrations  by  Charles  Nahl,  in 
1853;  a  second  edition,  without  the  illustrations,  came  out  the  fol- 
lowing year.  Also  in  1854  Delano's  journal  appeared,  with  revi- 
sions, as  Life  on  the  Plains  and  Among  the  Diggings.  And  finally, 
the  same  year,  he  became  somewhat  ludicrously  associated  with  the 
peripatetic  dancer,  Lola  Montez,  who,  after  entertaining  San  Fran- 
cisco with  her  art  and  her  history  as  a  former  mistress  of  Bohemian 
royalty,  had  come  to  Grass  Valley  to  live  with  a  newly  acquired 
husband.  Too  much  the  prima  donna  for  her  neighbors,  however, 
Lola  was  soon  being  spoofed  not  only  in  the  Valley  but  farther 
abroad — with  Old  Block  as  her  "private  secretary":  "The  Grass 
Valley  Telegraph  informs  us,"  the  San  Francisco  Golden  Era  glee- 
fully informed  the  world,  "that  'the  divine  Lola,'  in  company  with 
our  friend  'Old  Block'  and  others,  have  gone  to  the  Sierra  Nevada 
Mountains."  Two  weeks  later,  according  to  the  same  journal,  Del- 
ano forwarded  a  complete  account  of  his  experiences  in  Lola's 
employ.  After  the  party  crossed  Donner  Pass  and  encamped  for  the 
night,  disaster  struck:  "Lola  found  vent,  either  for  an  exuberance 
of  feeling  or  indignation,  at  the  supposed  want  of  consideration  for 

25  Grass  Valley  Telegraph,  February  27,  1855,  as  quoted  in  Pen-Knife  Sketches,  xv. 

26  Pen-Knife  Sketches,  xvi.  Cf.  History  of  Nevada  County  (Oakland,  1880),  66. 


her  rank  manifested  by  some  of  the  party,  by  quarreling  with  her 
'private  secretary  'during  the  entire  of  one  long,  cold  night;  and  the 
next  morning  a  solitary  horseman  might  have  been  seen  descending 
the  western  slope  of  the  Sierra  Nevadas,  in  the  direction  of  Grass 
Valley.  That  man  was  the  author  of  'Chips.'  "  The  party's  cook  also 
deserted,  along  with  the  pack  mules,  so  that  a  very  angry  and 
hungry  Lola  walked  into  Grass  Valley  twenty-four  hours  later.27  In 
various  forms  the  story  was  retold  for  some  years. 

Delano's  prose  and  verse  meandered  through  a  number  of  pub- 
lications, including  the  Union,  the  California  Farmer,  the  Golden 
Era,  the  Telegraph,  the  Hesperian,  Hutchings'  California  Magazine, 
Edwin  F.  Bean's  History  &  Directory  of  Nevada  County,  and  even 
the  New  York  Times.  In  1856  another  collection  entitled  Old 
Block's  Sketch  Book,  or  Tales  of  California  Life  and  a  feu  d' esprit 
called  The  Idle  and  Industrious  Miner  came  off  the  press.  The  fol- 
lowing year  he  published  A  Live  Woman  in  the  Mines,  or  Pike 
County  Ahead!  A  Local  Play  in  Two  Acts.  Although  Delano  origi- 
nally composed  this  drama,  apparently,  for  Lola  Montez  (perhaps 
as  a  peace  offering),  no  record  comes  to  hand  of  her  having  ap- 
peared in  it;  one  historian  indicates  that  it  was  performed  in  its 
author's  time  and  another  hails  it  as  "the  most  distinctively  Cali- 
fornian  of  the  plays  produced  by  the  golden  era." 28  Finally,  a  pam- 
phlet contrasting  the  old  and  new  ways  of  going  to  California 
appeared  with  the  title,  The  Central  Pacific,  or  '49  and  '69,  by  Old 

Delano  became  a  Master  Mason  and  a  member  of  the  Town 
Council,  and  by  1856  achieved  sufficient  worldly  success  to  resign 
the  Wells,  Fargo  agency,  open  his  own  bank,  and  fetch  his  daughter 
Harriet  from  Ohio.  Mary  remained  there  to  care  for  their  invalid 
son,  Fred,  who  died  about  a  year  later;  she  then  rejoined  her  hus- 
band and  daughter  at  Grass  Valley.  But  tragedy  struck  the  family 
again  when  Harriet  lost  her  mind  and  had  to  be  taken  to  an  asylum 
near  the  ancestral  home  in  New  York.  This  sad  circumstance  prob- 
ably accounts  for  Delano's  trip  of  1866  to  Nicaragua,  whence  he 
dispatched  his  humorless  "Nicaragua  Letters"  to  the  Union.  Five 
years  after  his  return,  in  1871,  his  patient  wife  died.29 

With  a  cashier  to  manage  the  bank  and  a  Chinaman  to  maintain 
his  house,  Captain  Delano  at  sixty-five  returned  to  his  early  faith 
in  Grass  Valley  quartz  mining,  which  he  now  backed  with  consider- 
able investments.  In  1872,  at  Truckee,  he  married  Miss  Maria 
Harmon  of  Warren,  Ohio,  a  handsome  woman  in  her  early  forties; 

27  San  Francisco  Golden  Era,  July  23  and  August  6,  1854. 

28  George  R.  MacMinn,  The  Theater  of  the  Golden  Era  in  California  (Caldwell,  Idaho, 
1941),  251.  Cf.  Sacramento  Democratic  State  Journal,  January  3,  1856,  and  Hubert  H. 
Bancroft,  History  of  California  (7  vols.,  San  Francisco,  1884-1890),  VI,  157. 

29  Mary  Delano  Fletcher,  op.  cit.;  Pen-Knife  Sketches,  xvi-xix;  Journal  of  Proceedings  of 
the  Grand  Lodge  of  the  State  of  California  (2  vols.,  San  Francisco,  1857),  I,  362;  55,  185. 


the  Grass  Valley  Union  was  pleased  to  "chronicle  the  permanent 
addition  to  our  society  of  a  lady  so  well  known  and  highly  esteemed 
in  our  community."  The  following  year  he  lectured  at  Hamilton 
Hall,  Grass  Valley,  on  the  community's  glowing  future  in  mining, 
but  his  bank  fell  into  difficulty  in  1874.  Suddenly  his  health  broke, 
and  he  died  on  September  8  of  that  year,  bidding  Maria  farewell 
with  kind  and  courageous  words :  "Give  my  love  to  all  my  friends. 
Tell  them  that  I  was  not  afraid  to  die,  and  that  I  left  the  earth  with- 
out ill  feeling  towards  anybody."  Almost  the  entire  population  of 
Grass  Valley  turned  out  for  the  funeral  and  burial,  beside  Mary 
Delano,  in  Greenwood  Cemetery.  Although  his  affairs  seemed  un- 
promising at  the  time  of  his  death,  within  two  years  enough  was 
realized  to  pay  the  bank's  depositors  in  full  and  to  provide  for  his 
widow  and  unfortunate  daughter.  And  in  the  course  of  the  next 
sixty  years  the  mines  of  Grass  Valley  yielded  more  than  a  hundred 
million  dollars. 

"I  don't  suppose  that  California  owes  those  hundred  millions  en- 
tirely to  Old  Block,"  Ezra  Dane  concedes,  "but  he  deserves  remem- 
brance. He  was  a  courageous  pioneer.  He  loved  and  inspired  his 
fellow  men.  He  was  the  first  truly  Californian  man  of  letters,  and 
no  one  has  described  or  interpreted  the  human  elements  of  the  Gold 
Rush  so  sympathetically  as  he.  Moreover,  he  was  a  jolly  good  fellow 
if  ever  there  was  one,  and  as  John  Phoenix  was  forced  to  admit 
when  they  met,  By  Jove,  he  did  have  a  big  nose!"30 

The  California  Correspondence  is  here  collected  as  it  appeared 
in  the  Free  Trader  and  the  True  Delta,  with  certain  minor  excep- 
tions. Variations  in  typography,  punctuation,  and  spelling  have 
generally  been  silently  normalized.  Delano  was  a  highly  literate  and 
well-read  man,  as  his  quotations  and  publications  amply  prove.  In  his 
published  correspondence,  however,  he  was  undoubtedly  the  victim 
of  editors'  and  pressmen's  vagaries,  which  it  has  been  the  endeavor 
of  the  present  editor  to  correct.  But  in  cases  of  doubt,  such  as  in  the 
use  of  "lay"  for  "lie"  and  other  solecisms,  the  words  have  been  left 
as  originally  printed,  for  unquestionably  Old  Block  was  no  dude, 
and  kept  firmly  in  mind  the  value  of  the  plain  Americanisms  to 
which  his  readers — especially  those  on  the  Illinois  prairie — were 

30  Pen-Knife  Sketches,  xx-xxii;  Grass  Valley  Union  and  Sacramento  Union,  September  10, 


Alonzo  Delano's 
California  Correspondence 

St.  Joseph,  April  19,  1849.1 

Gents  of  the  Free  Trader: — This  is  the  first  infliction  of  a 
deck  passenger  and  you  may  wish  it  the  last,  but  as  the  fault  is  your 
own,  I  shall  offer  no  apology,  and  you  must  e'en  be  content  to  do  as 
I  am  doing,  "take  it  as  it  comes." 

You  have  "seen  the  Elephant" 2  and  know  the  cost  of  obtaining  a 
sight  at  his  Trunkship.  As  for  me,  I  have  scarcely  obtained  a  view 
of  his  shadow  yet,  but  if  "coming  events  cast  their  shadows  be- 
fore," 3  in  due  time  I  hope  to  get  in  close  proximity  of  his  mammoth 

The  day  I  left  Ottawa4  was  delightful  overhead,  but  the  soft  soil 
of  our  beautiful  prairies,  hub-deep  to  the  wagons,  together  with  the 
pleasing  antics  of  a  baulky  horse  and  the  frequent  opportunity  of 
having  my  boots  blacked  with  some  of  Nature's  best — no  thanks  to 

1  Published  in  the  Ottawa  (Illinois)  Free  Trader,  May  11,  1849.  This  was  a  small-town 
weekly  newspaper,  Democratic  by  persuasion,  owned  and  edited  by  the  brothers  William 
and  Moses  Osman.  Founded  in  1840,  the  paper  lived  until  1926.  William  Osman  (1819- 
1909)  was  born  in  Pennsylvania,  first  became  associated  with  the  Free  Trader  as  a  printer 
in  1840,  and  owned  it  (sometimes  solely  and  sometimes  in  part)  from  1848  until  his 
death.  Ottawa:  Old  and  New,  a  Complete  History  of  Ottawa,  Illinois,  1823-1914  (Ottawa, 
1912-1914),  28.  Delano's  letters  in  the  Free  Trader  and  in  the  New  Orleans  True  Delta 
were  run  under  headlines  conspicuously  calling  attention  to  their  association  with  Cali- 

2  "When  a  man  is  disappointed  in  anything  he  undertakes,  when  he  has  seen  enough,  when 
he  gets  sick  and  tired  of  any  job  he  may  have  set  himself  about,  he  has  'seen  the  ele- 
phant.' "  George  W.  Kendall,  Narrative  of  the  Texan  Santa  Fe  Expedition  (Chicago, 
1929;  original  ed.,  1844),  138.  William  Osman  had  served  in  the  Mexican  War;  this  may 
be  the  experience  to  which  Delano  refers.  Ottawa:  Old  and  New,  28.  Cf.  p.  5. 

3  Thomas  Campbell,  Lochiel's  Warning.         4  Thursday,  April  5.  Across  the  Plains,  1. 


the  porter — as  we  lightened  our  load  by  jumping  out  into  the  deep, 
deep  mud,  proved  that  all  was  not  gold  that  glittered.5  At  evening 
we  went  on  board  the  good  steamer  Revolution  and  the  next  morn- 
ing left  Peru  on  our  golden  voyage. 

"Hung  were  the  heavens  in  black,""  and  ere  long  a  revolution 
took  place  overhead.  I  have  not  the  least  doubt  that  the  deluge  was 
occasioned  by  the  windows  of  heaven  being  opened.  It  appeared  to 
me  that  the  flood  gates  were  open  now,  for  it  literally  poured;  and  I 
should  think  that  twenty  days  of  such  rain  would  be  sufficient  to 
drown  all  the  rats — two-legged  as  well  as  four,  in  Ottawa.  We  had 
an  agreeable  company  on  board,  however,  a  good  captain  and  crew, 
and  as  it  rained  or  poured  only  two  days  and  nights  of  the  four  we 
were  going  down  the  river,  I  can't  complain.  I  do  not  intend  to  give 
you  a  sketch  of  the  scenery  along  the  Illinois  River,  as  it  is  too  fami- 
liar to  the  most  of  your  readers;  but  I  was  utterly  astonished  at  the 
vast  multitude  and  height  of  the  Indian  mounds  from  Beardstown 
quite  to  the  mouth.  I  have  often  read  of  them  but  had  never  formed 
an  adequate  idea  of  their  number.  Every  prominent  bluff  seemed 
covered  and  attest  that  a  dense  population  of  a  race,  now  unknown, 
once  covered  this  beautiful  region,  and  whose  only  history  is  writ- 
ten in  these  hillocks  that  crown  the  summits  of  the  bluffs  or  are 
scattered  over  our  rich  prairies.7 

Monday  morning8  dawned  upon  St.  Louis  with  a  washing-day 
face,  and  we  poor  miserable  bipeds,  as  usual,  had  to  "stand  from 
under"  or  take  a  ducking.  The  day  was  a  busy  one,  however,  for, 
as  an  excellent  boat  was  advertised  to  leave  for  St.  Joseph  that  eve- 
ning, I  was  anxious  to  complete  my  outfit  and  ship  my  wagon  on 
board  of  her.  I  therefore  adopted  the  Sucker  mode  of  tucking  the 
ends  of  my  nether  garments  into  my  boots,  took  an  umbrella  and  in 
company  with  Mr.  Fredenburg,9  Mr.  Thorn,10  and  some  others  of 
our  Ottawa  friends  set  out  in  search  of  rations.  These  we  found  ad- 
vanced in  price  in  consequence  of  so  many  calls  for  California;  but 
by  the  hour  of  starting  we  were  told  that  in  consequence  of  the  rain 
the  Embassy  could  not  complete  her  lading  till  the  following  day. 

5  Cf.  Shakespeare,  Globe  ed.,  The  Merchant  of  Venice,  II,  vii,  65. 

6  Cf.  Shakespeare,  The  First  Part  of  Henry  the  Sixth,  I,  i,  1. 

7  Artificial  mounds  are  prevalent  in  Illinois,  Ohio,  Wisconsin,  Missouri,  Minnesota,  In- 
diana, Mississippi,  Florida,  Virginia,  and  Kentucky.  Whether  they  were  built  by  the 
Indians  or  a  previous  culture  group  is  not  known.  John  H.  Cornyn,  "Mound  Builders  and 
Mounds,"  Encyclopedia  Americana,  1948.      8  April  9. 

9  Isaac  H.  Fredenburg  (1815-1884),  of  Ottawa.  More  familiarly  "Fred,"  he  was  one  of 
the  four  "companions  of  my  mess."  Across  the  Plains,  1,  107.  Born  in  Ulster  County, 
New  York,  Fredenburg  operated  the  first  ferry  at  the  junction  of  the  Fox  and  Illinois 
rivers  in  1834.  He  went  to  California  twice,  but  finally  settled  down  as  a  business  man 
and  deputy  sheriff  at  Ottawa.  Ottawa:  Old  and  New,  129. 

10  Benjamin  Kent  Thorn  (1829  or  1830-1905).  He  was  born  in  New  York  State;  in  Cali- 
fornia he  served  for  more  than  forty  years  as  sheriff  of  Calaveras  County,  capturing  many 
desperadoes,  including  the  celebrated  "Black  Bart"  (Charles  C.  Bolton).  Sacramento 
Union,  November  16,  1905. 


There  were  large  numbers  of  emigrants  in  the  city,  but  not  as 
many  as  I  expected  to  find  from  previous  accounts.  Some  of  the 
boats  went  out  with  large  loads,  while  others  had  more  moderate 
ones;  but  there  is  no  doubt  but  many  thousands  will  attempt  to  cross 
the  plains.  I  met  acquaintances  at  every  turn:  in  fact  it  seems  that  I 
met  more  than  I  knew — is  that  a  bull? 

On  Tuesday  evening,  all  being  ready,  we  put  out  into  the  stream 
with  three  hearty  cheers  from  over  four  hundred  souls,  which  was 
returned  with  right  good  will  by  those  on  the  shore,  and  the  Em- 
bassy was  plowing  the  "Father  of  Waters"  loaded  to  the  gunwale 
with  passengers,  whose  vision  rested  on  the  golden  heights  of  the 
Sierra  Nevada  or  the  sparkling  dust  in  the  Valley  of  the  Sacramento. 
Besides  our  own  half  dozen  souls  from  Ottawa  there  were  compan- 
ies from  Tecumseh,  Michigan;  Dayton,  Ohio;  Lynchburg,  Virginia; 
Louisville,  Kentucky;  besides  a  right  small  sprinkle  from  all  other 
places  and  no  place  in  particular. 

Feeling  a  little  aristocratic,  and  not  wishing  to  see  the  "elephant" 
too  soon,  I  thought  I  would  take  a  cabin  passage. 

"What  is  the  fare  to  St.  Joseph?"  I  asked  he  clerk. 

"Eight  dollars,  sir,"  was  his  reply. 

"Can  you  show  me  a  stateroom?" 

"They  are  all  taken — not  a  berth  left;  but  we  can  give  you  a  good 
comfortable  mattress  on  the  floor.  You  will  be  very,  very  comfort- 
able!— In  fact  it's  just  as  pleasant." 

"Hem!  yes,  no  doubt,  I  think  I'll  try  the  deck.  How  much  for  a 
deck  passage?" 

"Three  dollars,  but  it  will  be  very  unpleasant." 

"No  matter,  it  will  go  to  break  in,  and  I  may  as  well  begin  now;" 
and  so  I  took  a  deck  passage,  and  the  difference  in  price  I  paid  to 
insure  my  wagon  and  goods  to  St.  Joseph. 

And  now  a  word  as  to  the  comforts  of  the  cabin.  It  is  so  full  that 
many  cannot  get  even  a  mattress  to  sleep  on,  and  the  long  tables 
have  to  be  set  five  times  in  succession  before  all  can  eat,  and  the  air 
is  so  confined  that  several  have  left  it  and  begged  to  sleep  in  the 
wagons  on  deck. 

The  discomforts  of  the  deck  are  pure  air,  a  large  roomy  wagon 
with  an  excellent  cover  over  it,  plenty  of  buffalo  skins  and  blankets 
to  sleep  on;  in  short,  a  little  territory  of  our  own  which  is  respected 
by  all,  with  a  good  chance  to  boil  your  own  coffee  at  a  public  stove, 
and  the  privilege  to  eat  when  and  how  you  please.  It  was  a  most 
fortunate  hit  for  me  this  time,  and  I  am  now  writing  in  my  own 
wagon  with  as  much  ease  and  comfort  as  I  could  in  your  own  office. 
I  have  repeatedly  had  the  offer  made  me  to  swap  berths,  but  I  have 
good  and  sufficient  reasons  to  be  content  with  what  I  have. 

The  day  of  our  leaving,  one  of  the  Dayton  (Ohio)  Company  had 
his  leg  broken  by  a  fall  on  the  boat.  The  fracture  was  a  bad  one  and 


he  was  left  at  St.  Louis  by  his  companions.  And  another  quite  ser- 
ious accident  occurred  before  starting  in  the  Virginia  Company.  A 
thoughtless  greenhorn  wishing  to  display  his  skill  with  a  pistol,  on 
the  upper  deck,  discharged  it  through  the  deck  into  the  cook  room 
where  the  ball  lodged  in  the  shoulder  of  one  of  the  boys  belonging 
to  the  boat.  The  ball  was  cut  out  by  a  surgeon,  and  the  skillful 
marksman  had  his  passage  money  returned  and  was  set  on  shore  to 
follow  on  as  best  he  could.  It  has  perhaps  served  as  a  lesson  to 
others,  and  the  exhibition  of  pistols,  bowie  knives,  and  such  inno- 
cent toys  are  not  quite  so  common  as  before. 

We  entered  the  Missouri,  twenty-five  miles  above  St.  Louis,  some 
time  after  dark,  and  daylight  found  us  taking  in  wood  some  miles 
above  the  mouth  of  the  river.  Now,  then,  came  a  serious  question — 
who  will  make  the  coffee?  Our  first  night  had  passed  pleasantly,  and 
all  slept  well  upon  our  buffalo  couch;  but  a  bracing  atmosphere  ad- 
monished us  that  we  had  stomachs  which  needed  "wooding  up"  in 
order  to  keep  the  engine  of  life  in  full  play. 

"Give  me  the  coffee  pot,"  said  Brown,11  "I'll  get  some  water." 

"I'll  boil  the  coffee,"  says  Fred.12  "I'll  see  what  chance  there  is  at 
the  stove." 

"What's  the  matter,  Brown?"  I  asked  as  he  came  back  with  an 
empty  coffee  pot. 

"Well,  there's  no  water  to  be  had;  that's  settled." 

"No  water?" 

"Not  the  first  drop,  unless  I  take  river  water,  and  that's  so  muddy 
nobody  can  use  it." 

"No  place  at  the  stove — the  Dutch  and  French  have  monopolized 
the  whole,"  says  Fredenburg  in  a  pet — "there  ain't  a  chance  to  light 
a  pipe." 

I  never  wanted  coffee  so  much  in  my  life.  I  undertook  to  give  up 
the  use  of  tea  and  coffee  about  ten  days  ago,  and  drink  cold  water. 
I  had  an  ague  chill  and  fever  the  same  day;  so  I  concluded  to  defer 
the  experiment  till  I  got  on  the  plains. 

"Give  me  the  coffee  pot,"  says  I,  and  I  went  down  to  the  pump 
with  visions  of  flowing  coffee  bowls  long  past  and  gone  dancing  be- 
fore me.  I  seized  the  pump-handle  desperately,  filled  my  pot  from 
the  muddy  stream,  elbowed  my  way  through  the  crowd  of  Euro- 
peans to  the  stove,  and  enquired  of  a  mustachioed,  bewhiskered 
item  of  mortality  if  he  could  "parlez-vous  Francais?"  "Oui,  Mon- 
sieur" "Well,  then,  will  you  please  to  move  your  pan  and  give  me  a 
chance  at  the  fire?"  (Qu. — Did  you  ever  read  the  story  of  the  Irish- 
man and  the  gridiron?)  "Well,"  says  I,  "I  can't,  but  move  your  dish 
so  that  I  can  boil  my  coffee,"  and  suiting  the  action  to  the  word,  I 

n  Robert  Brown,  of  Ottawa.  He  was  one  of  the  three  young  Ottawans  whom  Delano  en- 
gaged to  assist  him  on  the  overland  journey  and  to  repay  him  for  his  advances  with  one 
half  the  profit  they  would  earn  during  the  first  year  away  from  home.  But  upon  arrival  in 
California,  Brown  left  Delano  and  never  repaid  him.  Across  the  Plains,  1,  107.  Cf.  p.  32. 

12  Fredenburg. 


gave  it  a  jog  that  made  him  understand  what  I  wanted;  and  my 
effrontery  gained  me  a  share  in  the  stove  and  a  capital  cup  of  hot 
coffee.  To  be  sure,  the  mud  all  settled  to  the  bottom  and  left  the 
"simon  pure"  at  the  top.  Having  "got  the  hang  of  the  barn,"  as  the 
boy  did  of  the  schoolhouse,  we  have  had  no  trouble  since. — Did 
you  ever  have  an  appetite  that  would  not  be  satisfied?  O  yes,  you 
have  been  to  Mexico,  and  know  the  effect  of  air  upon  your  gas- 
tronomic cravings.13  For  two  years  past  I  have  suffered  much  ill 
health,  with  loss  of  appetite,  and  especially  for  the  last  two  months. 
But  now,  for  the  last  four  or  five  days,  I  am  worse  than  a  half -starved 
Indian.  I've  an  appetite  like  an  ant  bear,  and  if  it  continues  when  I 
get  among  the  Eutahs,  you  may  get  some  feeling  remarks  about  the 
exquisite  flavor  of  a  baked  papoose  or  a  roasted  Indian.  My  health 
is  decidedly  improving. 

While  we  were  breakfasting,  a  rumor  reached  our  ears  that  the 
cholera  was  in  the  cabin.  It  ran  like  wildfire  through  the  boat.  The 
cholera!  Great  heaven!  And  there  were  many  anxious  faces,  while 
others  took  the  matter  calmly.  Some  doubted  it  to  be  genuine  chol- 
era and  thought  it  simple  cholera  morbus.  But  the  groans  of  the 
afflicted  one  proved  his  sufferings  severe,  be  it  what  it  might.  He 
was  a  young  man  about  twenty-three  years  of  age,  belonging  to  the 
Virginia  company.  He  had  been  very  imprudent  in  St.  Louis  in 
eating  fruit — it  is  also  said  in  the  use  of  ardent  spirits,  and  was 
taken  with  vomiting  and  cramps  the  evening  that  we  left  port.  Dur- 
ing the  day  of  Wednesday,  every  indication  showed  the  character 
of  the  disease,  and  a  physician  on  board  pronounced  it  genuine 
cholera.  At  night  he  appeared  easier,  and  hopes  were  entertained  of 
his  recovery.  But  they  were  only  illusive,  for  he  expired  about  ten 
o'clock  on  Thursday  morning. 

Here  was  a  melancholy  beginning  for  the  company.  One  of  their 
number,  a  favorite  too,  one  of  high  hopes,  with  many  friends  be- 
hind, was  suddenly  stricken  from  their  midst,  though  in  the  full 
enjoyment  of  health  but  a  few  hours  before,  and  was  to  become 
foods  for  worms  in  a  strange  land,  far  from  those  who  loved  and 
cherished  him  as  their  own.  Yet  he  was  not  neglected.  All  was  done 
that  could  be  under  the  circumstances,  and  although  he  had  no 
mother  to  smooth  the  pillow  of  his  sufferings  or  weep  over  his  dis- 
tress, yet  there  was  not  a  heart  on  that  boat  that  did  not  yearn  to  do 
something  for  his  comfort.  A  rough  box  was  made  instead  of  a 
coffin,  of  the  only  material  that  could  be  had,  and  a  little  before 
night  the  boat  lay  up  to  the  shore  to  give  an  opportunity  to  bury 
him.  It  was  in  a  gorge,  between  two  lofty  hills,  and  a  place  was  se- 
lected about  midway  of  that  on  the  right  hand,  beneath  a  cluster  of 
trees  on  a  bright  green  sward.  Many  and  willing  hands  lent  their 
aid  in  digging  his  grave,  a  procession  was  formed  from  the  boat  and 
proceeded  to  his  last  resting  place  with  all  the  respect  and  solemnity 

13  Cf.  p.    1. 


used  in  such  occasions  at  home,  and  when  the  corpse  was  lowered 
into  the  grave,  and,  by  the  faint  twilight,  a  friend  read  the  Episcopal 
funeral  service,  although  it  was  in  the  midst  of  a  drizzling  rain, 
every  hat  was  removed  simultaneously,  and  every  heart  seemed 
softened  with  respect  for  the  deceased  and  reverence  for  God.  How 
little  can  man  foresee  his  own  destiny!  How  little  is  the  thread  of  life! 
The  first  use  made  of  the  spade  that  was  taken  to  turn  up  the  golden 
sands  of  California,  was  to  bury  one  of  their  own  companions  amid 
the  rocky  bluffs  of  the  Missouri. 

In  the  midst  of  the  succeeding  night,  the  slumbering  crowd  were 
again  awaked  by  an  agonizing  cry  in  the  cabin,  of  "Heaven,  have 
mercy  on  me!  Spare  me,  O  God!  They  are  coming!  They  are  com- 
ing! Drive  them  off!  Don't  you  see  them  bite  me?"  A  miserable 
wretch  was  paying  the  penalty  of  intemperance  and,  in  a  fit  of 
delirium  tremens,  fancied  that  snakes  were  crawling  over  him  and 
grinning  devils  were  coming  to  carry  him  off. 

Our  heavily  laden  boat  is  making  slow  progress  against  a  strong 
current  and  a  strong  headwind,  and  our  trip  to  St.  Joseph  promises 
to  be  about  double  the  usual  length  of  time.  Friday  morning  de- 
veloped the  fact  that  we  had  some  of  the  sporting  gentry  on  board. 
One  adventurer  was  fleeced  of  every  farthing  of  his  money  at  the 
card  table,  and  two  of  the  cabin  passengers  found  their  pockets  cut 
by  some  scientific  operator. 

Finding  our  supplies  of  breadstuff  too  small  for  our  long  trip,  our 
boys  tried  to  replenish  our  larder  at  several  little  towns,  but  without 
success.  When  we  reached  the  beautiful  town  of  Boonville,  I  thought 
I  would  try  my  luck.  When  the  boat  touched  the  landing,  I  jumped 
off  and  made  my  way  to  a  baker  and  laid  in  a  good  supply  of  eat- 
ables. As  I  was  going  on  board,  I  met  Brown,  who  exclaimed,  with 
a  joyful  countenance, 

"Well,  I've  had  good  luck  this  time.  I've  got  ten  loaves  of  bread, 
a  host  of  rusk,  and  a  lot  of  cake." 

Just  then  Smith,14  espying  us,  came  up  with  an  arm  full. — "Won't 
we  go  it  now,  boys?  See  here!  I've  got  a  cartload." 

"The  deuce,"  says  I,  "so  have  I!  Where's  Fred?  I'll  warrant  he's  in 
the  commissary's  department  too." 

Directly  he  came  in  with  supplies  for  St.  Joseph,  and  on  taking 
inventory,  we  found  that  we  had  on  hand  forty  loaves  of  bread,  six 
dozen  rusk,  fifteen  cards  of  gingerbread,  besides  sundry  piles  of 
nuts,  apples,  milk,  and  crackers  to  fill — a  tolerable  supply  for  five 
men  for  three  days. 

"Go  it,  boys,  while  you're  young,  but  don't  let  the  captain  see  it, 
or  he'll  charge  for  extra  freight." 

14  Ebenezer  Smith,  of  Ottawa.  He  was  another  of  the  three  whom  Delano  engaged.  De- 
spite special  kindness,  he  too  broke  his  contract  in  California.  Across  the  Plains,  1,  30, 
107.  An  Ebenezer  Smith  died  at  San  Francisco,  aged  twenty,  on  May  24,  1851.  San 
Francisco  Aha  California,  May  30,  1851.  Cf.  pp.  4,  12,  32. 


Mr.  Green's  company,15  including  young  Thorn,  left  St.  Louis 
the  day  before  we  did.  Mr.  Fredenburg  intended  going  up  with 
them,  but  was  accidentally  left.  I  did  not  regret  it,  as  it  gave  us  the 
pleasure  of  his  company,  and  his  dry  jokes  help  to  destroy  the 
tedium  of  our  steamboat  imprisonment.  Smith,  too,  has  varnished 
up  his  old  stories,  so  that  we  contrive  to  pass  the  time  very  agree- 

Monday  evening,  April  16,  found  us  five  miles  below  Independ- 
ence landing,  and  the  captain  as  well  as  passengers  were  anxious  to 
get  in  that  night.  The  river  was  full  of  snags  and  required  the  most 
careful  running  even  by  daylight;  still  the  pilot  thought  he  could 
carry  us  safely  through.  A  furious  storm  of  rain  suddenly  arose,  our 
boat  struck  heavily  twice  against  floating  trees  and  Capt.  Baker 
would  run  no  more  risk.  The  boat  was  therefore  run  alongside  an 
island,  though  with  considerable  difficulty,  and  we  lay  by  till  day- 
light, when  we  ran  up  to  the  landing. 

The  town  of  Independence  lays  three  miles  from  the  river;  and 
the  landing  is  only  a  small  cluster  of  log  houses,  with  two  or  three 
poor  warehouses.  A  high  limestone  bluff  runs  from  the  river  and  is 
ascended  by  a  difficult  road  about  a  quarter  of  a  mile  in  length.  At 
St.  Louis  we  were  told  that  an  immense  throng  had  congregated  at 
Independence,  five  or  six  thousand,  and  that  the  landing  was  lined 
with  wagons  for  a  mile,  so  that  it  was  difficult  to  find  a  passage 
through  them.  I  counted  six  wagons  at  the  landing  and  forty  on  the 
bluff  belonging  to  different  companies;  and  I  was  told  by  a  gentle- 
man, who  was  collecting  the  names  of  all  the  emigrants,  that  he  had 
visited  all  the  encampments,  that  within  a  circle  of  fifteen  miles 
there  were  about  2,500  only  at  that  time.16 1  will  not  hazard  a  guess 
now  at  the  probable  number  who  will  attempt  to  emigrate,  but  I  am 
convinced  that  it  will  be  much  less  than  was  expected.17 

Since  leaving  St.  Louis  the  weather  has  been  cold  and  a  strong 
head  wind  has  blown  for  eight  days  in  succession,  which  has,  per- 
haps, had  a  favorable  effect  on  the  health  of  our  passengers;  still 
our  long  trip  has  made  us  anxious  to  be  free  from  the  imprisonment 
of  a  steamboat. 

We  arrived  at  St.  Joseph  on  Thursday  evening,  April  19. 
Yours  truly, 

A.  Delano. 

15  Jesse  Green  (1817-1907)  was  captain  of  a  company  from  Dayton,  Illinois.  Born  at 
Newark,  Ohio,  he  became  a  prosperous  miller  and  served  several  terms  as  justice  of  the 
peace  and  town  supervisor  at  Dayton,  where  he  died.  Ottawa:  Old  and  New,  2,  7,  108- 
109;  Past  and  Present  of  LaSalle  County,  Illinois  (Chicago,  1877),  581. 

16  The  gentleman  who  gave  this  information  was  probably  the  unidentified  correspondent 
of  the  St.  Louis  Missouri  Republican  who  shuttled  between  Independence  and  St.  Joseph 
gathering  data  on  the  Forty-Niners  and  who  signed  himself  "California."  St.  Louis 
Missouri  Republican,  April  10 — May  17,  1849. 

17  Between  twenty-five  and  thirty  thousand  people  negotiated  the  California  Trail  in  1849, 
and  as  many  more  in  1850.  John  W.  Caughey,  California  (New  York,  1940),  296,  300. 



St.  Joseph,  April  21,  1849.1 

Dear  Free  Trader — From  the  mouth  of  the  Missouri  to  this 
place  the  banks  of  the  river  are  high  and  often  precipitous  and 
rocky,  though  the  valley  is  sometimes  two  miles  wide,  and  the  water 
is  constantly  wearing  away  the  soil  of  the  bottoms,  which  are  only  a 
deposit  of  the  stream  at  some  former  period.  This  makes  the  Mis- 
souri a  muddy  stream,  resembling  the  water  in  a  puddle  after  a 
shower;  but  after  being  allowed  to  settle  a  short  time,  the  water  is 
sweet  and  wholesome.  A  few  miles  above  Independence,  we  pass 
the  mouth  of  the  Kansas,  and  on  that  side  up  to  Council  Bluffs,  per- 
haps higher,  is  the  Indian  country,  their  claim  to  which  is  not  yet 
extinguished  by  the  government;  and  on  their  side  you  see  no  sign 
of  civilization  except  at  Fort  Leavenworth,  up  as  far  as  we  have 
come,  while  the  opposite  or  north  side  of  the  river  is  a  fine  farming 
country,  well  settled  a  short  distance  on  the  bluff.  Fort  Leavenworth 
stands  upon  the  bank,  perhaps  an  hundred  rods  from  the  river,  and 
is  like  an  oasis  in  the  wilderness  of  prairie  and  cottonwood  of  the 
bottoms,  with  its  neat  barracks  and  surrounding  brick  buildings. 

The  tedium  of  the  steamboat  was  at  length  relieved  by  a  view  of 
the  pretty  and  thrifty  town  of  St.  Joseph  on  the  19th,  about  four 
o'clock  p.m.,  after  a  ten  days'  confinement,  from  St.  Louis.  It  is 
situated  upon  a  level  plot,  in  a  kind  of  amphitheatre,  high  ridges  of 
broken  prairie  in  the  rear,  with  the  river  in  front.  It  is  the  county  seat 
of  Buchanan  County,  has  a  fine  spacious  courthouse,  two  or  three 
churches,  a  population  of  two  thousand  souls,  twenty-one  mercan- 
tile stores,  mechanics  in  proportion,  three  steam  flouring  mills  and 
a  fourth  under  contract;  three  sawmills,  and  I  was  informed  that 
fifty-four  brick  and  ninety  frame  houses  were  erected  last  season. 
Twelve  thousand  hogs  were  slaughtered  here  last  fall,  and  large 
quantities  of  bacon,  hemp,  and  tobacco  are  brought  in  from  the  sur- 
rounding country.  It  is  only  five  years  since  the  town  was  surveyed 
and  laid  out,  and  it  promises  to  be  a  place  of  much  importance.  It 
is  already  one  of  the  prominent  starting  places  for  California  and 
Oregon  emigrants. 

At  St.  Louis  the  emigrants  have  been  egregiously  imposed  on  by 
false  representations  as  to  the  capability  of  furnishing  outfits  here. 
We  were  told  that  the  number  of  emigrants  was  so  great  that  sup- 
plies could  not  be  obtained,  scarcely  at  any  price;  that  the  citizens 
were  sending  down  the  river  for  provisions;  that  board  was  seven 
dollars  a  week  at  the  hotels,  &c.  We  were,  therefore,  induced  to  lay 
in  our  bacon,  a  common  article,  at  5%c.  per  pound;  our  flour  at 

1  Free  Trader,  May  11,  1849.  roi 

$4.50  per  bbl.;  our  bread  at  5  and  pay  30c.  freight.  We  found  on 
our  arrival  that  the  most  beautiful  bacon  could  be  had  and  in  any 
quantity  at  4  to  5c;  flour  at  $4  per  bbl.;  and  board  ranged  from  $2 
to  $4  per  week  at  the  hotels. 

Cattle  and  mules,  which  had  also  been  represented  as  being  enor- 
mously high,  can  be  had,  the  former  at  $45  to  $55  per  yoke  and  the 
latter  from  $50  to  $70  each.  Other  supplies  can  be  had  on  quite 
reasonable  terms,  and  I  should  advise  all  who  are  coming  not  to  buy 
in  St.  Louis  but  to  complete  their  outfit  here. 

We  found  on  our  arrival  that  Mr.  Green's  company  had  decided 
to  move  up  the  river  to  Fort  Kearny,  ninety-six  miles.2  The  season 
is  backward,  and  it  will  probably  be  ten  or  fourteen  days  before  the 
grass  will  allow  the  emigrants  to  start.  By  going  to  Fort  Kearny 
they  avoid  crossing  the  Platte.  A  good  military  road  extends  through 
the  interior;  the  streams  are  all  bridged,  and  they  are  forty-five  miles 
advanced  on  their  journey,  having  the  advantage  of  settlements  so 
far.  We  found  the  first  South  Bend,  Indiana,  company  here,  but  on 
the  point  of  moving  to  Fort  Kearny;  and  I  think  many  men  will 
adopt  the  same  course. 

This  will  make  a  division  in  the  main  body,  so  that  a  much  wider 
range  will  be  had  for  our  cattle.  My  cattle,  with  those  of  Mr.  Cut- 
ting, are  thirty  miles  in  the  country  awaiting  our  orders.  Mr.  Cutting 
arrived  yesterday  and  we  have  despatched  Mr.  Smith  for  our  cattle, 
having  determined  to  take  the  Fort  Kearny  route.  We  intend  to 
leave  here  on  Tuesday.  We  have  to  make  the  melancholy  record  of 
the  death  of  Mr.  Zeluff ,  a  member  of  Mr.  Green's  company.  He  was 
taken  with  diarrhea  and  suffered  it  to  run  without  attention  six  days, 
when  vomiting  and  cramps  set  in  and  terminated  his  existence  in  a 
few  hours.  That  company  left  here  a  few  hours  before  our  arrival 
and  went  out  five  miles,  when  Mr.  Zeluff  died,  and  yesterday  they 
stopped  to  bury  him. 

Messrs.  Morrill3  and  Thorn,  who  are  attached  to  our  mess,  went 
on  with  Mr.  Fredenburg's  wagon  in  the  Dayton  (Green's)  com- 
pany, and  we  expect  to  overtake  them  at  the  Fort,  and  then  we  in- 
tend to  unite  with  Captain  Tutt's  company  of  South  Bend,  all  old 
friends  of  mine.4 

2  The  old  Fort  Keamy,  begun  by  Major  General  (then  Colonel)  Stephen  W.  Kearny 
near  the  present  site  of  Nebraska  City,  Nebraska,  in  1846,  and  abandoned  as  a  military 
post  in  1848.  See  the  article  on  Kearny  in  the  Dictionary  of  American  Biography.  This 
place  is  not  to  be  confused  with  the  Fort  Kearny  on  the  Platte  River  which  was  called 
Fort  Childs  in  1849  and  which  is  now  marked  by  Kearney,  Nebraska.  Across  the  Plains, 

3  John  Morrill  (b.  1827),  of  Ottawa.  Born  at  Concord,  New  Hampshire,  he  fought  in  the 
Mexican  War  and  followed  the  gunsmith  trade.  He  mined  in  California  until  1853,  when 
he  returned  to  Ottawa  to  become  a  farmer  and  raise  a  family.  Starting  as  a  captain,  he 
was  brevetted  brigadier  general  in  the  Civil  War.  History  of  LaSalle  County,  Illinois 
(2  vols.,  Chicago,  1886),  II,  537. 

4  Charles  M.  Tutt  was  "president"  of  a  company  of  thirty  men  from  South  Bend,  where 
Delano  had  conducted  a  general  store.  South  Bend  Register,  February  22,  1849,  as 
quoted  in  the  South  Bend  Tribune,  April  9,  1933;  Pen-Knife  Sketches,  vii. 


There  are  here,  and  in  this  vicinity,  from  two  thousand  to  twenty- 
four  hundred  men,  but  not  over  three  thousand  at  this  time.  Every 
steamboat  brings  its  hundreds,  and  the  next  ten  days  may  swell  the 
number  to  five  or  six  thousand. 

I  have  ventured  to  predict  ten  thousand  as  the  probable  number 
who  will  attempt  to  cross  the  plains.  It  may  exceed  that  calculation, 
but  from  present  indications  twenty  and  thirty  thousand  is  far  be- 
yond the  mark.5 

In  the  motley  crowd  assembled  at  this  point,  you  see  every  variety 
of  costume  and  arrangements  for  traveling  according  to  the  taste 
and  ability  of  the  emigrants.  It  seems  to  be  a  general  disposition  to 
set  fashion  at  defiance,  or  rather  it  is  fashionable  to  be  unfashion- 
able. As  a  general  custom,  however,  a  check  or  woolen  shirt,  a 
Mexican  broadbrim,  small  crown,  white  or  brown  wool  hat,  high 
boots  reaching  up  on  the  knee,  as  uncomfortable  as  can  be  made 
a  la  seven  league  boots  of  Peter  Schlemihl,6  is  the  general  character 
of  your  imaginary  Croesus.  Then  others  of  more  refined  taste,  who 
never  dreamed  perhaps  of  such  exquisiteness  at  home,  have  culti- 
vated a  most  precious  pair  of  mustaches  and  whiskers,  while  others 
are  trying  to  coax  a  pair  to  grow  without  success,  a  la  Baboonia, 
and  with  a  finer  display  of  bowie  knives  and  revolvers  may  hide  the 
trembling  of  a  coward  heart.  And  these  men,  most  of  whom  are 
strangers  to  hardships,  are  about  launching  forth  upon  a  sea  of 
toil,  where  their  habits  must  change  and  where  all  their  comforts, 
aside  from  providential  contingencies,  depend  upon  themselves, 
their  sagacity  and  ingenuity.  They  must  drive  and  attend  their  own 
teams,  repair  all  "breaks,"  wash  and  mend  their  own  clothes,  bake 
their  own  cakes,  cook  their  own  meat,  brown  and  boil  their  own 
coffee,  in  short,  be  teamster,  carpenter,  blacksmith,  shoemaker, 
tailor,  cook  and  bottle-washer  all  in  one.  Lawyers,  physicians, 
counter-jumpers,  ladies'  man,  dandy,  think  of  this  and  weep,  be- 
cause the  gold  won't  come  to  you,  but  is  obstinately  bent  on  having 
you  go  to  it  at  the  sacrifice  of  so  much  paste  blacking,  cologne  water, 
gin  slings,  and  mint  juleps. 

The  women  are  all  grinning  at  the  thought  of  what  a  fist  you  will 
make  on  the  bank  of  a  puddle  washing  your  own  clothes  without 
soap,  or  trying  to  stop  up  a  hole  in  your  shirt  with  a  darning  needle; 
and  I  fancy  I  hear  my  own  better  half,  exclaiming  half  triumphantly, 
as  I  am  sweating  over  the  fire  roasting  coffee,  with  buffalo  chips, 
after  a  rain,  "It's  good  enough  for  you;  you  might  have  staid  at 
home  instead  of  going  off  on  a  wild  goose  expedition.  You'll  find 

s  But  cf.  p.  7. 

6  Hero  of  Peter  Schlemihls  wunderbare  Geschichte,  by  Adelbert  von  Chamisso  (1814). 
Peter  gave  up  his  shadow  to  a  gray  stranger  for  Fortunatus'  purse,  which  endowed  him 
with  almost  unlimited  powers. 


out  that  women  are  worth  something  after  all."  Never  mind,  boys — 
"de  gustibus  non"  &c. 

For  Gold  the  sailor  plows  the  main; 

For  Gold  the  farmer  plows  the  land; 

For  Gold  we  rag,  tag,  and  bobtail,  red  shirts, 

and  bowie-knife  gentry  plow  sloughs,  mudholes,  Indian  hunting 
grounds,  Rocky  Mountains,  and  Sierra  Nevadas  till  we  become 
shirtless  members  of  the  great  unwashed  and  unshaved  family, 
ready  to  fight  for  the  last  bit  of  a  rat's  tail  for  breakfast. 

(That  last  line  is  rather  long  and  doesn't  rhyme  exactly,  but  there 
may  be  truth  in  it  if  not  poetry. ) 

Another  way  of  recognizing  a  gold  digger  here  is  by  seeing  a  six- 
foot  biped,  with  his  legs  doubled  up  so  they  won't  drag,  astride  of  a 
mule  about  as  large  as  a  good-sized  calf.  I  saw  several  today,  and 
mean  to  make  drawings  as  soon  as  I  get  leisure.  I  gave  one  of  the 
most  Quixotic  three  cheers  and  a  hurrah;  he  put  spurs  to  the  animal 
and  disappeared  in  the  course  of  fifteen  minutes  behind  a  hill  about 
ten  rods  distant. 

Almost  every  boat  reports  one  case  of  cholera,  but  in  every  in- 
stance it  seems  to  have  been  brought  on  by  imprudence  or  neglect; 
you  may  set  this  down  as  certain;  and  there  is  no  case  here  among 
those  who  take  proper  care  of  themselves.  We  are  advised  that  large 
numbers  of  foreigners  are  on  their  way  to  California,  and  I  have 
heard  but  one  determination  expressed  by  our  emigrants,  and  that 
is  to  assist  our  government  to  prevent  foreigners  of  all  nations  from 
digging  and  carrying  off  the  gold.  They  say,  too,  that  if  the  govern- 
ment will  do  nothing,  they  will  organize  among  themselves  to  pre- 
vent it.  A  militia  formed  from  the  emigrants  will  be  an  efficient 
force;  for  every  man  goes  well  armed  and  provided  with  ammuni- 
tion, and  will  form  no  mean  army  of  themselves  with  a  proper  or- 
ganization.— Added  to  this,  they  are  almost  entirely  composed  of 
energetic,  well-informed,  resolute  law-and-order  men,  who  have 
characters  at  home  and  who  cannot  at  once  depart  from  the  habits 
and  mental  training  from  childhood  of  a  civilized  and  moral  com- 
munity. I  have  scarcely  seen  a  rowdy  or  intoxicated  man  among  the 
emigrants — not  one  in  five  hundred.  It  is  emphatically  the  case  here 
that  you  cannot  judge  the  character  of  a  man  by  his  dress.  The 
check  shirt,  the  broadbrimmed  hat,  the  quaint  coat  or  wrapper,  and 
the  everlasting  boots,  reduce  all  to  a  level  in  appearance — the  man 
of  science,  the  scholar,  the  merchant,  the  lawyer,  the  farmer,  the 
laborer,  or  the  dandy. 

It  remains  to  be  seen  how  well  we  shall  sustain  the  sentiments 
that  we  have  been  educated  in.  I  shall  endeavor  to  keep  you  advised 



of  our  movements  from  this  place  and  after  we  get  off  of  all  mail 
routes;  we  shall  embrace  every  opportunity  of  sending  an  account  of 
our  doings,  with,  perhaps  a  sprinkle  of  some  of  our  "sayings." 
Yours  truly, 

A.  Delano. 


English  Grove,  38  miles  below  Fort  Kearny, 
Monday,  April  30, 1849.1 

Dear  Free  Trader — Last  Monday  morning,  about  daybreak,  we 
were  awakened  by  groans  and  sounds  of  distress  at  the  side  of  our 
wagon.  "Who  is  that? — what  is  the  matter?"  was  a  simultaneous 
inquiry.  "It  is  me — O! — I'm  in  such  pain! — I'm  very  sick!"  We  in- 
stantly roused  up  and  found  Mr.  Harris2  was  not  with  us  and  that 
he  was  the  sufferer. 

On  getting  out  of  the  wagon,  we  found  him  leaning  against  a 
wheel  in  great  agony  of  pain,  occasionally  retching  convulsively; 
and,  on  learning  that  he  had  been  up  two  or  three  times  before,  we 
became  at  once  satisfied  that  the  cholera  had  insinuated  its  poison- 
ous fangs  amongst  us.  I  immediately  gave  him  a  large  dose  of 
laudanum,  the  only  remedy  or  palliative  at  hand,  and  sent  for  a 
physician,  who  came  within  an  hour  and  commenced  an  active 
course  of  medicine. 

He  grew  worse,  however,  nothwithstanding  all  our  efforts.  Vomit- 
ing, purging,  cramping  became  excessive — with  cold  limbs  and 
hands,  and  cold  sweat  pouring  from  his  brow;  still  we  worked  over 
him  till  noon,  when  we  found  the  symptoms  had  changed.  The 
vomiting,  purging,  and  cramping  ceased,  his  limbs  became  warm 
and  the  pain  in  the  bowels  was  much  less  severe.  In  this  condition 

1  Free  Trader,  May  18,  1849.  English  Grove  no  longer  appears  on  the  map. 

2  Matthew  Harris,  of  Ottawa.  He  was  one  of  the  three  youths  whom  Delano  engaged  to 
assist  him  on  the  journey.  Across  the  Plains,  1,  107.  Cf.  pp.  4,  6. 


he  remained  for  three  hours,  thinking,  with  us,  that  he  was  better. 
About  four  o'clock  in  the  afternoon,  while  laying  in  comparative 
ease,  he  was  taken  with  gasping  for  breath  and  in  ten  minutes  he  lay 
a  corpse  before  us. 

Such  a  sudden  and  unaccountable  change  overwhelmed  us  for  a 
moment.  We  could  scarcely  believe  him  dead;  yet  it  was  palpable  to 
our  senses,  and  the  stern  reality  bid  us  prepare  for  the  last  obsequies 
for  the  dead.  We  laid  him  out  as  well  as  our  slender  means  would 
permit  and  kept  watch  till  morning  when,  with  heavy  hearts,  we  dug 
his  grave  and,  with  none  to  help  us  in  the  last  sad  rite,  we  consigned 
him  "to  that  bourn  from  which  no  traveler  returns." 3 

Poor  Harris!  with  high  hopes  he  left  home,  and  this  was  the  end  of 
them.  He  was  a  man  of  singularly  honest  and  upright  intentions,  of 
great  moral  worth,  simple  in  his  habits,  and  sincere  in  his  profes- 
sions. A  Christian,  he  lived  as  near  to  what  he  believed  his  duty  as 
the  weakness  of  human  nature  allowed  him.  We  felt  that  one  of  our 
best  men  had  been  taken.  This  is  the  only  case  that  I  am  cognizant 
of  where  cholera  has  been  fatal  to  a  temperate  man.  He  never  drank 
ardent  spirits  as  a  beverage  and  was  temperate  in  all  his  habits.  My 
impression  is  that  the  state  of  the  atmosphere  was  the  cause.  In  the 
lower  part  of  the  town  was  one  or  two  slaughter  houses,  around 
which  were  large  quantities  of  pigs'  feet,  several  dead  cattle  and 
hogs,  which  created  an  effluvia  almost  insufferable;  and  I  cannot 
understand  why  the  corporation  of  St.  Joseph  allows  such  abomi- 
nable nuisances  to  exist  when  cholera  is  among  them  and  so  many 
hundreds  of  people  are  daily  arriving. 

With  regard  to  general  operations  I  can  add  but  little  to  my 
former  letter.  The  arrivals  by  steamboats  are  becoming  less;  some  are 
already  tired  of  the  expedition  and  are  offering  their  teams  and  out- 
fit for  sale,  while  others  are  moving  off  to  different  points;  so  that  in- 
stead of  increasing  at  St.  Joseph  the  numbers  are  rather  decreasing. 

After  repairing  our  wagon  bows,  which  were  damaged  in  St. 
Louis,  my  team,  under  Mr.  Fredenburg's  directions,  started  up  the 
river  on  Wednesday,  April  26,  towards  Fort  Kearny,  to  join  the 
Dayton  Company,  which  had  preceded  us,  while  I  remained  behind 
to  get  letters  and  papers  by  the  next  mail.  That  night  I  received  a 
touch  of  the  elephant — a  rub  of  the  "shadow  of  coming  events." 4 
I  began  to  grow  cold,  and,  hang  me,  if  fire  would  warm  me.  In  about 
an  hour  and  a  half,  I  got  warm,  warmer,  warmest;  and  now  ice 
wouldn't  cool  me.  I  tried  the  effect  of  cold  water — humph!  I  had  by 
some  means  swallowed  a  steam  engine  and  all  the  water  I  poured 
down  was  converted  into  vapour  at  once;  and,  like  the  insatiable 
leech,  there  was  a  cry  of  "give,  give,  give!"  till  I  thought  my  boiler 
would  burst  and  I  should  be  blown  to  atoms.  A  regular  chill  and 
fever  was  on  me.  The  next  morning  I  "went  it"  on  blue  mass:  not 

3  Cf.  Shakespeare,  Hamlet,  III,  i,  79-80.         4  Cf.  Campbell,  Lochiel's  Warning. 


high  mass,  but  blue  pill,  and  lay  up  to  dry,  thinking  that  by  Friday 
I  could  go  on. 

Friday  morning  the  sun  rose  pleasantly  and  I  arose  smiling,  under 
the  impression  that  we  would  shine  in  company  that  day.  I  fed  my 
pony  early  (I  suppose  the  sun  had  fed  his  before  I  was  up),  intend- 
ing to  start  after  breakfast. 

After  a  cup  of  coffee  the  sun  put  his  head  into  a  cloud  and  I  put 
mine  bewteen  two  blankets  with  another  chill,  which  ended  with 
another  heating-up  operation.  However,  after  noon  I  got  off  my  bed 
and  on  my  pony,  determined  to  get  away  from  the  cologne  of  St. 
Joseph.  I  was  so  weak  I  could  hardly  sit  on  my  horse,  but  the  pure 
air  revived  me,  and  I  gained  strength  every  mile,  and  by  the  time  I 
reached  the  pretty  town  of  Savannah,  fourteen  miles,  I  felt  quite 

On  Saturday  I  overtook  my  team,  and  then  commenced  an  active 
warfare  against  internal  combustion. 

By  the  way,  I  got  no  letters  from  home  and  have  not  received  the 
least  word  from  any  of  my  friends  since  I  left,  and  now,  probably, 
shall  not. 

We  have  been  traveling  over  a  high  rolling  prairie  for  the  last  two 
days,  with  considerable  settlements.  We  reached  here  yesterday  at 
noon  and  learned  that  Mr.  Green,  instead  of  going  to  Fort  Kearny 
to  cross  the  river,  had  crossed  eight  miles  south  of  us,  and  that  the 
South  Bend  company  had  gone  on  to  the  Fort;  so  that  this  divides 
the  two  companies  for  the  present.  I  have  sent  my  wagon  to  join  the 
Dayton  company  and  am  laying  up  here  to  give  my  cold  chills  "a 
lick"  if  they  don't  give  me  "Jesse."  You  will  perceive  by  my  writing 
that  I  am  not  desperately  sick  and  don't  expect  to  be:  I  stop  as  a 
matter  of  precaution  to  attend  to  myself  in  season.  I  took  cold  the 
night  poor  Harris  died  in  watching  over  him.  The  rest  are  all  well. 

The  grass  on  the  bottom  is  good,  but  it  will  not  be  fit  to  start  on 
the  plains  under  ten  or  fifteen  days. 

By  the  way,  it  is  a  singular  fact,  so  far  as  my  observation  extends, 
that  all  those  who  have  been  sick  either  lived  on  the  river  or  came 
up  it,  while  those  who  came  across  the  country  have  not  been  at- 
tacked by  disease  of  any  kind.  I  am  now  well  enough  to  join  my 
company,  which  I  propose  to  do  tomorrow,  and  shall  then  be  in  the 
Pottawatomie  country.5 1  have  an  opportunity  to  forward  this  to  St. 
Joseph  tomorrow  and  shall  embrace  it.  I  think  I  shall  be  able  to 
write  you  again  before  we  leave.  It  is  twelve  miles  to  the  nearest 
post  office. 

Truly  yours, 

A.  Delano. 

5  Now  northeast  Kansas,  where  a  county  is  so  named,  after  the  Potawatomi  Indians  who 
were  forcibly  transported  there  in  1837-1838  from  Indiana,  Illinois,  Michigan,  and  Wis- 
consin. Irving  McKee,  "The  Trail  of  Death:  Letters  of  Benjamin  Marie  Petit,"  Indiana 
Historical  Society  Publications,  XIV,  No.  1. 



Harney's  Landing,  May  2,  1849.1 

Dear  Free  Trader — I  left  my  comfortable  quarters,  where  I  had 
stopped  to  recruit  and  dose  off  the  chills,  this  morning  and  came 
here  to  join  our  company.  They  have  been  encamped  on  the  oppo- 
site side  of  the  river  in  Indian  Territory  several  days,  but  as  the 
grass  is  good  out  at  least  fifteen  miles,  they  have  broken  up  camp 
and  have  determined  to  move  as  far  as  grass  will  allow.  I  shall  cross 
after  dinner  and  overtake  them.  We  shall  then  be  beyond  any  regu- 
lar public  conveyance — shall  have  to  depend  entirely  upon  chance. 
I  shall  embrace  any  which  may  occur  to  continue  my  correspond- 
ence. I  am  happy  to  say  that  my  health  is  re-established.  I  learn 
that  all  our  company  are  well.  We  do  not  go  to  Fort  Kearny,  but 
strike  for  Grand  Island  on  the  Platte.  And  now  commence  our 
wanderings,  and  whether  they  will  continue  as  long  and  be  as  varied 
as  those  of  the  children  of  Israel,  remains  to  be  seen.  I  fear,  how- 
ever, that  one  of  their  evil  deeds  will  be  in  some  measure  imitated 
by  us;  that  is,  the  worship  of  the  "Golden  Calf."  May  we  not  forget, 
however,  that  there  is  a  God  in  Israel.  This  is  sixty  miles  above  St. 

Truly  yours, 

A.  Delano. 

1  Free  Trader,  June  1,  1849.  Harney's  Landing,  sixty  miles  up  the  Missouri  River  from 
St.  Joseph,  is  not  on  present-day  maps.  It  was  apparently  named  after  Major  General 
(then  Brigadier)  William  S.  Harney,  Indian-fighter  in  the  Platte  country.  Dictionary  of 
American  Biography . 



Lawson's  Settlement,  California, 

September  18,  1849. 

Sierra  Nevada  Mountains,  September  13.1 

Dear  mary — We  are  now  within  three  days  of  Lawson's  Settle- 
ment, in  the  Valley  of  the  Sacramento;  and  if  a  bird  was  ever  re- 
joiced to  escape  its  thraldom,  I  shall  be  much  more  so  to  get  to  the 
end  of  this  long,  weary,  and  vexatious  journey.  A  man  deserves  to 
be  well  paid  who  makes  his  first  overland  journey  to  California,  for 
he  can  form  no  idea  of  the  many  trials  he  may  be  subjected  to.  The 
fatigues  of  the  journey — the  hardships  of  traversing  an  almost  bar- 
ren wilderness  of  nearly  two  thousand  miles,  I  care  but  little  for; 
but  it  is  the  narrow-minded  ribaldry — the  ceaseless  strife  which  is 
constantly  marring  the  tranquility  of  such  a  crowd — a  mass  of  men 
in  which  each  individual  acts  independent  of  all  the  rest,  caring  for 
none  but  himself,  which  renders  it  almost  insufferable. 

We  have  reached  this  point  without  accident  to  ourselves  or  our 
cattle,  a  somewhat  extraordinary  thing  considering  what  we  have 
passed  through,  but  it  has  been  accomplished  only  by  the  utmost 
vigilance  and  care  on  our  part.  We  have  been  nearly  three  weeks 
longer  on  the  road  than  we  expected  or  should  have  been,  but  for 
circumstances.2  When  we  were  going  down  the  Humboldt  River,  a 
report  began  to  be  accredited  among  the  emigrants  that  there  was  a 
new  road  that  led  to  Feather  River,  or  the  Sacramento,  or  the  some- 
where, that  it  was  an  hundred  miles  nearer  to  the  mines,  a  better 
route,  no  difficulty  in  crossing  the  mountains  (Sierra  Nevada),  and 
plenty  of  grass  and  water  all  the  way,  and  that  we  should  not  have 
to  cross  the  barren  desert  of  the  Great  Basin.  We  watched  for  days 

1  Free  Trader,  November  23,  1849.  The  editor's  superscription  reads:  "Through  the  kind- 
ness of  Mrs.  Delano  we  have  been  permitted  to  publish  the  following  highly  interesting 
letter  from  her  husband,  now  in  the  gold  mines." 

Mary  Burt  Delano  (1808-1871)  became  Delano's  wife  at  Aurora,  New  York,  in  1830. 
They  had  two  children,  Fred  and  Harriet,  born  about  1833  and  1843  respectively.  The 
family  was  reunited  at  Aurora  in  1852  and,  after  Fred's  death,  at  Grass  Valley  about 
1857.  Mrs.  Delano  was  "universally  esteemed  as  a  most  exemplary  lady."  Sacramento 
Union,  February  22-23,  1871;  Pen-Knife  Sketches,  vii,  57-58;  Mary  Delano  Fletcher, 
op.  cit. 

"Lawson's  Settlement"  was  the  ranch  of  Peter  Lassen,  famed  Danish  explorer  of  Cali- 
fornia, on  the  south  side  of  Deer  Creek  at  its  junction  with  the  Sacramento  River.  Lassen 
settled  here  in  1844  and  three  years  later  named  the  place  Benton  City  (after  Missouri's 
expansionist  Senator)  in  the  vain  expectation  that  it  would  become  a  permanent  metro- 
polis as  the  terminus  of  the  Lassen  Trail.  In  1849  it  was  the  best-known  point,  next  to 
Sutter's  Fort,  in  interior  California.  Illustrated  History  of  Plumas,  Lassen,  and  Sierra 
Counties  (San  Francisco,  1882),  332;  Bancroft,  History  of  California,  IV,  708;  VI,  16, 

2  Delano  later  revised  this  estimate  of  lost  time  to  four  weeks  or  more.  Across  the  Plains, 


for  the  turning-off  place,  and  in  the  meantime  various  reports  were 
circulated  about  the  road,  and  we  did  not  know  what  to  believe.  In 
fact  nobody  knew  certain  whether  there  was  a  road  leading  to  Cali- 
fornia that  way,  though  there  was  one  to  Oregon.  In  much  doubt 
we  finally  came  to  the  turning-off  point  and  our  company  deter- 
mined to  take  it  anyhow,  as  there  was  forty-five  miles  of  desert  on 
the  old  road  without  grass  or  water;  and  a  story  became  prevalent 
that  when  we  got  out  ten  miles  on  the  new  road,  there  was  grass,  in 
fifteen  miles  water  and  some  grass,  and  after  thirty-five  miles  there 
was  good  forage  all  the  way.  We  took  it — there  was  no  grass  for 
sixty-five  miles  and  but  one  spring,  a  mile  off  the  road,  where  water 
could  be  had  for  the  cattle;  in  short,  we  were  on  the  desert  and 
drove  the  whole  distance  without  feeding  our  cattle,  and  no  water 
except  at  the  commencement.  Our  train  was  the  fourth  that  had 
taken  the  road,  and  I  counted  on  the  last  thirty  miles  fifty  oxen 
dead  from  exhaustion  on  the  desert.  Yet  our  cattle  went  through 
well.  We  then  came  to  a  large  boiling  spring  which  irrigated  about 
twenty  acres  of  land,  and  a  little  distance  below  the  spring  the  water 
became  cool  enough  for  the  cattle  to  drink.  We  lay  here  till  'most 
night  and  then  moved  to  better  and  more  grass  seven  miles  beyond, 
where  we  lay  over  one  day.  There  we  had  two  twenty-mile  stretches 
of  desert  to  pass  without  grass  or  water,  so  that  our  no  desert  proved 
to  be  one  hundred  and  five  miles;  yet  we  passed  safely  through  and 
without  loss,  although  many  who  followed  us  lost  their  cattle  and 
had  to  abandon  their  wagons  and  pack  through  on  foot.  We  now 
came  to  a  tribe  of  very  hostile  Indians,  like  those  we  had  been  with 
on  the  Humboldt — they  are  a  thieving  set;  they  would  come  near  at 
nightfall  and  either  steal  mules,  horses,  or  cattle,  or  shoot  them  with 
arrows  so  that  they  could  not  be  taken  along,  and  then  come  in  and 
get  them  after  the  emigrants  are  gone.  We  keep  strict  guard  and 
save  ours.  We  passed  five  hundred  miles  among  the  robbers;  in  fact, 
we  are  only  two  days  beyond  them.  Some  desperate  encounters  have 
been  had  between  them  and  the  whites,  when  in  search  of  cattle  or 
mules;  for  they  fight  well  cornered,  but  run  if  they  can.  Yet  I  have 
been  in  the  mountains  alone  by  day  and  by  night,  have  slept  alone 
when  the  wolves  have  come  howling  within  two  rods  of  me,  and 
have  met  with  no  trouble  whatever  from  either  Indians,  robbers,  or 
wolves;  still,  it  was  a  risk.  One  gets  used  to  it,  and  I  have  had  no 
more  fears  in  traveling  alone,  miles  from  any  camp,  than  if  I  had 
been  on  a  public  road  at  home.  We  have  seen  many  things  I  cannot 
speak  of  now,  but  have  noticed  them  in  my  journal.  At  last  we  went 
northward  till  we  met  a  government  train  going  to  the  Humboldt 
with  supplies  for  troops  going  in,  and  from  them  we  learned  that  we 
should  find  a  road  just  opened  across  the  mountains  to  California, 
but  that  our  route  would  be  about  three  hundred  miles  farther  than 
the  one  by  the  old  road.  We  passed  through  a  canon  twenty-five 


miles.3  This  is  a  chasm  wide  enough  for  the  road,  and  sometimes  has 
considerable  grass  and  wild  oats  growing  in  it.  The  country  around 
is  barren  and  rugged,  the  mountains  impassable  for  wagons;  but 
here  Providence  has  opened  this  strange  pass  with  perpendicular 
rocks  three  or  four  hundred  feet  high  on  each  side.  It  is  a  great 
curiosity.  Before  we  reached  the  pass  we  crossed  the  dry  bed  of  a 
lake  which  was  twenty  miles  long  and  five  miles  wide.  Where  we 
crossed  the  mountains  it  was  by  no  means  difficult;  we  were  only  a 
little  over  an  hour  in  going  over,  and  the  hill  is  not  any  harder  than 
many  I  have  crossed  in  Pennsylvania.  On  the  other  side  we  descend- 
ed to  the  valley  that  led  to  Goose  Lake,  which  was  salt  and  soda, 
the  shores  being  lined  with  carbonate  of  soda  for  miles.  A  few  miles 
below  this  we  struck  Pit  River,  the  longest  and  principal  branch  of 
the  Sacramento.  This  we  followed  down  through  a  fine  valley  for  a 
hundred  miles,  passing  a  hill  of  pure  carbonate  of  magnesia  fifty 
feet  high.  This  was  another  great  curiosity,  for  all  that  is  required 
is  to  take  out  large  and  beautiful  blocks  with  perfect  ease.  On  leav- 
ing Pit  River  we  came  into  pine  forests,  some  of  the  trees  two  hun- 
dred feet  high;  and  we  are  now  crossing  the  mountains  a  hundred 
miles  from  Lawson's  on  the  Sacramento,  where  we  expect  to  be  in 
three  days.  In  consequence  of  our  lengthened  route  our  provisions 
are  very  low,  and  for  ten  days  we  have  had  nothing  but  hard  bread 
and  coffee,  except  now  and  then  getting  a  poor,  lean  piece  of  beef, 
which  some  of  the  half -starved  emigrants  have  killed.  But  my  health 
is  as  good  as  it  ever  was,  and  I  can  endure  any  amount  of  fatigue.  I 
have  not  slept  in  a  tent  for  more  than  two  months,  and  in  these 
mountains  the  ice  is  a  quarter  of  an  inch  thick  every  morning;  I  lay 
on  the  ground  and  stand  it  well.  We  still  hear  encouraging  news 
from  the  mines,  and  have  met  some  Oregon  men  on  their  way  home. 
There  is  much  distress  among  emigrants  on  the  old  road.  The  grass 
is  gone,  their  provisions  have  failed,  many  cattle  died;  and  on  the 
forty-five-mile  desert,  I  have  learned  that  five  hundred  mules  and 
oxen  lay  dead  and  the  effluvia  has  made  much  sickness  among  the 
emigrants.  Many  with  families  of  little  children  are  suffering,  and 
those  behind  on  the  Humboldt  must  suffer  severely  if  not  perish. 
The  grass  is  now  gone  on  either  road  and  God  only  knows  how  the 
last  trains  can  get  along.  Many  will  go  to  Salt  Lake  to  winter,  some 
to  Oregon,  and  some  cannot  get  to  either  place.  Men  on  foot  daily 
pass  us  who  started  with  good  outfits  but  have  lost  all  and  are  now 
begging  their  way  through,  and  all  the  wagons  on  this  route  have 
scarcely  enough  for  themselves  as  it  is.  Some  pass  on  mules,  having 
left  wagon  and  baggage,  their  mules  being  too  weak  to  draw  their 
loads,  and  yet  it  is  worse  on  the  old  road.  It  may  have  been  the  best 
thing  for  us  that  we  took  this  road,  for,  except  the  first  sixty-five 
miles,  we  have  not  really  suffered,  and  that  we  might  have  provided 

3  High  Rock  Canyon,  Nevada. 


against  had  we  known  of  the  desert,  by  taking  along  grass  and 
water.  I  cannot  tell  you  in  a  letter  what  I  have  seen  or  passed 
through;  even  a  journal  is  too  limited;  yet  what  would  look  like 
hardship  at  home  proves,  on  trial,  to  be  no  hardship  after  we  get 
used  to  it.  I  have  written  you  every  chance,  but  there  has  been  no 
sure  one  since  I  left  Fort  Laramie  till  Charles  Fisher  overtook  us  on 
the  Humboldt.  I  wrote  by  him  and  entrusted  him  with  my  journal 
up  to  Fort  Hall,  as  he  was  going  direct  to  Sutter's  and  would  mail 
them.4 1  am  very  anxious  to  hear  from  you;  I  have  not  heard  a  word 
from  my  friends  since  the  day  I  left  Ottawa.  I  shall  write  as  often  as 
possible,  and  shall  not  close  this  until  I  reach  the  settlements.  We 
have  not  seen  a  house  for  four  and  a  half  months,  and  have  passed 
through  many  scenes  which  I  must  leave  to  recount  on  my  return. 
I  have  felt  quite  uneasy  about  you  during  the  sickly  season  but  hope 
to  be  assured  of  your  health  before  long. 

September  17. — At  length  I  am  in  the  settlements.  We  had  ar- 
rived to  within  a  little  over  fifty  miles  of  Lawson's,  and  the  road  lay 
over  barren  mountains,  and  it  was  necessary  for  our  train  to  lay 
over  a  day  or  two  at  the  last  grass,  and  I  concluded  to  walk  on. 
Taking  a  shirt  and  tying  the  ends  together  to  make  a  knapsack,  I 
shouldered  it,  together  with  my  blanket,  water-bottle  and  tin  cup, 
and  set  out  about  two  o'clock  p.m.  The  road  was  rocky  and  bad  all 
the  way,  with  long  hills  to  go  up  and  down,  and  water  only  at  long 
intervals,  and  then  in  deep  cahones  (ravines)  a  mile  from  the  road. 
I  walked  twelve  miles  and  came  up  with  a  Missouri  camp  with 
whom  I  was  acquainted,  and  they  invited  me  to  spend  the  night  with 
them.  This  was  the  last  water  for  twenty-two  miles.  In  the  morning 
I  started  on,  and  at  noon  kindled  a  fire  among  the  tall  pines  of  a 
dense  forest  and  made  a  cup  of  coffee  with  some  of  the  water  in  my 
flask.  I  was  now  on  an  elevated  ridge  one  hundred  feet  high  and  in 
many  places  only  wide  enough  for  a  road.  This  continued  for  six- 
teen miles,  and  at  four  o'clock  I  reached  a  watering  place  and  went 
a  mile  down  a  precipice  to  fill  my  bottle — a  very  laborious  task — 
and  then  went  on  two  miles.  Here  I  met  Colonel  Watkins,  of  whom 
I  have  spoken  in  my  journal  and  with  whom  I  have  traveled  a  great 
deal.5  He  insisted  on  my  taking  up  quarters  with  him  for  the  night, 

4  Charles  A.  Fisher,  of  Ottawa,  was  given  the  first  part  of  Delano's  journal,  covering 
May  22 — July  17,  but  apparently  the  Free  Trader  never  received  it.  The  second  part, 
however,  July  18 — September  16,  was  published  in  that  paper.  Free  Trader,  February  2- 
9,  1850.  Fisher  was  reported  as  having  gone  to  the  Yuba  River  mines.  Ibid.,  December  7, 

5  Joseph  S.  Watkins.  After  attending  Washington  and  Lee  University,  1804-1806,  he  ac- 
quired the  title  of  "Colonel."  He  served  in  the  House  of  Burgesses  for  Goochland  County, 
Virginia,  1820-1825  and  1826-1839,  then  migrated  to  Memphis,  Tennessee,  and  Missouri. 
He  was  reported  as  residing  in  California  in  1857;  from  there  he  went  to  Texas,  where  he 
was  a  farmer  and  a  leader  of  the  Democratic  Party.  Delano  lauded  Watkins'  "prominent 
philanthropic  goodness  of  heart."  Across  the  Plains,  33;  San  Francisco  Aha  California, 
April  27,  1857;  Catalogue  of  the  Officers  and  Alumni  of  Washington  and  Lee  University, 
Lexington,  Virginia,  1749-1888,  p.  59;  Register  of  the  General  Assembly  of  Virginia, 


but  his  train  had  not  one  drop  of  water.  From  that  in  my  flask  we 
made  a  cup  of  tea  and  we  were  soon  sleeping  soundly  on  the 
ground.  I  preferred  sleeping  near  a  camp,  for  this  forest  swarms 
with  grizzly  bears  and  large  wolves  and  panthers,  their  tracks  being 
very  frequent  in  the  road.  In  the  morning  we  had  a  very  little  tea 
from  the  water  left,  though  two  of  his  men  walked  four  miles  after 
night  and  got  a  pailful.  I  then  walked  eight  miles,  where  I  went 
down  a  still  more  steep  precipice  to  a  creek,  kindled  a  fire  and  made 
another  good  cup  of  coffee,  which  revived  me  very  much.  About  two 
o'clock  I  reached  the  Sacramento  Valley,  and  at  five  I  came  in  sight 
of  the  first  house,  belonging  to  Colonel  Davis,  of  Tennessee.0  It 
seemed  strange  to  see  habits  of  civilization  again,  and  I  hardly  knew 
what  to  say  or  do  when  I  reached  it.  A  mile  below  was  Lawson's, 
and  the  plain  was  dotted  with  tents,  wagons,  and  cattle  of  the  emi- 
grants and  those  going  to  the  gold  mines  from  below.  My  first 
thought  was  for  something  to  eat;  I  bought  a  pound  of  the  best  beef 
I  ever  saw,  a  pound  of  sugar,  a  quarter  pound  of  cheese,  four  bis- 
cuits, and  a  little  salt,  then  went  to  cooking  and  fared  sumptuously. 
Flour  is  selling  here  at  $50  per  100;  beef  35c.  per  lb.;  sugar,  50c; 
cheese,  $1.50  per  lb.  I  paid  10c.  for  two  tablespoons  full  of  salt. 
These  things  are  much  cheaper  at  Sutter's,  now  called  Sacramento 
City;  but  here  they  sell  at  any  price,  as  emigrants  come  in  hungry 
and  destitute  of  provisions.  My  train  will  be  in  tonight  or  in  the 
morning,  and  I  think  my  first  move  will  be  to  go  to  the  city  to  raise 
some  provisions.  As  for  the  prospects  of  mining,  all  agree  that  it 
ranges  from  eight  to  a  thousand  dollars  per  day.  If  you  get  a  good 
place,  a  few  hours  will  yield  hundreds,  perhaps  thousands,  but  after 
getting  the  hang  of  the  barn  you  are  sure  of  eight  dollars.  This  is  the 
lowest  that  I  have  heard.  Of  course  at  this  time  I  can  say  but  little 
about  it,  but  in  the  course  of  three  or  four  weeks  shall  know  more. 
There  are  various  ways  of  making  money,  and  my  team  will  be 
worth  a  great  deal  to  me  either  to  haul  loads  or  for  beef.  The  latter 
is  said  to  be  worth  a  dollar  per  pound  in  the  mines.  If  I  go  to  the 
city  I  shall  write  to  you  from  there.  You  will  direct  all  letters  to  me 
to  Sacramento  City,  where,  I  am  told,  there  is  a  post  office.  From 
what  I  can  learn  at  this  early  date  the  prospects  are  very  encourag- 
ing, and  I  do  not  doubt  of  doing  my  share.  It  has  been  very  sickly 
in  the  Valley,  but  the  season  is  about  over  and  we  have  got  in  about 
the  right  time. 

This  is  nothing  but  a  trading  post  of  two  families,  Lawson  and 
Davis.  They  live  in  low,  mean,  mud  houses  of  unburnt  brick 

6  Peter  L.  Davis  (1798-1867)  had  a  plot  on  the  north  side  of  Deer  Creek,  a  mile  east  of 
Lassen's.  Born  at  Asheville,  North  Carolina,  he  came  to  the  Feather  River  via  the  Lassen 
Trail  in  October,  1848.  Beginning  in  1850,  he  resided  successively  in  Santa  Clara,  San 
Joaquin,  and  Humboldt  counties.  Sacramento  Union,  June  26,  1867;  San  Francisco  Alta 
California,  July  1,  1867;  History  of  Santa  Clara  County  (San  Francisco,  1881),  659; 
Bancroft,  History  of  California,  II,  776. 


My  health  never  was  better,  and  my  ambition  to  be  making 
something  is  equally  as  good.  I  shall  soon  write  you  again  and  I 
hope  to  know  more  of  the  gold  region.  I  have  been  unable  while  on 
the  road  to  write  to  any  of  my  friends,  but  shall  now  embrace  my 
first  leisure  to  do  so. 
God  bless  you.  I  am 

Affectionately  yours, 

A.  Delano. 

Sacramento  City, 
Two  miles  from  Sutter's  Fort,  September  30,  1849.1 

Messrs.  Editors — I  have  been  here  four  days  and  am  on  the  point 
of  leaving  for  the  Upper  Sacramento.  I  have  much  information  to 
write  you  at  my  first  leisure.  It  has  been  with  much  difficulty  that  I 
have  written  at  all,  our  labors  have  been  so  severe,  and  it  has  been 
done  chiefly  at  our  noon  halts  under  the  shade  of  our  wagon.  The 
Valley  has  been  much  misrepresented  by  writers  with  regard  to 
beauty  and  fertility.  I  would  not  exchange  a  good  farm  on  one  of  our 
rich  prairies  for  the  whole  of  it;  and  instead  of  the  beautiful  Italian 
sky,  it  is  smoky  and  unserene.  The  grass  is  dry  and  parched,  with 
nothing  green  but  the  leaves  of  the  oaks.2  But  there  is  gold  in  the 
mountains  and  opportunities  for  making  money  beyond  anything  I 
ever  saw.  The  mines  for  six  hundred  miles  are  yielding  well,  though 
it  is  a  kind  of  lottery  in  finding  rich  leads.  Many  are  discouraged  at 
not  finding  it  plenty  enough  to  scrape  up,  and  are  disgusted  and 
leaving  for  home;  many  have  been  sick,  made  so  by  imprudent  ex- 
posure and  living. — New  mines  are  being  discovered  even  up  in  the 
Cascade  Mountains.  I  do  not  regret  coming,  and  shall  remain,  for 
I  can  make  something;  so  can  anybody  who  will  work.  I  hope  you 
have  received  the  other  portions  of  my  journal  which  have  all  been 
duly  sent.3  Letters  and  papers  I  wish  directed  to  me  at  Sacramento 
City,  as  there  is  a  post  office  here.  One  word  to  all:  Let  no  man 
come  here  who  will  not  be  willing  to  work  steadily.  As  near  as  I  can 
learn,  a  kind  of  average  is  about  one  ounce  per  day,  though  I  have 
seen  many  who  have  not  made  more  than  five  to  ten  dollars,  while 
many  have  made  and  are  making  hundreds — thousands — in  a  few 
hours.  You  may  dig  a  week  and  do  little  or  nothing,  and  this  dis- 
courages many,  and  they  leave  disgusted;  but  all  say  the  wheel  will 

1  Free  Trader,  February  2,  1850. 

2  This  dispa 
frankly  con] 

3  Cf.  p.  19. 

2  This  disparaging  view  of  California  is  repeated  in  succeeding  letters.  But  in  1852  Delano 
frankly  confessed  his  error.  Cf.  p.  142. 


turn,  keep  digging.  I  shall  be  gone  above  about  a  month  and  in  the 
time  will  try  to  give  you  a  true  and  impartial  statement  of  things  as 
they  are  without  any  poetry.  The  South  Bend  and  Hennepin 4  com- 
panies are  all  in  safe,  and  I  have  met  several  old  friends  who  emi- 
grated to  Oregon  some  years  before.  Our  company  has  separated; 
most  of  them  gone  to  the  Yuba  mines,  some  to  the  Sacramento,  and 

Truly  yours, 

A.  Delano. 

4  South  Bend,  Indiana,  and  Hennepin,  Illinois. 

Upper  Diggings, 
Feather  River,  October  12,  1849.1 

Dear  sir — I  have  tried  a  long  time  to  write  you,  but,  since  crossing 
the  Missouri  River,  either  sickness,  extreme  fatigue,  or  constant 
labor  have  totally  prevented  me.  I  have  scarcely  been  able  to  write 
to  my  own  family;  and  I  have  been  compelled  to  make  my  journal, 
hastily  written,  subserve  the  place  of  correspondence  to  my  most 
intimate  friends,  to  whom  I  hoped  and  intended  to  have  written 
frequently.  You  can  form  no  idea  of  the  labor,  fatigue,  trials  and 
patience  of  an  overland  journey  to  this  country.  While  traveling 
along  the  Platte  for  hundreds  of  miles,  cold  and  rainy  weather  be- 
numb your  fingers  while  pitching  tents,  guarding  cattle,  preparing 
meals,  gathering  fuel  so  scantily  distributed,  and  a  thousand  et 
ceteras  blunt  your  faculties;  and  when  the  hour  of  quiet  arrives  at 
dark,  you  sink  on  your  hard  couch  exhausted.  It  is  the  same  when 
you  reach  the  burning  sand  after  passing  the  Platte;  and,  in  addi- 
tion to  this,  while  traveling  down  the  Humboldt  (or  Mary's  River) 
the  utmost  vigilance  is  required  to  keep  marauding  bands  of  Indians 
from  stealing  or  maiming  your  cattle;  and  you  become  wearied  and 
worn  out,  so  that  if  you  lay  over  a  day,  you  cannot  collect  sufficient 
energy  scarcely  to  wash  a  shirt  or  mend  your  ragged  and  dilapidated 
garments.  Any  man  who  makes  a  trip  by  land  to  California  deserves 
to  find  a  fortune.  The  most  of  my  writing  has  been  done  at  our  noon 
halts,  often  in  the  burning  sun,  for  the  little  shade  afforded  by  the 

1  Free  Trader,  February  2,  1850.  The  superscription  reads:  "The  following  letter  from 
Mr.  Delano  was  addressed  to  Sheriff  Hurlbut,  of  this  place,  through  whose  politeness  we 
are  permitted  to  publish  it."  Henry  Hurlbut  was  sheriff  of  La  Salle  County,  1846-1851. 
Ottawa:  Old  and  New,  12. 

This  letter  was  probably  written  at  Dawlytown,  a  camp  at  the  lower  end  of  Bidwell 
Bar  on  the  South  Fork  of  the  Feather,  where  Delano  had  opened  a  store  with  F.  C. 
Pomeroy  on  October  10th.  Across  the  Plains,  109,  112;  Phil  T.  Hanna,  "Dawlytown," 
Dictionary  of  California  Land  Names  (Los  Angeles,  1946). 


wagon  would  be  occupied  by  the  wearied  men.  But  we  have  got 
safely  through  without  losing  or  laming  any  of  our  cattle,  a  some- 
what unusual  circumstance,  and  no  serious  mishap  occurred  except 
running  short  of  provisions  and  living  about  three  weeks  on  hard, 
dry  bread  and  coffee.  My  journal,  published  in  the  Free  Trader,2 
will  give  you  a  general  outline  of  our  daily  marches  and  adventures 
by  the  way;  so  I  will  not  speak  of  them  here.  We  made  two  grand 
errors:  first,  in  taking  the  Nemaha  Cut-off,3  which  put  us  back 
eight  or  ten  days;  and  next,  leaving  the  Mary's  River  and  taking  the 
Oregon  and  California  Trail,4  by  which  we  lost  three  weeks'  time  in 
getting  in,  and  on  account  of  which  we  ran  short  of  provisions  and 
had  to  pass  four  hundred  miles  through  hostile  Indians  that  kept  us 
on  the  lookout  day  and  night.  The  Valley  of  the  Sacramento,  in- 
stead of  being  such  a  delightful  region  with  its  perennial  spring,  its 
blooming  flowers,  and  clear  sky,  we  found  to  be  parched  with 
drought,  the  grass  dried  to  a  crisp,  the  earth  filled  with  wide  cracks 
from  the  effects  of  a  scorching  sun  and  months  without  rain;  indeed 
I  have  seen  no  rain  from  the  1st  day  of  July  to  the  9th  day  of  Octo- 
ber, and  there  was  nothing  green  for  over  a  hundred  miles  that  I 
have  traveled  except  the  oak  and  willow  that  line  the  banks  of  the 
streams.  The  atmosphere  has  been  so  smoky  that  I  could  rarely  see 
the  high  mountains  on  either  side  of  the  Valley  from  the  road, 
though  only  a  few  miles  distant;  while  the  nights  have  been  uncom- 
fortably cold  (without  frost),  the  days  often  burning  hot.  The  soil 
in  the  immediate  neighborhood  of  streams  is  no  doubt  good — equal 
to,  though  not  better  than,  our  prairies;  but  only  one  crop  can  be 
raised  in  a  year  on  account  of  the  drought.  No  doubt  a  change  ap- 
pears in  the  spring.  During  the  rainy  season  all  the  low  grounds  are 
overflowed,  while  the  deep  soil,  where  it  is  more  elevated,  becomes 
so  muddy  that  all  communication  ceases  by  teams  and  often  for 
horses.  It  begins  to  rain  in  November  usually,  sometimes  before,  but 
business  can  be  carried  on  till  Christmas  or  the  1st  of  January,  and 
during  the  month  of  February  it  is  generally  too  wet  to  do  outdoor 
work.  Spring  opens  in  March.  Winter  crops  are  put  in  the  ground  in 
October  or  November,  and  they  mature  before  the  extreme  heat  of 
summer  comes  on.  But  California  is  not  destined  to  be  an  agricul- 
tural country  so  long  as  the  mines  are  productive.  The  high  price  of 
labor  will  make  the  cost  of  grain  much  higher  than  it  can  be  supplied 
from  the  States,  and  breadstuffs  will  continue  to  be  imported  prob- 
ably for  many  years.  But  I  suppose  you  desire  to  hear  particularly 
about  the  gold  region  and  the  chances  of  getting  gold.  The  result 
of  my  short  residence  here  is  this,  and  I  think  I  am  not  far  out  of  the 
way:  Gold  exists  no  doubt  in  large  quantities  in  the  mountains  and 

2Cf.  p.  19. 

3  A  name  apparently  ironically  applied  to  the  route  followed  by  the  party  from  the 
Missouri  to  the  Platte.  Across  the  Plains,  15-16. 

4  I.e.,  the  Lassen  Trail. 


is  washed  down  into  the  rivers  and  creeks  by  the  annual  floods.  New 
discoveries  are  being  made  all  the  while,  but  it  is  not  every  man  who 
comes  here  that  will  return  rich.  It  is  a  kind  of  lottery.  All  are  mak- 
ing some,  and  many  are  making  fortunes,  probably  as  many  as  ever. 
In  following  the  streams,  the  bars  and  low  places  near  the  river  are 
searched  where  the  slate  rock  comes  to  or  near  the  surface.  The 
rock  catches  the  flakes  in  its  crevices  as  it  is  washed  down;  so  that 
you  will  perceive  at  once  that  in  some  places  there  will  be  more  than 
in  others,  while  in  some  there  will  be  none.  Where  you  think  it  may 
be,  you  take  off  the  top  soil,  stones,  and  sand  or  fine  gravel,  and 
scoop  up  all  the  sand  and  dirt  near  the  rock  and  in  the  crevices;  this 
you  wash,  and  a  few  pans  full  will  show  whether  there  is  gold  there 
or  not.  The  gold  sinks  to  the  bottom,  being  heavier  than  gravel  or 
sand.  Sometimes  a  new  beginner  may  work  a  week  and  not  pay  his 
board;  but  he  must  learn  the  trade  of  washing  and  judging  where  it 
may  lay,  and  he  is  sure  to  get  something.  Many  get  discouraged  and 
go  to  other  mines,  while  others  work  for  weeks  and  make  only  five 
or  ten  dollars  a  day,  and  others  strike  a  good  lead  and  take  out  sev- 
eral thousand  dollars  in  a  few  days.  On  this  river  many  wing-dams 
have  been  made  and  in  all  cases,  so  far,  have  yielded  a  rich  return. 
Four  men  may  make  a  dam  in  one  to  two  weeks  and  with  the  cradle 
and  pan  wash  out  large  amounts.  The  stories  you  generally  hear  at 
home  are  of  the  lucky  ones;  those  who  have  worked  for  weeks  and 
have  only  cleared  a  small  sum  are  not  reported,  and  these  are  many. 
They  become  discouraged  at  one  place  and  go  to  some  other,  where 
the  same  thing  occurs,  or  they  may  strike  a  rich  lead  and  do  well, 
while  others,  coming  to  the  mines  that  have  just  been  abandoned, 
may  do  equally  well.  One  day  a  man  got  $50,  the  next,  perhaps, 
nothing;  and  so  it  goes.  There  seems,  then,  to  be  but  one  way  to 
work  in  the  mines,  and  that  is  to  stick  to  it  till  your  turn  and  time 
comes,  and  be  not  discouraged  because  you  are  getting  nothing  and 
the  man  within  three  feet  of  you  is  taking  out  $100  per  day.  The 
work  is  not  more  laborious  than  digging  at  home,  about  the  same; 
and  the  man  who  can  dig  there  all  day  can  do  the  same  here,  and 
men  unused  to  it  must  become  inured  to  it.  Wages  paid  in  these 
mines  for  washing  is  from  $8  to  $10  per  day — $8  and  $10  and 
found — at  $12  the  man  finds  himself.  Board  in  the  mines  $3  to  $4 
per  day,  which  leaves  about  $8  clear.  I  think  the  price  of  labor  may 
decline  some  when  the  whole  emigration  gets  in,  though  it  will  al- 
ways be  high.  Hauling  provisions  and  teaming  generally  has  paid 
more  than  well.  Early  in  the  season  a  man  could  get  $800  to  take 
3,000  lbs.  to  the  mines;  but  prices  have  been  reduced  now  to  $20  to 
$30  per  100  lbs.  Last  spring  cattle  were  very  high,  $2,000  being 
offered  for  three  yoke  and  a  wagon  and  refused,  very  properly  too, 
for  two  loads  would  pay  it.  Now,  however,  they  are  cheaper:  oxen 
sell  for  from  $40  to  $80  per  yoke,  and  a  good  wagon  $80  to  $100. 


This  change  is  produced  by  the  number  driven  in  from  the  States. 
Mules  are  in  demand  at  from  $125  to  $200,  and  some  even  $300. 1 
could  tell  you  of  men  who  are  taking  out  from  $500  to  $1,000  per 
day,  but  I  could  also  tell  you  of  men  who  have  labored  three  months 
in  the  mines  and  have  made  but  little  over  expenses.  There  are  other 
ways  of  making  money  here  besides  digging  gold:  laboring  men  do 
well;  a  man  with  a  good  team  has  a  good  capital  to  work  on;  and 
mechanics,  especially  carpenters,  do  well.  The  climate,  I  think,  is 
unhealthy  for  northern  men.  There  has  been  much  sickness,  not 
only  in  the  mines,  but  in  the  country  generally;  dysentery,  blood 
flux,  ague  and  chill-fever  are  plenty.  These  yield  readily  to  proper 
remedies  if  taken  in  season,  much  the  same  as  in  Illinois. — This  is 
about  the  state  of  things  as  they  now  stand.  In  the  city  (Sacramento, 
at  Sutter's  Fort)  speculation  has  become  the  order  of  the  day;  many 
men  have  realized  fortunes  in  a  few  weeks,  but  that  time  is  passed, 
for  lots  have  run  up  far  above  their  value.  Lots  which  sold  four 
months  ago  for  $200  are  now  held  at  $10,000.  One  hotel  rents  for 
$1,500  per  month,  another  $1,000;  one  eating  and  drinking  estab- 
lishment for  $80,  and  so  on.  When  the  rainy  season  comes  on,  near- 
ly all  the  town  will  be  inundated,  and  they  will  have  to  move  off 
towards  the  Fort  till  spring.  Lots  will  then  fall,  I  think.  In  the  city 
the  buildings  are  chiefly  made  of  cloth,  so  that  they  can  easily  be 
taken  down  and  replaced  in  the  spring.  Provisions  there  are  low,  all 
things  considered,  and  they  sell  in  the  mines  at  about  200  per  cent, 
profit,  though  the  advance  varies  according  to  the  distance  and  the 
facilities  of  getting  to  the  mines.  Where  I  am  teams  nor  mules  can 
go  any  farther  up,  and  men  are  at  work  about  ten  miles  above,  but 
they  have  to  pack  their  provisions  over  rocks  and  passes  where  no 
road  can  be  made.  The  gold  found  here  is  very  pure;  it  exists  in  fine 
scales,  but  higher  up  it  is  coarser.  The  dry  diggings  have  not  been 
worked  recently,  but  will  be  this  winter  as  soon  as  there  is  water 
enough  in  the  ravines  to  wash  with.  To  those  who  wish  to  come  I 
would  recommend  the  route  by  the  Isthmus  or  around  the  Cape, 
for,  disagreeable  as  it  may  be,  they  will  suffer  less  than  by  an  over- 
land trip;  but  whoever  comes,  let  him  not  think  of  returning  in  less 
than  two  years,  for  it  will  take  that  time  to  bring  matters  around 
right.  I  have  made  something  and  am  getting  matters  in  a  train  to 
make  more,  I  hope. 

A.  Delano. 

P.S. — October  23.5 — I  came  down  from  the  mines  for  a  new 
supply  of  provisions  today.  I  find  them  fifty  per  cent,  higher  than 
when  I  was  here  before. 

5  This  postscript  was  probably  written  at  Sacramento.  Across  the  Plains,  112-119. 



Valley  of  the  Sacramento, 
November  19,  1849.1 

Dear  Free  Trader: — I  take  the  first  leisure  moment  that  I  have  had 
since  my  arrival  in  this  Paradise  of  California  to  redeem  the  promise 
I  made  of  giving  you  what  I  know  to  be  facts  of  this  much-praised 
country  and  of  the  charming  Valley  of  the  Sacramento,  and  the 
leisure  which  I  now  enjoy  is  forced  upon  me  by  the  rains  and  the 
utter  impossibility  of  operating  during  the  autumn.  We  had  been  led 
to  believe  that  on  reaching  the  Valley  we  should  find  a  delightful 
climate,  green  with  flowers  and  ever-blooming  herbage,  a  luxuriant 
soil  unsurpassed  by  any  in  the  world.  It  was  the  1 6th  of  September 
when  I  first  set  foot  upon  the  Sacramento  Valley.  The  sun  was  burn- 
ing hot,  the  grass  was  dry  and  crisp,  with  no  vegetation  except  upon 
the  immediate  banks  of  the  stream,  where  the  scrubby  oaks  still  re- 
tained their  verdure  from  the  effects  of  the  water  which  the  thirsty 
soil  soaked  up,  and  the  whole  Valley  looked  as  dry  and  vegetation 
as  dead  to  all  intents  and  purposes  as  you  ever  saw  it  in  the  States 
upon  the  approach  of  winter  or  a  long  continued  drought.  For  miles 
in  many  places  there  were  large  and  deep  cracks  in  the  earth  pro- 
duced by  the  glowing  sun,  and  we  found  no  water  along  the  road 

1  Free  Trader,  March  30,  1850.  This  letter  must  have  been  written  at  Mud  Hill,  near 
Oroville,  where  Delano  was  weather-bound  most  of  November.  Across  the  Plains,  113- 


often  for  fifteen  and  twenty  miles  when  we  came  to  a  creek  or  river, 
except  now  and  then  a  muddy  pond  hole  so  brackish  as  to  be  used 
only  from  absolute  necessity.  The  Valley  may  be  from  thirty  to  forty 
miles  wide  in  many  places,  but  not  always.  The  road  down  the 
Valley  from  Lawson's  to  Sacramento  City  approaches  occasionally 
within  ten  to  fifteen  miles  of  the  California  (and  Gold)  mountains, 
but  the  atmosphere  was  so  hazy  that  I  could  not  distinguish  their 
outline  and  often  could  not  see  them  at  all  even  in  that  short  dis- 
tance, and  but  once  since  I  have  been  in  the  Valley — the  13th  of 
November,  has  it  been  clear  enough  to  see  the  Coast  Range  and 
both  sides  of  the  Valley  distinctly.  Whether  this  is  always  the  case 
or  not  I  do  not  pretend  to  know;  I  simply  state  the  case  as  I  saw  it 
this  fall.  In  passing  ranchos  and  on  my  arrival  at  the  city,  I  saw 
more  sickness  from  fever  and  chill  and  flux  than  I  ever  saw  before, 
and  Mr.  Bryant  in  speaking  of  the  salubrity  of  the  climate,  says  that 
dead  cattle  emit  no  offensive  smell  but  dry  up.2  This  is  not  so;  ani- 
mal matter  decays  as  soon  and  emits  as  offensive  an  effluvia  here  as 
at  home,  though  no  dew  falls  during  the  long  dry  season,  so  that 
sleeping  outdoors  is  not  unpleasant.  The  days  are  excessively  warm 
and  the  nights  become  so  cool  towards  morning  that  extra  clothing 
is  necessary  for  comfort.  We  supposed  that  the  labor  of  crossing  the 
plains  would  have  fitted  emigrants  to  bear  the  climate  better  than 
those  who  came  by  sea.  But  so  far  as  my  observation  goes,  there 
was  no  difference.  All  suffered  sickness  alike,  and  one  was  as  likely 
to  be  taken  down  as  another.  And  thousands  were  sick,  and  still  are. 
Indian  corn  and  potatoes  do  not  thrive  well,  though  they  can  be 
raised,  and  but  one  crop  of  wheat  can  be  raised  in  a  year. 

If  there  is  rain,  enough  wheat  will  grow  without  irrigation;  other- 
wise the  land  must  be  watered.  To  sum  it  all  up,  it  is  no  agricultural 
country,  it  will  not  compare  with  the  western  prairie,  and  its  chief 
value  consists  in  the  mines.  The  mountains  are  a  barren  waste  which 
cannot  be  cultivated,  and  the  Valley  is  an  arid  plain  unfit  for  an 
agriculturalist  to  spend  his  time  and  labor  upon.  The  ranchos  are 
from  ten  to  twenty  miles  apart.  These  are  rude  houses  without 
floors,  built  of  sun-dried  brick,  owned  by  men  either  squatting  on 
the  land  or  by  those  holding  a  grant  from  the  Mexican  governors  of 
California,  a  dubious  title  which  the  U.  S.  Government  may  or  may 
not  recognize.  These  men  claim  from  ten  to  one  hundred  leagues  of 

2  Edwin  Bryant  (1805-1869)  was  the  author  of  a  very  popular  guidebook  entitled  What 
I  Saw  in  California — Being  a  Journal  of  a  Tour  of  the  Emigrant  Route  and  South  Pass  of 
the  Rocky  Mountains  across  the  Continent  of  North  America,  the  Great  Desert  Basin, 
and  through  California,  in  1846  and  '47  (Philadelphia,  1848).  The  book  was  reprinted 
many  times.  One  passage  reads:  "The  atmosphere  is  so  pure  and  preservative  along  the 
coast,  that  I  never  saw  putrified  flesh;  although  I  have  seen,  in  midsummer,  dead  carcasses 
lying  exposed  to  the  sun  and  weather  for  months,  they  emitted  no  offensive  smell.  There 
is  but  little  disease  in  the  country  arising  from  the  climate"  (Chap.  XXXVIII).  In  later 
letters  Delano  again  attacks  these  and  other  views,  mainly  of  California's  scenery  and 
agricultural  future.  Cf.  Chap.  XXIX.  For  Bryant's  career,  see  Appletons'  Cyclopaedia  of 
American  Biography  (7  vols.,  New  York,  1887-1900). 


land,  making  a  landed  aristocracy  which  must  control  the  country  if 
their  claim  is  recognized  by  our  Government,  and  which  will  event- 
ually produce  much  disturbance  unless  the  U.  S.  buy  them  out. 
Should  their  claims  not  be  acknowledged,  the  titles  to  the  lots  sold 
in  San  Francisco,  Sacramento  City  and  other  places  are  good  for 
nothing  and  can  be  held  only  by  pre-emption,  and  this  will  open  a 
wide  door  for  litigation  and  trouble.3  Near  each  ranch  is  generally  a 
village  of  Indians.4 — These  are  for  the  most  part  perfectly  naked  at 
all  seasons  of  the  year,  the  women  having  only  a  small  tuft  of  grass 
before  them,  though  those  employed  about  the  house  are  dressed  "a 
la  Americain,"  but  I  have  seen  scores  of  men  lounging  around  a 
ranch  as  naked  as  they  were  born,  where  were  several  women  of  the 
household.  A  more  filthy  and  disgusting  class  of  human  beings  you 
cannot  well  conceive.  They  are  dark-skinned,  nearly  as  dark  as  a 
negro,  covered  with  dust,  living  upon  acorns,  wild  fruit  and  fish.  They 
have  nothing  of  the  noble  bearing  of  the  Indians  east  of  the  Rocky 
Mountains,  and  they  seem  to  be  only  a  few  degrees  removed  from 
brutes.  Their  dwellings  resemble  almost  exactly  large  coal  pits  where 
wood  is  charred;  a  hole  is  dug  in  the  ground,  a  circular  framework  is 
built,  and  this  is  covered  with  dirt  six  or  eight  feet  high,  with  a  small 
hole  at  the  base  to  creep  in  and  out  of,  and  another  at  the  top  to  let 
out  the  smoke.  You  will  always  see  numbers  of  men  sitting  on  the 
tops  of  their  hives  sunning  themselves,  while  the  squaws  are  gener- 
ally engaged  in  preparing  their  acorn  flour  or  in  weaving  baskets 
and  pans,  in  which  they  are  very  ingenious.  They  make  them  per- 
fectly watertight.  Their  acorns  are  dried,  then  pounded  fine  and 
mixed  with  some  kind  of  berries,  making  a  kind  of  bread  which  is  by 
no  means  unpalatable,  but  it  requires  a  man  who  has  the  courage  to 
eat  a  rattlesnake  to  taste  it.  In  fact,  a  man  must  cross  the  plains  be- 
fore he  can  summon  resolution  to  eat  it,  especially  after  seeing  them 
prepare  it.  The  men  are  very  expert  in  spearing  salmon,  of  which 
there  is  the  finest  here  I  ever  saw,  and  very  abundant.  They  are  now 
frequently  employed  in  the  mines  for  a  mere  trifle,  and  such  gener- 
ally contrive  to  get  a  shirt,  and  a  few  get  rich  enough  to  buy  a  coat 
and  pantaloons,  but  since  the  rains  have  set  in  I  have  seen  hundreds 
of  them  wading  the  streams  for  fish  or  traveling  on  the  plain  naked, 
and  paying  no  more  regard  to  the  wet  chilly  storm  than  dumb 
beasts.  In  the  Valley  they  are  now  inoffensive,  as  the  number  of 
whites  overawe  them,  but  in  the  mountains  they  sometimes  give  the 
miners  trouble  and  some  collisions  have  taken  place.  Those  in  the 

3  Delano  anticipates  here  the  Sacramento  Squatter  Riots  of  1850,  involving  the  proponents 
and  opponents  of  Sutter's  Mexican  land  title  and  resulting  in  considerable  bloodshed.  In 
general,  the  validity  of  Mexican  titles  was  maintained.  Sacramento  Transcript,  August  15- 
16,  1850;  Josiah  Royce,  "The  Squatter  Riots  of  '50  in  Sacramento,"  Overland  Monthly, 
VI  (Second  Series),  No.  33  (September,  1885),  226-246. 

4  Maidu  Indians.  A.  L.  Koeber,  Handbook  of  the  Indians  of  California  (Washington, 
1925),  391-441. 


mountains  are  treacherous  and  unsafe,  and  will  be  until  they  become 
acquainted  with  the  power  and  strength  of  their  Anglo-Saxon  neigh- 
bors.— And  now  for  the  real  value  of  California,  the  staple  com- 
modity which  has  made  it  an  El  Dorado,  and  the  only  thing  which 
renders  it  of  consequence  in  a  commercial  point  of  view  and  which 
has  induced  so  many  to  leave  home  and  friends,  to  encounter  hard- 
ships, sickness  and  privation,  and  finally  to  lay  their  bones  in  the 
lonely  dells  or  high  mountain  tops  of  this  volcanic  and  sunburned 
country,  so  far  from  home  and  kindred — Gold  is  the  talisman.  Gold 
is  the  lamp  of  Aladdin.  Gold  is  the  magic  wand.  And  it  is  here,  but 
how  few,  alas!  of  that  mighty  throng  that  passed  the  plains  will  have 
their  dreams  of  wealth  realized.  Many  have  made  fortunes,  many 
are  still  doing  so,  but  you  do  not  hear  of  those  who  do  not  get 
enough  to  pay  their  board,  of  those  whom  disease  has  prostrated  in 
the  mines  before  they  have  dug  an  ounce,  and  the  difficulties  to  be 
encountered  before  it  can  be  obtained. 

I  shall  tell  you  the  whole  story  as  I  see  it,  and  then  let  those  come 
who  wish  to.  I  will  give  no  advice.  I  will  neither  discourage  nor  ad- 
vise anyone  to  come.  They  may  come  and  get  rich,  or  they  may 
come  and  remain  poor,  and  they  may  die. 

The  gold  appears  to  lay  in  the  mountains  in  a  certain  range  run- 
ning north  and  south.  Fine  gold  is  found  at  the  foot  of  the  moun- 
tains, in  the  streams  and  ravines,  being  washed  by  the  floods  from 
higher  points.  At  about  the  same  range  and  depth  of  ravines  from 
twenty  to  thirty  miles  from  the  Valley  coarse  gold  or  lumps  are 
found,  and  although  everybody  run  to  the  rivers  and  go  up  as  high 
as  they  can,  the  fact  seems  to  have  been  generally  overlooked  that 
it  exists  in  the  same  range  where  the  depth  of  ravines  are  the  same. 

I  believe  a  man  may  go  anywhere  up  such  a  ravine  and  find  gold 
in  lumps,  and  this  range  extends  for  hundred  of  miles,  and  probably 
through  Oregon  and  on  into  Asia.  Much  is  said  of  gold  diggings  on 
Trinity  River,  which  heads  in  Klamath  Lake  and  flows  among  the 
Cascade  Mountains  to  the  Pacific.5  This  has  been  discovered  within 
the  last  season,  and  I  do  not  doubt  but  rich  mines  exist  there,  for 
the  upheaval  of  those  mountains  are  higher  and  the  dislocation  of 
strata  greater  than  in  the  California  mountains;  so  that  in  the  range 
the  gold  will  be  easily  come  at,  and  more  ravines  exist  to  work  in. 

It  has  been  found  impossible  hitherto  to  penetrate  very  high  up 
the  mountains  from  the  difficulty  of  getting  provisions  up,  and 
strong  parties  are  more  necessary  on  account  of  the  treacherous 
savages  who  inhabit  the  hills. 

But  passes  are  being  found  and  obstacles  overcome,  and  men  are 
working  their  way  gradually  up,  and  will  do  so  until  they  finally 
succeed  in  getting  to  the  highest  point  of  the  golden  range.  As  to 

5  Delano  is  in  error  here;  the  Trinity  River  rises  in  the  Scott  Mountains,  Trinity  County. 


the  amount  of  gold  which  exists  in  the  country,  it  has  not  perhaps 
been  much  exaggerated.  There  is  great  quantities,  but  the  difficulty 
of  obtaining  it  has  not  been  properly  understood  at  home,  nor  the 
trials  a  man  suffers  in  getting  it.  There  are  always  exceptions.  Some 
men  seem  "born  with  a  golden  spoon  in  their  mouths,"  but  the  great 
bulk  of  mankind  have  to  labor  for  it. — A  man  cannot  dig  gold 
without  something  to  eat,  nor  can  he  labor  unless  he  has  health  and 

Those  who  have  been  here  long  enough  to  get  well  prepared  can 
do  much  better  than  those  recently  arrived.  You  hear  of  men  pick- 
ing out  lumps  of  gold  from  the  crevices  of  the  rocks  as  if  all  they  had 
to  do  was  to  stoop  down  and  dig  it  out.  These  rocks  by  the  way  are 
in  the  beds  of  the  streams,  when  at  high  water  bars  are  formed  over 
them  often  five  or  six  feet.  Before  you  get  to  the  rocks  and  crevices 
you  have  to  remove  the  stones,  often  heavy  rocks,  gravel  and  dirt, 
to  the  whole  depth,  and  then  scoop  out  the  dirt  lodged  in  the  crev- 
ice, and  under  this  dirt  and  sand  or  mixed  with  it  lays  the  gold — 
sometimes  you  may  spend  a  day  or  two  in  getting  down  to  the  rock 
and  find  no  gold  there;  yet  you  may  make  a  good  strike  and  find 
thousands.  Bars  are  not  always  so  deep,  and  gold  is  found  too  dur- 
ing low  water,  when  the  rock  is  exposed,  but  there  is  always  dirt  in 
the  crevice  which  covers  the  gold,  and  to  obtain  this  it  is  frequently 
necessary  to  pry  up  large  masses  with  a  bar  or  lever  and  then  gather 
the  dust  and  wash  it. 

But  work  is  work,  at  home  as  well  as  here,  and  it  is  not  the  labor 
which  is  so  exceptionable,  for  all  do,  or  at  least  should  expect  to 
labor  hard  to  obtain  "the  dust."  There  are  difficulties  of  another 
kind  to  encounter  which  are  insurmountable. — From  July  to  Oc- 
tober the  weather  is  too  hot,  especially  in  the  mountain  gorges 
where  the  "winds  do  not  blow"  and  where  no  rain  falls  to  cool  the 
feverish  air,  to  work,  and  the  nights  are  often  cold,  giving  two  ex- 
tremes in  twenty-four  hours.  Chills  often  are  the  consequence  to 
those  who  attempt  to  brave  the  climate.  From  November — at  least 
from  the  1st  of  December  till  April — the  continued  rains  and  floods 
make  it  impossible  for  men  to  labor  but  little  of  the  time  without 
entailing  disease  upon  them,  and  when  a  man  gets  sick  in  the  mines, 
even  if  he  has  a  physician  and  medicine,  the  food  he  gets  is  not  of 
the  kind  required,  and  prices  of  attendance  and  of  necessaries  are 
so  high  that  a  month's  sickness  sweeps  off  a  "big  pile."  Physicians' 
charges  are  one  ounce  per  visit.  Nurses  charge  from  ten  dollars  up  to 
any  price.  As  miners  often  change  their  location,  a  great  variety  of 
provisions  cannot  be  carried,  and  the  essential  and  most  convenient 
ones  are  pork,  flour  and  salt.  This  diet,  long  continued,  produces 
scurvy,  of  which  I  have  known  and  seen  many  instances.  These  are 
the  general  difficulties,  and  I  now  proceed  to  facts  respecting  those 
who  have  come  in  the  present  season.  A  few  had  provisions  enough 


left  to  go  at  once  into  the  mines  on  their  arrival,  but  they  were  very 
few.  Some  of  these  have  done  well,  while  many  have  done  but  little. 
But  by  far  the  greatest  part  were  obliged  to  get  provisions  before 
they  could  make  a  step  towards  the  mines.  The  season  was  some- 
what advanced  before  they  arrived;  many  were  without  money  and 
had  to  go  to  work  to  earn  enough  before  they  could  buy  provisions. 
Others  rushed  to  the  mines  and  went  to  work  without  experience, 
depending  on  their  luck  for  subsistence.  Without  tents,  many  with- 
out blankets  to  shield  them  from  the  cold  night  air,  living  on  pork 
and  hard  bread,  with  a  burning  sun  by  day,  hundreds  were  stricken 
down  by  disease;  many  died,  while  others  were  unfitted  for  work  for 
the  rest  of  the  season.  On  my  arrival  at  the  mines  there  was  a  heavy 
rain  of  twelve  hours,  and  I  know  of  four  men  who  lay  out  in  it,  all 
of  whom  were  too  sick  with  chills  and  flux  to  sit  up.  I  let  my  own 
blanket  and  buffalo  skin  go  to  cover  one  man  from  the  storm  within 
two  hours  after  my  arrival.  His  bones  now  lay  on  the  mountain's 
side  where  the  cold  storm  will  trouble  him  no  more.  I  know  of  com- 
panies of  ten  to  fifteen  men  who  crossed  the  plains,  everyone  of 
whom  were  down  sick  at  once,  with  no  one  to  wait  on  them.  Some 
recovered  and  some  died. 

And  there  were  many  men  who  were  taken  sick  on  their  arrival, 
before  they  could  dig  an  ounce.  Four  men  passed  my  shanty,  where 
I  am  now  writing,  yesterday,  who  were  in  that  condition,  and  they 
are  trying  to  get  to  the  Coast,  hoping  to  find  a  change  of  climate 

My  friend  Chipman  has  been  unfortunate.6  I  have  just  learned 
that  he  was  taken  with  the  scurvy  on  the  road  and  now  hobbles 
about  on  crutches.  He  has  been  within  eight  miles  of  me  a  month, 
and  an  accident  only  made  us  acquainted  with  our  proximity.  I 
shall  see  him  tomorrow  and  minister  all  in  my  power  to  his  wants. 
And  those  who  went  to  the  city  for  supplies — about  the  time  of 
their  return  and  before  many  got  to  their  intended  diggings,  the 
rainy  season  set  in;  so  that  those  who  could  have  went  to  work  can 
do  but  little  till  next  spring — say  June,  when  they  must  start  off  for 
more  provisions;  yet  proper  arrangements  with  their  companies  will 
enable  them  to  do  something,  however.  My  own  adventures  will 
give  you  an  inkling  of  some  of  a  miner's  troubles,  which  I  will  give 
you  directly,  and  hundreds  are  at  this  moment  much  worse  off  than 
I  am. 

There  has  been  much  sickness,  not  only  in  the  mines  but  through 
the  Valley  generally,  and  a  good  deal  of  suffering — I  have  seen  it 
and  could  fill  sheets  with  individual  cases.  If  there  is  anything  like 
getting  acclimated  to  the  country,  the  emigrants  are  going  it  with  a 
rush,  Mr.  Bryant  to  the  contrary  notwithstanding.  Hundreds  are 

6  Otherwise  unidentified,  he  came  from  Ottawa  and  died  at  Long's  Bar  in  December, 
1849.  Across  the  Plains,  118. 


leaving  the  mines  on  account  of  the  scarcity  of  provisions.  The 
rainy  season  has  set  in,  and  there  are  not  provisions  enough  in  these 
mines  for  those  at  work;  of  those  who  leave  (and  scores  pass  by  my 
shanty  daily)  many  expect  to  support  themselves  by  labor  in  the 
city,  but  at  this  season  business  is  suspended  there,  and  they  will 
find  nothing  to  do  at  any  price,  and  I  do  not  believe  that  there  are 
tents  and  houses  enough  to  contain  the  throng  that  are  rushing  in. 
If  a  man  has  gold  enough  to  support  him  and  a  tent,  it  may  do  to  go 
to  the  city,  but  if  he  has  neither  he  may  die  of  want,  for  there  are  so 
many  cases  that  common  charity  cannot  relieve  them.  Yet,  strange 
enough,  it  is  the  best  country  to  make  money  in  I  ever  saw,  and  a 
man  who  can  and  will  work  is  pretty  sure  of  congressman's  wages, 
at  least  during  the  season  of  labor,  which  will  be  after  the  rains  and 
floods  are  over.  The  rains  have  played  the  deuce  with  the  calcula- 
tions of  a  good  many.  They  had  been  at  work  in  the  mines,  some 
successfully,  and  having  got  enough  to  purchase  supplies,  dis- 
patched a  team  after  them.  The  rains  have  come  on,  and  twenty- 
four  hours  have  made  the  roads  so  bad  in  this  beautiful  and  charm- 
ing Valley  that  they  are  either  fast  in  the  mud  on  the  Valley  plain, 
wealth-bound  on  the  bank  of  some  stream  or  slough,  or  trying  to 
count  the  stars  amid  the  fogs  and  clouds  of  the  first  hill.  The  latter 
is  my  case  precisely. — I  have  not  yet  found  out  exactly  how  many 
stars  there  are  in  the  Milky  Way,  but  I  know  within  a  few  feet  how 
deep  the  mud  is  between  me  and  my  camp  at  Bidwell  Bar,7  only 
ten  miles  distant.  Well,  I  lent  my  yoke  and  chains  today  to  a  man  to 
pull  an  ox  out  of  the  mud  that  got  mired  fast,  although  he  was  driv- 
ing his  cattle  unyoked  before  him,  and  this  is  on  a  side  hill  of  the 
mountain.  You  know  I  came  here  to  make  money.  On  my  arrival  at 
Lawson's,  the  two  men  who  had  engaged  to  work  a  year  for  me  that 
I  brought  through,  left  me  as  a  matter  of  course*  and  I  took  charge 
of  my  own  team.  On  reaching  the  city,  I  took  a  load  of  provisions 
and  started  off  for  some  place,  not  knowing  exactly  where,  but  to 
be  governed  by  circumstances.  The  third  day  I  lost  one  of  my  best 
oxen — strayed  and  got  lost  myself  in  hunting  for  him  in  a  tangled 
morass  where  the  brush,  pea  and  grape  vines  were  so  thick  as  to 
make  it  almost  impossible  to  get  through. 

I  got  out,  however,  after  a  half  day's  hard  labor,  but  did  not  find 
my  ox  and  was  compelled  to  buy  another.  Circumstances  directed 
me  to  the  Feather  River  mines,  and  I  cleared  six  hundred  dollars  in 
two  weeks  on  my  load,  and  started  for  the  city  about  the  20th  of 
October  for  a  recruit.  No  accident  occurred  in  going  down,  but  the 

7  Named  after  John  Bidwell  (1819-1900),  who  first  discovered  gold  on  the  Feather  River, 
in  1848.  A  native  of  Chautauqua,  New  York,  he  accompanied  the  first  emigrant  train  to 
go  overland  from  the  Missouri  to  California  (1841).  He  was  conspicuous  thereafter  as 
soldier,  landowner,  and  congressman.  Dictionary  of  American  Biography. 

8  Robert  Brown  and  Ebenezer  Smith.  Cf.  pp.  4,  6. 


day  before  reaching  the  Yuba  the  3rd  of  November,  the  rains  com- 
menced, although  the  old  settlers  assured  us  that  we  would  have  no 
trouble  from  rains  till  about  Christmas.  It  poured  down  steadily  for 
twenty-four  hours  and  then  held  up.  We  drove  five  miles  to  the 
Yuba,  where  we  had  to  lay  up,  as  there  was  no  grass  nor  water  for 
the  next  twelve  miles — too  long  a  drive  for  the  afternoon.  The  next 
morning  we  started  out  (there  being  three  wagons  in  company)  and 
I,  being  acquainted  with  the  ford,  took  the  lead.  I  observed  that  the 
river  was  swollen,  but  still  thought  it  fordable  and  drove  in.  The 
opposite  landing  was  only  wide  enough  for  a  wagon  to  go  up  the 
bank,  and  I  noticed  my  leaders  were  giving  ground,  and  I  jumped 
into  the  river  to  keep  them  up,  but  I  found  the  current  so  strong  that 
I  was  glad  to  get  back  on  the  wagon.  As  the  water  went  deeper  the 
current  was  stronger,  and  I  soon  saw  my  cattle  could  not  stem  it  and 
were  now  at  least  two  rods  below  the  landing,  unable  to  gain  an 
inch  upstream,  and  when  within  three  rods  of  the  shore  they  turned 
down  the  stream.  I  stopped  them  and  jumped  in  to  keep  them  to- 
wards the  bank  at  least,  but  now  I  could  not  stand,  and  the  current 
whirled  me  away  like  a  shaving.  I  caught  hold  of  my  leader's  horn 
as  I  was  passing  him  and  drew  myself  back  to  the  wagon.  I  reflected 
that  all  my  capital  was  there  and  that  it  was  of  the  first  moment  to 
save  my  cattle. 

No  aid  could  be  given  me  by  my  friends  on  shore,  as  the  current 
would  sweep  them  away,  and  they  stood  there  helpless,  expecting 
to  see  me  go  to  Davy  Jones'  bag  and  baggage,  every  instant.  I  got 
out  between  the  wheel  cattle  and,  with  the  utmost  labor,  finally  suc- 
ceeded in  getting  the  chain  unhooked  in  about  half  an  hour.  The 
cattle  started  for  the  back  shore,  and  I  started  for  the  wagon,  but  I 
was  whirled  away  again  with  no  more  consideration  by  the  foaming 
waters  than  if  I  had  not  been  a  teamster.  But  I  caught  hold  of  one  of 
my  oxen's  tail  and  in  this  inglorious  manner  was  tailed  out,  so 
chilled  by  the  cold  mountain  stream  that  I  could  scarcely  stand. 
Towards  noon  I  went  up  to  a  ranch  nearby  to  see  if  I  could  get  a 
horse  to  ride  in  to  my  wagon,  when  a  fiery  young  fellow  swore  he 
could  get  my  wagon  out  or  draw  it  to  h-1.  "Well,  my  fine  fellow,  if 
you  will  do  it  I  will  give  you  ten  dollars  and  risk  the  wagon's  going 
to  the  d--l."  He  took  three  yoke  of  strong  cattle  and  a  horse — drove 
down  to  the  river,  when  his  courage  evaporated  entirely  and  he 
dared  not  even  ride  in.  I  then  took  his  horse  and  rode  in  myself,  and 
availing  myself  of  the  aid  of  a  strong  company  that  had  just  arrived, 
I  took  one  end  of  a  rope,  while  they  held  to  the  other;  landing  into 
my  wagon  and  sending  my  horse  ashore,  I  contrived  to  fasten  the 
rope  to  the  wagon  tongue,  when  the  men  hauled  it  to  the  shore  safe 
and  sound.  With  much  labor  I  cut  a  path  through  the  thicket  of 
willows  which  line  the  bank,  dug  the  bank  down,  unloaded  my 
wagon,  and  secured  my  load,  just  as  a  second  edition  of  the  first 


rain  commenced,  when  I  retreated  to  my  wagon,  where  I  spent  a 
delicious  night  with  the  river  foaming  under  me  and  the  heavens 
"hung  with  black,"0  though  I  was  this  side  up  and  kept  dry,  all  but 
my  wet  clothes.  The  next  morning  the  river  was  lower  (as  there  had 
been  no  rain  during  the  previous  day)  and  the  other  wagons  passed 
safely  over,  and  hitching  five  yoke  of  cattle  to  my  wagon  tongue, 
it  was  drawn  out  and  we  soon  started  off.  But  now  it  rained  and  we 
found  the  rich  soil  of  this  charming  Valley  so  unctuous  that  it  was 
dark  before  we  reached  our  campground,  our  cattle  completely  ex- 
hausted, ourselves  completely  soaked,  and  our  song  of  "Susanna, 
don't  you  cry,"10  washed  out  of  our  memories  by  the  trouble  of 
getting  our  fires  lighted  and  of  cooking  our  suppers  in  the  rain — in 
fact,  we  "just  took  a  cold  bite  and  went  right  to  bed." 

The  next  morning  dawned  with  outpourings  upon  us,  and  for  my 
especial  comfort  I  was  violently  seized  with  bloody  flux,  brought  on, 
probably,  by  extreme  exposure.  We  lay  there  six  days,  during  which 
it  rained  incessantly.  I  found  my  comfort  in  two  doses  of  calomel 
and  about  half  a  ton  of  opium  (or  less)  which  straightened  my  in- 
ternal relations,  and  the  good  and  kind  care  of  my  companions, 
Messrs.  Billinghurst,  of  Chicago,  and  Erholtz  Holland  of  New  Lis- 
bon, Ohio,  brought  me  to  my  feet.  They  stuck  to  me  like  brothers, 
and  their  nursing  probably  went  as  far  as  the  medicine  to  make  me 
whole  again —  and  we  stick  together  yet  in  the  mud  on  the  moun- 
tainside, and  we  will  stick  together  after  we  get  out  of  the  mire. 

As  soon  as  we  could  move,  we  left  our  delightful  quarters  and, 
crossing  a  deep  slough  that  now  was  a  deep  and  rapid  torrent  in 
four  days,  we  reached  the  first  hill  at  the  foot  of  the  mountains 
twenty  miles  distant.11 

One  would  naturally  suppose  that  once  upon  the  high  ground 
where  the  water  had  a  chance  to  run  off  readily,  the  road  would 
have  been  better,  but  we  found  the  contrary  to  be  the  case.  Ascend- 
ing the  first  bench,  the  soft  red  soil  was  so  completely  saturated  that 
any  farther  movement  was  utterly  out  of  the  question,  for  in  or  out 
of  the  road,  the  cattle  sunk  up  to  their  bellies  in  mire,  and  scarcely 
an  hour  had  passed  that  some  courageous  and  go-ahead  individual 
did  not  get  fast,  and  several  could  not  get  their  cattle  out  at  all, 
and  they  perished  miserably  in  the  mud.  There  was  not  a  blade  of 
grass,  and  the  only  way  left  was  for  us  to  send  our  cattle  back  to  the 
plain  below,  ten  miles,  to  graze  while  we  erected  a  kind  of  bough 
house  (not  a  "bower  of  roses")  and  determined  to  await  the  course 
of  events.  Up  to  the  present  time,  over  two  weeks,  I  have  been  on 
duty  as  bodyguard  to  the  wagons.  Our  men  come  down  and  take  up 

9  Shakespeare,  The  First  Part  of  Henry  the  Sixth,  I,  i.  1. 

10  Stephen  C.  Foster,  Oh!  Susanna,  one  of  the  songs  most  popular  with  the  Forty-Niners. 

11  Mud  Hill,  near  today's  Oroville.  Across  the  Plains,  116-117. 


provisions  as  they  need  them,  and  instead  of  clearing  over  a  thou- 
sand dollars  which  I  should  have  done  with  ease  upon  my  load,  it  is 
now  probable  that  I  shall  stay  here  and  eat  it  all  up,  and  mine  is  not 
a  solitary  instance.  It  is  only  an  exemplification  of  hundreds  of 
teams  who  "went  down  into  Egypt"  for  corn12  when  I  did.  Most  of 
them  are  still  behind,  unable  to  cross  the  streams,  while  their  com- 
panions above  are  practicing  the  art  of  living  without  food  or  nearly 
approximating  to  it.  In  the  meantime  provisions  are  so  scarce  and 
high  that  hundreds  are  leaving  for  the  city  to  buy  provisions,  intend- 
ing to  spend  the  winter  on  the  spoils  they  have  already  won.  Flour 
here  is  $200  per  bbl.,  pork,  $200;  sugar,  75c.  per  pound;  butter, 
$2.50;  rice,  50c;  hard  bread,  $  1.25c;  molasses,  $5  per  gallon; 
vinegar,  $5;  tobacco,  $1;  pipes  from  25  to  50c;  fresh  beef,  50c,  &c 
&c,  so  that  during  the  rainy  season  a  man  can  just  about  pay  his 

Yet  you  daily  hear  of  men  who  have  been  successful  and  who 
have  got  enough  to  satisfy  them  in  a  few  weeks.  Now  I  believe  this 
to  be  the  actual  state  of  things  at  this  time.  What  another  season 
may  bring  about,  I  cannot  say;  but  I  presume  that  arrangements  will 
be  made  to  get  up  provisions  so  that  miners  will  be  better  supplied 
than  they  are  this  fall.  Heavy  shipments  of  provisions  from  the 
States  must  pay  well  next  year  unless  it  is  brought  here  by  specula- 
tors. When  I  first  went  to  Sacramento  City,  I  bought  flour  at  $15 
per  bbl.  Towards  the  close  of  the  season  the  speculators  put  it  up  to 
$40.  I  saw  a  barrel  of  sauerkraut  sell  for  $100;  pickles  (common) 
sell  at  $4  per  gallon,  and  were  measured  in  a  two-quart  measure. 
They  have  been  scarce  and  are  an  invaluable  article  and  almost  in- 
dispensable in  the  mines  as  an  anti-scorbutic  Vinegar  in  the  city 
sells  for  $1.00  per  gallon.  The  character  of  the  miners  so  far  as  I 
have  seen,  as  a  general  thing,  is  highly  respectable.  As  much  order 
reigns  here  as  at  home,  and  thus  far  property  is  more  safe.  No  ser- 
ious difficulties  have  occurred,  and  slight  difficulties  are  adjusted 
by  arbitration. 

Firearms  and  bowie  knives  are  nuisances,  and  when  a  man  makes 
a  claim,  it  is  respected  as  long  as  he  works  it,  as  long  as  he  leaves 
his  pick  and  tools  in  it. 

I  still  keep  a  journal  of  incidents  from  which  I  may  occasionally 
copy  for  you,  but  this  communication  is  intended  simply  to  place 
the  actual  state  of  things  before  you  as  they  now  exist,  independent 
of  a  regular  routine  of  events.  I  am  obliged  to  close  this  as  I  have  an 
opportunity  of  sending  it  off.  Since  my  leaving  home  to  the  present 
moment,  I  have  not  heard  a  single  word  from  any  of  my  friends. 
The  mails  are  more  than  three  months  behind.  I  have  written  you 
fully  of  my  whole  trip  besides  one  or  two  minor  communications, 
and  have  written  to  many  friends  besides.  Whether  you  will  receive 

12  Genesis  xlii:  2. 


my  letters  or  not,  I  cannot  say.  An  express  is  now  in  operation  be- 
tween here  and  the  States,  and  I  shall  hereafter  send  my  letters  by 
it  to  be  mailed  at  some  post  office  in  the  States,  although  the  cost  of 
each  letter  is  one  dollar  paid  to  the  agents.  I  wish  all  communica- 
tions and  papers  to  me,  to  be  directed  to  Sacramento  City. 
Truly  yours, 

A.  Delano. 


February  16,  1850.1 

Did  you  ever  receive  a  visit  from  St.  Nicholas  in  your  childhood? 
With  what  pleasure  did  you  take  down  the  little  well-filled  stock- 
ing, suspended  by  a  fork  at  the  ingle-side  before  daylight  of  a  merry 
Christmas  morning,  and  how  your  heart  swelled  with  joy  as  you 
drew  from  the  deep  recess  of  knit  woolen  the  treasures  which  the 
good  Santa  Claus  had  left  in  token  of  his  kind  remembrance. 

It  was  a  dark,  gloomy  day,  and  I  was  sitting  somewhat  moodily 
in  my  cloth-covered  cabin,  engaged  in  the  pleasing,  though  some- 
what aristocratic  (a  la  California)  occupation  of  baking  the  bread 

1  New  Orleans  Daily  True  Delta,  April  26,  1850.  This  was  a  Democratic  paper,  launched 
on  November  18,  1849,  and  destined  to  survive  until  1866.  Its  chief  owners  and  editors 
were  John  Maginnis  (d.  1863)  and  M.  G.  Davis  (d.  1865).  New  Orleans  Weekly  True 
Delta,  March  7,  1863;  New  Orleans  Weekly  Times,  January  14,  1865;  Winifred  Gregory, 
American  Newspapers,  1821-1936. 

The  California  True  Delta,  a  semi-monthly  "steamer"  edition  of  the  New  Orleans 
daily,  attained  the  remarkable  circulation  of  6,500  at  Sacramento  early  in  1851,  and 
according  to  a  local  competitor  it  was  the  "best  paper  that  comes  to  California."  Sacra- 
mento Union,  March  31,  1851. 

As  the  body  of  the  present  letter  makes  clear,  it  was  addressed  to  "Colonel"  Joseph 
Grant,  agent  for  the  True  Delta,  whom  Delano  had  met  at  Mud  Hill,  near  Oroville,  the 
previous  November,  when  Grant  was  prospecting.  Since  then  the  agent  had  written  to 
Delano  asking  him  to  undertake  a  California  correspondence  for  the  True  Delta,  and  he 
is  happy  to  comply. 

Colonel  Grant,  prominent  in  California,  1850-1851,  was  probably  the  Joseph  Grant 
who  sailed  on  the  brig  Octavia,  June  26,  1849,  on  her  regular  run  from  New  Orleans  to 
Chagres,  Panama.  New  York  Herald,  January  30,  April  6,  June  6,  1850;  C.  W.  Haskins, 
Argonauts  of  California  (New  York,  1890),  477.  Colonel  Joseph  Grant  conducted  a 
well-advertised  business  combining  real  estate,  auctioneering,  bookselling,  money  deal- 
ing, and  the  True  Delta  at  Front  and  J  Streets,  Sacramento,  the  following  two  years.  He 
ran  unsuccessfully  for  mayor  in  1850  and  announced  he  would  campaign  for  governor. 
Sacramento's  first  formal  historian  called  attention  in  1853  to  his  promotional,  charitable, 
and  eccentric  traits.  And  Delano  admired  him  without  reservation.  But  Grant  seems  to 
have  disappeared  entirely,  late  in  1851,  although  a  Joseph  Grant  was  an  original  member 
of  the  San  Francisco  Stock  and  Exchange  Board  of  1862,  and  a  Joseph  Osborn  Grant 
(1818-1883)  flourished  as  a  carpenter  at  Benicia.  San  Francisco  Aha  California,  Febru- 
ary 16,  April  2,  10,  October  9,  1850;  Sacramento  Transcript,  October  8-20,  December 
9,  11,  16,  18,  23,  1850;  New  Orleans  True  Delta,  January  9— October  8,  1851;  San  Fran- 
cisco Pacific  News,  March  10-24,  1851;  Sacramento  Union,  March  19 — June  19,  1851; 
Dr.  John  F.  Morse,  First  History  of  Sacramento  (Sacramento,  1945;  original  ed.,  1853), 
3-16;  San  Francisco  California  Chronicle,  April  30,  1856;  "Joseph  O.  Grant,"  Petition  for 
Letters  of  Administration,  Ms.,  1883,  in  Solano  County  Courthouse;  Joseph  L.  King, 
History  of  the  San  Francisco  Stock  and  Exchange  Board  (San  Francisco,  1910),  1-6. 


which  I  had  mixed  up  in  the  morning,  when  the  curtain  door  of  my 
log  palace  was  suddenly  drawn,  and  our  mutual  friend  Dawly2  ap- 
peared, with  a  bundle  of  papers  and  a  note  from  you3  which  Captain 
Freeland4  had  brought  up  from  the  city.  Had  old  Santa  Claus  him- 
self appeared  with  his  precious  gifts,  I  could  not  have  been  half  so 
much  gratified  as  the  sight  of  that  package  from  you  afforded  me, 
and  I  fear  that  some  of  my  expressions  savored  more  of  childish 
delight  than  the  calm  pleasure  of  a  man  of  forty.5  You  have  been  in 
the  mountains,  and  know  how  isolated  we  are  from  the  world,  and 
particularly  at  this  season  of  the  year  when  all  intercourse  with 
below  is  nearly  suspended,  and  we  are  left  to  seek  amusement  from 
our  own  reflection — you  can  well  appreciate  the  pleasure  with 
which  I  received  your  gift.  The  sight  of  a  late  newspaper  is  rare 
among  us,  and  when  one  arrives  in  the  mines  it  is  read  and  reread, 
with  all  its  advertisements  even,  and  then  it  passes  from  hand  to 
hand  till  little  is  left  to  entitle  it  to  the  distinction  of  being  a  news- 
paper. Suffice  it  then  to  say,  that  the  package  was  most  truly  accept- 
able, and  for  which  I  thank  you.  When  you  next  visit  these  diggings 

1  shall  be  able  to  afford  you  something  better  for  a  breakfast  than 
that  of  my  self-praised  battercake.  I  have  made  decided  improve- 
ment in  my  culinary  education  since  your  sojourn  with  me  at  Mud 
Hill,  having  taken  lessons  from  that  old  dame,  Madame  Necessity; 
and  now,  instead  of  confining  my  experiments  in  cooking  to  heavy 
griddle  cakes,  I  have  been  elevated  to  the  high  dignity  of  bread- 
baker.  I  most  truly  hope  to  be  able  to  give  you  specimens  of  my 
proficiency,  at  my  cabin  the  coming  spring. 

I  remained  mudbound  at  my  quarters  at  the  hill  for  three  weeks, 
enjoying  the  magnificent  scenery  of  Table  Mountain,  which  was 
occasionally  peeping  out  of  a  cloud  of  fog,  or  taking  a  shower  bath 
for  days  together,  as  if  to  drive  away  the  chills  and  fever  of  this 
accursed  climate  by  hydropathy,  when  at  length,  between  a  race  of 
the  sun  struggling  to  shine  and  the  rain  to  put  him  out,  the  road 
became  solid  enough  to  keep  my  cattle  from  sinking  lower  down 
than  their  bellies  in  mud,  and  I  availed  myself  of  the  opportunity 
to  get  through,  in  which  I  succeeded  by  holding  my  breath  and 
driving  two  days  to  get  ten  miles.  Trouble  of  conscience  for  ever 
leaving  home  and  coming  to  this  delightful  and  Bryant-praised  Val- 
ley, or  something  else,  produced  a  severe  attack  of  neuralgia,  and  I 
was  confined  to  my  bed  for  three  weeks,  when  I  had  ample  time  to 

2  A  young  merchant,  otherwise  unidentified,  for  whom  Dawlytown  was  named  in  1849. 
Hanna,  Dictionary  of  California  Land  Names. 

3  Colonel  Grant. 

4  John  Freeland,  captain  of  the  Independent  Company  of  Louisiana  Volunteers.  William 
H.  Roberts,  Mexican  War  Veterans  (Washington,  1887),  55. 

5  Delano  was  forty-three. 


groan  from  intense  pain  and  study  patience  in  all  sorts  of  the  most 
approved  styles.  On  my  recovery,  for  it  is  a  fact  that  I  did  not  die,  I 
projected  a  prospecting  tour  up  the  South  Fork  in  search  of  gold 
and  for  the  purpose  of  more  fully  re-establishing  my  health.  A  party 
of  nine  was  organized,  it  being  dangerous  to  go  with  less  on  account 
of  the  hostility  of  the  Indians,  and  in  order  to  give  weight  to  our 
enterprise  we  carried  our  blankets,  five  days'  rations,  making  our 
packs  about  thirty  pounds  each,  besides  our  prospecting  tools,  rifles 
and  ammunition.  We  left  in  buoyant  spirits — in  fact  we  were  soon 
convinced  that  high  as  our  hopes  were,  we  were  rising  in  the  world, 
and  at  every  step  became  more  and  more  elevated,  for  such  infernal 
hills  and  mountains  as  we  passed  over — but  you  have  been  on  the 
South  Fork;  you  did  not  carry  our  packs,  though. 

No  need  of  mules  here  any  longer,  for  after  the  first  day  we  all 
became  as  mulish  as  the  d— 1  could  desire.  We  were  gone  just  a  week 
and  penetrated  the  snow  above  the  canon,  but  in  return  were  pene- 
trated with  the  frost  and  cold  of  the  high  peaks,  while  the  rain 
sought  shelter  in  our  bosoms,  on  the  lower  grounds,  for  it  rained 
every  day  and  night  but  one  while  we  were  gone,  and  we  looked 
more  like  drowned  rats  than  gentlemen  gold-seekers.  Strange  to 
say,  we  did  not  even  take  a  cold,  and  I  gained  in  strength  every  day, 
although  wet  to  the  skin  all  the  while.  No  doubt  we  should  have 
been  drowned  were  it  not  for  the  large  quantities  of  raw,  fat,  salt 
pork  which  we  ate.  Like  the  ark,  we  were  pitched  within  and  with- 
out. And  where  was  our  gold? — echo  answers,  where!  I  did  not  see 
any,  but  I  saw  many  places  where  it  ought  to  be — my  pocket,  for 

We  were  fortunate  enough,  however,  to  secure  a  bar,6  and  we  are 
making  preparations  for  removing  there  as  soon  as  possible.  We 
made  some  discoveries,  too,  which  may  be  valuable.  Our  location 
is  at  Wood's  Bar,  about  four  or  five  miles  below  the  Canon,7  where 
you  will  find  us. 

With  regard  to  "Notes  on  California,"  I  will  comply  with  your 
request  with  pleasure,  and  will  embrace  my  first  leisure  to  write  a 
"plain,  unvarnished  tale"8  of  things  as  I  see  them.  Most  of  the  peo- 
ple who  were  here  in  the  fall  have  gone  and  are  going  above,9  and 
we  have  nearly  a  deserted  village. 


6  "Ottawa  Bar,"  below  Forbestown,  on  the  South  Fork  of  the  Feather  River.  Across  the 
Plains,  121-122. 

7  This  canon  is  apparently  the  one  about  a  mile  and  a  half  above  Enterprise.  Cf.  p.  92. 

8  Shakespeare,  Othello,  I,  iii,  90. 

9  That  is,  up  the  South  Fork  of  the  Feather  River.  Across  the  Plains,  119. 



Sacramento  City,  March  2,  1850.1 

Dear  Free  Trader: — I  think  the  last  time  I  wrote  you  was  from  my 
fortress  on  Mud  Hill  (the  first  mountains  from  the  Valley  below  my 
winter  quarters),  where  I  lay  mud-bound  watching  "the  sun  by  day 
and  the  moon  by  night"2  for  a  propitious  moment  when  I  might 
slide  home  between  the  showers.  The  time  at  length  arrived  when 
the  road  became  firm  enough  to  entitle  it  to  the  name  of  terra  firma, 
and  I  moved  my  boots  with  my  wagon  and  its  load  of  truck  and 
plunder  to  Dawlytown.  There,  to  compensate  me  for  the  weeks  of 
toil  I  had  endured  in  getting  up  from  the  city,  the  pleasant  bath  I 
took  in  the  Yuba,  where  I  very  nearly  lost  my  life,  wagon,  goods 
and  cattle,  another  three  weeks  of  repose  was  decreed  me  by  the 
Fates  in  the  shape  of  neuralgia,  with  which  I  suffered  all  the  pain  of 
"Goblins  damned,"3  but  which  Dr.  Willoughby4  assured  me  would 
leave  me  in  better  health  than  I  had  seen  for  years.  Thus  far  his 
predictions  have  been  verified,  and  I  am  now  capable  of  enduring 
more  fatigue  than  I  ever  was  before,  and  Heaven  knows  I  have  en- 
countered it.  An  excursion  in  the  mountains  about  the  1st  of  Janu- 
ary followed,  which  occupied  a  week,  during  which  it  rained  night 
and  day  constantly,  and  increased  the  weight  of  our  packs  most 
sensibly,  although  "we  carried  weight"  without  it,  consisting  of 
seven  days'  rations  (which  we  ate  up  in  six,  and  feasted  on  cold 
water  on  the  seventh),  our  firearms,  ammunition  and  prospecting 
tools.  We  penetrated  about  fifty  miles  among  the  hills,  wading 
through  snow,  fording  streams  deeper  than  our  boots,  clinging  to 
rocks  in  passing  precipices,  keeping  a  good  lookout  for  the  natives, 
who  were  ready  to  "pink"  us  if  caught  napping,  and  faring  sumptu- 
ously upon  hard  bread. 

I  made  one  happy  discovery — that  the  mountains  are  decidedly 
the  most  cold-water  country  I  ever  saw,  and  I  give  it  as  my  decided 
opinion — mark  me — it  is  only  my  own  private  opinion  from  which 

1  Free  Trader,  May  18,  1850. 

2  Cf.  Psalms  cxxl:  6. 

3  Shakespeare,  Hamlet,  I,  iv,  40. 

4  Dr.  D.  W.  C.  Willoughby  (1814-1875).  Born  in  Vermont,  he  studied  medicine  and 
settled  in  Indiana,  whence  he  crossed  the  plains  to  California  in  1849.  He  died  in  San 
Francisco.  San  Francisco  Aha  California,  August  9,  1875. 


all  men  may  differ — that  temperance  societies  are  not  needed  in 
those  elevated  ranges,  that  it  is  wholly  useless  to  preach  temperance 
principle  upon  those  mountain  peaks.  I  arrived  at  this  important 
conclusion  from  two  simple  facts — first,  because  there  are  neither 
grog  shops  nor  people  there,  and  second,  the  most  confirmed  tippler 
cannot  carry  enough  of  the  "ardent"  with  him  to  last  a  week,  and  he 
is  compelled  to  use  no  other  beverage  than  pure  cold  water.  We 
finally  made  a  claim  on  two  bars  on  the  South  Fork  of  Feather  River 
which  are  held  by  our  company  of  nine  men  and  where  we  are  now 
engaged  in  the  work  which  brought  us  to  California.  These  bars  of 
which  I  speak  are  low  places  along  the  river  bank  where  a  deposit 
of  sand,  gravel  and  loose  rock  was  made  by  the  water  and  where  an 
opportunity  is  given  to  cut  a  race  by  which  to  drain  the  stream  from 
its  bed.  The  gold,  being  deposited  from  the  hills  by  the  rains  and 
mountain  rills  into  the  river,  is  carried  by  the  current  into  eddies, 
holes  or  pockets,  so  that  it  is  generally  found  most  abundant  in  the 
main  bed  of  streams,  and  when  the  water  can  be  turned  off  it  has 
generally  been  found  to  yield  a  golden  harvest.  Of  course  these  bars 
are  sought  for  and  it  is  considered  fortunate  to  obtain  one.  The 
South  Fork  of  Feather  River  had  been  but  little  prospected  until 
late  last  fall,  and  as  late  as  December  there  were  but  three  or  four 
cabins  for  the  distance  of  twenty  miles  above  Dawlytown.  I  started 
out  the  moment  my  health  permitted,  though  at  great  risk,  the  sec- 
ond day  of  January,  when  to  our  great  surprise  we  found  a  cabin 
nearly  every  mile  and  sometimes  little  settlements  of  five  to  ten 
houses,  so  great  had  been  the  rush  up  to  the  Fork  when  its  deposits 
became  known. — These  were  almost  wholly  those  persons  who  had 
remained  on  Long's  and  Bidwell  bars  (the  latter  where  I  made  my 
first  debut)  and  who  had  supplied  themselves  with  provisions  to  re- 
main in  the  mountains  during  the  winter,  thus  having  the  advantage 
of  those  who  might  come  on  in  the  spring.  When  I  arrived  at  Bid- 
well's  or  Dawlytown  from  my  last  trip  to  the  city,  a  great  change  had 
taken  place.  Tents  and  people  had  disappeared,  and  the  population 
was  reduced  nearly  three  fourths,  but  on  going  up  the  Fork  I  found 
a  great  part  of  our  old  friends  in  various  locations,  living  snugly  in 
comfortable  log  cabins  on  their  claims.  The  utmost  respect  is  paid 
by  miners  to  each  other's  claim.  Some  little  difficulty  occurred  last 
fall  between  two  companies  respecting  the  right  to  a  claim  or  a  por- 
tion of  it,  when  a  general  convention  was  called  at  the  Oregon  Bar 
on  the  South  Fork  on  New  Year's  day,  for  the  purpose  of  defining 
what  constituted  a  claim  and  to  have  a  general  and  mutual  under- 
standing with  regard  to  each  other's  rights.  Among  intelligent  and 
liberal  men,  this  matter  was  soon  settled  upon  just  and  equitable 

Every  man  or  company  making  a  claim  to  a  bar  or  to  portions,  to 
put  up  three  written  notices  giving  the  boundary  of  his  claim.  He 


then  must  take  actual  possession  within  ten  days  and  commence  his 
work  in  some  tangible  form  so  that  it  was  apparent  he  would  be  a 
bona  fide  occupant  and  not  claim  to  the  exclusion  of  others.  He  then 
registered  his  name  or  bar  on  the  books  of  the  Association  (thus 
formed)  and  became  a  member,  and  in  the  event  of  others  attempt- 
ing to  drive  him  off,  he  was  entitled  to  the  protection  of  all  the  com- 
panies constituting  the  Association.  He  was  allowed  all  the  bed  of 
the  stream  which  he  drained  to  a  medium  stage  of  water  and  then 
ten  feet  front  and  thirty  back  from  that  point.  This  is  a  general  out- 
line of  the  plan,  although  there  are  of  course  a  few  minor  details  as 
the  condition  of  things  required,  but  this  is  looked  to  and  spoken  of 
along  the  river  with  as  much  deference  and  respect  as  if  it  was  the 
law  of  the  land.  Indeed,  as  things  are  now  situated  in  the  mines,  an 
action  of  Congress  or  of  our  own  Legislature  is  wholly  unnecessary, 
and  if  either  undertakes  to  erect  a  Miners'  Code  without  practical 
experience,  I  shall  then  look  for  difficulties  which  will  not  occur  so 
long  as  the  miners  are  left  to  themselves.5 

As  soon  as  we  made  our  claims,  we  commenced  preparations  to 
establish  them;  in  due  time  our  cabins  were  built,  although  we  had 
to  pack  our  provisions  about  fifteen  miles,  over  hills  that  a  mule 
could  scarcely  pass,  and  our  two  races  are  nearly  completed,  ready 
to  put  in  our  dams  as  soon  as  the  spring  floods  subside.  I  never  was 
so  much  exposed,  never  worked  so  hard,  never  fared  so  roughly  as 
I  did  during  those  preliminary  arrangements,  and  it  seemed  as  if  my 
health  and  strength  gained  with  the  emergency,  and  I  now  find  my- 
self in  more  comfortable  quarters  than  I  have  been  in  since  I  have 
been  in  California. 

Time  will  not  permit  me  to  give  you  an  account  of  the  flood  this 
winter,  but  I  will  simply  say  that  from  a  high  mountain,  from  which 
I  had  an  extended  view,  I  estimated  that  at  least  one  quarter  of  this 
Earthly  Paradise,  this  charming  and  fertile  Valley  (oh!)  was  under 
water.  Hundreds  of  cattle  and  mules  were  drowned  and  floated 
down  to  rejoice  with  the  aromatic  scent  of  their  putrid  carcasses  the 
refined  olfactory  nerves  of  the  citizens  of  Sacramento  and  other 
towns  springing  up  on  the  River — (where's  Mr.  Bryant?),  and  the 
loss  of  property  in  Sacramento  City  by  the  overflow  has  been  very 
great.  For  a  particular  description  of  the  scene  here  I  must  refer  you 
to  the  N.  O.  True  Delta,  whose  able  and  talented  correspondent  was 
an  eye-witness.6  Among  the  indignants  of  the  city  when  the  flood 
was  bearing  off  tents,  houses,  &c,  the  Methodist  church  turned 
around  on  its  foundation  like  a  dancing  master  on  his  heel  as  if  in 

5  A  comprehensive  account  of  California  miners'  codes  and  their  operation  is  given  in 
Charles  H.  Shinn,  Mining  Camps:  A  Study  in  American  Frontier  Government  (New 
York,  1948;  original  ed.,  1883). 

6  Colonel  Grant.  For  the  great  Sacramento  flood  of  1850  (and  the  ones  of  1852,  1853, 
1861,  and  1878)  see  History  of  Sacramento  (Oakland,  1880),  66-73. 


high  dudgeon  to  enquire  of  the  neighboring  dwelling  as  they  were 
about  departing: 

Ye  graceless  chiefs,  where  are  ye  goin' 
While  I  am  here  sae  busy  sowin'? — (Burns — not  quite)  ,7 
and  a  steamboat  has  put  a  blush  on  all  the  canals  in  Amsterdam, 
for  it  actually  puffed  through  the  main  street  and  discharged  its 
cargo  into  Starr,  Bensley  and  Company's  store.8 

Learning  that  a  "change  came  o'er  the  spirit  of  my  dream" 9  with 
regard  to  the  honesty  of  some  of  our  Californians,  and  that  they 
were  stealing  cattle  on  the  plains,  with  a  Digger-like  propensity,  to 
supply  the  places  of  their  own  lost  ones,  I  thought  it  best  to  go 
"down  into  Egypt" 10  and  look  after  my  own,  which  had  been  turned 
out  after  I  reached  Dawlytown  in  the  fall.  I  succeeded  in  finding 
three  and,  driving  them  back,  brought  my  wagon  to  the  Valley,  and 
disposed  of  the  whole  concern,  believing  that  my  prospects  in  the 
mines  are  better  than  trading.  As  I  had  to  come  halfway  to  Sacra- 
mento to  find  a  market  I  just  kept  on  to  see  if  it  were  not  possible  to 
find  a  letter  from  home.  I  may  as  well  say  that  I  have  been  dis- 
appointed, and  the  only  letter  which  I  have  received  since  I  left 
Ottawa  from  any  friend  was  one  from  my  wife  dated  August  25. 
This  I  walked  fifteen  miles  to  get  when  I  heard  of  the  arrival  of  the 
Express  a  week  ago,  and  I  would  have  walked  a  hundred  for  another 
with  the  greatest  pleasure. 

I  have  written  the  Free  Trader  by  every  opportunity  while  cross- 
the  plains,  have  sent  a  full  (or  nearly  full)  copy  of  my  journal  from 
leaving  the  Missouri  up  to  my  arrival  in  California,11  and  several 
other  letters,  and  I  have  not  received  even  a  paper  from  Ottawa.  Of 
course  this  must  be  the  fault  of  the  mails,  and  not  of  my  friends.  I 
arrived  here  day  before  yesterday  at  night. — Yesterday  morning  on 
going  into  the  street  I  met  Charles  Fisher,  William  Irwin,  Captain 
Reed12  and  S.  B.  Gridley  from  Ottawa,13  Mr.  Reynolds,  and  Wil- 

7  These  are  Burns'  words,  but  not  his  lines. 

8  One  of  the  principal  stores  at  Sacramento.  John  Bensley  (1812-1889),  a  native  of 
Herkimer  County,  New  York,  and  a  graduate  of  Columbia  College,  came  to  California 
in  1849.  He  organized  a  water  works  in  San  Francisco  in  1857,  and  many  other  Cali- 
fornia companies.  Across  the  Plains,  127;  San  Francisco  Call,  June  21,  1889. 

9  Byron,  The  Dream. 

10  Genesis  xlii:  2. 
n  Cf.  p.  19. 

12  Henry  J.  Reed  (b.  1814),  of  Ottawa.  He  came  to  La  Salle  County  from  Erie,  Pennsyl- 
vania, in  1834  and  served  in  the  Mexican  War,  becoming  a  captain.  In  1849  he  went  to 
California  and  remained  two  years,  but  returned  to  Ottawa  to  settle  down  as  a  farmer. 
History  of  LaSalle  County,  Illinois,  1886,  II,  99-100. 

13  Samuel  B.  Gridley  (d.  1876)  was  prominent  for  over  forty  years  at  Ottawa  as  a  dealer 
in  dry  goods  and  manager  of  a  gas  company.  Ottawa:  Old  and  New,  38,  77;  Elmer  Blad- 
win,  History  of  LaSalle  County,  Illinois  (Chicago,  1877),  239-240. 


Ham  Miller,  from  South  Bend,  Indiana,14  and  Colonel  Wilson,  from 
Mishawaka,  Indiana.15  By  some  of  them  I  heard  of  the  Dayton 
Company,  who  have  done  very  well  in  the  mines,  and  of  Mr.  Freden- 
burg  and  B.  K.  Thorn.  The  latter  I  was  glad  to  hear  was  doing  well. 
As  a  general  thing  those  who  have  staid  in  the  mines,  worked  stead- 
ily, and  have  not  run  about  prospecting  all  over  the  country,  have 
done  something.  Those  of  our  South  Bend  friends  that  I  have  met 
have  done  something — some  of  them  well. — I  met  Mr.  Rood10  on  my 
way  down. — He  was  going  to  the  Yuba  mines  in  high  spirits.  He  has 
located  himself  at  Vernon,  twenty-five  miles  above  this  place,17  and 
is  well  satisfied  with  what  he  has  done  and  is  doing.  W.  McNeil  is 
with  me  (in  the  mines),  a  kind-hearted,  generous  man — as  good  a 
fellow  as  ever  trod  shoe  leather — "may  he  live  a  thousand  years." 18 
This  is  about  all  the  personal  news  I  can  give  of  interest  in  your 
community — except  the  death  of  James  Bacon — he  died  a  short 
time  ago  in  Yubaville.  I  was  much  surprised  on  coming  to  the  Valley 
to  see  the  change  which  a  few  weeks  have  wrought  by  our  indefati- 
gable Anglo-Saxons.  When  I  made  my  trip  down  from  Lawson's  in 
September,  there  were  but  three  houses  or  ranchos  on  the  road,  a 
distance  of  perhaps  an  hundred  and  twenty  or  twenty-five  miles. 
There  may  have  been  half  a  dozen  on  and  off  the  road  in  the  Valley. 
Now  there  is  a  house  every  five  or  six  miles,  not  only  on  the  road 
where  water  can  be  obtained  even  where  the  land  has  been  over- 
flowed, but  from  Vernon  down  houses  appear  nearly  every  mile,  and 
I  was  assured  that  this  was  the  case  at  least  seventy  miles  above 

New  towns  are  springing  up,  defective  as  titles  are,  and  business 
seems  thriving  in  them  all.  On  reaching  the  Yuba,  I  found  the  town 
of  Marysville,  where  three  months  ago  only  an  adobe  house  ex- 
isted; a  mile  below  on  the  Feather  is  Yuba  City,  which  at  that  time 
did  not  contain  a  house;  two  miles  below  this  Eliza,  just  commenced 
and  buildings  going  up  rapidly;  at  Bear  Creek,  where  I  lost  an  ox 
last  fall  in  a  swamp,  a  town  plot  is  being  surveyed,  and  at  the  mouth 

14  William  Miller  went  overland  from  South  Bend  to  California  in  1849  and  remained 
until  1852,  when  he  returned  to  South  Bend  to  become  a  successful  contractor,  miller, 
banker,  and  mayor.  Goodspeed  Bros.,  Pictorial  and  Biographical  Memoirs  of  Elkhart  and 
St.  Joseph  Counties,  Indiana  (Chicago,  1893),  672. 

15  Charles  Lincoln  Wilson  (1813-1890).  Born  in  Maine,  he  crossed  the  plains  and  moun- 
tains to  San  Francisco  in  1849  and  brought  the  first  steamer  to  the  upper  waters  of  the 
Sacramento  River,  all  the  way  to  Lassen's.  He  was  the  first  promoter  of  a  Sacramento 
Valley  railroad.  Sacramento  Themis,  December  20,  1890. 

16  Walter  D.  Rood,  from  the  Ottawa  region.  "In  1849  he  went  to  California  with  the 
Green  party.  Twenty  years  later  he  returned  to  LaSalle  County."  Ottawa:  Old  and  New, 

17  The  name  Vernon  was  changed  to  Verona  in  1906.  Gudde,  California  Place  Names. 

18  William  McNeil,  of  Ottawa.  Free  Trader,  February  9,  1850;  Across  the  Plains,  119, 


of  Feather  River,  where  late  in  the  fall  only  a  ranch  existed,  Nico- 
laus  is  laid  out,  houses  going  rapidly  up,  and  lots  selling  off  like  hot 
cakes.10  At  the  upper  towns  lots  sell  for  from  five  hundred  to  three 
thousand  dollars,  and  so  with  the  lower  towns.  Although  this  city 
has  been  under  water,  lots  are  still  advancing  and  improvements 
going  on  continually.  A  levee  will  be  built  around  it  to  keep  out  the 
floods,  and  it  must  always  be  a  town  of  importance,  but  in  all  these 
places  the  time  will,  must,  come  when  the  bubble  will  burst  and 
many  individuals  be  ruined. 

During  the  flood  a  large  portion  of  the  Valley  was  overflowed  be- 
tween the  Yuba  and  Bear  Creek.  A  Mr.  Spencer,  at  whose  house  I 
stopped  in  my  peregrination,  told  me  he  was  obliged  to  crawl  onto 
the  roof  of  his  house  to  save  himself,  although  it  stands  at  least 
thirty  feet  above  the  river,  and  that  a  neighbor  sailed  in  a  boat  back 
to  the  mountains,  some  twelve  or  fifteen  miles. — Now,  the  roads  are 
good,  the  grass  green,  and  the  plain  dotted  with  herds  of  cattle, 
where  a  few  days  ago  all  was  a  wide  waste  of  turbid  water. 

And  this  is  the  charming  Valley  you  have  read  so  much  of  at 
home,  as  surpassing  everything  else  in  loveliness.  I  am  much  amused 
at  the  sage  remarks  of  some  of  the  New  York  editors,  respecting 
California.  In  speaking  of  the  gold  after  its  exhaustion,  they  dilate 
upon  its  agricultural  capacities,  its  central  position,  its  high  destiny, 
&c.  (Well,  I  reckon  it  is  about  in  the  middle  of  the  earth,  if  you  begin 
to  measure  exactly  opposite,  &c.)  It  is  no  more  fit  for  farming  pur- 
poses than  I  am  for  preaching.  Exhaust  the  gold  and  it  will  no 
longer  attract  ships  to  its  shore  only  to  carry  back  the  poor  devils 
who  are  caught  here  in  search  of  El  Dorado,  and  instead  of  ships 
taking  in  cargoes  of  tea  at  San  Francisco,  they  will  quietly  pursue 
their  way  from  the  Atlantic  ports  through  the  Isthmus  canal,  if  it  is 
built;  if  not,  around  the  Cape,  wind  and  weather  permitting,  to  Can- 
ton, and  receive  their  lading  as  usual  from  the  brother  of  the  sun  and 
moon,  and  seven  stars,  and  other  planets.  But  as  the  auctioneer 
says,  "I  can't  dwell;"  nobody  will  believe  it  till  they  come  and  see — 
come  then  and  get  all  the  gold  you  can,  for  sure  enough  that  is  here, 
if  you  can  get  it;  then  you  may  talk  understanding^  of  its  high 
destiny  and  superior  advantages  over  your  really  rich,  beautiful  and 
fertile  prairies  at  home.  Had  I  not  seen  them  I  might  have  thought 
the  Valley  of  the  Sacramento  beautiful,  but  I  have  seen  them. — 
Beauty  is  a  comparative  quality,  and  by  that  standard  I  judge. 

Among  the  most  pleasant  acquaintance  which  I  have  formed  in 
this  "never-saw-the-like  country"  is  that  of  Joseph  Grant,  Esq.,  the 
accomplished  correspondent  of  the  True  Delta. 

10  This  town  was  named  after  Nicolaus  Allgeier,  a  Hudson's  Bay  trapper  who  came  to 
California  in  1840,  worked  for  Sutter,  and  settled  here  about  1846.  Hanna,  Dictionary  of 
California  Land  Names.  Colonel  Grant  advertised  lots  at  Nicolaus.  Sacramento  Tran- 
script, October  8-20,  1850. 


Misery  makes  strange  bedfellows,  saith  the  adage,  and  a  day's 
walk  together  in  the  mountains  during  the  rains,  and  a  night  spent 
in  company  at  my  ranch  on  Mud  Hill,  opened  the  door  of  our 
hearts,  and  we  walked  into  an  intellectual  feast  that  I  shall  never 
forget.  I  do  not  mean  to  eulogize  any  man,  but  here  where  there  are 
so  many  castes,  shades  and  qualities,  and  when  hardships  have  been 
mutually  endured,  and  you  find  a  man  stands  upon  his  own  bottom 
through  it  all  without  flinching,  your  heart  will  warm  towards  him 
in  spite  of  you.  Picture  to  yourself  a  well-educated,  well-bred,  open- 
hearted  gentleman,  one  of  much  thought,  originality  of  mind,  just 
conceptions,  with  a  rare  knowledge  of  human  nature  as  it  is,  dress 
him  up  in  a  California  suit  with  a  blanket  strapped  to  his  back,  and 
a  bag  of  hard  bread  and  raw  pork  under  his  arm,  and  put  him  to 
climbing  high  hills  or  driving  into  deep  gorges  in  a  pouring  rain,  and 
you  have  Colonel  Grant  in  the  mountains. 

Take  the  same  person  in  the  city,  gathering  a  crowd  around  him 
by  original  and  droll  harangues,  raising  a  laugh  by  his  witticisms, 
assuming  a  care-for-nothing  demeanor,  selling  city  lots,  holding 
rancho  meetings  of  his  own  appointment,  where  he  elects  himself 
President,  Secretary,  committee  of  the  whole,  and  keeps  a  large 
audience  amused  and  interested  two  hours  on  a  stretch  by  his  oddi- 
ties, leaving  you  to  doubt  whether  his  eccentricity  is  real  or  feigned, 
while  he  sells  you  a  town  lot  or  a  package  of  papers.  While  you  may 
be  conning  it  in  your  mind,  he  may  offer  you  a  paper  to  relieve 
someone  in  distress,  for  some  charitable  object,  something  of  para- 
mount good,  and  here  you  cannot  doubt  his  real  feelings,  for  nature 
is  in  it,  and  you  find  yourself  obliged  to  respect  him  at  home.  Then 
to  his  personal  friends — if  he  ever  gets  rich,  and  I  think  he  is  in  a 
fair  way  to,  he  will  want  to  make  them  rich  too.  You  will  never  find 
the  author  of  those  letters  in  the  street,  nor  the  odd  eccentric  in  the 
study.  The  body  may  be  visible  along  the  sidewalk,  but  the  author 
and  man  of  reflection  is  at  home  in  the  social  circle. 

A  queer  portrait,  isn't  it?  but  I  believe  it  a  just  one  and  I  value  his 
acquaintance  for  his  real  talents  and  kindness. 

A  droll  misfortune  occurred  a  few  nights  ago  to  a  miner  three  or 
four  miles  from  us.  He  lay  sleeping  in  his  tent  on  the  ground,  when 
he  was  awakened  by  something  twitching  his  pantaloons.  Opening 
his  eyes,  he  saw  a  wolf  of  the  coyote  species  with  his  purse  contain- 
ing two  or  three  hundred  dollars  in  gold  dust  in  his  mouth.  He 
sprang  up,  but  the  varmint  ran  off  clear  with  the  purse,  and  the  poor 
fellow  lost  it  entirely.  The  purse  was  made  of  dried  deerskin  and  he 
supposes  had  partially  worked  out  of  his  pocket  as  he  lay  on  the 
ground,  and  the  wolf,  smelling  the  skin,  seized  it  and  drew  it  out 
and  was  off  before  the  man  could  collect  himself  sufficiently  to 
rescue  it. 

A  good  joke  occurred  not  long  since,  illustrating  life  in  California 


this  winter.  During  the  rains,  boats  occasionally  ascend  Feather 
River  with  supplies  nearly  to  the  mountains.  My  neighbor  and 
friend,  Mr.  Dawly,  who  is  trading,  has  associated  with  a  jovial, 
good-hearted  man  yclept  Captain  Freeland,  late  of  the  U.  S.  Army, 
and  as  brave  a  man  as  any  who  was  at  the  storming  of  Chapultepec. 
They  have  a  boat  on  the  river,  and  Captain  Freeland  happened  to 
be  below  and  on  his  way  to  the  city.  One  afternoon  the  hands  on 
board  wanted  some  fresh  meat,  and  Freeland  and  the  captain  of  the 
boat  went  on  shore  to  try  to  kill  a  deer.  A  short  walk  brought  them 
to  the  open  plain  where  they  discovered  two  men  butchering  a  wild 
ox.  "Ah,  my  fine  fellow,  we've  caught  you  at  it,"  shouted  Freeland. 
"We  have  you  now  sure  enough."  Much  to  his  surprise,  the  two  men 
seized  their  arms,  &c,  and  started  off  at  full  run  across  the  plain. 
The  secret  was  out.  They  had  stolen  the  ox,  and  supposing  Freeland 
and  his  companion  to  belong  to  the  ranch  and  the  owners,  they  took 
to  their  heels.  Freeland  and  the  captain  walked  up  and  finished  the 
butchering  and  took  possession  of  the  beef  and  carried  it  to  the  boat 
and  were  supplied  with  all  the  fresh  meat  they  wanted  for  many  a 
day.  My  time  has  expired,  and  I  can  give  you  no  more  on  dits  now. 
You  will  hear  from  me  from  time  to  time.  Direct  your  papers  and 
letters  to  me  at  Sacramento  City — I  may  stand  a  remote  chance  of 
getting  them. 

Truly  yours, 

A.  Delano. 


Ottawa  Bar,  March  12, 1850.1 

Dear  Sir — Without  offering  any  other  apology  for  trespassing  on 
your  time  than  my  own  inclination  and  the  kind  remembrances  of 
our  acquaintance,  I  sit  down  on  a  rainy  day  to  write  you  of  Cali- 
fornia. It  is  quite  likely  that  you  are,  ere  this,  surfeited  with  such 
news,  for  it  must  be  that  the  papers  are  filled  with  the  lucubrations 
of  a  multitude  of  letter-writers,  but  the  changes  in  this  recently  ex- 
plored country  are  so  great  that  it  would  almost  be  a  constant  occu- 
pation for  a  man  to  keep  pace  with  them  with  his  pen.  The  great 
emigration  last  year  has  indeed  wrought  great  changes  in  the  aspect 
of  things  socially  and  politically,  and  the  vast  crowd  that  we  learn 
is  coming  out  the  present  season  will  not  experience  the  same  hard- 

1  Free  Trader,  May  18,  1850.  The  editor  accounts  for  the  formal  tone  of  this  letter  by 
explaining  that  it  was  written  to  Judge  John  D.  Caton  (1812-1895),  of  Ottawa.  He  was 
born  at  Monroe,  New  York,  practiced  law  at  Utica,  and  in  1839  went  to  Illinois,  where  he 
was  Justice  of  the  State  Supreme  Court,  1842-1864.  Dictionary  of  American  Biography. 
Delano  signs  the  letter  "Fraternally  yours,"  indicating  that  Caton  was  a  brother  in  the 
I.O.O.F.,  and  commends  his  family  "to  the  care  of  my  brethren."  Cf.  Ottawa:  Old  and 
New,  156-157. 


ships  and  destitution  on  their  arrival  that  we  did,  although  they  will 
have  enough,  God  knows,  to  curse  the  day  they  set  out.  On  our 
arrival  in  the  Valley  last  year,  there  were  but  four  ranchos  on  the 
road  for  a  distance  of  two  hundred  miles  (from  Reading's  diggings2 
to  Sacramento  City),  and  now  there  are  stopping  places  and  towns 
at  convenient  distances  along  the  whole  route  where  the  necessaries 
of  life  can  be  obtained,  although  at  exorbitant  rates,  while  that 
character  for  unheard-of  honesty  among  the  people  in  towns  where 
thousands  of  dollars  worth  of  property  lay  continually  exposed 
night  and  day  is  undergoing  a  change.  A  recent  visit  to  Sacramento 
made  me  cognizant  of  the  great  and  rapid  change  three  months  had 
produced.  I  found  towns  springing  up  along  the  banks  of  the  navi- 
gable streams,  with  speculation  rife  in  town  lots  as  you  ever  knew 
it  in  the  city  where  ninety  days  ago  not  a  single  house  stood.  Lots  are 
selling  in  these  newly  laid-out  towns  from  five  hundred  to  three  or 
four  thousand  dollars,  with  titles  not  worth  a  pin,  and  the  whole 
country  in  my  humble  opinion  is  bound  to  be  a  scene  of  litigation 
and  a  sea  of  trouble.  The  whole  domain  of  the  inhabitable  portions 
of  Alta  California  consists  chiefly  of  the  Sacramento  and  San  Joa- 
quin Valleys.  But  a  small  portion  of  these  are  any  way  suited  for 
agricultural  purposes,  and  much  of  that  even  is  overflowed  by  the 
floods  of  winter  and  spring,  and  this  whole  country  is  in  the  hands 
of  a  few,  say  forty  or  fifty  men,  who  claim  the  territory  under  Mexi- 
can grants.  Sutter,  for  instance,  lays  claim  to  a  hundred  square 
miles,  Lawson  to  ten,  Davis  to  as  much  more,  while  Neal,3  Potter4 
and  Reading  take  the  rest,  occupying — rather  claiming,  the  Valley 
of  the  Sacramento  from  Sacramento  City  to  Reading's  mines.  The 
southern  portions  of  the  country  are  held  in  the  same  way  by  the 
very  few.  In  the  meantime  the  emigration  of  last  year  is  here  and 
many  who  came  with  families  for  the  purpose  of  making  a  perma- 
nent home,  and  others  who,  unable  to  dig  or  disappointed  in  min- 
ing, are  disposed  to  work  on  lands  which  they  thought  originally 
belonged  to  our  government,  have  taken  possession  upon  the  prin- 
ciple and  are  warned  off  by  these  Mexican  claimants.  Men  who 
have  braved  the  perils  of  an  overland  journey  to  this  country  and 
who,  perhaps,  are  unable  to  return,  will  have  a  home. 

They  would  be  willing  that  these  claimants  and  pioneers  should 
have  a  princely  fortune,  perhaps,  but  they  will  have  an  abiding  place 

2  On  Clear  Creek  in  present-day  Shasta  County.  Pierson  B.  Reading  (1816-1869)  came 
overland  to  California  in  1843,  worked  for  Sutter  as  clerk  and  chief  of  trappers,  and 
secured  the  grant  of  Santa  Buenaventura  rancho  in  1844.  Reading  served  in  the  California 
Battalion,  1846-1847,  as  a  major,  and  ran  for  governor  in  1851.  Bancroft,  History  of 
California,  V,  689. 

3  Samuel  Neal  (d.  1859)  came  to  California  in  1844,  worked  for  Sutter,  and  received  a 
Mexican  grant  near  present-day  Chico.  He  helped  Fremont  in  the  insurrection  of  1846. 
Sacramento  Union,  August  22-23,  30,  1859;  Bancroft,  History  of  California,  IV,  752. 

4  John  Potter  settled  in  the  Chico  region,  1844-1846,  and  in  1848  profitably  employed 
Indians  in  the  mines.  He  died  about  1851.  Bancroft,  History  of  California,  IV,  783. 


for  themselves,  their  wives  and  children,  and  any  attempt  to  dis- 
lodge them  will  produce  a  combination  and  union  which  will  re- 
quire a  military  force  to  break  up.  Should  the  government  recognize 
these  Mexican  grants,  it  places  the  multitude  at  the  mercy  of  the 
few,  engrafting  in  fact  the  peon  system  of  Mexico  or  the  feudal 
tenure  of  Europe  upon  our  republican  institutions  in  California, 
making  a  few  lords  of  the  soil  with  a  multitude  of  dependents  upon 
their  will,  a  state  of  things  to  which  our  Anglo-Saxon  race  are 
strangers  and  to  which  they  will  not  submit.  Should  the  government 
not  acknowledge  the  right  of  these  Mexican  claims,  and  assume  the 
fee  simple  of  the  soil  in  itself,  and  by  its  justice  and  liberality  con- 
firm the  squatters  in  their  professions  even  by  paying  a  fixed  price 
for  their  lands,  much  of  the  difficulty  will  be  obviated,  and  so  too 
even  if  government  concurs  in  the  validity  of  those  claims,  if  it  will 
buy  out  the  claimants  and  then  confirm  to  the  present  occupants  the 
righ  of  pre-emption.  In  this  unsettled  state  of  things,  towns  are  laid 
out,  lots  and  ranches  change  hands,  and  at  prices,  too,  that  cannot 
be  sustained  even  in  this  land  of  gold;  so  that  when  the  bubble 
bursts,  as  it  surely  will,  litigation,  failures  and  trouble  must  ensue, 
making  a  paradise  for  lawyers  and  a  hell  for  clients.5 1  do  not  antici- 
pate for  California  that  high  destiny  which  many  of  our  citizens  at 
home  do.  I  have  read  several  plausible  and  well-written  editorials 
upon  the  subject  in  various  city  papers,  but  they  originated  with 
men  either  interested  in  some  scheme  or  unacquainted  with  the 
actual  condition  of  the  country.  I  believe  that  in  political  economy 
every  prosperous  State  must  depend  upon  its  own  proper  resources 
for  its  prosperity.  For  instance,  New  England  has  its  waterpower, 
its  wool,  &c;  the  Middle  Western  and  Southern  states  have  their 
crops,  timber,  wool,  coal,  tobacco,  sugar,  &c,  &c,  to  give  employ- 
ment to  the  shipping  of  our  seaboard.  As  an  agricultural  country, 
California  will  amount  to  nothing.  The  climate  and  most  of  the  soil 
is  antagonistic,  and  an  ordinary  population  must  be  fed  and  clothed 
by  importation.  Its  true  source  of  wealth  is  in  its  mines,  and  so  long 
as  they  continue  prolific,  commerce  to  a  certain  extent  will  be  drawn 
to  its  shores.  Its  being  a  halfway  house  to  China  amounts  to  noth- 
ing. A  merchant  in  New  York  fitting  out  a  ship  for  a  load  of  tea  will 
avail  himself  of  the  Isthmus  canal  when  completed,  but  intsead  of 
purchasing  a  cargo  at  San  Francisco,  paying  there  a  commission  and 
profit,  storage,  &c,  will  send  his  ship  direct  as  usual  to  Canton,  and 
buy  from  first  hands,  and  then  return  by  the  usual  route  to  New 
York,  rather  than  make  a  forty  or  fifty  days'  sail  out  of  the  way  of 
San  Francisco.  If  a  railroad  is  even  built  from  the  States,  it  cannot 
compete  in  prices  of  freight  with  steamships  or  sail  vessels  and  pay 
a  profit  to  the  San  Francisco  dealer.  A  railroad,  however,  will  bene- 

5  Cf.  Royce,  op.  cit. 


fiit  the  traveling  community  and  be  beneficial  as  a  communication. 
The  gold  mines  are  the  true  and  legitimate  source  of  wealth  of  Cali- 
fornia, and  after  their  exhaustion,  you  may  mark  the  decline  of  this 
unjustly  praised  country.  It  may  reach  a  mushroom  growth,  but  it 
will  eventually  be  thrown  upon  its  own  resources  and  sink  to  its  own 
proper  level.  Oregon  will  be  substantially  benefited;  for  there,  wheat 
can  be  grown  and  its  waterpower  will  produce  the  flour  to  feed 
California,  while  its  manufactures  of  woolen  goods  will  be  ex- 
changed for  the  mineral  wealth  of  its  sister  State. 

I  found  in  my  recent  visit  below0  that  great  anticipations  were 
formed  as  to  the  amount  of  gold  to  be  raised  the  coming  season  in 
the  mines.  This,  I  think,  will  be  in  some  measure  justified.  A  much 
larger  number  of  persons  are  engaged  in  the  mines,  than  heretofore 
— new  mines  are  opened — new  discoveries  are  made,  and  the  use  of 
quicksilver  will  be  more  general  than  usual  in  mining.  The  use  of 
the  latter  in  separating  the  gold  from  the  sand  is  beginning  to  be 
understood,  and  the  quality  of  fine  gold  obtained  by  its  aid  is  nearly 
doubled  while  the  expense  is  but  little  increased.  Bars  that  have  been 
worked  over  in  the  old  mode  by  the  common  rocker  will  pay  well 
with  a  quicksilver  machine. 

I  have  heard  of  some  extraordinary  results,  and  we  shall  work  the 
bars  in  which  I  am  concerned  in  that  way,  though  you  will  always 
bear  in  mind  that  no  gold  can  be  obtained  only  by  hard  labor,  priva- 
tion and  hardships. 

There  are  two  things  which  cannot  be  ascertained  with  any  cer- 
tainty— the  actual  number  of  men  engaged  in  the  mines  and  the 
amount  of  gold  raised.  I  have  seen  statements  of  arrivals  of  gold  in 
the  United  States,  and  the  average  amount  is  sometimes  compared 
with  the  numbers  who  left  the  States.  Now  the  fact  is  that  thousands 
who  came  over  are  not  engaged  in  mining,  while  a  large  amount  of 
that  which  is  raised  goes  to  Oregon,  Mexico,  Chile  and  South 
America,  the  Sandwich  Islands,  China  and  Europe  without  even 
passing  through  the  United  States.  This  drain  of  gold  to  foreign  na- 
tions might  be  stopped  by  an  action  of  our  government,  in  which  it 
would  be  heartily  seconded  by  the  American  population  here.  I 
surely  can  see  no  more  injustice  in  such  a  measure  than  in  forbid- 
ding foreigners  from  cutting  timber  on  our  public  lands.  There  is 
one  thing  which  even  our  government  may  find  a  difficulty  in  carry- 
ing out,  and  that  is  the  laying  out  of  mines  in  lots.  This  is  a  matter 
which  has  already  regulated  itself,  and  miners  have  made  their  own 
laws,  which  are  as  much  respected  as  any  action  of  Congress  can  be, 
for  they  are  founded  upon  justice  and  equity. 

It  amounts  simply  to  about  this:  that  a  man  is  entitled  to  work 
bona  fide  that  portion  of  a  stream  he  actually  turns  from  its  bed,  and 

6  To  Sacramento  the  previous  October. 


the  streams  are  of  such  a  nature  that  very  extensive  claims  cannot  be 
made,  while  numerous  bars  afford  room  for  many  occupants.  No 
set  of  men,  without  being  acquainted  with  localities  and  the  "modus 
operandi"  of  mining,  can  make  good  laws  regulating  claims.  The 
wisest  thing  Congress  can  do,  at  present  at  least,  is  to  pass  the  sub- 
ject "sub  silentoT 7  Knowing,  as  you  do,  the  character  of  the  miners, 
you  will  not  wonder  at  the  order  and  good  feeling  that  pervades 
generally  throughout,  and  so  far  I  have  known  of  no  difficulty  of  a 
serious  nature  since  my  residence  in  the  mines.  A  mint  is  much 
needed  here,  for  now  gold  dust  sells  at  sixteen  dollars  per  ounce, 
when  its  actual  value  is  eighteen  to  twenty  dollars,  and  then  in  pur- 
chasing drafts  in  addition  to  that  rate  for  gold  we  are  obliged  to  pay 
from  five  to  ten  per  cent,  premium,  or  at  that  rate,  for  the  transpor- 
tation of  gold  dust  to  the  States. 

At  the  close  of  the  digging  season  last  fall  a  large  portion  of  the 
miners  went  to  Sacramento  and  San  Francisco.  The  most  of  these 
were  men  who  had  come  into  the  mines  late  and  had  barely  accumu- 
lated a  few  hundred  dollars,  while  the  high  price  of  provisions  made 
them  fancy  that  while  they  could  not  subsist  in  the  mines,  the  more 
moderate  rates  in  the  cities  would  enable  them  to  get  through  the 
winter  with  their  slender  means.  Among  them,  however,  were  many 
who  had  made  nothing  and  who  depended  on  their  labor  there  for 
support.  The  consequence  was,  those  places  were  soon  filled  with 
a  needy  crowd.  Wages  fell,  for  there  was  no  business  at  that  season, 
and  want  and  suffering  and  starvation  stared  them  full  in  the  face. 
The  dissipations,  too,  of  the  city  induced  many  who  had  a  little 
money  to  indulge,  and  they  were  soon  left  penniless.  And  then  came 
the  other  alternative.  Stealing  became  as  common  as  before  it  had 
been  unknown,  and  property  was  no  longer  safe  in  being  exposed, 
and  it  now  has  to  be  guarded  with  the  same  care  as  in  a  civilized 
country,  where  law  and  order  prevail.  I  am  happy  to  say  that  in  the 
mines  things  in  this  respect  remain  in  "statu  quo." — Gambling,  too, 
maintains  its  foothold  in  the  old  towns  as  well  as  the  new.  Every 
public  house,  every  saloon  (and  there  are  multitudes  of  splendid 
ones),  has  its  band  of  music  to  attract  a  crowd  and  a  row  of  gamb- 
ling tables  around  their  spacious  halls.  I  know  of  a  young  man  who 
had  worked  till  he  had  got  $  1 8,000  and  started  for  home.  On  reach- 
ing Sacramento,  he  placed  $16,000  in  the  hands  of  a  friend  to  keep 
while  he  took  the  $2,000  and  went  to  the  monte  table.  He  soon  lost 
it,  and  went  to  his  friend  and  took  the  $16,000  to  redeem  his  luck. 
This  he  lost  also,  and  instead  of  going  home,  his  own  folly  forced 
him  back  into  the  mines  a  penniless  wretch. 

Another  went  in  with  his  fall's  labor  in  his  pocket,  about  $1,600 
or  $1,800.  This  he  soon  lost,  and  with  perfect  sang  froid  he  ex- 

7  Silently. 


claimed — "Gentlemen,  you  have  got  all  my  money — give  me  an 
ounce  to  get  back  to  the  mines  with."  The  gambler  handed  him 
sixteen  dollars  without  a  word,  and  the  poor  fool  went  back  to  his 
labor  and  his  privations  again.  These  occurred  but  a  few  days  ago. 

Living  has  been  very  dear  in  the  country;  if  a  man  could  make 
each  day  pay  its  way  during  the  winter,  he  was  doing  well  on  the 
whole.  Those  who  remained  in  the  mines  through  the  winter  were 
those  chiefly  who  had  been  able  and  fortunate  enough  to  secure 
provisions  before  the  rains  set  in.  Yet  many  trusted  to  luck  for  sup- 
plies.— I  know  two  men  who  paid  out  $1,400  from  the  middle  of 
November  to  the  middle  of  February  for  their  provisions  alone.  This 
is  easily  enough  accounted  for  by  flour  $300  per  bbl.,  pork  $200, 
sugar  $1  per  pound,  molasses  $12  per  gallon,  vinegar  $5,  potatoes 
75c.  to  $1.25  per  pound,  &c.  &c.  My  recent  trip  to  Sacramento  and 
back  actually  cost  me  a  hundred  dollars,  traveling  expenses,  though 
I  slept  on  the  ground  and  indulged  in  no  luxuries,  and  it  is  only  one 
hundred  miles.  I  walked  all  the  way  down  to  within  twenty-five  miles, 
and  when  I  came  back  I  rode  about  half  way  in  the  steamboat  and 
walked  the  rest.  I  paid  an  ounce  to  have  a  bag  of  clothes  carried 
twelve  miles.  The  price  of  a  meal  is  now  $1.50  everywhere,  a 
chance  to  sleep  under  a  tent  or  roof  $1.00,  and  you  have  to  find 
your  own  bedding  and  blankets.  At  only  two  places  in  California 
have  I  ever  found  milk  for  my  coffee,  and  I  never  saw  butter  on  the 
dinner  table.  A  common  (and  very  common  too)  dried  apple  pie 
costs  a  dollar,  a  small  baker's  loaf,  fifty  cents.  If  you  feel  aristocratic 
enough  to  indulge  in  oysters,  half  a  dozen  costs  $1.50.  By  the  way, 
I  never  go  within  smelling  distance  of  them,  they  smell  so  strong  of 
the  pocket.  Oranges  are  from  75c.  to  $1  each,  ale  and  cider  25c. 
per  glass,  so  that  it  pays  a  man  to  drink  nothing  but  cold  water.  We 
pay  50c.  to  get  our  letters  carried  to  a  post  office,  and  if  any  are 
brought  back  (a  circumstance  which  has  happened  to  me  in  only 
one  solitary  instance)  we  pay  from  $1  to  $2,  as  we  can  light  upon 
chaps,8  and  40c.  postage.  Do  you  not  think  the  mines  ought  to  yield 
well  to  live  in  such  a  country?  I  know  of  four  men  who  washed  out 
$100,000  in  four  weeks,  sold  their  claim  for  $1,000,  which  was 
paid  in  two  days,  and  $4,000  taken  out  before  the  rains  set  in.  I 
have  picked  up  gold  on  a  sidehill  after  a  rain,  but  in  quantity  too 
small  to  pay.  As  an  offset  I  know  of  hundreds  who  have  made  noth- 
ing in  weeks  of  hard  labor,  of  those  who  have  died  miserably  for 
want  of  medicine  and  mere  necessaries,  and  those  whose  constitu- 
tions are  ruined  forever  before  they  could  earn  a  dollar.  Such  is 
California  now,  and  such  will  be  the  fate  of  thousands  that  are  rush- 
ing in  from  the  States  with  high  hopes  and  bright  anticipations.  I 
had  no  idea  of  inflicting  a  letter  upon  you  of  such  unconscionable 
length,  and  although  there  is  still  much  left  untold,  I  will  not  trespass 

8  Find  someone  to  pay. 


longer  on  your  patience.  I  am  in  better  health  than  I  have  been  in 
five  years,  though  I  have  had  a  severe  acclimation,  and  I  have  at 
least  a  year  of  hard  labor  before  me  in  working  out  the  bars  I  have 
become  possessed  of.  During  my  uncertain  absence,  I  commend  my 
family  to  the  care  of  my  brethren,  and  I  do  not  doubt  that  they  will 
receive  from  you  such  attention  as  your  kindness  of  heart  will  prompt 
you  to  bestow.  My  kind  regards  to  Mrs.  C.°  I  need  scarcely  say  that 
I  shall  be  glad  to  hear  from  you.  Direct  all  communications  to 
Sacramento  City. 

Fraternally  yours, 

A.  Delano. 

9  Laura  Adelaide  Sherrill  Caton  (d.  1892);  she  was  married  in  1835.  Ottawa:  Old  and 
New,  90;  U.  S.  Biographical  Dictionary  and  Portrait  Gallery:  Illinois  Volume  (Chicago, 
1876),  8-9. 


Ottawa  Bar,  Feather  River,1 
March  22,  1850. 

If  California  at  this  moment  has  little  real  claim  to  notoriety 
among  the  countries  of  the  globe,  it  may  be  entitled  the  land  of  inci- 
dents, for  you  can  scarcely  make  a  journey  of  twenty  miles  without 
meeting  some  adventure  worthy  a  paragraph.  It  was  during  a  walk 
of  ten  miles  in  the  mountains,  through  a  drizzling  rain  in  November, 

that  I  became  acquainted  with  our  mutual  friend,  G .2  My 

wagon  and  goods  lay  mudbound  on  the  brow  of  the  first  mountain 
above  the  Valley,  and  I  had  built  a  bower  (not  of  roses)  by  the 

1  True  Delta,  June  6,  1850.         2  Grant. 


roadside,  waiting  the  course  of  the  storms,  hoping  there  might  be  a 
cessation  of  strife  between  the  sun  and  rain  long  enough  to  enable 
me  to  get  up  to  my  location  at  Dawlytown.  It  was  during  a  casual 

visit  to  my  headquarters  that  I  saw  Mr.  G ,  and  on  my  return 

he  was  my  companion  and  guest  for  the  night.  It  is  by  his  request 
that  I  write  you,  though  the  subject  is  an  "oft-told  tale"  and  noth- 
ing new  can  well  be  added.  I  speak  of  California — of  California  as  I 
found  it.  Not  the  land  of  Ophir,  where  Solomon  got  his  gold,  nor  of 
the  dwelling-place  of  the  Genius  of  Aladdin,  but  simply  of  one 
hundred  and  thirty  miles  of  the  famed  Valley  of  the  Sacramento  and 
of  the  neighboring  mountains  which  I  have  traveled  over.  I  am  one 
of  that  class  of  nomad  Anglo-Saxons  who,  in  their  modest  desire  of 
obtaining  sudden  wealth  by  picking  the  golden  lumps  from  the 
piles  which  the  mountain  groaned  under  here  (once),  crossed  the 
plains  last  summer,  and  in  order  to  get  to  the  gold  region  before  all 
others,  took  the  cut-off  to  Feather  River,  about  sixty-five  miles 
above  the  sink  of  Mary's  River.3  For  this  happy  hit,  I  had  the  pleas- 
ure of  going  four  hundred  miles  further  than  by  the  old  road;  of 
living  three  weeks  on  hard  bread  and  coffee,  and  nothing  else;  of 
fighting  Indians  nearly  all  the  way;  and  finally  of  reaching  the  con- 
fines of  El  Dorado  four  weeks  later  than  those  who  kept  the  "even 
tenor  of  their  way"4  on  the  old  route.  All  that  I  had  read  of  the 
Valley  of  the  Sacramento,  previous  to  leaving  the  States,  was  highly 
in  favor  of  its  beauty,  the  fertility  of  its  soil,  the  salubrity  of  its  cli- 
mate, and  the  clearness  of  its  atmosphere,  all  of  which  led  me  to 
expect  a  kind  of  natural  Eden,  and  by  passing  many  weeks  on  bar- 
ren sand  plains,  nearly  destitute  of  vegetation,  or  crossing  rocky 
and  barren  mountains,  I  was  in  a  good  condition  to  appreciate  any 
change  for  the  better.  The  view  from  the  mountain,  as  far  as  I  could 
see,  was  pleasant,  but  I  thought  at  the  moment  that  it  would  not 
compare  with  the  rich  views  of  many  of  our  western  prairies;  and  I 
think  so  still.  The  following  is  a  short  extract  from  my  journal  on 
the  day  I  reached  the  Valley,  which  is  to  the  point  on  the  first  and 
third  counts: 

"September  16. — On  regaining  the  road  and  ascending  a  high 
hill,  the  Valley  of  the  Sacramento  lay  before  me,  five  or  six  miles 
distant.  I  could  discern  green  trees  and  a  level  bottom,  but  the  day 
was  too  smoky  for  an  extended  view." 

There  are  trees,  and  occasionally  groves,  but  in  nearly  every  in- 
stance they  are  on  the  banks  of  the  stream,  or  on  soil  that  is  subject 
to  being  overflowed  by  the  winter  floods,  or  where  sloughs  or  wet 
places  moisten  the  earth  sufficiently  to  afford  sap  to  sustain  their 
growth.  The  trees  in  the  Valley  are  of  the  stunted  growth;  you  can 

3  The  Lassen  Trail  left  the  Humboldt  (or  Mary's)  before  the  sink.  Cf.  pp.  16-17,  23. 

4  Cf.  Thomas  Gray,  Elegy  Written  in  a  Country  Churchyard. 


scarcely  find  one  of  eighteen  inches  in  diameter  that  is  sound  at  the 
butt  or  fit  for  staves.  They  are  often  large  at  the  butt  and  branch  out 
to  an  enormous  distance,  but  do  not  grow  tall  and  thrifty,  as  we  see 
them  in  the  mountains  or  at  home. 

In  immediate  proximity  to  the  streams,  the  soil  appears  fertile, 
and  good  crops  of  wheat  can  be  raised  if  the  land  can  be  irrigated. 
But  three  or  four  miles  from  the  stream,  unless  in  the  vicinity  of 
sloughs,  the  grass  is  dry  and  crisp  by  August,  and  where  any  attempt 
is  made  at  farming,  deep  trenches  are  dug  around  the  field,  from 
some  creek,  to  irrigate  the  dry  and  parched  soil.  I  have  not  seen  any 
as  large  potatoes  here  even  as  is  common  at  home,  and  they  can 
grow  only  in  the  neighborhood  of  streams. 

Extract  2. — "For  some  miles  after  reaching  the  Valley  the  ground 
was  covered  with  round  stone  and  debris  which  appeared  to  have 
been  originally  thrown  out  by  some  volcano,  and  then  washed  by 
floods  to  their  present  place  of  deposit." 

I  say  without  hesitation,  let  no  man  come  here  for  agricultural 
speculation  while  there  is  a  corner  left  between  the  Alleghenies  and 
the  Platte.  The  soil  is  no  better  than  the  prairies  of  Indiana,  Illinois 
and  Missouri,  while  rain  rarely  falls  between  June  and  November. 

In  speaking  of  the  salubrity  of  the  climate,  Mr.  Bryant  says  (I 
quote  from  memory)  that  "the  purity  of  the  air  is  such  that  dead 
carcasses  of  animals  emit  no  offensive  smell." 5 

This  may  be  so  on  the  Coast,  for  I  have  not  yet  been  there;  but 
unless  Mr.  B.'s  olfactory  nerves  are  hopelessly  disordered,  he  must 
be  convinced  by  this  time  that  it  will  not  apply  to  the  Valley  of  the 
Sacramento.  The  stench  around  Sacramento  City  in  September  and 
October  was  almost  insufferable,  arising  from  putrid  carcasses  of 
mules  and  oxen  that  had  perished  in  the  mire  of  the  slough  on  the 
north  side  of  the  city,  and  nowhere  in  the  Valley  where  I  have  been, 
have  I  found  it  different  in  this  respect  from  the  States.  So  far  as  my 
observation  extends  I  should  judge  that  five  sixths  of  the  emigrants 
from  the  States  have  suffered  from  sickness — bloody  flux,  diarrhea, 
and  chills  and  fever,  and  I  have  been  told  by  those  who  have  lived 
here  three  and  four  years  that  they  are  subject  to  the  same  diseases. 
This  must  always  be  so,  for  the  fervid  heat  of  the  summer  sun  pro- 
duces rapid  decay  of  vegetable  and  animal  matter  along  the  low 
grounds,  and  the  cold  nights  are  on  the  other  extreme,  which  no 
prudence  can  obviate.  I  never  saw  so  much  suffering  and  misery 
from  disease  in  all  my  life  as  I  have  seen  during  a  five  months'  resi- 
dence in  California. 

A  great  share  of  those  who  arrived  in  the  Valley  and  the  mines  in 
good  health  were,  more  or  less,  stricken  by  disease,  and  I  could  give 
you  many  heart-rending  individual  cases.  It  is  more  than  an  even 

5  Cf.  p.  27. 


chance  that  every  emigrant  must  be  sick  after  his  arrival.  No  doubt 
exposure  and  bad  diet  contribute  much  in  producing  disease,  but 
the  very  nature  of  the  climate,  the  extremes  between  the  heat  of  the 
day  and  the  cold  night  air,  must  make  it  unhealthy.  You  may  lay 
down  in  the  evening  without  a  rag  of  covering  over  you,  and  before 
morning  you  may  be  shivering  in  your  blanket  in  August.  In  sum- 
mer, many  of  the  mountain  streams  are  dry,  and  in  going  down  the 
Valley  from  Lawson's  to  Sacramento  City,  the  traveler  often  suffers 
for  water,  and  sometimes  when  he  finds  it,  it  is  in  a  mud  hole,  warm 
and  unpalatable,  so  that  a  flowing  creek  is  looked  upon  as  a  gem.  I 
append  a  table  of  distances  from  Lawson's  to  the  city  (by  general 
estimation)  on  the  road,  which  I  made  in  passing  down,  showing 
where  grass  and  water  was  found  last  September: 

From  Lawson's  to  water  in  a  hole  or  slough,  6  miles,  and  1  mile  off 

the  road. 
To  water — no  grass,  4  miles,  and  half  mile  off  the  road. 

water  and  grass  at  Potter's  ranch 12  miles — 22  miles. 

"      "       "       "      to  a  creek 5     " 

Neal  &  Ford's  r'ch6 3     "     —  8     " 

water,  very  bad,  in  a  slough  hole,  a  little 

grass  9 

Feather  River — water  and  grass 11  — 20 

'water — no  grass,  at  Burch's 7 8 

water  and  grass  at  the  Yuba 12  — 20 

water,  poor,  and  inaccessible  to  cattle,  in 

a  miry  slough,  grass  good  but  scanty 10 

Bear  River,  water  and  grass  good 7  — 17 

water  at  Nicolaus',  no  grass 4  —  4 

no  water  except  a  stagnant  pool,  and  no 
grass  to  the  American  River 30     "     — 30 

121     " 
To  Sacramento  City 3     " 


So  you  see  that  you  have  to  travel  long  distances  for  water  in  the 
season  you  need  it  most.  As  for  the  clearness  of  the  atmosphere,  it 

6  Henry  L.  Ford  (1823-1856),  a  native  of  Vermont  or  New  Hampshire,  came  to  Califor- 
nia, 1842-1844,  and  was  prominent  in  the  Bear  Revolt  of  1846.  Two  years  later  he  settled 
in  Tehama  County  and  in  1856  he  was  accidentally  shot  and  killed.  Bancroft,  History  of 
California,  HI,  744. 

"  Charles  H.  Burch  is  mentioned  as  having  been  in  California,  1846-1848,  around  Sutter's 
Fort.  Ibid.,  II,  736. 


may  vary,  for  aught  I  know,  but  I  give  you  another  extract  from 
my  journal : 

"Nov.  12:  The  rain  ceased  in  the  night  after  a  week's  steady  con- 
tinuation, and  the  air  was  clear  enough,  for  the  first  time,  to  see 
across  the  Valley. 

"We  broke  up  our  camp  where  we  had  laid  weather-bound  for 
a  week,  and  although  I  was  still  very  weak  from  the  severe  attack  of 
the  flux,  I  managed  to  crawl  along  by  the  side  of  my  wagon  at  the 
slow  pace  at  which  we  were  traveling. 

"On  ascending  a  small  eminence,  we  had  a  distinct  view  of  the 
Coast  Range  covered  with  snow,  and  as  far  as  we  could  see  they 
were  a  confused  mass  of  high,  peaked  and  broken  mountains.  It  is 
remarkable,  chiefly  that  this  is  the  first  day  since  I  entered  Califor- 
nia that  the  weather  has  been  clear  enough  to  see  both  sides  of  the 

I  do  not  doubt  that  in  the  spring,  when  the  rains  have  cleared  the 
atmosphere  of  the  smoky  vapors,  fine  views  are  afforded  of  moun- 
tain scenery  as  well  as  of  the  Valley.  The  rain  commenced  on  the 
3rd  of  November,  with  but  slight  intimation  of  its  approach.  For 
three  weeks  it  rained  almost  constantly,  and  then  the  longest  inter- 
val was  ten  days.  January  was  the  worst  month,  and  scarcely  two 
days  passed  in  succession  without  rain.  Business  led  me  to  the  first 
hill  about  three  weeks  ago,  and  from  a  high  mountain  from  which  I 
had  an  extended  view  of  the  Valley,  I  estimated  that  about  one 
quarter  was  covered  with  water.  You  will  receive  accounts  of  Sacra- 
mento City  being  submerged  by  the  flood,  and  I  need  say  nothing 
of  it  here. 

I  look  upon  all  praise  of  the  Valley  of  the  Sacramento,  for  agri- 
cultural purposes,  for  extreme  beauty,  for  salubrity  of  climate,  or 
for  a  desirable  residence,  as  being  a  perfect  misnomer.  In  summer, 
the  Valley  is  an  arid  plain,  except  in  the  immediate  vicinity  of 
streams;  in  winter,  much  of  the  fruitful  portions  are  under  water. 
The  mountains  have  a  barren  soil,  where  grass  even  will  not  grow, 
only  on  patches  in  small  valleys,  and  the  hardy  pine  and  cedar,  with 
few  varieties  of  oak  and  mountain  shrubs,  can  alone  maintain  a 
foothold.  Of  the  two  first,  they  are  the  finest  trees  I  ever  saw  of  their 
species.  I  have  seen  them  more  than  two  hundred  feet  high,  and  if 
they  could  be  got  into  the  Valley  would  be  as  valuable  as  the  gold 
of  the  mountains. 

It  seems  to  me  that  the  most  truthful  account  of  California  which 
was  published  up  to  1 849  is  of  the  gold.  I  do  not  think  the  quantity 
and  extent  of  country  over  which  the  range  passes  has  been  ex- 
aggerated. I  think  it  is  a  continuation  of  the  golden  range  from 
South  America  through  to  Asia.  Instead  of  being  confined  to  par- 
ticular localities,  as  far  as  my  observation  extends,  you  may  go  up 
any  of  the  streams,  creeks,  or  ravines,  from  the  Valley  east  to  a 


certain  distance  where  the  depth  of  the  ravine  is  about  the  same  and 
find  it — of  course  in  greater  or  less  quantities,  for  it  does  not  appear 
to  be  equally  distributed.  But  exciting  as  the  existence  of  gold  is  in 
the  mountains,  it  is  by  no  means  certain  that  anyone  can  get  it.  The 
labor  of  digging  it  has  not  been  understood,  nor  the  risks  and  ex- 
posure of  finding  it  appreciated.  It  does  not  lay  on  top  of  the 
ground  to  be  picked  up  like  acorns  under  an  oak.  To  begin  the 
process  then.  The  gold-hunter  must  first  find  a  location. 

To  do  this,  he  puts  five  or  six  days'  rations  into  his  knapsack, 
straps  his  blankets  to  his  shoulders,  for  nobody  moves  here  without 
his  bed  on  his  back,  takes  a  pick,  pan  and  shovel,  firearms  and 
ammunition,  making  his  load  fifty  pounds  if  he  is  determined  to 
succeed  before  he  returns.  Then  he  follows  the  course  of  some 
stream  up  the  mountains,  climbing  high  hills,  descending  deep 
ravines,  day  after  day,  sleeping  on  the  ground  at  night,  clambering 
over  rocks  along  the  stream,  and  loosening  the  dirt  with  his  pick 
occasionally  to  try  his  luck.  When  he  finds  it  in  apparent  quantity 
to  pay  for  working  he  returns,  in  order  to  get  ready  to  go  to  work. 

He  either  gets  a  mule  or  takes  provisions  on  his  back,  and  ex- 
ploring a  road  to  his  location  that  a  mule  can  get  over,  though  this 
cannot  always  be  found,  he  returns  to  "dig  for  gold." 

If  he  works  in  the  bank,  he  digs  down  till  he  comes  to  the  base 
rock  or  to  hard  clay,  and  then  washes  the  dirt  nearest  to  and  on  the 
rock,  and  in  the  crevices.  If  he  works  in  the  bed  of  the  stream,  he 
often  finds  it  necessary  to  turn  the  water  through  a  side  race,  which 
is  a  work  of  much  labor,  and  then  he  must  move  the  gravel,  rocks 
and  stones,  sometimes  to  the  depth  of  six  or  seven  feet,  until  he 
comes  to  the  bed  stone,  where  the  gold  is  mixed  with  the  last  dirt, 
which  he  washes  out.  He  sometimes  finds  lumps  of  gold  lodged  in 
the  crevices  after  he  removes  the  earth,  but  as  a  general  thing  he 
has  to  perform  a  vast  deal  of  hard  labor  before  he  gets  to  the  base 
rock.  The  reason  of  gold  always  being  at  the  bottom,  you  know,  is 
because  it  has  more  density  than  sand  or  gravel,  and  when  it  is 
washed  by  water,  of  course  sinks  first.  A  good  deal  of  mirth  has 
been  excited  among  the  miners  at  reading  a  notice  in  the  papers 
that  some  wise  citizens  of  Chicago  are  coming  out  with  a  mud  ma- 
chine attached  to  a  scow,  to  scrape  up  the  mud  from  the  bed  of  the 
Sacramento  and  wash  it  for  gold.  Before  they  get  a  scale,  they  will 
have  to  scrape  the  mud  to  the  base  rock,  and  then  go  down  in  diving 
bells  and  dig  the  dirt  out  of  the  crevices  with  spoons,  and  then,  as 
the  Indian  said  of  the  white  man,  it's  "mighty  onsartain."  The  miner 
may  spend  weeks  and  scarcely  get  enough  to  pay  his  board;  and 
this  has  been  the  case  with,  I  may  well  say,  thousands  the  past  fall. 
Again:  he  may  be  fortunate  and  strike  a  good  place,  and  take  up 
thousands  of  dollars.  When  this  last  is  the  case,  it  is  sounded  far 
and  near;  every  paper  is  ringing  with  it,  and  more  converts  to  the 


shrine  of  the  California  mammon  made.  But  do  you  hear  one  word 
trumped  forth  of  those  who  have  labored  hard,  lived  on  raw  pork 
and  hard  bread  for  months,  and  found  nothing  (and  these  are 
many),  or  of  the  poor  fellow  who,  coming  to  the  mines  with  high 
hopes,  is  stricken  by  disease  before  he  strikes  a  blow,  when  neither 
aid  nor  medicine,  or  the  shelter  of  a  tent  even,  can  be  rendered,  and 
he  dies,  with  no  "pitying  eye  to  see,  no  succoring  arm  to  save,"  un- 
heeded and  unknown?  I  had  not  been  in  the  mines  an  hour  before  I 
loaned  my  buffalo  skin  and  blanket  to  two  poor  fellows  lying  sick 
with  flux  and  fever,  without  any  shelter  over  them  and  a  heavy  rain 
coming  on.  One  died  soon;  the  other  got  better,  had  a  relapse  and 
died  afterwards.  When  bars  are  formed  in  the  mountain  streams, 
they  are  worked  often  advantageously,  and  when  the  road  to  them 
is  once  made,  men  rush  in  and  occupy  them  without  the  exposure 
of  the  first  explorer.  But  when  the  bar  is  worked  out,  a  general  move 
takes  place,  and  men  then  set  out  to  hunt  new  locations,  either  by 
prospecting  or  going  to  other  known  bars.  Different  districts  have 
different  regulations  as  to  the  quantity  of  ground  a  man  may  oc- 
cupy. It  is  a  general  rule,  however,  if  he  dams  the  river  and  takes 
the  water  out  by  a  race,  he  is  entitled  to  all  the  ground  he  drains  in 
the  bed;  and  although  I  have  not  heard  of  any  material  difficulty,  if 
another  party  should  interfere  or  attempt  to  drive  him  off,  he  would 
be  protected  by  the  other  companies  near.  There  is  an  association 
for  that  purpose  on  the  South  Fork,  where  I  am  now  settled.  There 
are  three  forks  to  Feather  River:  the  North  Fork,  which  heads  over 
two  hundred  miles  from  its  confluence  with  the  Sacramento;  the 
Middle  Fork,  rising  in  the  mountains  nearly  east;  and  the  South 
Fork,  the  smallest  of  the  three  branches,  which  heads  in  a  south- 
east direction,  has  a  course  of  from  sixty  to  eighty  miles.  They  all 
unite  within  six  miles  of  each  other,  and  after  passing  the  mountains 
to  the  Valley,  form  a  beautiful  stream,  navigable  for  boats  of  four 
or  five  tons  in  an  ordinary  stage  of  water.  It  is  up  the  Middle  and 
South  Fork  that  the  crowds  are  now  rushing.  Last  fall,  there  was 
scarcely  twenty  men  at  work  on  this  branch,  and  two  months  ago 
hardly  a  cabin  along  the  river.  Now,  a  cabin  is  built  every  mile  and 
every  bar  located,  and  preparations  are  going  on  by  digging  races 
and  commencing  dams  to  work  the  bed  of  the  river  in  the  spring. 
What  the  ultimate  success  of  the  hardy  adventurers  will  be,  can  only 
be  determined  on  trial.  I  was  fortunate  enough  to  secure  an  interest 
in  two  bars,  but  it  was  only  by  worse  exposure  than  I  have  described 
above.  With  a  load  of  blankets  and  provisions  on  my  back,  and 
prospecting  tools  in  my  hands,  I  was  gone  a  week,  during  which  it 
rained  constantly  night  and  day,  except  the  first  day,  and  our  com- 
pany of  nine  lay  out  without  shelter,  living  on  raw  pork  and  bread, 
keeping  a  keen  look-out  for  Indians,  passing  canons,  climbing 
rocks,  with  many  such  pleasant  incidents.  We  penetrated  up  the 


mountains  about  fifty  miles,  and  the  Lord  only  knows  how  much 
farther  we  should  have  gone  had  our  provisions  held  out;  but  stom- 
achs are  stubborn  things  to  contend  with,  and  we  were  finally  com- 
pelled, by  "stress  of  weather  and  short  allowance,"  to  face  about  and 
made  tracks  for  the  settlements,  tying  our  girths  pretty  tight  about 
us  on  the  last  day  to  keep  our  stomachs  quiet.  The  result  of  our 
wild  goose  chase  was  a  knowledge  of  the  country,  a  discovery  of 
dry  diggings  on  the  mountain,  a  good  track  for  a  road,  and  the  loca- 
tion of  two  bars  on  the  river.  And  then  to  take  possession  of  our 
bars  before  anybody  else,  a  cabin  must  be  built,  provisions  got  up 
over  a  track  that  a  mule  could  hardly  walk.  More  labor,  more  ex- 
posure; but  "veni,  vidi,  vici."  We  took  our  rations  again,  and  axes, 
and  set  out.  The  logs  were  cut  and  rolled  together,  shingles  split  out 
of  the  beautiful  pine  and  put  on  the  roof,  a  large  fireplace  and 
chimney  built,  stools,  shelves,  bedsteads,  and  door  made,  &c,  &c, 
all  of  which  occupied  about  ten  days,  and  it  rained  most  of  the  time, 
while  two  more  of  the  company  were  engaged  in  getting  up  pro- 
visions. At  last  we  are  comfortably  settled  in  the  best  quarters  which 
I  have  found  in  California,  with  enough  to  eat,  such  as  it  is,  a  good 
roof  over  us,  and  any  amount  of  hard  work  before  us,  and  perhaps 
not  a  dollar  in  either  bar  to  repay  our  toil,  or  it  may  be  a  fortune. 
But  we  shall  try. 

"To  catch  Dame  Fortune's  golden  smile, 
Assiduously  wait  upon  her; 
And  gather  gold  by  every  wile 
That's  justified  by" — confounded  hard  work.8 

The  last  line  doesn't  rhyme  exactly,  but  it's  "true  as  preaching." 
So  you  see  an  inkling  of  life  in  the  mines,  though  the  half  is  not  told. 
There  is  one  thing  I  beg  leave  to  speak  of,  and  that  is  the  perfect 
equality  which  reigns  with  us.  Sparta  could  not  hold  a  candle  to  it. 
The  judge,  the  ex-member  of  Congress,  the  lawyer,  the  merchant, 
the  farmer,  the  mechanic,  the  sailor,  the  soldier,  the  scholar,  all 
grades,  shades  and  classes,  "mingle,  mingle,  mingle,"  and  you  would 
as  often  take  the  dunce  for  the  judge,  as  the  judge  for  himself.  The 
height  of  fashion  is  to  cook  your  own  grub  and  carry  your  own 
basket  on  your  back,  while  your  holiday  suit,  like  my  own,  is — 
mem. — a  soiled  buckskin  coat,  a  tattered  vest,  pants  like  Noah's 
ark,  with  a  multitude  of  windows  and  a  large  doorway  in  the  seat, 
socks  with  tops  but  no  bottoms,  cowhide  boots  with  your  toes  peep- 
ing out  like  frogs  to  view  the  weather,  while  this  image  of  our  Maker 
is  topped  out  with  a  hat  that  looks  as  if  it  had  had  the  ague  since  it 
was  first  made,  for  its  rags  and  tatters  seem  to  have  conned  the 
beggar's  petition  by  heart — 

8  Cf.  Burns,  Epistle  to  a  Young  Friend. 


Oh,  pity  the  sorrows  of  a  poor  old — hat, 
while — but  look  in  that  pocket  looking-glass — you  haven't  shaved 
for  the  last  three  months.  No  soap  is  no  excuse;  you  might  have 
singed  it  off  with  a  burning  pine  knot. 

Now,  Mr.  Editor,  if  you  have  any  doubt  of  the  truth  of  this  de- 
scription of  a  miner's  appearance,  just  come  and  see  for  yourself, 
and  I  will  wager  my  hat  (and  if  I  lose  it  I  shall  have  none  at  all) 
against  a  year's  subscription  to  the  True  Delta  that  you  will  give  it 
up.  The  man  after  all  may  have  a  rough  exterior,  but  a  good,  true, 
honest  heart  within.  I  would  like  to  give  you  a  fine  example  of  this 
if  it  came  within  the  limits  and  design  of  this  communication.  Below 
the  Middle  Fork  the  rock  is  trachyte,  standing  vertically,  but  above, 
on  the  South  Fork,  it  suddenly  changes  to  granite,  partially  decom- 
posed, syenite,  and  large  fragments  of  quartz,  which  have  evidently 
been  exposed  to  intense  heat,  and  frequently  on  the  hillsides  and 
mountain  tops  the  ground  is  covered  with  fine  particles  of  decom- 
posed granite.  Occasionally  we  find  quartz  crystals,  though  not  as 
clear  as  those  of  the  quartz  formations  in  the  States,  but  I  have 
found  none  of  the  peculiar  debris  which  accompanies  the  black 
traprock  within  the  range  of  the  Sierra  Nevada.  Yellow  and  black 
mica  are  plentiful,  and  in  some  places  thin  slabs  of  isinglass.  This 
granite  formation  continued  as  high  up  as  I  penetrated,  and  appar- 
ently the  higher  up,  the  harder  and  more  compact  the  rock  became. 
I  have  not  found  a  single  petrifaction  on  the  river. 

As  for  the  future  prospects  of  California,  I  say  nothing.  I  have 
here  briefly  described  it  as  I  found  it.  Commercially,  and  for  its 
mines,  it  may  prove  a  valuable  acquisition;  as  an  agricultural  coun- 
try, it  cannot  amount  to  much.  At  present  it  is  in  the  hands  of 
speculators  and  of  men  holding  large  tracts  under  Mexican  grants, 
and,  for  a  time,  litigations  and  law-suits  must  ensue,  and  it  will  be  a 
paradise  for  lawyers.  That  men  should  hold  from  ten  to  a  hundred 
leagues  of  land  is  unreasonable,  and  no  free  country  can  flourish 
while  nearly  all  the  best  soil  is  in  the  hands  of  so  few  individuals. 
But  your  own  judgment  is  probably  better  than  mine  in  this  respect, 
and  I  leave  it. 

If  a  man  has  health  and  will  work  hard,  he  can  make  money  here 
now.  In  short,  he  may  get  rich  soon,  or  he  may  find  an  early  death. 
One  thing  is  certain,  hardship  and  privation  if  he  succeeds,  and 
probably  the  same  if  he  fails.  A.  D. 



Dawlytown,  California,  April  4,  1850.1 

On  my  return  from  the  mountains,  I  found  the  water  too  high  for 
mining  operations,  and  we  probably  shall  be  unable  to  do  but  little 
before  the  1st  of  June,  when  the  rains  are  over  and  the  snows 
melted.  And  here  is  one  of  the  drawbacks  upon  mining.  During  the 
winter,  no  man  can  work  for  the  rains,  and  on  the  streams  the 
water  continues  so  high  from  melting  snows  and  spring  rains  that, 
on  Feather  River  at  least,  little  or  nothing  can  be  done  till  June.  In 
August,  the  intense  heat  of  the  sun  drives  the  miners  from  the  ra- 
vines, so  that  really  about  four  months  of  the  year  only  can  be  taken 
as  a  maximum  for  mining  on  the  rivers. 

As  high  as  this  stream  is  worked,  it  is  chiefly  done  by  throwing 
dams  across  at  the  head  of  bars,  and  the  water  is  turned  from  its 
bed  through  a  race,  and  the  bed  of  the  stream  is  then  worked  out.  I 
do  not  know  of  a  single  bar  for  forty  miles  up  from  the  Valley,  that 
is  not  claimed  by  companies  who  have  their  races  dug  and  who  will 
put  in  their  dams  as  soon  as  the  water  falls  sufficiently.  Hitherto, 
the  common  rocker  has  been  in  general  use,  but  now  quicksilver 
machines  are  introduced  and,  by  another  season,  will  most  prob- 
ably supersede  the  old  cradle.  Little  or  nothing  is  lost  by  these  ma- 
chines, and  the  results  have  sometimes  been  astonishing,  even  on 
bars  which  have  been  worked  over  by  the  old  rocker.  A  new  and 
expeditious  mode  of  building  dams  has  been  recently  introduced 
which  promises  much  success.  It  is  simply  filling  bags  with  sand  and 
laying  them  on  each  other,  breaking  joints  like  laying  up  bricks  in 
a  wall.  They  become  compact  and  shut  out  the  water  completely, 
while  an  efficient  dam  can  be  built  in  a  few  hours. 

As  a  general  thing,  the  health  of  those  who  remained  in  the  mines 
during  the  winter  is  good,  and  those  who  survived  the  sickness  and 
exposure  of  last  fall  are  in  robust  health.  Still,  whether  they  will  be 
able  to  stand  the  labor  and  intense  heat  of  summer  remains  to  be 
seen.  Provisions  are  now  obtained  in  the  mines  with  much  less  dif- 
ficulty than  they  were  last  fall,  and  in  greater  variety,  so  that  the 
meagre  diet  of  the  miners  can  be  replaced  by  that  more  healthful. 
Trading  establishments  keep  pace  with  the  crowds  forcing  their  way 
into  the  mountain  recesses,  and  competition  is  rapidly  reducing  the 
exorbitant  prices  which  were  common  last  fall.  Still  prices  are  high. 
Labor  in  the  mines  is  worth  from  ten  to  twelve  dollars  per  day;  a 
single  meal,  not  only  in  the  mountains  but  in  the  Valley  generally, 

1  True  Delta,  June  9,  1850.  Actually  this  letter  must  have  been  written  at  Marysville, 
according  to  the  fourth  paragraph. 


is  $1.50.  New  towns  are  springing  up  at  points  convenient  to  the 
mines,  and  speculations  in  town  lots  with  dubious  titles  are  as  rife 
as  they  were  at  home  in  1836. 

High  water  preventing  any  mining  operations,  I  came  down  to 
this  place  a  few  days  ago,  where  I  shall  remain  until  the  streams  are 
low  enough  to  work  in  the  mines.  In  November  last,  there  was  but  a 
single  adobe  house  here.  Now  there  is  a  town  with  a  population  of 
a  thousand  souls,  an  active,  busy  stirring  place,  at  the  mouth  of  the 
Yuba,  with  a  fleet  of  whale  boats,  small  schooners,  and,  during  the 
floods,  daily  steamboats,  discharging  cargoes  on  the  levee.2  But  for 
some  of  the  unique  California  buildings,  wood  and  cloth  combined, 
and  the  costume  and  peculiar  habits  of  the  citizens,  you  might  well 
fancy  yourself  still  at  home  in  the  "land  o'  the  leal." 

One  of  the  peculiar  concomitants  of  a  town  in  Alta  California  is 
gambling.  The  most  spacious  tents  and  halls  are  rather  gorgeously 
fitted  up,  decorated  with  pictures,  and  at  one  end  a  splendid  bar 
affords  the  means  of  giving  courage  to  the  unsophisticated,  and 
enables  him  to  lose  in  a  few  moments  the  hard  earnings  of  months 
of  toil  and  privations,  while  around  the  room  rows  of  tables  stand, 
with  piles  of  money,  with  various  games  to  "take  the  stranger  in." 
At  some  of  the  tables,  Mexican  women  preside  at  monte,  and  they 
always  get  a  crowd  around  them.  I  was  taken  a  little  aback  yester- 
day at  seeing  a  young  woman  perambulating  the  streets  in  men's 
attire.  I  was  told  she  was  married.  It  is  certain  she  has  a  marvelous 
penchant  for  wearing  the  breeches,  and  her  husband  might  as  well 
assume  petticoats  at  once.  It  is  not  uncommon  to  see  Mexican  wom- 
en astride  of  horses,  and  they  ride  well  too.  We  do  not  grow  fastid- 
ious in  such  matters,  after  living  among  Indians  who  have  worn 
Adam  and  Eve's  morning  dresses  all  their  lives.  As  brandy,  ale, 
wine,  cider,  &c,  cost  only  two  bits  a  drink  now,  any  fool  can  afford 
to  drink,  and  you  would  be  astonished  at  the  number  of  such  fools 
among  us. 

"E'en  ministers  ha'  been  ken'd 
At  times  a  rousing  whid  to  vend, 
An  nail't  wi'  scripture," 3 
and  I  was  rather  more  amused  than  edified  last  Sunday  by  hearing 
a  reverend  gentleman  of  the  Methodist  persuasion  holding  forth  the 
sublime  truths  of  Sacred  Writ  from  a  pile  of  boards  in  the  public 
square  and  preaching  the  necessity  of  regeneration.  He  kept  a  drink- 
ing house  in  one  of  the  back  streets,  and  could  at  any  time  give 
practical  evidence  of  the  power  of  spirit.  After  all  this  strange  med- 
ley of  right  and  wrong,  of  what  we  have  been  taught  to  look  on  as 
good  or  bad,  the  principle  of  law  and  order  still  exists,  and  crime, 

2  This  could  only  be  Marysville.  Cf.  Across  the  Plains,  127-128. 

3  Cf.  Bums,  Death  and  Doctor  Hornbook.  A  "whid"  is  a  lie. 


aggression  or  violent  outbreaks  are  as  unusual  as  in  the  States;  and 
1  do  not  doubt  that,  in  the  course  of  time,  future  emigrations,  as 
well  as  the  early  habits  of  those  now  here,  will  give  tone  to  society 
in  California,  and  out  of  this  chaos  a  different  state  of  things  will  be 

A  large  yield  from  the  mines  is  anticipated  the  present  season, 
and  this  is  justly  predicated  upon  two  reasons.  There  are  many 
more  engaged  in  mining,  and  the  work  is  carried  on  more  scientifi- 
cally with  the  use  of  quicksilver.  You  cannot  judge  of  the  amount  of 
gold  raised  here  by  quotations  from  arrivals  in  the  United  States. 
Large  amounts  go  to  Oregon,  the  Sandwich  Islands,  Mexico,  South 
America,  Europe,  and  even  China,  of  which  you  receive  no  advices. 

That  we  are  advancing  in  the  science  of  law,  especially  for  the 
punishment  of  offenders,  you  will  readily  acknowledge  from  one  of 
the  incidents  of  the  day.  Last  night,  one  of  the  gambling  houses  of 
this  town  was  slit  through  with  a  knife,  and  some  thieves  entered 
and  stole  a  trunk  belonging  to  the  proprietor,  containing  a  thousand 
dollars.  This  morning,  one  of  the  thieves  offered  a  pistol  for  sale  that 
was  in  the  trunk,  which  led  to  his  detection  and  that  of  an  accom- 
plice. A  grand  jury  was  summoned,  and  one  of  the  culprits  plead 
guilty.  A  true  bill  was  found  against  both,  and  a  petit  jury  was  im- 
panelled forthwith  before  the  alcalde.  The  tide  of  fortune  was 
against  the  culprits,  and  they  were  sentenced  each  to  receive  one 
hundred  lashes  on  the  bare  back,  and,  if  found  in  town  in  the  morn- 
ing, a  fine  of  a  thousand  dollars  and  two  years'  labor  in  the  chain 
gang  of  San  Francisco.  Sentence  was  immediately  executed.  They 
were  tied  to  a  tree,  their  backs  laid  bare,  and  a  brawny  arm  soon 
paid  them  the  penalty  of  dishonesty,  much  to  the  edification  of  a 
large  throng  of  bystanders  in  the  public  square.  One  of  them  ap- 
peared penitent  and  was  probably  young  in  crime;  the  other,  when 
his  back  was  bared,  showed  indubitable  proof  of  a  former  acquaint- 
ance with  the  cat  and  no  doubt  was  an  old  offender.  On  their  dis- 
charge, they  disappeared  in  the  crowd  and  can  now  go  and  try  their 
light-fingered  propensity  in  some  other  community.  But  a  small  por- 
tion of  the  money  was  recovered.  As  there  are  no  prisons,  this  is 
the  only  way  of  punishment,  and  this  speedy  justice  will  not  be 
without  its  effects  upon  others.  Having  an  opportunity  of  sending 
this  to  Sacramento,  I  am  writing  hurriedly.  A.  D. 



Oleepa,  May  8,  1850.1 

I  was  most  highly  gratified  a  few  days  since  by  receiving  a  letter 
from  you,  which  gave  me  more  news  from  home  than  I  had  received 
in  all  before.  Indeed,  the  mails  seem  tired  of  persecuting  me  any 
longer,  for  within  the  last  two  months  I  have  received  (count  with 
your  fingers  so  that  you  will  make  no  mistake)  three  letters  from  my 
wife  dated  severally  August  25,  October  21,  January  12 — one  from 
my  sister,2  December  2,  one  from  Colonel  Morgan  of  New  York,3 
December  18,  and  you  of  February  4 — all  but  the  first  one  and 
Colonel  Morgan's  came  within  the  last  two  days,  and  I  have  read 
and  reread  them  so  often  that  I  have  committed  them  to  memory  to 
serve  until  I  strike  another  lead. — Well,  this  is  the  merry  month  of 
May — hot  enough  to  roast  eggs — men.  The  hens  in  this  country 
don't  lay — 'cause  there  isn't  any.  Eggs  are  brought  by  sea  from  Aca- 
pulco  at  six  dollars  per  dozen.  I  wish  some  Yankee  would  establish  a 
manufactory  here,  so  as  to  reduce  the  price  a  little.  But  speaking  of 
May,  it  reminds  me  of  where  I  was  a  year  ago,  sailing  by  point  of 

1  Free  Trader,  July  6,  1850.  Oleepa  was  an  Indian  village  on  the  Feather  River  one  half 
mile  south  of  Yateston.  Across  the  Plains,  127-128. 

2  Harriett  Delano  (b.  1797),  after  whom  he  apparently  named  his  daughter  Harriet.  In 
"Old  Block  at  Home"  he  refers  to  his  reunion  with  his  "only  sister,"  a  grandmother  and 
widow,  at  Aurora,  but  her  married  name  does  not  appear.  His  parents  had  eleven  chil- 
dren; but  only  four  attained  middle  age,  apparently- — Austin,  Harriett,  Mortimer  Fred- 
erick, and  Alonzo.  Pen-Knife  Sketches,  57-58;  Joel  A.  Delano,  Genealogy,  408. 

3  Probably  Edwin  B.  Morgan  (1806-1881),  of  Aurora,  one  of  the  original  officers  of 
Wells,  Fargo  and  Company,  with  which  Delano  was  later  associated. 


compass  on  the  plains  between  the  two  Nemahas,4  and  by  this  time 
thousands  of  our  fellow  citizens  have  commenced  their  long  and 
weary  route  of  suffering  towards  this  land  of  distress,  sickness,  and 
death,  for  in  few  words,  such  will  be  the  inevitable  fate  of  many  who 
will  cross  the  plains.  So  many  reminiscences  of  my  trials  present 
themselves  so  vividly  to  my  imagination,  that  I  can  scarcely  write 
at  all,  so  ardently  do  I  desire  to  be  with  them  to  tell  them  how  to 
avoid  the  difficulties  and  suffering  which  we  encountered,  and  much 
may  be  avoided  if  they  knew  how.  In  one  of  my  communications  to 
you,  I  spoke  of  the  pocket  map  which  you  presented  me  on  my  leav- 
ing Ottawa,  but  from  a  word  dropped  in  your  letter,  I  conclude  you 
never  received  it. — It  was  a  copy  of  Fremont's,5  most  conveniently 
arranged  in  sections,  so  that  by  turning  a  leaf  two  or  three  days' 
travel  lay  before  us.  We  found  it  of  infinite  use.  The  distances  were 
accurately  laid  down,  and  the  notes  and  remarks  were  perfectly 
correct.  Many  trains  were  benefited,  and  something  of  the  kind 
would  be  very  useful  to  emigrants.  Ours  was  only  on  this  route  to 
sixty  miles  west  of  Fort  Hall,  but  now  a  new  and  better  route  is 
found  from  Bear  Springs  which  saves  about  an  hundred  miles' 
travel,  leaving  Fort  Hall  to  the  north.  It  seems  as  if  a  man  may  live 
years  in  a  few  months  in  this  country,  so  many  are  the  changes  and 
the  scenes  which  he  goes  through.  Every  transit  from  the  mountains 
to  the  Valley,  or  from  the  Valley  to  the  mountains,  brings  its  adven- 
tures. If  I  could  detail  but  a  small  portion  of  the  experience  of 
travelers  to  this  country,  it  would  form  as  interesting  and  exciting  a 
book  of  the  kind  as  ever  was  published. 

Colonel  Taylor,  of  St.  Louis,  in  coming  out  last  season  with  a 
part  of  his  company,  left  their  train  and  started  for  California.  They 
lost  their  horses,  and  in  an  attempt  to  make  a  cut-off,  got  lost  in  the 
Wind  River  Mountains  in  August,  where  the  snow  was  ten  feet 
deep.  For  many  days  they  had  no  provisions,  only  what  they  killed 
and  that  was  but  little,  and  just  as  the  last  ray  of  hope  was  depart- 
ing, and  they  had  concluded  that  death  was  inevitable,  they  re- 
gained the  road  and  succeeded  in  getting  through  by  walking  fifteen 
hundred  miles. 

My  neighbor,  T.  E.  Gray,6  came  through  Central  America  on 
foot.  On  the  Pacific  he  took  a  whaleboat  and  put  to  sea,  was  once 
washed  overboard  in  a  storm,  but  arrived  safely  in  San  Francisco  in 
twenty-seven  days.  Among  the  unfortunate  sufferers  who  were 

4  The  Little  Nemaha  River  and  the  North  Fork  of  the  Nemaha  River,  in  present-day 
Nebraska.  Cf.  p.  23. 

5  John  Charles  Fremont,  Report  of  the  Exploring  Expedition  to  the  Rocky  Mountains  in 
the  Year  1842,  and  to  Oregon  and  North  California  in  the  Years  1843-44  (Washington, 
1845).  Maps  face  pp.  132,  246.  This  was  the  most  popular  overland  guide. 

6  Of  Florida.  He  was  a  passenger  on  the  steamer  Galveston,  which  sailed  from  New 
Orleans  for  Panama  on  February  2,  1849.  Haskins,  Argonauts  of  California,  481. 


caught  in  the  November  snows  of  the  last  emigration  was  a  gentle- 
man who  told  me  that,  in  a  desperate  attempt  to  reach  the  settle- 
ment, he  took  his  knapsack  and  started  to  walk  in  about  two  hun- 
dred miles.  In  about  three  days  his  provisions  were  all  gone  but  one 
day's  ration  of  flour  and  a  small  piece  of  bacon.  He  overtook  a 
family  where  there  were  three  women  and  three  or  four  little  chil- 
dren who  had  not  a  mouthful  to  eat,  and  the  men  had  gone  out  to 
seek  aid.  Their  cattle  had  all  died  and  they  were  left  helpless.  With 
a  self-denial  and  generosity  that  few  can  fully  appreciate  but  those 
who  have  seen  such  things,  he  gave  all  his  provisions  to  the  helpless 
and  starving  sufferers,  and  walked  three  days  in  snow  knee-deep, 
without  food  himself,  before  he  ate  anything.  The  family  were 
rescued  by  the  Government  relief  train.7  But  such  things  are  so 
common  that  they  have  ceased  to  be  a  subject  of  conversation. 

A  rather  droll  meeting  happened  to  me  last  fall  among  hundreds 
of  others.  During  my  last  trip  to  Sacramento  City  just  before  the 
rains  set  in,  I  was  driving  my  ox  team  in  company  with  two  other 
teams  over  a  dry  arid  plain,  without  grass  or  water — night  was  ap- 
proaching, and  no  sign  of  a  camping  ground  appeared,  and  tired 
and  jaded,  suffering  alike  with  hunger  and  thirst,  we  were  anxiously 
looking  round  for  a  resting  place  for  the  night.  Directly  an  old  man 
overtook  us,  driving  a  smart  span  of  mules  in  a  light  wagon,  and  we 
inquired  where  we  should  find  grass  and  water.  "About  four  miles 
from  this,"  he  replied  courteously.  "I  camped  there  on  my  way 
down,  and  it  is  the  only  place  you  will  find. — It  will  be  after  dark 
before  you  reach  it.  I  will  drive  on,  kindle  a  fire,  and  you  will  see  it 
when  you  get  to  it — it  is  about  half  a  mile  off  the  road,  but  you  will 
see  my  fire."  He  drove  on  and  we  followed  slowly.  When  we  came 
in  sight  we  found  that  he  had  been  as  good  as  his  word,  for  there 
was  a  bright  fire,  and  on  driving  up  we  found  our  friend  cooking 
his  supper.  We  soon  joined  him  in  this  agreeable  operation,  and 
soon  we  were  amused  at  his  wit  and  originality.  Though  rough  in 
his  appearance  and  somewhat  Calif ornian  in  his  language,  we  soon 
saw  he  was  a  well-educated  man  and  a  gentleman.  After  spending 
the  evening  quite  agreeably  in  story-telling  and  discussing  various 
topics,  we  spread  our  blankets  on  the  ground  and  turned  in,  without 
once  inquiring  where  each  other  was  from.  While  we  were  break- 
fasting next  morning,  the  old  gentleman  happened  to  drop  a  remark 
about  Indiana.  "Are  you  from  Indiana?"  I  interrogated.  "Yes." 
"What  part  of  it?"  "O,  from  down  on  the  Wabash  where  they  have 
the  ague  so  hard  that  it  shakes  the  feathers  off  all  the  chickens."  A 
sort  of  recollection  flashed  through  my  mind  like  lightning. — "Is 
your  name  Patrick?"  "Yes" — said  he,  looking  up. — "Dr.  Sceptre 

7  U.  S.  military  authorities  in  California  sent  troops  eastward  with  supplies  in  the  winters 
of  1849-1850.  Bancroft,  History  of  California,  VI,  154. 


Patrick,  from  Terre  Haute?" 8  continued  I.  "Yes,  that  is  my  name — 
who  the  d  —  1  are  you?"  "You  were  once  a  student  of  my  father — 
he  was  Dr.  Frederick  Delano." 9  "My  God,  is  it  possible? — and  you 

— you  must  be  A !"  Our  knives  and  our  breakfast  dropped 

from  our  hands  instantly,  and  they  were  clutched  in  the  warm 
grasp  of  "auld  lang  syne."  I  had  not  seen  him  for  sixteen  years — 
"and  now,  Patrick,  situated  as  you  were  at  home,  with  every  com- 
fort about  you,  with  your  reputation  and  circumstances,  what  sent 
you  on  this  wild  chase  to  California?"  He  had  been  a  member  of 
the  Legislature  and  a  somewhat  prominent  man  at  home.  "Why,  I'll 
tell  you — my  health  was  very  poor,  and  I  thought  the  exercise,  ex- 
citement, and  change  of  air  might  be  beneficial,  and  so  it  has,  but  I 
like  to  have  died  on  the  road."  "How  so?"  "Why,  I  had  the  cholera, 
and  came  within  an  ace  of  slipping  my  wind.  I  was  taken  suddenly 
and  most  severely,  and  there  was  not  a  man  near  me  who  under- 
stood dealing  out  a  dose  of  medicine,  except  our  d d  fool  of  a 

pepper  doctor.  I  was  vomiting,  purging,  and  suffering  all  the  pain  of 
infernal  regions,  when  I  told  them  to  give  me  a  large  dose  of  calo- 
mel, opium  and  camphor,  and  not  to  count  the  grains  either.  But 
the  pepper  doctor  urged  me  to  take  a  dose  of  No.  6 — .  'Go  to  the 
d  —  1  with  your  No.  6;  give  me  the  calomel,  and  quick  too,  or  I 
am  a  dead  man.'  But  the  fool  kept  talking  about  his  No.  6 — No.  6 
all  the  while,  till  finally  to  satisfy  him,  and  at  the  same  time  while  I 
was  writhing  in  agony,  I  told  him  to  pour  it  down  me.  He  immedi- 
ately turned  out  a  double  dose,  and  I  took  it.  Then  I  thought  I 
should  die.  The  remedy  was  worse  than  the  disease,  and  I  thought 
my  insides  were  all  on  fire,  and  I  roared  out  for  water,  'water,  water, 
for  God's  sake,  or  I  shall  die.'  But  there  was  not  a  drop  of  water  to 
be  had  and  all  were  much  alarmed,  but  I  did  not  throw  the  medicine 
up.  'Well,  give  me  something — I'm  burning  up — give  me  brandy, 
fire,  or  turpentine,  anything.'  The  doctor  jumped  to  the  brandy  jug 
and  poured  out  half  a  glass  full,  and  before  I  knew  it  I  had  swal- 
lowed nearly  all  of  that,  but  it  was  only  adding  fuel  to  flame,  for  the 
poor  frightened  devil  had  made  a  mistake  in  the  jug  and  poured  out 
another  quadruple  dose  of  No.  6.  Now  I  thought  I  was  gone  sure, 
but  it  stuck,  and  stopped  my  vomiting,  and  then  he  was  willing  to 
give  me  my  medicine,  and  that  stuck.  In  the  course  of  an  hour  or  so 
it  operated,  and  the  disease  was  checked,  and  I  got  well."  Our  time 
was  spent,  and  we  parted,  like  the  "two  dogs  resolved  to  meet  some 
other  day." 10 

I  am  located  for  the  present  in  the  fine  flourishing  town  of  Oleepa, 
at  the  head  of  steamboat  navigation  on  Feather  River.  Our  fine  and 

8  Dr.  Sceptre  (or  Septer)  Patrick  (1784  or  1785-1859).  Born  in  Indiana,  he  died  in 
Sacramento.  Sacramento  Union,  July  2,  1859. 

9  D.  1825.  Joel  A.  Delano,  Genealogy,  408. 

10  Burns,  The  Twa  Dogs. 


populous  town  consists  of  a  cloth  store,  over  which  I  am  the  pre- 
siding genius  (Genius  of  the  Lamp,  vamos,  for  I  am  here),  one 
cloth  hotel  about  opening,  under  the  direction  of  Mr.  Gray,  afore- 
said from  Florida,  and  two  Indian  ranchos  composed  of  about  four 
hundred  Indians,  most  of  whom,  disdaining  Parisian  fashions,  are 
dressed  in  nature's  costume.11  Were  it  not  for  the  mosquitoes,  this 
would  be  a  very  convenient  dress  for  the  climate,  where  modesty  is 
of  no  account.  There  are  about  fifty  naked  wretches  sitting  on  the 
ground  in  front  of  my  building,  in  the  sun,  laughing,  singing,  and 
taking  comfort,  all  playing  the  same  tune  and  beating  time  with 
their  hands  on  their  bodies,  for  it  is  slap,  slap,  slap,  as  the  torment- 
ing mosquitoes  bore  into  their  naked,  copper-colored  hides.  It  will 
be  in  June  before  the  water  will  be  low  enough  to  do  anything  in  the 
mines,  and  then  I  shall  shoulder  "de  shubble  and  de  hoe"  and  make 
tracks  for  the  mountains.  Since  my  sickness  of  last  fall  and  winter, 
the  climate  seems  to  agree  with  me,  and  it  may  eventually  prove 
best  suited  for  my  constitution.  There  has  been  another  great  fire  in 
San  Francisco.  It  is  estimated  that  from  five  to  ten  million  dollars' 
worth  of  property  has  been  destroyed.12 

The  lower  towns  are  improving  rapidly  in  the  arts  of  civilization. 
San  Francisco,  Sacramento,  &c,  &c,  are  graced  with  theatres,  cele- 
brated singers  and  dancers,  model  artists,  &c. — admittance  two 
dollars,  front  seats  reserved  for  the  ladies.  Fudge — let  'em  come  this 
way  and  they  can  see  Indian  dances,  and  naked  men,  women,  and 
children  by  the  quantity  for  nothing,  with  a  large  sprinkle  of  grizzly 
bears,  black  wolves,  and  coyotes,  with  deer,  elk  and  antelopes,  rats, 
mice,  and  ground  squirrels  thrown  into  the  bargain.  So  far  from  its 
being  a  novelty  we  do  not  notice  them.  I  have  not  seen  many  of  the 
Ottawa  boys  lately.  I  saw  Joseph  Reddick13  not  long  since.  He  has 
a  first-rate  claim  on  the  Middle  Fork  of  Feather  River,  and  will  do 
well.  Mr.  Fredenburg  and  B.  K.  Thorn  are  near  Mr.  Green,  all  do- 
ing a  fair  business.  Armstrong14  is  at  Long's  Bar,  on  the  river,  with 
good  prospects  before  him.  Indeed,  those  who  are  now  well  and  have 
secured  claims  cannot  fail  of  meeting  with  fair  success.  Gold  is 
found  in  large  quantities  in  the  Cascade  Mountains,  towards  Ore- 
gon, and  a  strong  current  is  setting  that  way,  but  it  is  a  horrid  coun- 
try of  sharp,  broken  and  rugged  mountains.  McNeil  is  with  me,  one 
of  the  best  men  in  the  world.  Mr.  Pope  is  doing  well  on  the  Yuba. 

11  Maidu  Indians.  Kroeber,  Handbook  of  the  Indians  of  California,  391-441. 

12  This  was  the  second  "great"  San  Francisco  fire,  on  May  4,  1850.  Soule  et  ah,  Annals, 


13  Of  Ottawa,  a  son  of  William  Reddick.  He  was  a  soldier  in  the  Mexican  War  and  died 
in  California  in  1870.  Ottawa:  Old  and  New,  22. 

14  Probably  one  of  the  seven  sons  of  Joseph  Armstrong,  of  Ottawa:  John  S.,  born  1810; 
George  W.,  1812;  William  E.,  1814;  Joel  W.,  1816;  Jeremiah  R.,  1818;  Perry  A.,  1823, 
and  Isaiah  J.,  1829.  Ibid.,  10. 


He  is  a  good  and  honest  man,  deserving  success.  Smith  and  Brown 
have  a  bakery  at  Yuba  City. — I  have  not  heard  one  word  from  Dr. 
Hall15  since  last  fall — he  richly  deserves  the  best  fortune. — Mr. 
Rood  has  a  grocery  at  Eliza,  two  miles  below  Marysville — says  he 
is  doing  well.  Young  Loring1G  has  a  claim  about  five  miles  above 
my  upper  one  in  a  rich  district.  Mr.  Bacon17  and  Dan.  Stadden  are 
dead,  and  it  is  rumored  that  Captain  Reed  was  drowned  a  few  weeks 
ago  in  Feather  River.18  This  is  about  the  only  news  I  am  possessed 
of  with  regard  to  our  boys — we  have  all  got  places  and  are  ready  to 
go  to  work  as  soon  as  the  floods  permit. 

Truly  yours, 

A.  Delano. 

15  Dr.  Josiah  Hall,  of  Ottawa.  A  physician  and  blacksmith,  and  a  Patriarch  of  the  Sons  of 
Temperance,  he  died  at  Ottawa  in  1876.  Ibid.,  29-30. 

!6  Thomas  Loring,  of  Ottawa.  He  is  reported  as  being  on  the  Feather  River  in  February, 
1850.  Free  Trader,  April  13,  1850. 

17  James  Bacon,  of  Ottawa,  "died  of  congestive  chills  at  Weaverville"  early  in  1850. 
Free  Trader,  April  13,  1850. 

18  This  was  unfounded.  Cf.  p.  42. 


Oleepa,  May  12th,  1850.1 

My  present  communication  will  be  a  chapter  on  the  Indians.  I 
hesitated  whether  I  would  expose  one  of  Colonel  Grant's  mountain 
rambles,  together  with  Captain  King's  adventure,2  but  I  finally  con- 
cluded to  leave  persons  and  adventures  until  my  next.  My  oppor- 
tunity of  seeing  the  dark-skinned  aborigines  has  been  somewhat  ex- 
tended within  a  few  months,  and  this  may  diversify  the  thousand 
and  one  California  communications  with  which  we  are  boring  our 
Atlantic  brethren.  I  am  at  present  living  in  immediate  proximity  of 
two  large  Indian  villages,  where  the  night  revels  of  these  poor  sav- 
ages, together  with  the  howling  of  the  coyote,  are  my  evening  lulla- 
by, while  during  the  day  I  am  waited  on  or  stared  at  as  a  great 
"medicine  man"  by  a  gaping  crowd  of  credulous  Indians.  God  help 
my  practice  as  a  physician.  Beyond  putting  a  plaster  (if  I  have  it) 
on  a  sore  toe,  or  offering  a  bottle  of  hartshorn  to  a  fainting  person, 
my  practice  does  not  extend,  and  the  veriest  pepper  quack  in  the 
land  might  blush  to  own  me  as  one  of  the  faculty.  I  found  the  chief 
(Oleepa)  sitting  by  his  fire  one  night,  holding  his  head  with  his 
hand,  evidently  suffering  with  pain.  On  examination,  I  found  a 
slight  swelling  just  back  and  a  little  below  his  ear.  I  saw  at  once  it 

1  True  Delta,  July  17,  1850.       2  Cf.  pp.  77-80. 


was  simply  a  slight  inflammation,  which  would  produce  suppura- 
tion unless  it  could  be  reduced.  I  had  scarcely  any  medicines  with 
me,  but  I  knew  that  opodeldoc  was  good  for  horseflesh,  and  I 
thought  it  might  do  for  Indians;  so  I  rubbed  a  little  on  it,  gave  him 
a  pill  of  opium,  and  sent  him  to  bed.  In  two  days  the  swelling  was 
gone  and  the  chief  well,  and  my  credit  as  "high  as  the  skies"  as  a 
"medicine  man;"  and  I  have  a  full  run  of  practice,  which  I  extend 
free  gratis  for  nothing.  One  poor  devil  came  to  me  with  a  sore  skin. 
Having  no  Peleg  White  or  Jew  David 3  by  me,  I  washed  it  clean  with 
Castile  soap,  put  a  thin  piece  of  fat  bacon  on  a  rag  and  bound  it  on 
the  happy  Indian's  leg,  and  told  him  he  would  be  well  in  three 
sleeps.  It  would  have  got  well  anyhow.  Bacon  is  good  for  the  inside 
of  a  white  man,  so  I  though  it  might  do  outside  on  an  Indian.  But  I 
will  brag  no  more  of  my  medical  talents  until  I  invent  some  patent 
medicine,  and  then  I  will  send  you  any  quantity  of  Indian  certifi- 
cates to  prove  that  a  man  will  never  need  employ  me  but  once,  for 
I  shall  kill  him  the  first  time.  I  have  had  considerable  curiosity  in 
finding  out  their  customs  and  for  this  purpose  have  been  a  good  deal 
among  them.  Their  houses  resemble  coal  pits,  being  a  framework 
within  an  excavation  in  the  ground  and  the  dirt  thrown  over  it,  a 
hole  being  left  in  the  top  for  the  smoke  to  go  out,  and  another  about 
two  feet  square  at  the  bottom  to  serve  as  a  door:  this  is  by  a  passage 
four  or  five  feet  long,  and  it  is  close  work  to  get  in  by  crawling  on 
your  hands  and  knees.  Once  in,  they  are  quite  capacious,  but  dingy 
with  smoke,  and  filthy.  I  have  frequently  crawled  in  and  sat  by  their 
fires  in  the  cool  evenings,  and  I  have  always  been  well  treated,  and 
at  any  time  when  they  have  been  eating,  was  always  invited  to  a 
share.  Their  bread  is  made  of  acorns  pounded  fine  and  dried,  and 
they  make  a  cake  of  a  kind  of  grass  by  boiling  it  first,  then  working 
it  over  with  their  hands  into  a  pulpy  substance,  flattening  it  out  and 
drying  it  over  their  fires.  Both  are  very  palatable,  aside  from  their 
dirty  mode  of  preparing  it.  Their  mode  of  cooking  the  beautiful 
salmon  caught  here  makes  them  delicious;  it  is  simply  by  laying 
heated  stones  upon  them  until  they  are  thoroughly  cooked.  I  like 
them  better  than  any  other  mode  I  ever  tried.  Men  and  women  gen- 
erally wear  their  hair  short,  shaved  quite  close  on  the  top  of  the 
head.  I  have  been  amused  at  their  mode  of  cutting  hair;  sometimes 
they  burn  it  off  with  a  coal  and  sometimes  turn  it  over  a  flat  stick 
and  saw  it  off  with  the  edge  of  a  clam  shell. 

In  intelligence,  they  are  far  behind  the  Indians  east  of  the  Rocky 
Mountains.  Unless  they  have  been  employed  by  the  whites  so  as  to 
obtain  clothes,  they  go  naked,  the  men  entirely  so,  and  the  women 
wear  only  a  short  apron  of  grass  before  them. 

3  "Jew  David,  or  Hebrew  Plaster,  is  the  only  reliable  remedy  for  Rheumatism,  Lame 
Backs  or  Sides,  Spinal  Disease,  White  Swelling,  Hard  Tumors,  Corns,  &c."  Advertisement 
in  the  Boonville  (Missouri)  Observer,  October  3,  1850.  The  functions  of  Peleg  White 
were  probably  similar. 


They  have  some  idea  of  a  Superior  Being  or  Spirit  greater  than 
themselves,  but  have  few,  if  any,  religious  ceremonies.  The  moon  is 
an  object  of  veneration,  and  they  occasionally  give  her  a  dance 
offering.  They  are  fond  of  dancing  and  often  indulge  in  it  without 
any  other  visible  object  than  that  of  pleasure.  Their  music  is  a 
monotonous  cadence  of  guttural  sounds  to  which  they  keep  time 
with  their  feet.  It  is  somewhat  singular  that  different  rancherias, 
though  only  four  and  five  miles  apart,  speak  different  dialects, 
though  there  appears  to  be  a  common  means  or  general  language 
of  communication  among  the  different  tribes. 

Each  village  has  its  separate  chief  whose  government  is  of  the 
most  liberal,  patriarchal  kind.  Different  tribes  have  different  cus- 
toms: in  their  burials,  some  burn  their  dead,  some  bury  them  ex- 
tended at  full  length,  covering  them  with  skins  or  sticks,  then  throw- 
ing in  dirt;  while  others  bend  the  body  and  legs  together  in  a  sitting 
posture,  winding  them  up  tightly  with  cords,  and  then  place  them 
into  holes  in  the  ground,  putting  in  water,  provisions,  and  little 
mementos  of  affection  to  serve  them  on  their  way  to  the  land  of 

An  affecting  anecdote  was  related  me  by  an  eyewitness  of  a  burial 
among  one  of  the  mountain  tribes.  Mr.  Johnson,  late  proprietor  of 
the  ranch  which  bears  his  name  on  Bear  River,4  brought  up  a  boy 
and  girl  from  childhood.  They  were  educated  as  well  as  the  circum- 
stances of  the  country  would  allow,  and  while  the  girl  was  instructed 
in  the  domestic  arts,  the  boy  was  learned  in  the  science  of  agricul- 
ture. Both  were  trusty,  and  Mr.  Johnson  was  much  attached  to 
them.  In  the  course  of  time  they  arrived  to  a  marriageable  age,  and 
the  boy  wanted  a  wife.  Mr.  Johnson  proposed  that  he  should  take 
the  girl,  which  being  perfectly  agreeable  to  their  inclination,  they 
were  married.  In  a  year  or  two  the  boy  was  taken  sick  and  died. 
Mr.  J.  desired  to  have  a  somewhat  expensive  funeral  to  testify  his 
regard  for  his  adopted  children,  but  the  poor  girl  begged  him  to  let 
her  bury  her  beloved  husband  beside  the  bones  of  her  father  in  the 
hills.  Of  course  he  at  once  consented,  and  he  with  all  his  domestics 
and  several  friends  escorted  the  body  to  the  mountains,  where  they 
were  met  by  the  rude  mountaineers  with  every  demonstration  of 
sorrow,  who  placed  the  body  on  a  pile  and  set  fire  to  it.  They  then 
began  to  dance  around  it  with  songs  of  lamentation,  each  casting 
into  the  flames  some  precious  offering,  while  the  widow  stripped 
herself  completely  of  her  civilized  garments,  threw  them  into  the 
fire,  and  Mr.  Johnson's  domestics  each  pulled  off  their  new  hats, 
which  he  had  just  paid  eighteen  dollars  apiece  for,  and  cast  them  on 

4  William  Johnson,  a  native  of  Boston  and  mate  of  the  ship  Alciope,  came  to  California 
in  1841.  Four  years  later  he  purchased  the  Gutierrez  rancho  on  the  Bear  River.  About 
1852  "he  either  died  or  went  to  the  Sandwich  Islands."  Bancroft,  History  of  California, 
IV,  694. 


the  burning  pile  of  the  deceased  fellow  and  friend.  When  all  was 
consumed,  the  Indians  gathered  up  the  ashes  in  their  hands  and 
scattered  them  to  the  winds. 

When  the  ceremony  was  concluded,  Mr.  Johnson  told  the  girl 
that  her  mule  was  ready  and  they  would  return,  but  she  refused  to 
go:  "My  husband,  my  heart,  is  dead;  I  will  stay  in  the  mountains 
with  him;  I  will  watch  his  ashes  on  the  hills  and  his  spirit  will  be 
with  me;  I  am  an  Indian  now;  I  love  you,  my  father,  but  I  will  go  no 
more  to  the  Valley;  I  will  be  an  Indian  till  I  die."  It  was  in  vain  that 
she  was  promised  clothes,  a  life  of  ease  and  comfort  and  the  wants 
of  savage  life  exhibited  to  her.  She  would  not  go.  "Her  heart  was 
here  now.  His  bones  were  with  her  father's.  Hers  should  be  with 
his."  She  assumed  the  usual  grass  apron  worn  by  the  squaws  and 
remains  with  them  now. 

Their  marriage  customs  vary  in  different  tribes.  Some  buy  their 
wives  of  their  parents.  Some  steal  them  from  other  tribes,  while 
some  have  a  kind  of  hide-and-go-seek  game.  The  lover  asks  the 
parents  for  their  daughter.  They  tell  him  if  he  can  find  her  three 
times  she  is  his.  In  the  meantime  she  secretes  herself  and  the  young 
man  begins  the  search.  If  he  finds  her  twice  in  succession,  she  is  his. 
If  he  fails  the  third  time,  some  weeks  of  probation  is  required  before 
he  is  allowed  another  trial.  They  are  very  affectionate  and  kind  to 
each  other,  sharing  gifts  freely.  I  have  often  tested  this.  One  day 
two  Indians  came  to  my  tent  and  I  gave  one  of  them  a  small  cracker. 
He  immediately  broke  it  and  gave  half  to  his  companion.  I  em- 
ployed one  for  a  day  or  two  and  at  noon  took  him  home  to  dinner, 
which  I  gave  him  on  a  plate  by  himself.  In  the  meantime  two  other 
Indians  came  up  and  commenced  eating  with  him  as  a  matter  of 
course,  and  the  three  dispatched  the  dinner  of  one,  and  all  appeared 
to  be  perfectly  satisfied  with  the  arrangement. 

They  seem  to  have  no  idea  of  chastity,  but  they  are  so  abominably 
filthy  that  their  appearance  excites  disgust  rather  than  passion.  Still 
some  of  the  old  settlers  use  the  women  as  wives  and  become  at- 
tached to  them. 

Gambling  is  a  universal  propensity.  They  play  a  game  with  short 
sticks  cut  equal  lengths,  a  kind  of  odd-and-even  game,  and  they  fre- 
quently stake  all  their  valuables,  which  they  win  or  lose  with  perfect 
apparent  indifference.  An  Indian  may  be  loaded  with  strings  of 
beads  suspended  from  his  naked  neck  today,  and  tomorrow  they 
may  be  the  property  of,  and  won  by,  another.  Notwithstanding  their 
affection  for  each  other,  they  readily  part  with  their  children.  In 
passing  through  one  of  the  villages  a  day  or  two  since,  I  noticed  a 
fine  plump  little  fellow  tugging  lustily  at  its  mother's  breast.  I 
stopped  and  playfully  patted  the  child  upon  its  cheek.  Instantly  a 
tall,  naked  Indian  who  was  basking  in  the  sun  on  top  of  his  mud 
castle,  sprang  up  and  offered  me  the  child  for  a  handkerchief  which 


was  tied  around  my  shoulders.  I  laughed  and  told  him  the  baby  was 
too  small;  I  could  put  it  in  my  pockets;  but  when  he  could  run  about 
I  would  trade.  They  laughed  in  turn  and  told  me  he  would  then  be 
worth  more. 

They  beg  without  scruple  or  shame.  A  few  days  since  I  was  sit- 
ting among  a  crowd,  when  one  of  them  asked  me  for  my  handker- 
chief. He  wanted  it  to  wear  on  his  head. 

"O,  no!"  I  told  him.  "I  cannot  spare  it — I  want  it  to  wipe  my  nose 
with."  "Ugh!  you  have  a  hat  (pointing  to  mine)  and  I  have  none. 
You  can  blow  your  nose  as  I  do,"  and  suiting  the  action  to  the 
word,  turned  a  triumphant  look  upon  me,  as  much  as  to  say,  "I 
have  learned  you  something,  old  fellow,"  and  the  whole  crowd 
laughed  merrily  at  my  ignorance.  What  a  barbarian  I  am.  Well,  my 
education  must  be  my  excuse.  There  are  many  other  incidents  to 
illustrate  Indian  character  but  it  would  make  too  long  a  letter,  and 
I  will  close  by  a  single  anecdote  illustrating  their  credulity,  if  my 
medical  practice  is  not  sufficient.  Extract  from  my  Journal: 

"January  30. — The  second  day  after  McNeil  and  I  reached  our 
cabin,5  our  Indian  friends  returned.  It  was  a  cold,  rainy,  gusty  day, 
and  they  came  naked  into  our  cabin,  the  rain  dripping  from  their 
hair,  while  they  drew  near  the  fire  shivering  with  cold.  We  had  no 
particular  objection  to  their  visit,  only  on  account  of  their  propen- 
sity for  stealing,  which  with  them  is  no  crime,  and  as  they  might 
come  when  we  were  absent  or  busily  at  work  on  our  race,  and  take 
what  they  chose  from  the  cabin,  we  thought  it  was  best  to  get  rid  of 
them  quietly,  and  I  tried  their  credulity  for  the  occasion.  I  told  them 
that  I  was  a  conjurer,  that  I  came  from  the  rising  sun  and  had  con- 
trol over  the  elements.  Occasionally  a  gust  of  wind  and  rain  came 
that  was  terrific,  and  the  smoke  drove  down  the  chimney  enough 
to  suffocate  us.  I  took  advantage  of  the  approach  of  these  guests  to 
beckon  up  the  chimney,  which  was  often  followed  by  a  ready  re- 
sponse from  the  god  of  the  storm,  and  a  severe  gust  followed.  Then 
I  examined  their  heads  phrenologically  (I  understand  that  science 
about  as  well  as  medicine) .  This  excited  them,  and  they  frequently 
enquired  if  it  was  wano  (good)?  "Yes,"  I  replied,  "it  was  good," 
though  they  were  evidently  uneasy.  At  length  after  a  few  manipula- 
tions of  animal  magnetism,  and  occasional  gyrations  towards  the 
chimney  as  each  gust  approached,  I  sat  down  with  a  grave  face  and 
began  to  sketch  their  likenesses  on  a  smooth  board.  They  watched 
me  closely  till  they  began  to  see  something  of  a  resemblance  to 
themselves,  now  and  then  looking  at  each  other  in  apparent  alarm, 
when  a  strong  gust  coming  which  instantly  filled  the  room  with 
smoke,  Mac  suddenly  jumped  up  and  rushed  to  the  door,  and  open- 
ing it,  looked  out  to  see  if  any  goblins  answered  my  summons.  No 
sooner  was  the  door  opened,  than  our  Indian  friends  started  to  their 

5  At  Ottawa  Bar. 


feet  and  bolted  outright,  preferring  to  "bide  the  pelting  of  the  piti- 
less storm"0  rather  than  stay  longer  in  the  den  of  a  monster  who 
called  the  storm  from  the  clouds  and  took  their  spirits  from  them- 
selves and  made  them  fast  to  the  board.  We  have  not  seen  them 

I  had  the  good  fortune  to  see  a  copy  of  the  California  edition  of 
the  True  Delta,  which  Dr.  Angle,  of  the  Angle  and  Company's  Ex- 
press, gave  me.7 1  noticed  a  copy  from  a  Springfield,  Illinois,  paper 
of  a  horrid  circumstance  said  to  have  occurred  in  the  train  of  Cap- 
tain Green,  of  Fox  River,  Illinois,  of  his  son8  who  killed  a  squaw 
and  who  was  afterwards  given  up  and  flayed  alive  by  the  Indians  in 
presence  of  his  father  and  the  company.  It  is  a  sheer  fabrication 
from  beginning  to  end.  I  came  nearly  all  the  way  in  that  train  and 
have  seen  them  since  my  arrival  here.  In  the  first  place,  young  Green 
neither  killed  a  squaw  nor  had  any  difficulty  with  the  Indians.  In  the 
next  place,  if  he  had,  that  company,  nor  no  other  which  crossed  the 
plains  last  season,  would  have  given  a  man  up  to  the  tender  mercies 
of  the  Indians;  they  would  all  have  fought  till  they  died.  And  in  the 
last  place,  any  man  who  knows  old  Mr.  Green  knows  that  he  has 
grit  enough  to  stand  as  long  as  a  man  can  stand  against  any  body  of 
Indians  alive.  He  is  an  old  Indian-fighter,  and  you  may  be  assured 
no  son  or  friends  of  his  would  be  skinned  before  his  eyes  while  he 
could  pull  a  trigger  or  wield  a  knife.  They  are  now  piling  up  the 
golden  rocks  in  the  mountains.  Water  still  too  high  to  work  in  the 
mines  and  probably  will  be  till  June. 

Truly  yours, 


6  Shakespeare,  King  Lear,  III,  iv,  29. 

7  Dr.  M.  B.  Angle  (c.  1820-1865),  of  Illinois.  He  came  overland  with  Delano  and  lent 
him  two  hundred  dollars.  He  was  for  several  years  president  of  the  Pacific  Medical  Col- 
lege (the  first  medical  school  in  California),  founded  in  San  Francisco  by  the  College  of 
the  Pacific  about  1858.  He  died  at  Redding.  Across  the  Plains,  27,  52,  109;  San  Francisco 
Aha  California,  October  1,  1865;  Morse,  First  History  of  Sacramento,  14. 

8  George  Green.  Cf.  p.  112. 


Yateston,  June  14,  1850.1 

Did  you  ever  hear  of  Jim  Beckwith?2  There  is  a  class  of  men  in 
California  whose  adventures,  if  written  out,  would  equal,  if  not  sur- 
pass the  works  of  fiction.  For  many  years  living  in  the  mountains, 
enduring  all  the  privations  and  suffering  incident  to  such  a  life, 
from  choice,  forsaking  the  comforts  of  a  civilized  land  to  gain  a 
scanty  and  precarious  living  among  savages — these  men  have  been 
awakened  to  a  desire  of  procuring  wealth  by  the  universal  attrac- 
tion of  California,  and  have  emerged  from  their  bleak  and  desolate 
hills  among  the  Rocky  Mountains,  to  form  an  atom  of  the  thousands 
crowding  here  for  gold;  and  of  this  bold,  determined  and  fearless 
class  is  Jim  Beckwith.  He  is  a  free  mulatto  from  Missouri,  origi- 
nally. By  a  combination  of  circumstances  he  found  himself  a  moun- 
taineer and  the  chief  of  the  Crow  Nation,  among  the  Black  Hills, 
high  up  in  the  vicinity  of  the  North  Platte. 

According  to  the  custom  of  Indians  who  are  friendly  with  each 
other,  Jim  had  a  wife  among  the  Blackfeet  as  well  as  among  the 
Crows.  Being  out  once  upon  some  wild  excursion,  he  met  a  party  of 
Blackfeet  going  to  war  with  some  neighboring  tribe;  and  at  their 
solicitation,  he  joined  them.  They  were  victorious  and  returned  with 
a  number  of  scalps;  among  them  was  that  of  a  mountaineer  whom 
some  of  the  Indians  had  killed.  Jim  took  this  opportunity  to  go  and 
see  his  wife  among  the  Blackfeet,  and  a  great  festival  was  held  in 
their  large  town  to  celebrate  their  victory.  In  the  lodge  which  Jim's 
wife  occupied  were  three  or  four  French  traders,  with  their  goods, 
whose  curiosity  led  them  to  the  door  of  the  lodge  to  witness  the 
antics  of  the  Indians,  while  Jim  sat  moodily  by  a  small  fire  inside, 
leaning  his  head  in  his  hands  and  holding  no  communion  with  the 
noisy  and  reckless  throng  without.  Raising  his  eyes  he  observed  the 
curiosity  of  the  Frenchmen  who  were  gazing  at  the  crowd,  and  he 
addressed  them,  "Why  do  you  stand  looking  upon  that  scene?" 

"Because  we  want  to  see  them  dance,"  they  replied. 

"Do  you  not  know  that  the  scalp  of  a  white  man  is  among  them 
and  can  you  look  coolly  on  and  see  them  rejoice  over  his  death?  I 

1  True  Delta,  June  26,  1850.  Yateston  was  named  for  Captain  John  Yates,  an  Englishman 
by  birth  who  came  to  California  from  Mazatlan  in  1842  and  was  employed  by  Sutter  as 
master  of  his  launch.  Yates  was  "second  to  have  been  owner  of  land  in  the  Chico  region," 
1846-1847.  In  1851  he  went  to  the  Sandwich  Islands,  where  he  was  living  in  1872.  Ban- 
croft, History  of  California,  V,  782;  Across  the  Plains,  120,  127-128. 

2  James  P.  Beckwourth  (1798-c.  1867),  "hunter,  squaw-man,  raconteur."  Born  in  Virginia 
of  a  mulatto  mother  and  a  white  father,  he  went  with  William  H.  Ashley  and  Andrew 
Henry  on  their  famous  exploring  expedition  of  1823  and  with  Ashley  to  the  Rocky  Moun- 
tains in  the  winter  of  1824-1825.  He  married  a  succession  of  Indian  maidens.  In  1844  he 
settled  in  California,  where  he  discovered  the  low-altitude  pass  over  the  Sierra  which 
bears  his  name.  Dictionary  of  American  Biography. 


never  did,"  and  he  added  vehemently,  "I  never  will.  If  you  know 
what  is  best  for  you,  come  and  sit  down  with  me." 

They  came  in,  for  they  knew  he  was  not  to  be  trifled  with,  but 
inquired,  "If  you  dislike  it,  why  do  you  let  your  squaw  dance  with 

"Is  my  squaw  there?"  "Yes,  and  she  is  the  best  dancer  among 
them."  Without  making  a  reply  he  arose  and  strode  into  the  crowd, 
and  seizing  his  wife,  forcibly  dragged  her  into  the  tent.  "Now  do 
your  duty — go  and  bring  me  some  water."  The  reply  of  the  irritated 
squaw  was  characteristic  of  a  freeborn  woman.  "I  am  no  slave — if 
you  have  one,  send  her."  Without  reply,  Jim  seized  his  hatchet  and 
clove  her  skull,  and  she  fell  a  lifeless  corpse  before  him.  Turning  to 
the  whites,  with  the  utmost  coolness  he  observed,  "Now  you  must 
fight  or  die;  you'll  soon  hear,"  and  he  took  down  his  rifle,  knife, 
pistols  and  tomahawk,  and  calmly  set  down  by  the  fire. 

In  the  meantime,  two  or  three  women  who  witnessed  the  occur- 
rence ran  out  screaming  and  soon  explained  the  state  of  affairs 
within.  In  a  moment  the  yelling  orgies  without  ceased — there  was 
an  appalling  stillness  which  contrasted  strangely  with  the  horrid  din 
that  had  shaken  the  ground.  "Aha!"  ejaculated  Jim,  "do  you  hear 
that?"  Directly  the  thunder  of  the  terrific  warwhoop  was  sounded. 
The  stoutest  heart  might  have  quailed  and  the  faces  of  the  French- 
men grew  pale  as  they  reflected  that  they  were  surrounded  by  hun- 
dreds of  desperate  and  revengeful  Indians,  who  formed  a  circle 
around  the  lodge.  Escape  was  impossible,  and  death  seemed  inevi- 
table. The  yell  was  repeated.  "I  told  you  so,"  said  Jim  recklessly. 
"It  is  for  life  now,  men,  and  little  chance  for  that."  "Why  did  you 
kill  her,  Jim?"  the  white  men  asked  with  a  shudder.  "I  told  her,"  he 
replied,  "that  I  never  rejoiced  at  the  death  of  a  white  man — I  never 
will,  and  no  squaw  of  mine  shall  do  so.  I  forbade  her  to  do  it,  and 
she  disobeyed  me." 

At  the  very  moment  in  which  they  expected  the  rush  upon  them 
to  be  made,  the  door  was  opened,  and  the  father  of  the  murdered 
squaw  entered  alone,  and  silently  gazing  upon  her  remains  for  a  few 
moments,  quietly  sat  down  by  her  murderer.  "My  son,  why  did  you 
do  this — why  did  you  kill  my  daughter?"  "She  disobeyed  me,"  re- 
plied Jim  fearlessly.  "She  forgot  her  duty."  A  pause  ensued.  At 
length  silence  was  broken  by  the  old  man.  "My  son,  you  did  right. 
I  want  all  my  foolish  children  dead.  She  had  no  ears — she  should 
have  obeyed  you.  I  have  another  girl — she  has  ears  and  will  hear 
you.  You  shall  have  her  for  a  wife,  and  she  will  obey  you.  Take  her 
and  use  her  well." 

Savage  as  the  act  was,  Jim  had  only  exercised  an  Indian  preroga- 
tive, and  he  actually  married  another  daughter  of  the  old  man.  Not- 
withstanding the  matter  was  thus  compromised,  Jim  well  knew  that 
as  he  belonged  to  another  tribe,  her  friends  would  revenge  her  death 


at  some  convenient  opportunity,  and  after  remaining  in  the  lodge  a 
few  days  he  determined  to  try  to  reach  his  own  tribe.  The  old  man 
selected  a  guard  who  were  pledged  to  protect  him  to  a  certain  point 
on  the  way  and  then  give  him  the  start  of  them  about  six  miles  be- 
fore they  pursued  him,  if  they  were  determined  to  kill  him.  They 
obeyed  the  instructions,  and  Jim  started  off.  As  soon  as  they  reached 
the  point  of  his  final  departure,  they  stopped,  and  as  soon  as  he  was 
out  of  sight,  he  ran  with  all  his  might,  for  he  knew  too  well  what 
his  fate  would  be  if  they  overtook  him.  By  almost  superhuman  ex- 
ertions, he  succeeded  in  outrunning  them  and  in  about  three  days 
reached  the  Crows  in  safety. 

He  is  now  in  California,  and  I  am  told  is  waiting  for  the  snows  to 
melt  on  the  mountains,  when  he  starts  as  a  bearer  of  dispatches  to 
some  of  the  distant  inland  posts.  His  has  been  a  life  of  impetuous 
daring,  and  this  is  only  one  of  the  many  stories  which  are  related  of 

The  waters  are  slowly  subsiding,  and  people  are  leaving  the 
Valley  in  crowds  for  the  mines.  I  go  up  to  work  on  my  claim  next 
week.  A.  D. 


Dawlytown,  June  25,  1850.1 

The  rainy  season  had  commenced,  and  if  non  gustibus  disputan- 
dum  was  ever  exemplified,  it  was  in  the  month  of  November,  1 849, 
in  California.  It  was  during  one  of  these  not  gentle  floods  that  two 
friends  of  mine  were  climbing  over  the  steep  mountains  through 
which  the  South  Fork  of  Feather  River  forces  its  way  in  its  rapid 
course  to  the  parent  stream,  and  although  not  like  Don  Quixote, 
seeking  adventures,  adventures  came  to  them  which  might  have 
honored  the  Flower  of  Chivalry  himself.  They  had  started  on  a 
prospecting  tour  for  gold,  and  in  a  region  then  imperfectly  known 
where,  even  in  good  weather,  the  passage  of  the  hills  and  ravines 
was  laborious,  but  now  so  slippery  and  the  stream  so  swollen  by  the 
floods,  it  was  almost  impossible  to  get  along.  Supplies,  too,  on  the 
route  were  entirely  out  of  the  question,  and  in  addition  to  a  pan, 
pick  and  shovel,  they  were  compelled  to  bear  upon  their  shoulders  a 
week's  rations,  cooking  utensils,  firearms  and  ammunition  for  pro- 
tection against  the  savages,  and  their  blankets,  which  soon  being 
saturated  with  water,  doubled  their  weight.  They  had  got  only  about 
a  couple  of  miles  from  Bidwell  Bar,  the  last  station  on  the  river, 
when  the  rain  increased  so  much  that  they  were  fain  to  encamp  in  a 
deep  gorge,  hoping  that  the  morning  sun  would  beam  more  auspic- 
iously upon  them — . 

1  True  Delta,  August  11,  1850.  1-77-1 

"By  heaven,  Captain  Freeland,  this  is  too  bad;  we  can't  get  along 
at  this  rate;  let  us  lay  over  until  tomorrow."  "I  believe  you  are  right, 
Colonel  Grant,"  replied  Freeland,  "this  is  worse  than  the  hills  of 
Yucatan,  for  although  they  were  steep  and  slippery  enough,  it  did 
not  rain  like  this  when  we  followed  the  Indians  among  them." 
"Well,  old  soldier,"  responded  Grant,  "where  shall  we  encamp?  The 
chance  for  that,  even,  is  somewhat  precarious."  "There  is  a  good 
spot  on  the  hillside  under  that  tree,"  said  Freeland.  "What!  across 
that  mad  stream?  How  can  we  cross?"  "O,  we  can  do  it,"  said  Free- 
land,  and  to  show  that  it  could  be  done,  he  attempted  to  jump  from 
the  root  of  a  tree  upon  a  rock  near  the  opposite  bank,  and  he  did 
land  nearly  waist  deep  at  the  foot  of  the  rock  in  the  creek.  "Ha!  ha! 
ha!"  roared  Grant,  "you  are  not  a  Rhodian  Colossus,  Freeland. 
How  do  you  find  the  diggings?"  "Not  dry,  anyhow,"  responded 
Freeland,  crawling  out  on  his  hands  and  knees;  "now  try  it  your- 
self, my  fine  fellow." 

But  Grant  had  a  flea  in  his  ear  and  concluded  to  prospect  a  little 
higher  up  for  dry  diggings,  at  least  in  crossing.  By  good  luck  he 
found  a  pole  that  had  fallen  across  the  stream,  and  although  a  rather 
precarious  crossing,  he  ascertained  that  it  would  bear  his  weight, 
and  he  commenced  the  transit.  About  midway,  his  feet  slipped,  and 
imitating  an  equestrian,  he  found  himself  sitting  astride  his  wooden 
horse  with  his  legs  dangling  in  the  water  over  his  boot  tops. 

"Ha!  ha!  ha!"  echoed  Freeland,  maliciously,  "what  are  you  doing 
there,  Grant?"  "Bobbing  for  whales,"  grinned  Grant,  "and  I've 
caught  a  gudgeon.  I  never  found  out  the  true  value  of  long  boots 
before;  when  filled  with  water,  they  are  equal  to  a  balance  pole  in 
riding  a  wooden  horse  across  a  crazy  brook."  But  at  length  they 
succeeded  in  getting  safe  over  and,  with  much  difficulty,  kindled  a 
fire  by  which,  although  they  could  not  dry  themselves,  they  could 
cook  their  salt  pork  and  get  warm.  Night  now  came  upon  them,  and 
spreading  their  blankets  on  the  wet  ground,  they  laid  down  to — be 
rained  on — sleep  being  quite  another  affair.  In  a  short  time  Grant 
nudged  his  companion. 

"Freeland,  are  you  asleep?"  "Asleep!  what  the  d  —  1  do  you 
mean  by  that,  Grant?"  "O,  nothing,  only  to  enquire  into  the  nature 
of  your  dreams — as  for  myself,  I've  had  a  vision.  I  thought  as  we  lay 
here,  under  the  broad  canopy  of  heaven,  that  it  rained." — "Rained," 
interrupted  Freeland;  "why,  man,  you  are  in  a  trance."  "Trance  or 
not,  I  am  laying  in  water  at  least  six  inches  deep,  and  it's  my  im- 
pression that  we  had  better  move  our  boots  to  a  little  higher 
ground."  "Nonsense,  Grant,  your  boots  are  so  water-soaked  that 
you  can't  move  'em.  Lay  still;  your  body  will  warm  the  water,  and 
if  we  move  we  shall  catch  cold." 

And  they  did  lay  still  till  daylight,  and  then  they  arose  as  wet  as 
if  they  had  been  laying  in  the  creek.  From  stress  of  weather  they 


were  compelled  to  stay  in  these  very  comfortable  quarters  five  days, 
and  by  that  time  they  only  had  two  days'  rations  left. 

Anyone  who  knows  California  men  knows  that  they  keep  digging 
as  long  as  there  is  a  shot  left  in  the  locker,  and  when  the  storm  some- 
what abated  they  again  started.  Two  days  of  intense  labor  brought 
them  to  Stony  Point,  and  to  the  end  of  their  provisions,  except  a 
small  piece  of  salt  fat  pork.  A  man  had  just  got  in  before  them  with 
fifty  pounds  of  flour,  and  they  thought,  of  course,  there  was  no 
danger  of  starving;  but  on  application  to  the  wealthy  possessor  of  so 
much  flour,  they  learned  that  only  ten  pounds  belonged  to  him,  and 
the  rest  was  promised  to  other  individuals — so  that,  although  his 
disposition  was  good  enough,  he  was  morally  unable  to  let  them 
have  a  mouthful.  "Urn!  urn!"  groaned  Grant,  with  his  hand  on  his 
stomach,  which  was  making  imperious  demands  for  tribute,  "here's 
a  go,  Freeland.  What  shift  can  you  make  in  this  dilemma?  Some- 
how I  am  convinced  this  is  a  dilemma,  for  I  feel  the  horns  grating 
under  my  sternum."  "Humph!"  said  Freeland,  "I  have  it — no  danger 
of  starving  yet;  there's  a  bit  of  pork  left."  "Yes."  "Well,  did  you  ever 
eat  pork  soup?"  "No,  how  does  it  go?"  "O,  capital.  Oysters  should 
not  be  mentioned  the  same  day,"  and  Freeland  installed  himself  as 
cook.  Filling  their  camp  kettle  with  water,  the  pork  was  put  in,  and 
after  boiling  a  couple  of  hours,  the  cook  called  all  hands  from  labor 
(of  waiting)  to  refreshment.  Freeland  helped  himself  bountifully 
and  worked  away  like  a  hero  upon  it.  Grant,  on  viewing  the  prem- 
ises, saw  nothing  but  a  little  stingy  grease  on  top  of  the  water,  and 
one  taste  was  enough.  "What's  this,  Freeland?"  "Why,  pork  soup, 
to  be  sure,  and  capital  too.  Never  ate  better."  Slup!  slup!  and  he 
guzzled  it  down  as  if  it  was  palatable."  "Why,  Grant,  you  don't  eat; 
ain't  you  fond  of  it?"  "Fond  of  it? — fond  of  the  d  —  1;  I  would  as 
soon  eat  tartar  emetic  soup.  Augh!  augh!  I  believe  in  my  soul  I  shall 
vomit,  hungry  as  I  am."  And  although  it  had  been  fast  day  with 
them,  he  preferred  living  on  Faith  and  Hope  until  he  could  either 
reach  the  settlements  or,  at  least,  until  the  rebellion  of  his  stomach 
was  subdued.  Another  night  of  suffering,  and  another  day  and  a 
half  of  hard  walking,  brought  them  back  to  Mr.  Dawly's,  where  the 
inner  man  was  supplied  with  what  their  physical  condition  required. 
This  is  no  fancy  sketch,  and  I  hope  you  will  get  the  story  from 
Colonel  Grant's  own  mouth;  for  but  a  meagre  account  can  be  given 
on  paper  of  what  severe  trials  men  often  encounter  when  prospect- 
ing in  the  mountains.  It  was  on  Colonel  Grant's  return  from  this 
memorable  excursion  that  I  first  made  his  acquaintance,  which,  I 
trust,  may  continue  forever. 

During  the  emigration  last  year,  a  family  from  Indiana  had  all 
their  cattle  stolen  by  the  Indians  in  the  night,  on  the  Humboldt  or 
Mary's  River,  a  short  time  after  I  passed  that  point.  There  they 
were,  without  the  means  of  locomotion,  a  family  composed  of  sev- 


eral  small  children  besides  the  parents,  in  the  wilderness,  many 
hundred  miles  from  the  settlements,  and  their  condition  was  indeed 
deplorable.  Their  case  excited  the  compassion  of  some  of  the  trains, 
and  a  company  of  twenty-five  men,  under  the  command  of  Captain 
King,  volunteered  to  go  in  pursuit  and  recover  the  cattle,  if  possible. 
After  proceeding  several  miles  over  the  mountains,  the  company  by 
some  means  got  divided  in  passing  up  a  gorge,  and  Captain  King 
found  himself  with  three  others,  named  Elliott,2  Moore 3  and  King, 
traveling  by  themselves.  Turning  a  sharp  point  of  rocks,  they  sud- 
denly came  upon  four  Indians  who,  instead  of  fleeing,  resolutely 
attacked  the  captain  and  his  little  party.  Each  man  selected  his  an- 
tagonist, and  for  a  while  victory  was  doubtful.  Each  American  drew 
up  his  rifle,  but  the  cap  on  Captain  King's  piece  exploded  without 
discharging  it.  The  Indians  discharged  their  stone-pointed  arrows, 
with  great  rapidity,  and  Moore  was  wounded  in  his  head.  Captain 
King  jumped  aside  as  his  Indian  drew  his  bow,  and  the  arrow  missed 
him.  He  immediately  closed  with  him,  seizing  the  bow  with  one 
hand  and  grasping  the  Indian's  hand  with  the  other,  while  the  sav- 
age caught  hold  of  the  Captain's  gun.  Both  were  powerful  men  and 
struggled  until  they  were  out  of  breath  to  obtain  possession  of  each 
other's  weapon  and  release  themselves.  Getting  breath  a  little,  the 
Captain  kicked  the  gun  out  of  the  Indian's  hand  and  sprang  to 
seize  it.  His  knife  and  pistol  had  slipped  behind  him  in  the  belt,  so 
that  he  could  not  use  them  at  the  moment,  and  while  he  was  putting 
his  hand  into  his  vest  pocket  to  get  a  cap,  the  Indian  let  fly  an  arrow 
which  wounded  him  in  the  wrist.  By  this  time  he  had  placed  the  cap 
upon  the  lock,  and  before  the  Indian  could  discharge  another  ar- 
row, the  deadly  messenger  of  death  had  done  its  duty.  Elliott  had 
also  killed  his  man,  but  Moore  was  still  fighting.  As  each  arrow  was 
discharged  he  bent  his  head  and  received  each  one  on  his  skull.  He 
still  continued  fighting,  although  he  thought  himself  mortally 
wounded,  calling  on  the  others  for  aid.  His  shot  had  taken  effect  on 
the  Indian,  who  still  continued  to  fight  with  the  utmost  desperation, 
until  Elliott  had  dispatched  his  adversary  and  ran  up  to  assist 
Moore.  Elliott  fired  his  pistol,  when  the  Indian,  finding  the  odds 
against  him,  now  for  the  first  time  began  to  think  of  retreating,  al- 
though desperately  wounded.  As  he  turned  to  run,  Elliott  drew  his 
knife  and  stabbed  him,  but  he  still  made  off,  when  the  former  made 
a  pass  and  cut  his  neck  badly.  Under  the  impression,  probably,  that 
now  he  could  not  escape,  he  turned  upon  Elliott  with  his  knife,  but 
a  second  thrust  cut  open  his  belly,  his  bowels  protruded,  and  he  sank 
upon  the  ground,  resting  upon  one  arm  and  striking  wildly  with  his 
knife.  Moore,  recovering  a  little,  now  ran  up,  and  putting  his  pistol 

2  Perhaps  the  Captain  Elliott,  from  Missouri,  mentioned  as  having  been  in  a  fight  with 
Indians.  Free  Trader,  February  9,  1850. 

3  Possibly  William  Moore,  from  Mishawaka,  Indiana.  Cf.  p.  83. 


to  the  Indian's  head,  blew  out  his  brains  and  ended  this  terrible  en- 
counter by  the  death  of  his  foe,  and  the  white  men  stood  victorious 
upon  this  desperate  battlefield.  Moore  eventually  recovered,  but  the 
cattle  were  lost  entirely,  and  the  unfortunate  emigrant  was  assisted 
to  reach  the  Valley  of  the  Sacramento  by  the  other  trains. 



Stringtown,  July  22,  1850.1 

Editors  Free  Trader — During  the  last  days  of  June  I  had  my  af- 
fairs in  the  Valley  arranged  and  came  here  to  superintend  the  work- 
ing of  this  claim. 

After  nearly  completing  our  dam,  the  water,  which  is  still  high, 
percolated  through  the  race  and  the  gravel  and  the  unfinished  dam 
so  much  that  our  claim  was  not  dry  enough  to  work.  We  thought, 
however,  that  by  throwing  out  a  wing  at  the  head  of  our  claim  we 
could  drain  a  bar  sufficiently  dry  to  sink  a  hole  to  the  bedrock. 
Accordingly  we  commenced  operations  by  falling  a  tall  pine  that 
stood  on  the  brink  convenient  for  the  purpose  of  making  an  abut- 
ment. Our  company  was  composed  of  a  Frenchman,  the  first  dis- 
coverer of  gold  in  Australia,2  an  Englishman  from  Sydney,  New 
Holland,  one  New  Yorker,  three  stout  Yankees  from  Maine,  and 
three  men  from  Maryland.  The  most  of  us  were  in  the  river  clearing 
the  bed  from  brush  and  dirt.  When  the  tree  was  ready  to  fall,  the 
word  was  given,  and  all  got  out  in  time  but  myself.  I  happened  to  be 
in  the  middle  of  the  stream  and  in  the  deepest  part,  and  owing  to  the 
strong  current  was  unable  to  get  out.  I  made  a  few  steps  upward, 
watching  the  tree,  when  I  became  satisfied  it  was  coming  on  to  me. 
I  stepped  back,  when  it  swayed  around,  and  it  was  now  clear  that  I 
was  directly  in  its  course. 

My  wife  and  helpless  children  came  into  my  mind;  still  I  felt 
perfectly  collected,  with  the  thought  that  if  I  was  killed  my  com- 
panions could  tell  what  had  become  of  me,  which  was  more  than 
many  a  poor  fellow  who  has  perished  in  the  weary  search  for  gold 
could  have  done  for  him,  and  strange  as  it  may  seem  a  ray  of  com- 
fort shot  through  my  heart.  But  there  is  no  man  who  is  threatened 
with  such  a  death  who  will  not  instinctively  make  an  exertion  to 
save  his  life,  however  worthless  it  may  be  to  him.  Of  course  these 
thoughts  passed  through  my  mind  in  much  less  time  than  it  takes  to 
tell  it.  I  made  one  desperate  effort  more  to  avoid  the  falling  tree,  and 
could  only  take  two  steps  against  the  strong  current,  and  the  stones 

1  Free  Trader,  September  14,  1850. 

2  This  seems  a  remarkable  anachronism,  since  gold  was  not  discovered  in  Australia  until 
February,  1851.  "Australia,"  Encyclopaedia  Britannica,  1948. 


being  covered  with  slime  and  very  slippery,  I  fell  at  full  length  under 
water  as  the  tree  came  crashing  thundering  down,  and  I  found  my- 
self with  only  a  slight  bruise  amid  the  branches  and  spreading  limbs, 
within  two  or  three  feet  of  the  trunk,  verifying  the  old  proverb  that 
"he  who  is  born  to  be  hung  will  never  be  drowned."  Raising  myself 
like  a  turtle  from  the  water,  I  saw  the  men  standing  aghast  on  the 
bank,  sure  that  I  was  killed.  "Well,  boys,"  I  shouted,  shaking  off  the 
water,  "she  lays  exactly  right — could  not  have  done  better  if  we  had 

"My  God!  are  you  hurt?"  was  the  eager  inquiry.  "No — no,  not  in 
the  least.  Let  us  trim  it,  cut  it  off,  and  crack  in  our  dam  in  less  than 
no  time."  I  don't  know  why  it  was,  but  at  that  moment  my  escape 
was  not  in  my  mind,  but  the  men  were  so  much  agitated  that  they 
could  scarcely  speak. 

"By  Gar!"  gasped  the  honest  Frenchman. — "Ough!  Monsieur — " 
and  placing  his  hand  on  his  heart,  "you  just  feel  him  here — thump, 
thump,  thump.  I  see  the  tree — he  fell.  I  see  you  no  get  out — I  see 
him  kill  you  sure.  I  not  could  speak — my  tongue  stood  still  in  my 
mouth  wide  open,"  and  all  gave  me  hearty  congratulations. — One 
of  our  strongest  men  from  Maine,  a  powerful  man  named  Dunning,3 
took  the  axe  to  trim  the  limbs  from  the  tree,  and  getting  upon  the 
trunk  stepped  off  again.  "I  can't  do  it,"  he  said;  "my  knees  are  so 
weak  that  I  cannot  stand — I  never  was  so  frightened  in  my  life," 
and  it  was  not  until  they  became  calm  that  I  began  fully  to  appre- 
ciate my  almost  miraculous  escape,  and  then  I  confess  that  for  a 
little  while  my  knees  were  weak  too. 

Our  wing  dam  being  finished,  we  endeavored  to  sink  a  hole,  but 
the  water  came  in  so  fast  that  we  were  compelled  to  abandon  it  for  a 
few  days,  till  the  water  subsided  still  more  and  until  we  could  con- 
trive to  drain  off  more  water.  Taking  advantage  of  a  couple  of  days 
of  leisure,  I  went  over  to  the  Middle  Fork,  in  company  with  Dun- 
ning and  Periam,4  and  Norton  from  Mishawaka.5 — The  distance 
was  only  ten  miles  by  a  good  mule  path  to  the  top  of  the  ridge.  From 
there  we  had  a  splendid  view.  The  mountains  are  broken  and  piled 
up  in  a  manner  which  defies  description. — Bare  ledges  of  rocks 
rear  their  dark  heads  in  confused  and  broken  masses,  while  at  one 
point  we  observed  a  waterfall  at  the  distance  of  five  or  six  miles 
which  appeared  like  a  thread  hanging  about  midway  in  a  gorge 
where  the  mountains  were  three  thousand  feet  high.  The  perpen- 
dicular fall  is  said  to  be  from  eight  hundred  to  a  thousand  feet.  Our 

3  Zophar  Dunning  (1825-1899).  A  native  of  Charleston,  Maine,  he  arrived  in  California 
in  1850  by  ship  via  Australia.  After  his  mining  days  he  resided  in  Butte  and  Nevada 
counties,  San  Francisco,  and  Marysville,  where  he  died.  Iola  Dunning,  Ms.  in  Pioneer 
File,  California  State  Library. 

4  From  Chicago.  Cf.  p.  85. 

5  William  Norton,  "now  deceased."  David  R.  Leeper,  Argonauts  of  'Forty-Nine  (South 
Bend,  Indiana,  1894),  xv. 


view  was  bounded  on  the  east  by  a  long  high  granite  mountain, 
perfectly  bald  without  a  shrub  of  vegetation,  which  is  said  to  extend 
many  miles  parallel  with  the  Valley. — Nothing  could  be  more 
picturesque  or  romantic.  We  thought  of  attempting  to  reach  the 
falls  and  commenced  a  descent  to  the  river,  where  we  held  several 
claims.  It  was  quite  perpendicular,  but  so  steep  that  if  we  had  lost 
a  foothold  we  should  have  slid  and  tumbled  more  than  a  thousand 
feet  over  the  decayed  granite,  but  by  taking  an  angling  course  we 
reached  the  bottom  in  safety. 

Refreshing  ourselves  from  our  knapsacks,  we  attempted  to  reach 
the  fall  by  clambering  over  the  rocks  along  the  run.  An  hour's  hard 
labor  only  brought  us  half  a  mile,  and  we  were  finally  compelled  to 
give  it  up  this  time. 

And  then  came  the  task  of  climbing  the  hill.  It  took  us  fully  two 
hours  and  a  half,  and  by  nightfall  we  had  reached  a  little  rill,  when, 
exhausted,  we  sank  upon  the  ground  and  slept  soundly  till  morning. 
We  reached  home  completely  used  up,  a  little  before  noon  of  the 
second  day. 

It  is  said  that  misery  makes  strange  bedfellows — so  does  Cali- 
fornia. I  had  one  the  other  night.  Now  don't  blush — but  it  is  a  fact — 
I  was  fairly  caught.  I  slept  in  the  open  air  on  the  ground.  Towards 
morning  I  was  awakened  by  something  pricking  my  side.  Supposing 
it  to  be  an  ant  or  bug  of  some  kind,  half -asleep,  I  brushed  it  nastily 
away  and  turned  over  and  went  to  sleep  again.  A  little  after  day- 
light, I  awoke,  and  throwing  off  the  clothes,  there  lay  snugly  nestled 
by  my  side  a  large  scorpion.  Whether  it  was  him  that  stung  me  or 
something  else,  I  cannot  tell,  but  I  felt  no  inconvenience  from  it, 
and  they  are  very  poisonous.  I  soon  made  beef  of  him  and  have 
thoroughly  shook  and  examined  my  blankets  ever  since  on  retiring 
to  bed.  Speaking  of  being  poisoned  reminds  me  that  I  have  seen 
many  men  poisoned  badly  by  a  species  of  oak  which  grows  in  the 
mountains.6  Its  effects  are  much  worse  than  the  poison  ivy  at  home. 
I  have  seen  men  almost  blind,  covered  with  sores  from  head  to  foot, 
and  completely  laid  up  by  simply  rubbing  against  it;  yet  I  have 
handled  it  with  impunity.  It  produces  no  effect  on  me  whatever. — 
It  is  a  dwarf  oak  shrub  with  small  leaves,  though  it  sometimes 
reaches  as  high  as  a  man's  hands. — It  is  very  plenty  in  the  moun- 
tains, and  those  that  it  affects  have  to  be  very  watchful. 

The  emigration  begins  to  arrive,  and  so  far  as  I  hear  are  dis- 
appointed and  sick  of  California. — We  do  not  pity  them,  for  they 
have  been  advised  better.  Among  my  acquaintances  are  W.  B.  Hol- 
lister  and  William  Moore  and  family  from  Mishawaka.  The  early 
emigrants  will  find  but  few  difficulties;  the  last  must  suffer  on  the 

I  have  seen  nor  heard  anything  of  any  of  the  Ottawa  Company 

6  Poison  oak. 


since  I  last  wrote.  In  my  next  I  shall  probably  be  able  to  say  some- 
thing of  the  good  and  ill  success  of  the  mines.  At  present  au  revoir. 

A.  Delano. 


Stringtown,  Feather  River,  July  29,  1850.1 

Are  you  fond  of  romantic  views?  Is  there  a  touch  of  the  sublime 
in  your  nature?  Can  you  enjoy  a  rural  scene?  Sit  down,  then,  on 
that  old  keg — there,  pull  up  the  hoops  a  little,  or  the  staves  will  fly, 
and  you'll  squat.  Periam,  pass  that  pipe  to  the  hombre;  drive  off 
the  lizards;  the  gentleman  ain't  used  to  'em  yet;  they  are  harmless 
as  young  toads  and  just  as  good  to  catch  flies.  Now  cast  your  eyes 
around  my  cabin;  that  deep  old-fashioned  fireplace  I  helped  to  build 
myself;  I  found  it  rather  harder  work  than  lolling  over  the  counter, 
trying  to  sell  a  yard  or  two  of  lace  edging,  with  an  abundance  of 
small  talk,  to  a  pretty  young  lady.  By  the  way,  I  would  give  an 
ounce  just  to  look  at  a — .  How  I  am  digressing.  That  bake  kettle  I 
paid  ten  dollars  for  and  lugged  it  over  hill  and  dale  for  miles,  think- 
ing more  of  the  good  bread  I  could  now  have,  rather  than  the  fatigue. 
I  used  to  bake  in  that  old  frying  pan  that  hangs  on  a  nail  over  the 
fireplace,  but  that  we  use  now  only  for  frying  meat  and  fritters  in. 
The  bake  kettle  is  an  industrious  and  worthy  article,  and  good- 
natured  withal,  for  it  bakes  all  the  bread  for  four  large  messes  or 
companies.  That  crowbar,  leaning  so  jauntily  against  the  end  of  a 
log,  is  my  poker,  as  we  don't  need  it  in  the  river  digging  just  now; 
and  on  those  shelves,  made  of  staves  split  out  of  pine  logs,  you  see 
a  pile  of  sundries,  tin  pails,  coffee  pot,  tin  pans  and  plates,  knives 
and  broken  forks,  empty  bottles,  pickle  jars,  cans  containing  pre- 
pared meats,  potatoes,  &c,  from  New  York  (we  live  high  now),  a 
hairbrush,  comb,  grease  dish,  &c.  There  hangs  our  yeast  pail;  al- 
ways renew  it  with  flour  when  you  bake,  and  you'll  have  good  bread 
— the  flour  barrel  stands  in  the  corner  quite  handy.  Now  look  at  the 
other  side:  that  pine  box  standing  on  two  long  pegs  in  the  fourth 
log  contains  my  library.  Shakespeare  and  the  Vicar  of  Wakefield 
are  looking  down  on  us  good-humoredly,  and  well  they  may;  for 
when  we  were  throwing  away  provisions,  clothes,  and  almost  every- 
thing else  last  year  on  the  plains  to  lighten  our  loads  so  that  we  could 
get  through,  I  saved  these  two  worthies  from  destruction,  and  they 
have  repaid  me  over  and  over  during  the  weary  rains  of  winter  and 
— no  matter.  There  they  are,  with  a  work  on  natural  philosophy 
which  my  father  gave  me  when  I  was  a  boy,  together  with  one  on 

1  True  Delta,  September  10,  1850. 


geology,  and  just  below  you  see  a  file  of  the  True  Delta,  which  I  re- 
ceive through  the  kindness  of  your  agent,  and  this  constitutes  my 
reading  privileges.  Without  the  True  Delta,  I  should  be  lost  in  utter 
ignorance  of  what  transpired  in  America,  for  it  is  about  the  only 
paper  which  comes  to  hand.  Those  boots  hanging  up  there  belong 
to  one  of  the  boys  and  hang  against  the  wall  as  a  decoration,  we 
having  no  pictures.  In  the  window  you  see  a  vial  containing  calomel 
and  one  of  castor  oil.  I'm  about  half  sick  today,  and  for  fear  I  shall 
not  make  it  quite  out,  I  am  about  to  take  a  dose  before  I  close  this 
letter,  for  I  am  threatened  with  fever,  even  in  this  very  healthy  cli- 
mate (vide  Bryant  and  others).  In  the  rear  are  our  bunks,  made 
with  an  axe  and  an  inch  auger — the  mattresses  are  of  rough  plank, 
split  out  of  pine  trees.  Our  floor  was  built  when  the  country  was 
made,  and  we  have  not  ventured  to  disturb  this  part  of  creation,  so 
that  we  tread  on  our  mother  earth,  in  or  out  of  the  cabin.  Among 
various  decorations,  equal  to  the  boots  on  the  wall,  there  hangs  an 
old  violin  that  has  a  reminiscence  attached  to  it  which  is  of  more 
importance  than  even  its  own  soft  tones.  It  belonged  to  an  elderly 
man  named  Turner,  from  Henry  County,  Illinois.2  He  had  made  a 
bargain  with  a  man  to  bring  him  to  California,  but  on  reaching  Fort 
Laramie,  the  man  sold  his  wagon  and  packed  through,  leaving 
Turner  to  shift  for  himself.  Without  a  friend  to  aid  him,  with  no 
money  or  provisions,  without  the  means  of  going  backward  or  for- 
ward, poor  Turner  was  like  a  shipwrecked  mariner  upon  a  desolate 
coast,  for  while  many  ships  were  sailing  by,  it  seemed  impossible  to 
make  them  notice  his  signals  of  distress.  Happily  for  him,  Messrs. 
Billinghurst,  Brown  and  Periam,  of  Chicago,  came  along,  and  pity- 
ing his  forlorn  condition,  they  took  him  aboard  their  wagon,  al- 
though their  own  supplies  were  none  too  abundant.  On  the  road 
across  the  plains,  Turner  was  taken  with  scurvy,  and  instead  of 
being  a  help  to  them  on  their  arrival  in  the  mines,  he  was  only  a 
continued  tax  upon  their  generosity  and  good  feeling  when  even  the 
necessaries  of  life  were  procured  with  difficulty,  and  notwithstand- 
ing disease  had  made  him  irritable,  they  did  not  relax  their  assiduity 
for  his  comfort,  and  it  was  "without  the  hope  of  fee  or  reward."  He 
moved  with  them  from  Long's  Bar  to  this  place  in  November,  and 
if,  at  times,  he  was  able  to  draw  the  bow  to  "auld  lang  syne"  and 
"sweet,  sweet  home"  with  plaintive  melody,  with  the  tears  trickling 
down  his  careworn  cheek,  it  was  destined  that  "wife  nor  children 
more  should  he  behold,  nor  friends  nor  sacred  home."  He  gradually 
grew  worse,  and  died  the  last  of  January.  He  lies  upon  the  hillside 
above  our  cabin,  and  his  violin  and  a  half-written  letter  is  all  the 
mementos  left  of  poor  Turner.  May  God  help  his  widowed  wife  and 
fatherless  children. 

2  Perhaps  S.  K.  Turner,  listed  as  from  Illinois  and  at  St.  Joseph.  St.  Louis  Missouri  Re- 
publican, Aprl  23,  1849. 


Our  table,  of  which  I  have  said  nothing,  stands  under  a  bush 
porch  in  front  of  the  cabin,  where  we  perform  the  daily  ceremony 
of  mastication  with  good  appetites,  but  with  no  one  to  kiss  the  cook. 
Unfortunately  I  am  the  cook,  and  as  for  being  kissed,  even  if  there 
were  any  female  women  here  my  nose  is  too,  too  long.  O,  get  out. 
Should  I  apologize  for  my  nonsense?  Well,  I  will.  All  which  is  writ- 
ten above  on  this  page  and  half  of  the  other  was  done  under  the 
operation  of  two  doses  of  calomel  and  a  dose  of  oil,  and  I  write  just 
to  keep  the  thought  of  the  infernal  stuff  out  of  my  mind. 

The  miners  on  this  fork  of  Feather  River  have  nearly  completed 
their  dams,  but  generally  the  water  is  yet  too  high  and  comes  into 
excavations  so  fast  that  it  is  impossible  to  get  low  enough  to  test  the 
bed  of  the  stream.  In  a  few  instances  it  has  been  done.  Three  or  four 
claims  are  paying  well;  two  have  been  abandoned  after  thousands  of 
dollars  being  expended  on  their  dams  and  races,  with  only  a  partial 
trial.  The  dam  and  race  of  the  claim  which  I  am  superintending  cost 
over  thirteen  thousand  dollars  in  labor,  and  we  have  yet  to  dig  the 
first  cent.  We  may  find  a  pile,  or  we  may  not  get  a  penny,  but  we 
shall  not  give  it  up  as  easily  as  some  have  done.  An  unlooked-for 
difficulty  has  occurred  on  the  river  which  has  tested  the  justice  and 
equity  of  the  miners.  In  making  claims  the  levels  on  various  rapids 
were  not  taken,  and  the  consequence  is  that  many  claims  are  over- 
flowed by  lower  dams. 

Last  Saturday  I  was  summoned  as  a  juror  on  such  a  case  before 
the  miners'  tribunal,  composed  of  the  Vice-President  of  the  district, 
the  Secretary  and  three  jurors.  Although  it  was  no  legal  tribunal, 
and  binding  only  by  consent  of  the  parties  and  by  public  opinion, 
the  case  was  opened  with  as  much  gravity,  the  jury  and  witnesses 
sworn  in  as  solemn  a  manner,  and  as  much  decorum  prevailed  as  in 
any  court  of  justice  in  the  world.  Double  the  amount  of  costs, 
amounting  to  $102 — that  is,  eight  dollars  per  day  per  man,  witness, 
court,  and  jurymen,  was  deposited  by  the  parties,  the  successful 
litigant  to  receive  his  back  at  the  close  of  the  trial.  It  was  the  Bed- 
ford Company  vs.  Renfro  and  Company.  The  Miners'  Code  gave 
the  oldest  claimant  the  right  of  building  their  dam,  and  the  defend- 
ants proved  that  they  had  made  and  occupied  their  claim  about  two 
weeks  before  the  plaintiffs.  Of  course  the  jury  rendered  a  verdict  in 
favor  of  the  defendants,  which  was  acquiesced  in  by  the  other  party, 
and  as  much  respect  paid  to  the  decision  of  the  law  as  to  any  legal 
enactment  of  Congress.  If  you  knew  the  class  of  men  who  compose 
the  bulk  of  our  mining  population,  you  would  not  be  surprised  at 
this,  for  obedience  to  law  and  love  of  order,  equity  and  justice  has 
been  taught  them  from  infancy.  I  should  be  glad  to  send  you  a  copy 
of  the  Miners'  Code  if  I  could  get  time  to  copy  it.  The  lawmakers  at 
home  might  gather  some  idea  of  what  we  require  if  they  will  make 
laws  for  our  guidance.  It  is  a  little  queer  that  while  we  are  not  yet 


admitted  as  a  State  into  the  Union,  we  are  going  as  quietly  on  as  if 
that  even  had  taken  place.3 

Elections  have  been  held,  State,  county  and  town  officers  elected. 
Courts  are  duly  organized,  and  proceeding  to  try  cases  and  writs 
begin  with  "State  of  California,"  &c.  &c;  and  while  you  are  quarrel- 
ing among  yourselves  at  home  about  admitting  us  free  and  un- 
trammeled  into  the  Union,  we  are  at  work  minding  our  own  busi- 
ness and,  apparently,  unconcerned  about  what  course  you  take  with 
regard  to  us.  If  we  are  not  recognized  as  a  State  what  becomes  of  all 
the  decisions  in  our  courts  of  justice,  of  the  acts  of  the  sheriffs,  of 
collectors  of  revenue,  &c.  &c?  all,  all,  illegal — all  of  no  account? 
Fudge!  the  very  people  who  voted  for  a  State  constitution  and  legis- 
lature will  sustain  their  acts,  unless  an  armed  force  prevents  them, 
and  they  will  have  law  and  order  and  justice,  in  spite  of  your  brawl- 
ing politicians  and  barroom  debaters.  We  have  some  glorious  spirits 
in  California.  Amid  all  the  dissipation,  the  gambling  and  drinking 
of  the  Valley  towns,  we  have  a  class  in  the  mountains — men  of  in- 
tellect, of  scientific  acquirements,  that  would  honor  any  community, 
who  are  drawn  together  by  a  bond  of  union  which  proceeds  from 
hardships  endured  together,  a  sympathetic  disposition,  perhaps  en- 
hanced by  suffering  and  privations;  and  these  men  are  superior  to 
the  attraction  of  vice  in  the  towns.  Our  Sundays  and  hours  of  leisure 
are  spent  together,  and  it  is  then  we  sometimes  forget  our  toil  and 
trials.  If  home  and  its  endearments  enter  into  the  conversation,  it  is 
closed  by  the  wish,  and  O!  expressed  in  the  most  heartfelt  manner, 
that  if  we  are  successful  and  once  get  home,  we  will  meet  while  on 
earth  at  least  once  a  year. 

The  Indian  tribes  in  the  mountains  are  still  quarreling  among 
themselves.  Near  the  Yuba,  and  between  that  river  and  the  South 
Fork  of  Feather  River,  are  the  Pikeys,  a  thievish  and  treacherous 
race.  On  the  east  side  of  the  South  Fork,  and  between  it  and  the 
Middle  Fork  of  the  Feather,  are  the  Olos,4  a  tribe  entirely  friendly 
with  the  whites.  A  battle  between  the  two  tribes  took  place  a  few 
days  ago,  about  three  miles  from  this  place,  in  which  two  of  the  Olos 
were  wounded  and  three  of  the  Pikeys  killed.  The  object  of  the 
battle  appeared  to  be  to  steal  squaws,  and  during  the  fray  the  squaws 
of  the  Olos  were  protected  by  a  strong  guard.  While  they  were  en- 
gaged a  miner  happened  to  come  along  and  called  out  to  the  Pikeys 
to  desist  and  go  home.  One  of  the  warriors  replied  to  him  by  an 
insulting  and  indecent  gesture,  when  the  miner  coolly  raised  his 
rifle  and  applied  a  bullet  plaster  to  the  exposed  part  of  the  reckless 
savage,  and  dropped  him  in  his  tracks.  The  Pikeys  then  desisted, 

3  Admission  Day  was  September  9,  1850,  but  the  news  did  not  reach  San  Francisco  until 
October  18  following.  Pen-Knife  Sketches,  x. 

4  Pikey  and  Olo  are  evidently  names  of  villages  or  village  chiefs,  or  both,  of  the  Maidu. 


but  gave  notice  to  the  Olos  that  they  would  come  again  today  and 
try  it  over.  Several  whites  turned  out  from  our  settlement  to  see  the 
fun,  but  the  Pikeys  did  not  appear,  though  the  Olos  are  summoning 
their  friends  to  be  ready  for  a  grand  affair.  They  were  highly  de- 
lighted with  the  medical  practice  of  the  old  miner,  and  are  describ- 
ing the  scene  with  much  gusto  to  the  whites  at  work  on  the  various 

Truly  yours, 



Independence,  September  1,  1850.1 

I  am  one  hundred  and  fifty  miles  in  the  mountains,  amid  the  most 
sublime  scenery  I  ever  saw,  where  the  snow  still  lingers  on  the  hills 
and  where  the  ice  freezes  in  our  buckets  every  night.  In  this  pure  and 
bracing  atmosphere  there  is  no  sickness,  and  two  months  from  this 
time  the  living  throng  who  forced  their  way  into  these  wilds  will  be 
compelled  to  return  to  the  Valley  to  escape  the  deep  snows  which 
will  then  encumber  this  desolate  portion  of  California.  My  transit 
from  the  Valley  was  a  series  of  adventures  which  I  have  partially 
and  briefly  detailed  to  the  N.  O.  True  Delta,2  one  of  whose  corres- 
pondents I  am  (by  request — I  write  none  others),  and  it  was  one 
of  the  most  interesting  excursions  I  ever  made. 

I  will  not  detail  it  to  you,  as  there  is  subject  matter  enough  left 
for  a  full  communication  without  it.  The  evening  previous  to  my 

1  Free  Trader,  November  16,  1850. 

2  Apparently  not  published. 


leaving  Marysville  I  had  the  felicity  of  receiving  your  welcome 
letter  and  one  from  my  wife,  being  the  only  ones  I  have  received 
from  Ottawa  since  the  date  of  the  25th  March.  I  also  received  a 
copy  of  the  Free  Trader,  being  the  fourth  number  which  has  reached 
me  in  California. 

Hereafter  direct  all  communication  to  Marysville,  Yuba  County. 
I  wish  I  had  more  of  as  attentive  correspondents  as  yourself,  for  one 
of  our  greatest  pleasures  is  receiving  letters  from  home — as  a  proof 
of  this — "Hello,  Handy"  (a  capital  fellow  from  Albion,  Michigan, 
and  whose  tent  joins  mine) — "had  you  rather  get  a  letter  from  home 
and  go  without  your  dinner,  with  a  mountain  appetite,  or  get  your 
dinner  and  go  without  the  letter?" — "I  had  rather  have  the  letter 
anytime — why,  there's  no  comparison."  That's  my  case  exactly,  so 
send  on  your  letters.  I  am  in  the  region  of  the  fabulous  Gold  Lake,3 
but  even  here  there  are,  as  elsewhere,  good  and  poor  diggings,  and 
many  a  poor  fellow  is  delving  away  without  being  able  scarcely  to 
earn  the  salt  for  his  porridge,  while  a  few,  a  very  few,  are  doing 
well  or  passably  so,  and  yet  this  is  the  richest  portion  of  golden  Cali- 
fornia which  I  have  seen. — You  know  my  predictions  with  regard 
to  the  sufferings  of  the  coming  overland  emigrants.  They  are  pour- 
ing in  upon  us  and  in  such  a  condition  as  to  excite  pity  from  hearts 
of  stone.  Last  year  the  great  fault  of  the  emigrants  was  in  loading. 
The  present  year  the  emigrants  seem  to  have  fallen  into  the  other 
extreme.  They  had  not  provisions  enough,  and  then  many  started 
with  horses  for  the  sake  of  greater  speed. 

Last  year  the  grass  was  unusually  good,  better  than  it  had  been 
for  many  years.  But  now,  either  from  drought  or  heavy  snows,  the 
grass  was  dried  up,  or  the  melting  snows  filled  the  valleys  with 
water  and  overflowed  the  grassy  bottoms.  The  valley  of  the  Hum- 
boldt, where  we  traveled  many  days  along  the  borders  of  the  stream, 
this  year  was  a  vast  lake  and  the  emigrants  were  obliged  to  take  the 
hills,  frequently  making  long  and  laborious  detours  to  avoid  or  get 
around  side  valleys  where  scarcely  any  forage  could  be  obtained.  I 
recollect  one  place  where  they  were  compelled  to  go  thirty  miles 
over  difficult  mountains  out  of  their  course  to  make  about  six.  One 
man  paid  an  Indian  fifteen  dollars  to  swim  to  a  little  island  on  the 
Humboldt  and  bring  over  grass  enough  to  feed  his  mule.  Under 
these  circumstances  teams  gave  out,  horses  and  mules  broke  down, 
provisions  were  exhausted,  and  hundreds  of  miles  from  the  settle- 
ments and  far  from  aid,  men,  women  and  children  were  left  entirely 
destitute,  without  a  mouthful  to  eat  and  without  the  means  of  get- 

3  The  rumor  of  a  lake  with  golden  pebbles  appears  to  have  started  in  1849;  in  the  summer 
of  1850  it  gathered  momentum,  aided  by  interested  traders.  By  the  end  of  the  year 
swarms  of  unattached  miners  were  combing  the  Sierra  in  search  of  the  lake.  The  name 
Gold  became  attached  to  a  body  of  water  in  Plumas  County,  but  it  had  ordinary  pebbles. 
Gudde,  California  Place  Names. 


ting  forward.  Perhaps  a  broken-down  horse  or  mule  would  be  left 
to  carry  a  remnant  of  supplies;  yet  even  without  this  slender  aid,  you 
might  see  even  mothers  wading  through  the  deep  dust  or  the  heavy 
sand  of  the  desert,  or  climbing  mountain  steeps  leading  their  poor 
children  by  the  hand;  or  the  once  strong  man  pale,  emaciated  by 
hunger  and  fatigue,  carrying  his  feeble  infant  on  his  back,  crying 
for  water  and  nourishment,  and  appeasing  a  ravenous  appetite 
from  the  carcass  of  a  dead  mule  or  horse,  and  when  they  sink  ex- 
hausted upon  the  ground  at  night,  overcome  with  weariness  and 
want  of  nourishment,  it  was  only  with  the  certainty  of  the  morning 
sun  they  would  have  to  go  through  with  the  same  or  greater  evils.  Is 
it  strange,  then,  that  under  such  destitution  and  misery,  where  for 
weeks  a  draught  of  good  water  could  not  be  had,  many  preferred 
suicide  to  this  living  death?  In  one  day  on  the  Humboldt,  three  men 
and  two  women  drowned  themselves.  The  men  were  observed  and 
taken  out  once,  but  they  persisted  in  declaring  that  death  was  pre- 
ferable and  succeeded  in  committing  the  desperate  deed.  The  wom- 
en had  families  and,  unable  longer  to  witness  the  suffering  of  their 
children  with  no  prospect  of  relief,  chose  the  dreadful  alternative.  I 
can  well  appreciate  their  feelings;  for  although  my  sufferings  last 
year  were  not  so  great,  yet  I  have  seen  many  a  day  when  death  had 
no  terrors.  By  the  earliest  who  succeeded  in  reaching  the  Valley  the 
sufferings  of  the  emigrants  were  made  known  and  large  and  liberal 
contributions  of  provisions  were  made  and  sent  out.  In  addition, 
traders  forced  themselves  over  the  snows  of  the  Sierra  as  far  as  the 
Humboldt,  but  these  supplies  were  scarcely  felt.  Five  pounds  of 
flour  were  doled  out  to  a  man  from  the  free  supplies,  and  afterwards 
reduced  to  two  and  a  half,  with  which  they  had  to  travel  two  hun- 
dred miles,  and  the  traders  asked  two  and  a  half  dollars  a  pound  for 
flour  and  pork.  Hundreds  had  no  money,  and  even  if  they  had,  a 
large  amount  would  be  required  to  obtain  enough  to  sustain  a  fam- 
ily through.  Of  course  all  were  not  thus  destitute.  Some  arrived  who 
had  provided  themselves  well,  but  hundreds  and  hundreds  suffered 
thus.  And  now  what  will  they  do  when  they  arrive?  Though  labor  is 
nominally  from  five  to  eight  dollars  a  day,  there  is  not  sufficient  em- 
ployment for  even  those  who  wintered  here,  and  while  a  few,  very 
few,  may  strike  a  good  lead  and  do  well,  the  great  mass  can  scarcely 
get  enough  to  sustain  life.  We  shall  see  more  suffering,  more  destitu- 
tion this  winter  than  there  ever  has  been,  and  although  there  is  gold 
in  the  mountains,  the  indefatigable  attempt  to  get  it  of  those  who 
came  a  year  ago  without  success,  wheresoever  courage,  strength 
and  manhood  have  been  used  to  their  full  extent,  surely  should  con- 
vince you  at  home  that  it  is  folly  to  forsake  a  living  business  at 
home  and  come  here  in  the  desperate  search  of  gold.  I  saw  a  few 
days  since  an  old  friend  of  mine  from  Indiana  who  had  just  arrived. 
He  had  suffered  on  the  plains,  but  he  got  through. 


He  was  a  scientific  engineer,  an  industrious  worthy  man,  and  do- 
ing well  at  home.  He  had  got  a  temporary  berth  as  engineer  on  a 
small  steamboat  at  a  hundred  dollars  a  month,  when  he  could  have 
got  more  at  home.  "Why  did  you  come  here?"  I  asked.  "Did  not  all 
our  letters  discourage  further  emigration?"  "Yes,  but  you  said  there 
was  gold  here,  and  we  thought  we  could  get  it  if  you  could — that  we 
could  get  it  if  anybody  could;  besides  too,  to  speak  frankly,  we 
thought  that  as  so  many  were  getting  rich  they  only  wrote  such 
letters  back  to  keep  others  away.  And  the  statements  in  the  papers 
too,  of  the  immense  sums  received  from  California  and  extracts 
taken  from  California  papers  of  rich  diggings  being  continually 
discovered,  of  those  who  had  dug  large  sums  in  a  few  days  or  weeks, 
made  us  think  that  your  letters  of  advice  were  dictated  by  sinister 
motives  or  that  you  had  not  given  a  correct  view  of  the  subject." 
"Well,  what  do  you  think  of  it  now — are  you  satisfied?" 
"I  am — I  have  seen  the  Elephant  and  I  wish  myself  at  home." 
I  have  asked  the  same  questions  of  many  and  always  with  the 
same  result.  Our  honest  statements  have  been  either  disbelieved  or 
have  been  ascribed  to  a  motive  which  does  not  exist,  that  of  keeping 
our  friends  away. 

I  have  sometimes  concluded  a  conversation  with  many  a  poor 
fellow  who  has  become  entrapped,  by  saying  what  I  believe  to  be 
true:  "Gentlemen,  the  gold  is  here — now  get  it."  I  can  tell  you  of 
men  who  have  dug  from  ten  to  twenty  pounds  of  gold  in  a  day,  but 
for  one  such  man  I  can  show  you  a  thousand  who  have  made  no 
more  than  their  living.  I  have  seen  lumps  of  gold  that  weighed  sev- 
eral pounds,  but  for  every  large  lump  I  have  seen  hundreds  who  had 
not  money  enough  to  pay  for  a  dinner.  A  few  who  have  gone  home 
in  the  intoxication  of  success  may  extol  the  country  and  the  ease  of 
getting  rich.  They  are  the  few  lucky  ones  whom  fortune  has  favored. 
Friends  and  Fellow  Countrymen,  if  you  are  determined  to  come,  do 
so.  If  you  are  fortunate,  why,  well;  but  if  you  share  the  fate  of  thou- 
sands who  have  gone  before  you,  the  consequences  be  upon  your 
own  heads. 

I  think  the  course  pursued  by  the  conductors  of  the  press  in  Cali- 
fornia highly  reprehensible  in  the  matter  of  reporting  what  I  know 
to  be  an  unfair  condition  of  things  respecting  gold  digging  which  is 
one  cause  of  promoting  emigration.  Under  the  head  of  "News  from 
the  Mines,"  glorious  accounts  are  given  of  the  success  of  various 
individuals  which  are  calculated  to  deceive  you  at  home.  A  few 
lucky  adventurers  are  reported,  the  amount  raised  by  each  in  a  short 
time,  &c,  &c.  This  may  be  true.  But  not  one  word  is  said  of  the  dis- 
appointed thousands  of  those  who  have  worked  a  whole  year  with- 
out success.  Were  they  to  place  in  one  column  the  cost  of  outfit,  the 
expense  of  living  and  of  operating  there,  the  number  of  unsuccessful 
miners  and  business  men  against  the  number  of  lucky  ones  and  the 


amount  raised  by  them,  it  would  present  a  fearful  array  of  figures 
against  California.  I  believe  there  have  been  more  fortunes  made 
here  by  trading  and  speculation  than  by  mining.  The  hundred- 
thousand-dollar  men  are  those  who  have  got  rich  by  speculations, 
trade  or  gambling. 

Nearly  all  the  claims  on  the  South  Fork  of  Feather  River  have 
failed  as  high  as  the  canon.4 

Four  or  five  have  proved  good.  A  company  a  mile  below  String- 
town  who  had  made  three  or  four  thousand  dollars  last  winter  on 
the  Middle  Fork  took  up  a  claim  a  little  above  on  the  South  Fork, 
built  a  dam  and  race  at  an  expense  of  two  thousand  dollars  and  did 
not  get  a  dollar.  Another  company  built  a  dam  and  race  at  an  ex- 
pense of  over  fourteen  thousand  dollars  and  did  not  get  three  hun- 
dred.5 A  dozen  companies  in  the  vicinity  erected  dams  at  from  three 
to  ten  thousand  dollars,  and  after  enduring  the  labor  of  prospecting 
in  the  winter  rains,  building  cabins,  making  roads  over  mountains 
and  suffering  incredible  hardships  with  the  fortitude  which  belongs 
to  the  American  race,  have  relinquished  their  claims  without  getting 
a  dollar,  perfectly  bankrupt  and  in  debt  for  the  very  bread  they  ate 
while  at  work  with  high  anticipations  of  a  fair  remuneration.  And 
the  traders  too  have  suffered  by  extending  credits  to  those  men  who 
would  pay  them  if  they  could — but  cannot.  I  know  the  most  of  these 
men  personally,  and  a  more  industrious  and  honorable  class  of  men 
do  not  exist.  In  the  grand  rush  to  Gold  Lake  two  months  ago,  thou- 
sands of  men  were  in  the  mountains  making  the  search,  and  what 
was  the  consequence?  Why,  some  good  deposits  were  found  and  a 
few  made  rich  or  comfortably  off,  but  the  great  mass  made  nothing. 
So  it  is  here.  And  who  is  to  blame  for  holding  such  high  attributes  to 
California,  for  showing  but  one  side  of  the  picture,  which  induces 
men,  women  and  children  to  leave  home,  friends  and  comforts  to 
launch  forth  into  a  sea  of  uncertainty,  of  misery,  death,  and  only  of 
doubtful  success,  but  those  through  whom  they  glean  their  informa- 
tion, the  conductors  of  the  presses?  The  failure  of  dams  is  not  con- 
fined to  Feather  River  alone,  but  so  far  as  I  can  learn,  it  is  about  the 
same  on  all  the  streams  which  have  been  extensively  dammed  to  get 
at  the  bed  of  the  stream.  Perhaps  my  statements  may  not  be  credited 
by  those  who  rely  upon  the  arrivals  of  gold  quoted  in  the  papers  and 
by  the  more  ardent  at  home.  All  I  have  to  say  then  is,  "Come  and  try 
it  yourselves — the  gold  is  in  the  mountains — get  it." 

In  a  letter  to  Hon.  J.  D.  Caton  which  I  see  you  have  published,6 
I  spoke  of  the  condition  of  things  with  regard  to  land  titles  and 
squatters'  rights.  The  matter  has  been  festering  until  it  has  reached 

4  Apparently  about  a  mile  and  a  half  above  Enterprise.  Cf.  p.  38. 

5  This  may  refer  to  Delano's  experience  near  Stringtown.  Cf.  p  .  86. 

6  P.  46. 


a  head  and  has  broken  out.  Congress  has  delayed  to  admit  Cali- 
fornia as  a  State,  quarreling  over  an  abstract  question  with  which 
we  have  nothing  to  do7  and  thus  indirectly  countenancing  the 
vicious  and  evil-disposed  in  their  course  against  law  and  order.  You 
will  see  by  the  papers  the  sanguinary  conflict  of  the  squatters  on 
town  lots  in  Sacramento  City  with  the  constituted  authorities.8  This 
is  one  of  the  results  of  the  delay  in  allowing  us  to  settle  our  own 
matters  and  is  only  a  prelude  to  other  excesses.  The  authorities  are 
determined  to  maintain  the  laws  of  a  State  whether  admitted  or  not, 
and  I  for  one  think  it  highly  important  for  the  good  of  society  that 
they  should  do  so.  But  the  squatters  on  town  lots  should  not  be  in- 
cluded with  squatters  on  vacant  lands  or  on  the  vast  claims  made 
under  Mexican  grants.  For  instance,  if  I  first  lay  claim  to  160  acres 
of  land  and  comply  with  the  requisitions  of  the  law,  the  land  proper- 
ly becomes  mine.  If  I  lay  out  a  town  on  this  160  acres,  which  is  all  I 
can  hold  by  law,  my  right  extends  over  the  whole  plat.  If  another 
person  occupies  one  of  my  town  lots  he  trespasses  on  my  equitable 
rights,  and  it  is  in  some  such  way  that  the  difficulty  originated  at 
Sacramento  City,  the  squatters  refusing  to  yield  their  claims  to  the 
original  proprietors,  although  there  is  another  dispute  with  the  first 
occupants  on  account  of  its  being  held  as  a  Mexican  grant. — It  is 
certain  that  the  plat  was  laid  out  before  a  State  government  was 
organized.  The  Sacramento  squatters  are  a  formidable  body  of  men 
determined  to  have  a  home,  but  I  think  they  will  finally  be  compelled 
to  yield.9  But  there  is  another  question  in  embryo  which  will  not  be 
so  easily  settled,  and  that  is  squatting  on  government  land — rather 
upon  Mexican  grants,  for  there  is  not  three  hundred  square  miles 
of  desirable  land  such  as  can  be  cultivated  in  California  but  what  is 
claimed  by  a  few  individuals  under  Mexican  grants.  The  squatters 
on  this  land  have  the  sympathies  of  the  mass  of  the  population,  for 
they  think  it  unreasonable  that  the  few  should  control  the  many  and 
deprive  them  of  an  abiding  place  in  a  new  country  like  this,  and 
under  the  circumstances  which  brought  them  here  and  compelled 
them  to  stay.  Here  then  is  another  serious  affair  in  embryo  and  a 
matter  which  will  be  yielded  only  at  the  point  of  the  bayonet.  Unless 
Congress  settles  the  matter  in  some  equitable  way  soon,  difficulties 
of  a  most  serious  nature  will  ensue. 

I  think  I  have  written  you  respecting  the  miners'  law  on  claims. 
This  is  a  matter  which  takes  care  of  itself  and  is  as  faithfully  obeyed 
as  any  law  of  Congress,  and  it  is  hardly  written,  much  less  printed. 
I  appealed  a  few  days  ago  to  the  President  of  the  Association  for  a 

7  The  issue  of  whether  it  should  be  a  slave  or  free  State.  Robert  G.  Cleland,  History  of 
California:  The  American  Period  (New  York,  1922),  257-261. 

8  The  Squatter  Riots  of  August  14  and  15.  Cf.  Sacramento  Transcript,  August  15-16,  1850. 

9  They  were.  Royce,  op.  cit. 


copy  of  the  law  for  the  purpose  of  sending  it  home  for  publication. 
After  a  diligent  search,  it  was  ascertained  that  but  a  single  copy 
existed,  and  that  was  ten  miles  distant.  But  it  is  well  understood,  and 
when  you  hear  of  one  miner  suing  another  on  a  disputed  claim,  it  is 
not  before  a  judicial  tribunal  but  before  the  self-constituted  miners' 

But  I  talk  so  much  of  California  that  I  doubt  not  you,  as  well  as 
your  readers,  are  wearied — and  surely  it  is  no  pleasure  for  me  to 
describe  the  actual  condition  of  things  as  I  see  them.  When  you  get 
tired  of  paying  the  postage  on  my  lucubrations,  say  so,  and  I  will 
trouble  you  no  more. 

Perhaps  I  repeat  things  over  and  over  like  old  story-tellers;  I  keep 
no  copies  of  my  letters  and  cannot  tell  what  I  have  written  before. 
I  should  be  glad  to  get  the  Free  Trader,  but  the  only  paper  I  get 
from  the  States  with  any  degree  of  regularity  is  the  True  Delta, 
which  comes  through  my  friend  Mr.  Grant. 

It  is  now  sickly  in  the  Valley,  chill,  fevers,  ague  and  flux  prevail- 
ing; but  in  the  mountains  as  high  as  this  nobody  is  sick. 

Send  all  communications  through  New  York. 

Truly  yours, 

A.  Delano. 


Independence,  October  20,  1850.1 

It  is  with  a  kind  of  desperation  that  I  seize  the  pen  this  morning  as 
an  antidote  to  ennui.  The  miners  have  been  mostly  frightened  away 
by  a  succession  of  stormy  weather,  rain  in  the  valleys  and  snow  on 
the  mountains;  and  I  am  also  preparing  to  evacuate  these  diggings 
in  two  or  three  days.  I  shall  remove  to  the  mouth  of  the  creek2  four 
miles  below,  where  about  two  hundred  and  fifty  men  are  preparing 
winter  quarters  where,  by  the  appearance  of  the  trees,  the  snow  falls 
forty  or  fifty  feet  deep. 

The  miners  who  are  left  here  are  all  out  at  work,  and  I  went  out 
and  rocked  the  cradle  an  hour  or  so  for  pastime,  and  got  only 
twenty-five  cents;  so  I  gave  it  up,  and  not  to  let  the  time  hang 
heavily  on  my  hands,  I  take  up  my  pen  to  make  you  pay  a  postage 
to  Uncle  Samuel,  who  never  refuses  such  contributions,  although 
his  boys  may  grumble  sometimes  at  having  to  make  them.  I  shall 
return  to  the  Valley  as  soon  as  I  dispose  of  my  traps,  and  then  I 
have  several  operations  in  view.  I  generally  succeed  better  at  hard 
work  than  in  mining,  and  I  have  discovered,  after  an  outlay  of  two 

1  True  Delta,  December  17,  1850. 

2  Nelson  Creek. 


thousand  dollars,  that  my  steamboat  force  and  horsepower  is  not 
equal  to  the  labor  of  digging  and  sweltering  in  the  sun.  I  have  talked 
so  much  of  scenery  that  people  must  be  tired  of  it;  but  Heaven 
knows  that  if  they  had  a  spice  of  my  disposition,  they  would  never 
weary  in  looking  at  what  there  is  around  us  here.  Eight  miles  from 
here  is  an  old  volcano. y  I  had  a  fair  view  of  it  yesterday,  and  before 
I  go  to  the  Valley  I  shall  visit  it.  At  its  base  is  the  richest  deposit  yet 
found  in  this  vicinity.  If  I  could  get  ropes  and  the  right  men  to 
handle  them  I  would  see  what  there  is  inside — that  is,  I  would  go 
into  it  as  far  as  I  could  and  be  pulled  out  again;  I'll  have  a  peep  any- 
how. I  am  cogitating  a  subject  for  one  of  these  days,  but  I  want  to 
go  below  first — I  mean  "the  present  state  of  California." 

I  think  when  the  sufferings  of  the  emigrants  both  on  the  plains 
and  after  their  arrival  is  known  at  home,  our  people  will  begin  to 
see  California  stripped  of  her  gaudy  robes,  her  paint  and  outward 
adornments,  which  have  been  so  liberally  heaped  upon  her  by 
thoughtless  letter-writers  and  culpable  editors,  and  they  will  be  con- 
tent to  stay  at  home  and  reap  their  own  grain,  and  enjoy  the  com- 
forts which  they  really  possess,  rather  than  come  here  to  starve  or 
pick  up  what  would  be  thrown  from  their  own  tables  at  home  to 
satisfy  the  cravings  of  hunger.  The  greatness  of  California1.  Faugh! 
Great  for  what  and  for  whom?  Great  at  present  as  an  outlet  to  a 
portion  of  the  surplus  wheat,  pork  and  clothes,  blacklegs,  prosti- 
tutes and  vicious  at  home,  and  for  the  would-be  politicians  of  the 
country  and  the  ultras  who  quarrel  over  us  in  Washington.  Oregon 
will  be  the  greatest  of  the  two,  and  here  is  another  theme.  She  will 
have  more  wealth  in  time  by  selling  her  potatoes  to  us  at  five  dollars 
per  bushel,  her  lumber  at  thirty  dollars  per  M,  her  flour,  her  pork, 
and  soon  her  woolens,  her  leather,  &c,  &c,  than  we  shall  have  with 
all  our  mines.  If  I  was  a  politician  (thank  God  /  am  not),  I  would 
gather  statistics  enough  to  satisfy  any  political  economist  on  this 

I  am  a  little  curious  to  learn  what  effect  a  residence  in  California 
has  had  upon  that  portion  of  emigrants  who  have  returned,  whether 
they  have  as  easily  relapsed  into  steady  habits  again  when  surround- 
ed by  the  moral  influences  of  our  old  country,  as  they  (not  all,  be  it 
understood)  fell  into  the  snares  of  vice  without  any  such  restraint 
here.  Could  not  we  get  up  some  tall  lectures  on  what  we  have  seen — 
eh?  The  Decline  and  Fall  of  the  Roman  Empire  by  that  most  beauti- 
ful of  all  writers,  Gibbon,  or  the  rise  and  progress  of  Mormonism, 
couldn't  hold  a  candle  to  it;  it's  the  subject  I  mean,  not  our  style  or 
descriptive  powers. 

It  is  noon  and  near  dinnertime.  Will  you  join  me?  Don't  fear  a 
griddle-cake  infliction.  No,  no,  just  a  plain  family  dinner — fried 

3  Little  Volcano,  in  Plumas  County. 


potatoes  and  ham.  I  made  some  gingerbread  yesterday — all  but  the 
ginger  (that  I  couldn't  get) — it's  good,  too,  and  that  shall  be  our 
dessert.  Will  you  have  a  glass  of  wine? — just  bring  it  along,  for  I 
haven't  got  it;  but  there  is  chocolate  enough  left  from  my  breakfast 
to  warm  over  again.  Come,  boys,  move  that  monte  bank  off  the 
table;  the  Colonel4  and  I  want  to  dine.  Hardy,  drive  that  mule  out 
of  the  tent;  let  him  wait  till  we  get  through.  There,  Colonel,  scrape 
off  that  old  cigar,  take  that  keg  and  go  your  death.  Pshaw!  Colonel, 
don't  pick  your  teeth  with  the  fork;  take  your  bowie  knife.  What's 
the  use  of  being  so  effeminate?  Now,  tumble  down  on  my  mattress 
and  take  a  siesta,  while  I  talk  to  the  boys. 

I  have  been  sketching  a  little  since  I  have  been  here,  and  succeed 
in  getting  correct  outlines  much  better  than  I  hoped  for;  but  no 
pencil  can  do  justice  to  the  sublime  scenery  of  the  mountains.  You 
shall  have  an  impress  of  the  Middle  Fork  volcano.5  If  in  going  into 
it  I  meet  old  Pluto,  I  will  get  a  description  of  the  infernal  regions, 
and  if  I  find  him  in  a  communicative  humor,  I  will  ask  him  to  ex- 
plain the  cause  of  the  "mysterious  knockings"  which  are  bothering 
brother  Greeley0  and  many  other  wise  ones  at  home.  I  wish  I  was 
rich  enough  to  stop  work.  I  would  just  make  one  grand  tour  through 
this  mountain  range,  for  you  not  only  get  one  magnificent  view  but 
you  see  a  hill  ahead  that  you  long  to  be  on  for  the  sake  of  another. 
Once  there,  something  new,  varied  and  grand  entices  you  on  like  an 
ignis  jatuus,  so  that  there  seems  no  end,  and  you  are  compelled  to 
remain  unsatisfied — as  I  am  to  wind  up  for  want  of  paper. 



4  Unidentified.  Probably  not  Grant,  who  was  busy  in  Sacramento. 

5  Little  Volcano. 

6  Horace  Greeley,  editor  of  the  widely  read  and  copied  New  York  Tribune.  This  must 
refer  to  some  item  concerning  the  ever-popular  subject  of  spiritualism. 


Marysville,  October  31,  1850.1 

I've  "come  down,"  in  the  language  of  the  monte  dealers,  but  not  in 
their  sense  of  the  expression,  with  the  dust. 

I  have  only  made  a  transit  from  the  mountain  snows  of  the  Sierra 
to  the  sunny  Vale  of  the  Sacramento,  unharmed  by  the  desperado 
or  the  treacherous  savage,  and  I  once  more  move  in  the  throng  of 
civilized  man — a  washed,  combed  and  shaven  hombre.  I  see  many 
changes  in  matters  and  things  which  have  occurred  during  my  last 
sojourn  in  the  mountains,  but  presuming  that  your  other  corres- 

1  True  Delta,  December  17,  1850. 


pondents  will  keep  you  sufficiently  advised  of  them,  I  will  speak  now 
of  mountain  life. 

I  was  as  near  the  Gold  Lake  as  any  one  probably  ever  was,  and 
although  I  saw  its  blue  and  ice-cold  water,  I  did  not  see  its  golden 
pebbles.  The  country,  however,  is  highly  auriferous  in  its  appear- 
ance, and  I  do  not  doubt  that  another  season  will  make  rich  de- 
velopments. It  is  a  high,  broken  range  of  stupendous  hills  and  deep 
gulches,  where  the  labor  of  gaining  access  is  only  equaled  by  the 
toil  of  digging  gold — where  the  sun  is  seen  in  the  ravines  scarcely 
before  nine  or  ten  o'clock  in  the  morning,  and  disappears  behind 
the  snowy  peaks  at  four  o'clock  in  the  afternoon.  By  the  indications 
on  the  trees,  the  snow  falls  to  the  depth  of  forty  feet — perhaps 
deeper;  yet,  in  this  sterile  and  gloomy  region,  hundreds  of  hardy 
men  are  preparing  to  pass  the  winter,  which  lasts  from  November  to 
the  1st  of  July.  To  do  this,  comfortable  log  cabins  are  built,  and 
supplies  of  provisions  are  packed  up  on  mules,  and  for  the  sake  of 
being  on  the  ground  before  the  crowd  can  get  up  from  the  Valley 
in  the  spring,  they  are  contented  to  be  buried  in  the  snow,  where 
even  the  grizzly  bear  cannot  subsist,  depending  upon  their  own  re- 
sources to  while  away  the  gloomy  hours  of  their  long  winter.  The 
experience  of  the  last  season  has  developed  many  things  which  will 
be  highly  useful  to  future  operations,  but  I  shall  speak  more  par- 
ticularly of  this  in  some  subsequent  communication.  When  you  hear 
of  new  placers  being  found,  of  new  diggings  discovered,  you  need 
not  be  surprised.  These  things  are  of  almost  daily  occurrence,  not 
only  regions  just  explored,  but  on  ground  which  had  been  passed 
over  and  over  by  the  hardy  gold  hunter.  It  has  been  pretty  well 
tested  that  the  beds  of  streams  are  not,  as  a  general  thing,  the  place 
to  look  for  large  deposits.  In  my  explorations  of  last  winter,  I  did 
not  pass  the  granite  range,  but  this  summer  I  was  far  beyond  it  and 
saw  a  geological  combination  of  strata  which  I  do  not  recollect 
being  noticed  by  any  author.  In  the  Gold  Lake  Mountains  I  ob- 
served strata  of  quartz  and  slate  combined  in  such  a  manner  as  to 
form  a  single  rock.  They  were  so  closely  blended  that  one  seemed 
to  pass  into  the  other  without  any  line  to  mark  the  change,  and  like 
the  delicate  shading  of  a  fine  picture,  you  could  not  tell  where  either 
began.  Sometimes  on  breaking  a  piece  of  slate,  the  fracture  showed 
you  a  quartz  combination,  and  often  the  fractured  quartz  presented 
the  shadowing  of  slate.  I  saved  and  brought  down  a  few  beautiful 
specimens.  But  here,  as  elsewhere,  the  earth  was  of  a  reddish  brown 
cast,  and  the  gold  proving  by  its  spherical  form  that  it  had  not  been 
washed  far  from  its  original  place  of  deposit. 

During  my  stay  at  Gold  Lake,  I  visited  an  extinct  volcano.2  The 
mass  of  matter  which  had  been  thrown  out  was  quartz  (at  least  it  is 
called  so),  apparently  mixed  with  some  substance  which  rendered 

2  Little  Volcano. 


it  as  hard  as  flint  and  by  the  action  of  fire  presented  many  fantasti- 
cal forms — in  some  instances  translucent — sometimes  with  the 
crystals  perfectly  formed,  at  others  partially  destroyed.  I  preserved  a 
few  fine  specimens.  There  was  no  lava,  and  some  of  the  peculiar 
volcanic  debris  which  I  have  often  observed  in  the  Rocky  Moun- 
tains and  on  the  hills  west  of  the  Sierra  Nevada,  in  the  Oregon 
Range.  Outcrops  of  slate  appeared  at  and  near  the  base;  and  along 
the  river  bank,  directly  at  the  foot  of  the  mountain,  one  of  the  rich- 
est deposits  was  found  which  I  have  known,  one  man  taking  out 
$1,500  in  a  single  pan  full.  I  do  not,  however,  give  this  as  a  speci- 
men of  the  richness  of  the  placer,  for  this  was  about  all  that  was 
found  in  that  spot.  Since  the  general  failure  of  dams,  experiments 
have  been  made  by  sinking  shafts  in  the  hills  and  ravines,  and  this, 
at  the  depth  of  from  ten  to  twenty  feet,  has  been  attended  with 
success  in  many  instances.  It  is  necessary  to  go  to  the  bedrock, 
which  is  done  with  great  labor  often.  These  latter  experiments  have 
been  made  in  the  mountains  immediately  bordering  the  Valley, 
from  six  to  fifteen  miles  distant.  It  seems  as  if  gold  loses  its  value 
with  miners.  Some — indeed  many  who  are  successful — save  their 
earnings;  yet  multitudes,  after  months  of  toil  and  privation,  first 
in  hunting  a  location  through  rain  and  snow  or  in  the  broiling  sun, 
and  then  in  the  labor  of  digging,  when  they  begin  to  reap  the  re- 
ward of  their  perseverance,  squander  it  away  as  if  its  very  possession 
burned  their  ringers. 

When  I  first  went  to  Independence,  there  were  companies  who 
every  day  took  out  from  one  hundred  and  fifty  to  two  hundred  dol- 
lars. This  continued  for  three  weeks,  when  the  equinoctial  storm 
came  on  with  rain  and  snow.  Fearing  they  would  be  caught  by  the 
deep  snow  which  falls  so  high  up,  they  became  panic-stricken  and 
fled  from  the  diggings.  When  they  left,  many  had  not  money  to  pay 
small  bills  due  for  provisions.  The  reason  was  simply  that  they  had 
gambled  it  away,  and  on  reaching  the  Valley  I  saw  some  of  these 
very  men  at  work  for  their  board,  and  some  at  a  nominal  price  of 
six  dollars  a  day.  Wherever  good  placers  are  found  the  gambler  is 
sure  to  follow;  and  another  fashion  is  fast  coming  into  use,  which 
will  be  fully  so  when  that  philanthropic  importation  arrives  from 
France?  Well,  somebody  will  be  benefited  by  the  improvidence  of 


3  Prostitution. 



Sacramento  City,  November  5,  1850.1 

...  As  for  the  aristocracy  of  wealth,  I  don't  know  what  it  is  here, 
nor  the  aristocracy  of  employment,  and  that  is  one  of  the  good  fea- 
tures of  the  country.  Look  at  that  rough-looking  customer  driving 
a  dray,  and  now  look  into  that  eating  house  or  hotel,  at  that  plainly 
dressed  woman  behind  the  counter  or  waiting  upon  the  table.  How 
do  you  know  but  that  the  drayman  has  been  a  member  of  Congress, 
is  a  gentleman  of  education  and  distinction,  or  the  woman  a  lady  of 
refined  manners,  reared  in  the  lap  of  luxury,  and  with  a  high  order 
of  talents?  Go  to  an  evening  party;  they  may  be  the  life  and  soul  of 
as  elite,  as  polished  a  circle  as  you  ever  saw.  What  would  you  think 
of  a  man  selling  newspapers  about  the  streets  of  Ottawa?  Would 
your  aristocrats  make  him  at  home  in  their  circles?  I  tell  you  (for  I 
know  him  well )  that  a  more  polished  gentleman  does  not  exist.  His 
acquirements  are  of  the  highest  order,  and  he  could  fascinate  you 
with  his  intellectual  conversation,  and  no  one  man  in  California 
possesses  more  influence  with  the  mass,  who  is  more  courted  or 
more  trusted  than  he,  and  all  doors  are  open  to  receive  him.  He  can 
be  the  madman  or  the  critic  as  he  pleases,  and  he  knows  what  he  is 
about!  Yet  selling  newspapers  in  the  streets  of  this  city  is  his  em- 

Intellect  is  the  true  aristocracy  as  yet,  and  "birds  of  a  feather 
flock  together."  Sans  hat,  shoes  or  shirts.  If  employment  were  to 
drive  a  man  from  kindred  association  where  the  d  —  1  should  I 
find  company? 

Since  I  have  been  a  citizen  of  this  ilk,  I  have  actually  and  bona 
fide  been  teamster,  cook,  canal  digger,  engineer,  doctor,  merchant, 
mule  driver,  miner,  artist,  and  speculator,  mended  my  own  clothes, 
washed  my  own  shirts,  the  last  a  confounded  mean  job,  and  I  al- 
ways mentally  exclaimed,  God  help  the  poor  women!  as  I  was  rub- 
bing in  the  soap,  and  went  barefoot  for  two  weeks. 

1  Free  Trader,  November  28,  1950.  The  editor  thus  explains  the  lacuna  in  this  letter:  "We 
received  a  long  and  more  than  usual  interesting  letter  from  our  valuable  friend  Mr. 
Delano  in  the  recent  California  mail  but,  by  some  unavoidable  accident,  a  large  portion 
of  this  valuable  communication  was  irrevocably  destroyed.  The  letter  was  dated  at  Sacra- 
mento City  November  5.  He  had  just  returned  from  the  mountains,  where  he  had  been 
for  a  number  of  months,  and  in  his  ablest  style  he  fully  detailed  the  many  changes  which 
had  taken  place  in  the  city  during  his  absence.  It  seemed  as  though  he  had  gotten  into  a 
strange  city.  The  streets  which  had  been  lined  with  tents,  were  now  walled  in  with  large 
and  substantial  buildings  both  of  brick  and  of  wood.  Society  had  also  assumed  a  more 
refined  character.  Magnificent  hotels  had  been  erected,  with  bars  and  saloons  decorated 
with  handsome  paintings  and  engravings  in  gaudy  frames,  while  luxuries  had  become  as 
common  almost  as  in  the  states.  With  this  magnificence  and  luxury,  however,  vice, 
licentiousness  and  debauchery  has  increased,  and  now  stalks  in  broad  daylight,  in  its  more 
loathsome  forms,  uninterrupted  through  the  streets." 

2  This  is  Colonel  Grant. 


Really  though,  if  I  was  going  to  a  party  either  in  Illinois  or  Sacra- 
mento, I  would  sew  up  the  holes  in  my  pants  and  get  a  pair  of  shoes 
or  not  go,  just  to  save  the  feelings  of  my  friends  who  might  be  a 
little  scrupulous,  for  in  "Turkey  you  must  do  as  the  Turkeys  do" 
and  gobble  accordingly.  When  I  lived  with  the  Indians,  I  paid  a 
decent  regard  to  their  feelings  and  customs,  and  in  extreme  hot 
days  only  wore  my  shirt,  and  the  only  remark  it  occasioned  was  the 
ridiculous  whiteness  of  my  legs;  but  they  called  me  "topeWanamah" 
(good  fellow)  and  seemed  to  regard  me  as  one  of  their  own  kind. 

I  am  at  this  moment  a  citizen  of  the  world  with  nothing  to  do. 
Desirous  of  a  little  relaxation  I  came  here  on  a  visit  to  my  friend 
Colonel  Grant,  and  he  has  invited  me  to  go  to  San  Francisco  with 
him.  We  leave  at  noon  to  return  in  three  days,  and  I  promise  my- 
self a  feast  as  well  from  his  companionship  as  from  a  new  view  of 
the  Pacific.  When  I  return,  it  will  be  "work,  work,  work"  like  Robin 
Rougham.3  "Nothing  in  the  world  but  work,"  but  whether  it  will  be 
in  the  preaching  line,  blacking  boots,  selling  matches  or  pork  and 
potatoes,  I  cannot  tell.  There  are  two  questions  which  always  puzzle 
me  to  answer.  Where  I  live  and  what  my  business  is.  It  is  just  any- 
where and  anything  which  turns  up.  If  you  want  to  go  into  a  specu- 
lation come  out  and  I  will  give  you  a  share  (thirty  lots)  in  Yates- 
ton  or  Hamilton.  If  you  want  business  you  may  go  snucks  with  my 
Indians  in  catching  salmon  or  crickets. 

Cholera  is  here,  thirty  to  sixty  deaths  per  day.4  Gamblers  begin- 
ning to  be  frightened  and  many  leaving.  Business  falling  off  rapid- 
ly. There  appears  to  be  a  greasing  up  of  the  clouds  and  we  begin  to 
look  for  the  rains.  I  have  seen  none  of  the  Ottawa  boys  lately  ex- 
cept Robert  Brown.  He  told  me  that  all  whom  he  had  heard  from 
who  were  engaged  in  damming  the  rivers  had  lost  money.  I  have 
not  seen  Fredenburg  nor  B.  K.  Thorn  since  I  parted  from  them  last 
fall  and  have  only  two  or  three  times  heard  from  them  indirectly. 
I  do  not  know  where  they  are  or  what  their  success  has  been.  It  is 
strange  I  do  not  get  the  Free  Trader.  I  have  received  only  five  num- 
bers, but  letters  come  now  with  much  regularity.  How  many  of  you 
citizens  may  we  expect  next  year? 

The  great  wealth  obtained  by  those  who  came  out  last  year,  the 
exquisite  pleasure  of  the  trip  enjoyed  by  those  who  came  this  sum- 
mer, together  with  the  brilliant  prospects  before  them  this  winter, 
will  induce  another  heavy  emigration.  Plenty  of  gold  dust  in  the 
mountains,  boys;  only  get  it. 


A.  Delano. 

3  Delano  probably  means  Robin  Roughhead,  a  poor  cottager  and  farm  laborer,  hero  of  a 
romantic  comedy  of  1799  entitled  Fortune's  Frolic,  by  John  T.  Allingham. 

4  Sixty  to  120  deaths  a  day  were  reported,  and  four  fifths  of  the  population  left  town, 
during  the  great  epidemic  of  October  and  November,  1850.  History  of  Sacramento  (Oak- 
land, 1880),  56-57. 



San  Francisco,  November  15,  1850.1 

Dig,  dig,  dig,  and  so  I  did,  till  I  dug  two  thousand  dollars  and  over, 
but  hang  me  if  I  didn't  dig  it  out  of  pocket  instead  of  in.  I  prospected 
through  spectacles  and  canons  with  spectacles  and  without,  and 
such  spectacles  as  I  saw  of  men  who  had  dug  and  worked  till  their 
faces  were  gaunt  and  their  nether  garments  were  dilapidated,  with 
pockets  torn  off,  proved  the  truth  of  the  old  saw  that  "all  is  not  gold 
that  glitters."2  So  I  came  to  the  conclusion  that  if  I  was  made  for 
the  mountains  the  mountains  were  not  made  for  me  to  get  rich  in. 
I  had  heard,  too,  that  to  make  money  a  man  must  go  where  people 
are,  for  there  the  money  is.  I  had  been  where  people  were  not,  and 
I  knew  it  didn't  pay,  so  I  commenced  prospecting  in  new  diggings. 

When  I  left  Marysville  I  had  no  more  idea  of  going  below  Sacra- 
mento City  than  you  have  of  going  to  the  moon,  but  I  wanted  to  see 
Colonel  Grant.  You  know  him — so  do  I,  like  a  book — Mem.,  keep 
a  copy  of  that  book  always  on  hand. 

1  True  Delta,  January  9,  1951. 

2  Shakespeare,  The  Merchant  of  Venice,  II,  vii,  65. 


Now,  how  he  treated  me  I  shan't  say,  only  that  if  he  has  many 
such  hangers-on,  he'll  be  ruined;  from  which,  and  from  his  multi- 
tude of  friends,  "God  deliver  him."  If  he  had  only  one  shirt  he'd 
tear  it  in  two  and  give  the  half  to  a  friend.  He  was  going  to  San 
Francisco  and  invited  me  to  accompany  him,  an  offer  which  my 
modesty  could  not  resist,  especially  as  the  True  Delta  is,  somehow, 
a  password  not  to  be  questioned  by  steamboat  men  on  the  Sacra- 
mento when  it  comes  through  his  lips.  I  had  heard  of  San  Francisco, 
a  kind  of  out-of-the-way  place  in  the  lowlands,  where  barbarians 
from  all  countries  congregated,  where  the  fulsomeness  of  their  ridi- 
culous fashions,  manners,  and  customs  offends  the  eye,  and  I  de- 
termined to  go,  even  at  the  expense  of  losing  caste.  You  know  I 
came  across  the  plains,  that  I  have  lived  chiefly  in  the  mountains, 
that  I  have  sung  of  the  native  beauties  in  their  grass  aprons  and 
costumes  a  la  Nature,  that  I  have  praised  the  noble-hearted  miners 
with  their  flowing  beards,  that  I  have  described  the  scenery  of  the 
hills,  and  that  my  experience  in  the  world  above  (I  mean  up  the 
River)  is  such  that  I  can  see  and  judge  without  prejudice,  however 
different  things  may  be  from  what  I  have  been  accustomed  to. 
Pshaw!  there's  no  egotism  in  that — not  here,  anyhow — so  don't 
pucker  your  mouth  yet;  you'll  pucker  it  worse  by  and  by. 

Did  you  ever  hear  of  the  New  World?  Not  Captain  Columbus's 
nor  any  of  the  islands  about  New  Orleans.  I  mean  the  steamboat  on 
the  Sacramento,  Captain  Wakeman — ain't  she  a  crack  boat,  and 
ain't  the  Captain  some?3  Everything  on  board  goes  like  clockwork 
except  the  engine,  and  that  goes  by  steam,  and  the  boat  goes  like  a 
locomotive.  Everything  in  tip-top  style,  cabins,  tables,  staterooms, 
magnificent;  cook,  steward,  chamber-Z>oy,  and  waiter,  civil  and 
obliging,  and  the  Captain's  a  gentleman.  Can  I  say  more?  It  will 
pay  a  man  to  lay  over  a  week  just  to  make  a  trip  on  her.  Well,  we 
went  on  board.  The  cholera  was  bad  at  Sacramento,  and  Colonel 
Grant  was  not  well.  A  rumbling  in  the  lower  regions  was  a  premoni- 
tory symptom,  and  knowing  that  No.  6  was  good  for  the  epidemic, 
he  wisely  took  stateroom  No.  6,  which  with  a  free  use  of  morphine, 
cayenne  pepper,  and  camphor  finally  quieted  the  symptomatic  in- 
dication of  volcanic  eruption.  This  is  a  horrible  volcanic  country 
about  these  days.  I  found  the  country  as  we  passed  along  most 
tediously  level,  and  I  sighed  for  fifty  pounds'  weight  on  my  back  and 
a  mountain  to  climb.  How  awfully  dull  it  was,  not  a  hill  which 
would  make  a  greenhorn  puff,  and  the  poor  engine  had  to  do  it  all. 

We  arrived  at  San  Francisco  before  daylight,  and  I  sallied  out 

3  Captain  Edgar  Wakeman  (1818-1875).  Coincidentally,  Wakeman  also  commanded  a 
steamboat  named  the  New  Orleans  on  the  Sacramento  in  1850.  He  later  earned  the  ad- 
miration of  Mark  Twain,  who  immortalized  him  three  times  as  a  Captain  in  fiction  and 
who  publicly  solicited  aid  when  Wakeman  was  old,  ill,  and  needy.  Morse,  First  History 
of  Sacramento,  56;  San  Francisco  Alta  California,  December  14,  1872;  May  10,  1875; 
Ivan  Benson,  Mark  Twain's  Western  Years  (Stanford  University,  1938),  152. 


after  sunrise  to  view  a  scene  which  to  me  was  entirely  new.  How 
sadly  was  I  disappointed.  I  had  heard  the  beauty  of  the  Bay  de- 
scribed, its  capacity  to  hold  thousands  of  ships,  and  the  town  as  a 
city.  Why,  gentlemen,  I  couldn't  see  the  Bay  at  all,  for  the  ships, 
jammed  together  like  a  vast  forest  of  dead  pines,  hid  it  entirely,  and 
I  "couldn't  see  the  town  for  houses."  Now  there  isn't  a  single 
rancheria  in  California  that  you  can't  see  the  whole  at  a  glance  with 
all  the  women  and  children;  and  here  you  couldn't  begin — it  was 
abominable.  A  stranger  would  require  a  guide  to  find  his  way  to 
any  point  along  the  trails,  and  had  it  not  been  for  the  kind  care  of 
Colonel  Grant,  I  should  have  been  prospecting  up  to  this  time — a 
lost  miner  in  the  gulches.  All  the  people,  and  the  trails  were  full  as 
if  they  had  found  new  diggings,  wore  clothes — actually  fine  white 
shirts,  dress  coats,  and  whole  pants,  with  hair  combed  and  brushed 
like  new  wigs,  boots  blacked,  and  you  could  scarcely  find  a  check 
or  red  flannel  shirt  in  the  whole  crowd.  And  then  there  were  carts, 
drays,  candy  stands,  bookracks,  newsboys,  and  the  Lord  knows 
what  all  in  the  trails,  so  plenty  that  it  kept  me  on  a  dogtrot  to  elbow 
my  way  through  and  keep  up  with  the  Colonel.  Why,  I  actually  saw 
a  woman,  at  least  the  Colonel  said  it  was  one,  with  a  parasol  over 
her  head,  a  bonnet  on,  and  hang  me  if  she  wasn't  dressed  all  over 
in  silk.  Thinks  I  to  myself,  she  never  drove  team  on  the  sand  plain 
nor  made  acorn  bread  in  a  ranch,  poor  thing.  Here  she  is  cooped  up 
in  town  without  knowing  anything  of  the  beauties  of  nature!  I  pitied 
her  from  my  soul. 

Everybody  knew  Colonel  Grant  just  as  if  he  had  always  lived  in 
the  mountains,  and  they  all  seemed  glad  to  see  him,  shaking  hands 
till  his  arm  ached,  and  finally  they  got  to  shaking  hands  with  his 
shadow.  I  was  his  shadow,  for  the  tall  houses  hid  the  sun  so  that  he 
couldn't  have  any  other.  So  I  shook  hands  till  my  legs  ached,  and  I 
finally  told  the  Colonel  he  must  get  another  shadow,  for  I  was  used 
up.  "Well,"  says  he,  "let's  go  to  sea."  "Go  to  see  who?"  says  I. 
"Pshaw!  I  mean  prospecting  on  the  Bay."  "Very  well,"  said  I,  "I'm 
ready,  pick  in  hand;  lead,  I'll  follow  your  trail."  So  he  made  tracks 
for  a  wherry,  and  after  pulling  a  long  way  out,  we  brought  up  at  the 
foot  of  the  barque  Constance,  Captain  Barry,  from  Salem.4  Here 
was  a  relief — we  couldn't  go  on  board  without  climbing,  and  I  be- 
gan to  feel  at  home.  Climbing  the  side  of  a  tall  ship  was  no  ways 
equal  to  climbing  a  hill  five  miles  high,  and  the  time  it  took  was 
ridiculously  small,  but  it  rested  me  exceedingly,  although  it  was 

4  Captain  John  Barry  (1805  or  1806-1876),  a  native  of  Salem.  He  was  second  officer  of 
the  Friendship  of  Salem  when  she  was  cut  off  and  captured  by  Malays  on  the  coast  of 
Sumatra  in  1831.  The  Constance  arrived  at  San  Francisco  on  August  10,  1850,  177  days 
from  Boston,  and  departed  for  Manila  November  15  following.  San  Francisco  Aha  Cali- 
fornia, August  11,  1850;  Sacramento  Transcript,  November  18,  1850;  Salem  (Massa- 
chusetts) Register,  January  24,  1876;  San  Francisco  Pacific  Marine  Review,  September, 


prospecting  on  an  entirely  new  trail.  We  were  met  on  deck  by  Cap- 
tain Barry,  whose  frank  and  cordial  hospitality  was  equal  to  that  of 
an  old  miner.  I  somehow  felt  at  home  at  once,  on  being  ushered  into 
the  cabin.  That  perhaps  is  not  strange,  for  I  have  lived  in  cabins  or 
tents  nearly  all  the  time  I  have  been  in  California,  and  the  fashion 
of  climbing  to  get  into  it  was  much  more  agreeable  than  that  of 
stepping  off  of  a  flagstone  into  a  hotel;  and  here,  too,  I  could  see  a 
check  shirt  and  a  tarpaulin  hat  without  that  everlasting  bowing  and 
scraping  of  the  barbarians  on  shore,  and  the  masts,  so  trim  and 
straight,  put  me  in  mind  of  the  glorious  old  pines  of  the  mountains. 
Thinks  I  to  myself,  this  going  to  sea  is  not  so  bad  after  all.  The  sea- 
faring hombres  are  a  civilized  race  with  souls  as  large  as  their  ships. 

We  met  several  captains  of  other  ships  on  board,  and  somehow, 
between  tales  of  the  ocean  and  tales  of  the  mountains  and  desert, 
the  time  slipped  like  a  mountain  slide,  and  it  was  tea  time  before 
a  gulch  was  tested.  "Captain,"  says  Grant,  "shall  you  have  any 
griddle  cakes  for  supper?"  "I  do  not  think  my  cook  knows  how  to 
make  them,"  replied  Captain  Barry.  "Come,  D.,  roll  up  your  sleeves 
and  go  into  the  cookroom  and  go  at  it,"  said  G.  The  captains  all 
laughed  at  the  idea — "He  cook?  What  does  he  know  about  cooking? 
No,  no,  that's  breaking  ground  a  little  too  strong."  "I  tell  you  what," 
said  G.,  "I  must  have  griddle  cakes  for  supper,  and  he  can  make 
them — I  know  it."  "Captain,"  says  I,  rising  and  throwing  off  my 
coat  and  cap,  "don't  you  know  that  I  came  across  the  plains  and 
have  lived  in  the  mountains?  Did  you  ever  see  a  miner  who  could 
not  cook,  wash,  mend,  make  shoes,  prospect,  and  spin  yarns?  Tell 
the  cook  to  tote  up  the  flour,  and  I'll  tote  up  the  cakes."  We  had 
griddle  cakes  for  tea — I  made  'em,  and  G.  said  they  were  better 
than  those  I  made  for  him  last  fall  on  Mud  Hill. 

Captain  Welsh,  of  the  Merlin,5  was  on  board,  and  he  gave  a  most 
interesting  account  of  a  recent  visit  to  Loo  Choo,  one  of  the  de- 
pendencies of  Japan.0  It  seemed  to  me  that  there  were  many  particu- 
lars connected  with  his  visit  which  would  be  of  importance  to  our 
government  to  know,  but  as  the  recital  is  his  own  private  property, 
I  shall  not  touch  it.  He  is  a  gentleman  of  talents  and  can  make  out 
(as  he  intends  doing)  a  highly  interesting  document  respecting  that 
strange  and  peculiar  people.  I  hope  you  will  get  his  letter,  and  I 
promise  you  a  rich  treat  from  its  perusal. 

We  passed  two  nights  on  shipboard  enjoying  the  hospitality  of 
Captain  Barry,  whom  I  shall  long  remember,  spending  our  days 
among  the  barbarians  on  shore.  I  might  give  you  a  labored  descrip- 
tion of  San  Francisco,  but  I  have  hardly  time  now  to  go  into  particu- 
lars. I  don't  think  you  have  got  a  clear  idea  of  it  from  any  descrip- 

5  Perhaps  Charles  Welsh,  an  American  sea  captain  who  first  came  to  California  in  1848 
and  died  at  San  Francisco  in  1883.  Bancroft,  History  of  California,  V,  771. 

6  Now  the  Ryulcyu  Islands. 


tion  which  I  have  read,  nor  of  the  manners  and  customs  of  the  na- 
tives. The  town  is  abominably  crowded  with  people,  all  dressed 
from  top  to  toe.  I  haven't  seen  a  naked  man  or  woman  in  the  streets, 
and  their  ways  are  as  outre  as  their  appearance.  The  buildings  are 
overgrown  things  with  doorways  so  large  that  you  can  walk  in 
without  getting  on  your  hands  and  knees.  Beef  and  bread  are  so 
ruinously  cheap  that  the  very  dogs  are  fed  on  it,  and  when  a  man 
uses  salt,  he  piles  it  up  to  waste  just  as  if  it  cost  nothing,  and  I  actu- 
ally saw  a  little  boy  throw  away  a  piece  of  bread  which  he  could  not 
eat  at  once.  Just  think  of  the  poor  starving  souls  on  the  plains. 
Water  is  of  no  more  account  than  if  a  spring  lay  in  every  gulch,  and 
— well,  well,  live  and  learn — notwithstanding  my  repugnance,  I 
have  about  been  persuaded  to  spend  this  winter  here. 



San  Francisco,  January  15,  185 1.1 

One  year  ago  this  day  I  was  hard  at  work  in  the  Feather  River 
mountains,  whenever  the  rains  would  permit,  in  building  a  fireplace 
and  finishing  off  a  comfortable  cabin  on  a  claim  which  I  had  taken 
up,  with  the  bright  anticipation  that  at  the  present  writing  I  would 
be  comfortably  seated  in  a  snug,  carpeted  room  at  home,  with  my 
family  around  me  and  a  few  friends,  discoursing  upon  the  wonders 
which  I  had  seen,  of  the  perils  I  had  encountered,  and  showing  with 
honest  pride  the  curious  specimens  which  I  had  picked  up  in  the 
mines  of  California;  and  what  has  been  the  result?  The  building  was 
completed,  the  work  done,  and  I  never  worked  so  hard  in  my  whole 
life.  I  lived  with  the  utmost  prudence  and  calculated  to  a  nicety, 
but  not  only  that  claim,  but  twelve  others  in  which  I  was  interested, 
failed — all  failed,  and  not  a  dollar  was  obtained,  and  by  the  changes 
incident  to  the  country,  I  have  become  a  resident  and  man  of  busi- 
ness in  the  most  astonishing  city  of  the  Union.  And  yet  I  should  not 
complain — nor  do  I. 

With  only  four  dollars  in  my  pocket  when  I  arrived  at  Sacra- 
mento City  last  year,  I  have  contrived  to  handle  thousands,  and  al- 
though a  great  deal  of  it  would  not  stick  to  my  fingers;  yet  some  of 
it  did,  and  a  portion  of  it  is  in  a  shape  which  neither  "moth  will 
corrupt  nor  thieves  break  through  and  steal,"  being  a  farm  on  the 
navigable  waters  of  Feather  River.2  You  never  would  dream  that 
the  True  Delta  had  been  the  cause  of  my  being  a  resident  of  San 
Francisco;  yet  such  is  the  fact.  You  know  the  history  of  my  first 

1  True  Delta,  February  23,  1851. 

2  Matthew  vi:  19.  The  "farm"  was  probably  at  Oleepa. 


acquaintance  with  Colonel  Grant.  By  his  solicitation  I  became  your 
correspondent,  and  that  correspondence  made  us  acquainted  with 
each  other,  which  soon  ripened  into  intimacy,  and  the  True  Delta 
was  a  bond  of  union  between  us.  When  I  came  down  from  the  Gold 
Lake  mountains  in  October,  I  paid  Colonel  Grant  a  friendly  visit 
and,  at  his  invitation,  visited  San  Francisco  for  the  first  time,  which 
resulted  in  my  establishing  myself  for  the  time  being  in  business 

Had  it  not  been  for  the  True  Delta  my  first  acquaintance  with 
Colonel  Grant  would  have  ended  where  it  began,  at  Mud  Hill,  and 
had  it  not  been  for  the  True  Delta,  I  should  not  have  classed  among 
my  friends  one  of  the  most  generous,  noble-hearted  gentlemen  I  ever 
knew,  despite  of  all  his  eccentricities. 

Men  who  live  isolated  in  the  mountains  know  but  little  of  what 
is  going  on  in  the  Valley,  only  in  a  general  way,  and  those  who  live 
in  the  cities  can  scarcely  understand  and  appreciate  fully  what  is 
going  on  in  the  mines.  Conflicting  accounts  often  reach  both  parties, 
and  I  hesitate  to  describe  only  what  I  see.  What  I  have  written  of 
the  mountain  region  and  such  portions  of  California  which  I  have 
seen,  I  have  no  reason  to  change.  I  simply  described  it  as  I  saw  it. 
I  am  now  in  a  new  sphere,  and  with  a  change  of  season,  a  change  of 
climate,  and  a  great  change  of  association,  I  find  myself  in  quite  a 
new  scene.  And  if  I  could  make  it  pay  I  would  vary  the  scene  still 
more,  for  I  would  see  the  whole  country — aye — and  other  countries 

Last  year,  from  the  3rd  of  November  till  about  the  1st  of  Febru- 
ary, it  was  pouring  down  "from  the  flood  gates  of  Heaven"  like  big 
guns.  The  rivers  overflowed  their  banks  and  more  than  one  quarter 
of  the  Valley  was  submerged.  This  year,  up  to  the  present  time, 
there  has  not  been  near  as  much  rain  as  is  usual  at  home,  and  the 
weather  has  been  luxuriously  pleasant. 

The  climate  on  the  Coast  I  think  is  healthy  and  decidedly  desir- 
able for  a  residence,  and  were  it  not  for  three  especial  reasons — a 
wife  and  two  children  at  home — I  should  not  think  of  returning. 
The  valley  of  Santa  Clara  and  the  country  around  San  Jose  pro- 
duce the  finest  vegetables  in  the  world,  as  our  markets,  well  sup- 
plied, abundantly  testify,  and  when  California  shall  have  disen- 
thralled herself  of  the  immorality,  the  vice,  and  hordes  of  Mexican 
and  Sydney  villains,3  as  well  as  a  sprinkling  from  other  countries, 
this  portion  of  it  will  be  desirable  as  a  home. 

But  now  we  are  in  a  crisis,  the  result  of  which  must  bring  ruin 
and  misfortune  to  a  multitude  of  individuals,  though  it  may  end  in 
substantial  benefit  to  the  country.  A  failure  in  the  mines,  as  well  as 
a  failure  in  the  city,  throws  men  upon  their  individual  resources; 

3  "In  the  early  part  of  the  winter  of  1850  . . .  Sydney  convicts  began  to  arrive."  Across  the 
Plains,  157. 


and  as  the  best  business  which  has  been  followed  the  past  season 
has  been  that  of  horticulture,  thousands,  by  a  natural  impulse,  are 
looking  to  Mother  Earth  for  her  bounty  to  replenish  their  pockets. 
This,  of  course,  will  develop  the  agricultural  resources  of  the  coun- 
try, as  well  as  find  a  permanent  and  industrious  population  employ- 
ment. The  country  at  this  moment  is  overstocked  with  merchandise 
and  provisions.  In  the  mines,  unless  it  may  be  in  those  most  distant, 
there  is  more  than  can  be  sold  during  the  winter;  and  this  is  the 
case  in  all  the  towns.  Everything  imported  from  the  States  is  selling 
at  a  ruinous  sacrifice,  and  as  the  want  of  rain  in  the  mines  prevents 
the  dry  diggings  from  being  productive,  less  gold  is  obtained  than 
was  anticipated,  a  portion  of  which  would  go  to  pay  for  these  goods. 
As  soon  as  the  upper  towns  and  mines  were  supplied  this  fall,  the 
price  of  many  kinds  of  goods  fell  ninety  per  cent.  Add  to  this  the 
exorbitant  rents  demanded  for  any  place  to  do  business  in,  and  you 
will  not  be  surprised  to  hear  of  failures. 

There  seems  to  be  a  universal  stagnation  in  trade,  and  although 
there  may  be  millions  to  loan  on  good  security,  scarcely  any  busi- 
nessman who  is  compelled  to  borrow  can  give  the  security  required. 
A  few  days  since  I  saw  the  invoice  of  a  large  lot  of  desirable  goods 
for  this  market  charged  at  Boston  prices,  and  at  higher  rates  than 
could  be  bought  for  here.  Day  before  yesterday  a  finished  house 
which  had  been  sent  out  on  speculation,  which  was  said  to  have 
cost  nearly  four  thousand  dollars,  was  sold  at  auction  to  pay 
freight  and  brought  eight  hundred.  This  is  a  very  common  occur- 
rence; and  when  a  man  wants  to  build,  he  watches  his  chance  to  find 
a  vessel  selling  off  a  cargo  of  lumber  at  auction  to  pay  charges. 
Beautiful  crushed  sugar  is  selling  at  HVi  cts.;  best  quality  of  lard 
at  10  and  HV2  cts.;  sugar-cured  hams,  in  prime  order,  at  12V^  cts.; 
pickles  in  quart  jars  sold  a  few  days  since  at  $1.1 2Vi  cts.  per  dozen. 
Arrivals  of  cargoes  of  merchandise  are  almost  of  daily  occurrence, 
and  we  are  advised  that  heavy  shipments  are  on  the  way,  so  that  I 
see  no  reason  why  this  state  of  things  may  not  continue  for  months 
to  come. 

I  received,  a  few  weeks  since,  a  large  consignment  of  goods  to 
sell  on  commission,  and  I  have  hardly  sold  enough  to  get  back  the 
small  advances  which  I  made  upon  them.  Men  are  resorting  to  new 
methods  of  disposing  of  stocks,  chiefly  fancy  goods,  and  that  is  by 
lottery.  Heavy  amounts  of  rich  jewelry,  and  even  a  public  house, 
are  offered  for  sale  in  this  way,  tickets  selling  for  from  one  to  five 
dollars.  But  one  of  the  most  recent  humbugs  which  has  been  got  up 
is  the  astonishing  discovery  of  Gold  Bluff,  up  towards  Klamath 
River.  The  very  sand  is  so  rich  that  it  contains  about  one-tenth 
gold — so  they  say.  A  vessel  has  just  returned  from  there  with  speci- 
mens of  sand,  but  the  company,  instead  of  loading  their  ship  down 
with  the  precious  metal,  have  formed  a  joint  stock  company  with  a 


capital  of  a  hundred  thousand  dollars  and  are  selling  off  shares  at  a 
hundred  dollars  a  head.  What  fools — when  they  could  have  made  so 
much  more  by  a  week's  work  in  sifting  gold  at  the  Bluff — ahem!  But 
fools  are  not  all  dead,  and  they  are  actually  making  large  sales  of 
shares.  I  have  seen  several  gentlemen  of  intelligence  who  have 
visited  the  spot,  who  say  that  it  is  a  ridiculous  humbug. 



San  Francisco,  April  1,  1851.1 

Eds.  of  Free  Trader — Don't  you  want  to  come  to  California?  Don't 
you  want  to  get  rich?  Do  not  the  piles  which  we  are  taking  out  ex- 
cite your  acquisitiveness?  Well,  why  don't  you  come?  You  read  the 
papers  and  of  course  see  the  accounts  of  the  new  diggings  daily  dis- 
covered. And  you  occasionally  see  men  returning  with  piles,  and 
why  can't  you  get  it  if  they  can?  Let  me  see. 

The  gold  is  here  for  a  certainty;  for  a  certainty  new  mines  are 
found,  and  as  certainly  the  papers  report  it;  men  go  home,  too,  with 

O,  aye,  it  takes  a  confounded  sight  of  labor  and  prison  fare  to 
look  for  the  placers,  and  when  you  get  your  finger  on  it,  the  placer 
is  displaced  like  the  flea's  whereabouts  and — what  amount  actually 
do  men  bring  home?  You  hear  amounts  variously  estimated;  but 
do  you  know — do  they  show  you  their  piles?  I  have  been  sometimes 
amused  with  reports  from  your  scandal-loving  country  of  the  sums 
which  various  men  have  the  reputation  of  bringing  home,  when  it 
leaks  out  here  not  unfrequently  that  for  thousands  you  should  read 
hundreds.  Good  Lord — why,  I  could  show  you  on  paper  that  I  am 
worth  from  twenty  to  forty  thousand  dollars;  but  if  I  should  show 
you  the  gold  it  might  sink  to  tens.  Paper  currency  is  unknown  in  any 
other  way  only  as  State,  county  and  city  script,  and  that  at  about 
sixty  per  cent,  discount — but  calculating  a  man's  wealth  here  on 
paper  generally  proves  at  greater  discount  than  city  script. 

We  hope,  however,  that  this  fact  will  not  be  made  known,  and 
that  the  gold  fever  will  continue;  for  we  have  lots  of  Indians  to  kill 
off  and  about  six  hundred  miles  of  mountains  to  settle,  and  con- 
fidently expect  an  increase  of  at  least  twenty  thousand  souls  to  our 
population,2  besides  the  usual  mode  of  peopling  new  territories. 

If  you  come,  don't  bring  any  money;  for  what  is  the  use  when  you 
can  shovel  it  up?  It  will  plague  you  to  keep  it  when  you  do — that  I 

i  Free  Trader,  May  17,  1851. 

2  The  influx  of  1851  was  well  over  twenty  thousand,  but  less  than  that  of  each  of  the  two 
preceding  years.  Bancroft,  History  of  California,  VII,  696.  Cf.  p. 


know  to  be  a  fact  from  experience.  If  you  are  determined  to  come, 
let  me  give  you  a  few  words  of  advice,  so  that  you  can  pass  muster 
and  be  respectable  among  us. 

First,  drink  brandy;  then  learn  to  play  at  monte;  become  a  mem- 
ber of  some  church;  rob  somebody  to  get  your  hand  in;  fill  your 
pockets  with  bogus  dollars;  then  slope3  between  two  days,  and  you 
will  be  prepared  to  go  into  business  immediately  on  your  arrival 
without  preliminary  practice;  and  you  no  doubt  will  be  appointed 
a  judge  or  elected  to  some  office.  If  you  are  not,  stick  to  gambling 
till  your  turn  comes.  If  you  want  some  inferior  business,  you  can 
get  a  silent  partner — sometimes  called  a  sleeping  partner,  though 
not  always  silent — and  open  a  cigar  store;  and  then  with  what  you 
can  steal,  you  will  do  something  in  the  diggings.  I  have  only  to  add 
that  you  will  be  in  a  great  country,  among  a  great  people,  and  be 
one  of  us. 

For  the  last  four  months  I  have  been  a  citizen  of  San  Francisco. 
As  I  am  a  candidate  for  no  office  under  the  sun  of  California,  I  can 
safely  say  that  my  interests  are  not  exclusively  identified  with  those 
of  the  dear  people,  but  no  doubt  would  be  with  a  fat  office  in  per- 
spective. As  it  is,  I  can't  well  do  any  other  way  than  tell  you  the 

Well,  then,  San  Francisco  is  a  town  such  as  I  never  saw  before. 
There  is  a  vast  amount  of  intellect,  science,  and  go-ahead-activeness 
in  its  mixed  population,  and  I  think  it  must  become  one  of  the  most 
important  cities  on  the  Pacific  so  long  as  the  mines  continue  pro- 
ductive, and  they  cannot  be  exhausted  in  a  lifetime. 

The  climate  is  salubrious,  and  the  country  along  the  Coast  is 
healthy;  but  dead  animals  in  these  latter  days  do  emit  an  offensive 
effluvia,  in  spite  of  what  it  might  have  been  in  Mr.  Bryant's  times. 
In  sober  prose  I  like  San  Francisco  and  the  seacoast,  and  if  my 
three  especial  reasons 4  were  fairly  domiciled  here,  I  should  prefer 
living  here  to  any  town  east  of  the  Rocky  Mountains. 

As  for  giving  you  a  labored  description  of  the  town,  I  shan't  do 
it;  for  you  have  read  descriptions  over  and  over  in  the  papers,  and 
then  a  bosom  friend  of  mine — ycleped  "Old  Block,"  has  "done  the 
deed," 5  and  I  hate  to  write  what  has  been  written  over  and  over.6 

If  you  will  get  up  a  subscription  and  send  me  my  three  reasons,  I 
won't  come  back  at  all,  but  will  take  a  trip  to  the  Celestials  and  give 
you  sketches  from  China — as  for  that  matter  I  could  do  it  almost 
any  day  by  looking  from  my  office  into  the  street;  for  we  have 

3  Run  away. 

4  Wife  and  two  children. 

5  Shakespeare,  Macbeth,  II,  ii,  15. 

6  His  "Pen  Knife  Sketches  ...  by  an  Old  Block"  were  appearing  in  the  Courier.  San  Fran- 
cisco California  Daily  Courier,  June  21,  1851.  Cf.  Pen-Knife  Sketches. 


Chinese  men  and  women  as  well  as  natives  from  all  nations  and 
some  parts  of  the  moon.  The  latter  resemble  the  people  of  earth 
very  much;  only  they  have  tails,  wings,  and  are  born  with  their 
clothes  on,  and  generally  fulfill  their  promises.  For  a  particular  de- 
scription of  these  last,  please  see  my  journal  when  I  go  there,  page 

Our  citizens  have  been  lately  gratified  with  the  sight  of  about  a 
dozen  Japanese  who  were  picked  up  at  sea  in  a  shipwrecked  condi- 
tion, far  from  their  native  land,  by  an  American  ship  and  brought  to 
this  port.  You  know  that  Japan  has  been  a  sealed  country  to  the 
world  and  but  little  is  known  of  its  customs.  They  resemble  some- 
what in  appearance  the  Chinese;  but  there  is  a  marked  difference, 
and  it  is  hoped  their  advent  among  us  may  lead  to  an  intercourse 
with  their  nation.  I  was  walking  along  Long  Wharf,  one  of  the  prin- 
cipal thoroughfares  of  our  city,  on  Sunday,  in  company  with  a  num- 
ber of  ladies  and  gentlemen,  when  we  met  them  promenading.  We 
mutually  stopped  to  gaze  at  each  other;  the  ladies  especially  at- 
tracted their  attention,  and  they  apparently  seemed  unable  to  de- 
termine to  what  class  of  humanity  the  countrywomen  belonged,  and, 
like  my  Indians  last  summer,  appeared  to  ask  each  other,  "What 
things  those  animals  were?" — They  appear  to  be  an  inquisitive  but 
inoffensive  race.  They  are  treated  with  kindness  and  attention. 

Had  you  received  the  first  part  of  my  journal7  you  would  have 
learned  of  my  first  introduction  to  a  somewhat  remarkable  man, 
Colonel  Joseph  S.  Watkins,  formerly  of  Virginia.  In  our  trying  trans- 
it across  the  plains,  we  became  well  acquainted  with  and  formed  a 
warm  friendship  for  each  other,  and  among  the  thousand  petty 
annoyances  of  the  journey  calculated  to  engender  ill-feeling,  we  had 
a  mutual  sympathy  which  an  ignorant,  agitatious,  and  self-willed 
class  of  our  companions  could  not  understand  nor  appreciate.  I 
could  give  you  many  anecdotes  of  his  goodness  of  heart  and  great- 
ness of  soul,  and  you  would  come  to  the  conclusion  that  he  is  of  the 
"salt  of  the  earth,"  with  but  few  like  him.  We  parted  on  our  arrival 
in  the  Valley,  though  with  the  expectation  of  soon  meeting  again; 
but  this  was  prevented  by  a  strange  course  of  events,  an  interesting 
history  in  itself,  and  until  within  a  few  days  we  lost  sight  of  each 
other.  About  three  weeks  ago  I  put  a  notice  in  the  Pacific  News  in- 
quiring for  him.8  This  happily  reached  him  in  the  southern  mines, 
and  he  immediately  addressed  a  letter  to  me,  and  two  days  ago  I 
was  gratified  with  a  visit  from  him.  A  man  who  was  an  intimate 
friend  of  Jefferson  and  Marshall,  who  for  a  term  of  twenty-one  years 
occupied  a  prominent  station  in  the  councils  of  Virginia,  a  man  of 
large  scientific  and  literary  acquirements  and  of  great  experience  in 
life,  could  not  fail  to  be  a  useful  and  amusing  companion,  and  al- 

■  Cf.  p.  19. 

8  Delano  ran  a  business  card  in  the  San  Francisco  Pacific  News,  March  11-21,  1851. 


though  he  has  not  been  successful  as  a  millionaire,  he  is  extensively 
known  in  California,  respected  for  his  talents,  and  beloved  for  his 

The  attention  of  Californians  is  beginning  to  be  turned  to  quartz 
mining  extensively,  and  so  far  as  present  prospects  are  concerned,  it 
promises  more  certain  return  than  any  other  mode  of  working  gold. 
I  do  not  choose  to  speak  of  it  more  particularly  now,  as  much  is  ex- 
perimental; but  thus  far  it  has  been  generally  successful.  I  have 
given  my  views  upon  the  subject  for  publication  to  a  gentleman 
from  New  York,  both  geologically  and  practically,  and  will  not 
trouble  you  by  a  repetition. 

Rich  veins  have  been  discovered,  and  I  have  traced  one  person- 
ally 150  miles.  The  only  way  these  can  be  successfully  worked  is 
by  the  concentration  of  capital;  individual  labor  can  do  but  little. 

My  opinion  is  that  here  is  the  fountainhead  of  all  the  gold  and 
that  this  species  of  mining  will  form  for  a  hundred  years  to  come 
the  legitimate  mining,  and  one  of  the  principal  sources  of  wealth, 
of  California.  Extraordinary  developments  have  been  made,  and  I 
may  speak  more  particularly  hereafter.  I  will,  however,  mention 
that  it  will  cost  from  fifteen  to  twenty  thousand  dollars  to  open  a 
mine  and  get  it  ready  for  practical  mining,  and  science  is  necessary 
to  be  successful. 

I  forget  what  your  laws  and  customs  are  at  home.  I  know  only 
the  customs  of  the  Pacific.  Will  you  please  inform  me  whether  my 
wife  is  married  again  or  not?  If  a  man  dines  out  here,  he  may  find 
himself  turned  out  of  house  and  home  when  he  comes  back  to  tea, 
and  is  met  in  the  door  by  the  other  husband  to  tell  him  his  bread  and 
butter  "isn't  as  it  used  to  was." 

A  lady  came  here  from  the  States  to  join  her  husband,  who  was  at 
work  in  the  mines.  On  her  arrival,  he  dispatched  a  friend  with  funds 
to  pay  expenses  and  bring  her  up  to  his  mountain  home.  Not  hear- 
ing from  them,  "he  went  down  into  Egypt"9  and  found  his  friend 
married  to  his  wife,  and  keeping  house  together.  Like  a  sensible 
man,  however,  he  went  back  to  the  mines  and  "tended  tu  what  he 
was  duin." 

I  could  give  you  a  list  of  the  latest  robberies  and  murders,  but  you 
will  get  enough  by  the  papers  which  I  send  you  by  the  steamers 

I  saw  Keefer  and  Olmstead10  a  short  time  since — well  and  doing 
well.  I  see  by  a  paper  that  Jesse  Green  has  returned  safe,  for  which 
I  heartily  rejoice;  for  a  better  man  never  crossed  the  plains,  nor  one 
whose  success  would  give  me  more  pleasure.  I  hope  to  take  him  by 

9  Genesis  xlii:  2. 

10  John  Olmstead,  of  Ottawa.  He  had  a  store  at  Placerville  in  December,  1849.  Free 
Trader,  February  23,  1850. 


the  hand  next  fall.  I  have  not  seen  George  Green.  I  heard  he  was 
hard  at  work,  but  with  what  success  I  did  not  learn.  Direct  all  com- 
munications to  me  here. 

Yours  truly, 

A.  Delano. 


Grass  Valley,  Nevada  County,  June  11,  1851.1 

Once  more  in  the  mountains — once  more  among  the  everlasting 
hills  of  California,  the  land  of  circumstance  and  of  adventure.  How 
truly  may  it  be  said  that  "no  man  knoweth  what  the  morrow  may 
bring  forth."2  When  I  last  descended  from  the  snow-capped  peaks 
of  the  Snowy  Mountains,3 1  thought  that  it  was  for  the  last  time  and 
that  that  my  weary  feet  would  no  more  climb  their  dizzy  heights, 
nor  my  tongue  again  be  parched  by  burning  thirst.  But,  alas,  a  life 
of  ease  is  not  for  me,  and,  until  the  sun  of  life  goes  down,  I  may 
hardly  hope  for  rest.  Yet  "hope  on,  hope  ever,"  and  in  California 
even  hope  for  heaven.  The  desire  for  wealth  brought  me  here,  and 
the  weary  search  for  gold  hath  made  misery  often  my  companion;  yet 
although  I  have  not  been  completely  successful  and  have  run  many 
risks,  I  am  not  discouraged  and  will  still  plod  on.  Trade  in  the  city 
became  dull  and  fluctuating,  and  an  opportunity  occurring  of  sell- 
ing out  to  advantage,  it  could  not  be  neglected,  for  here  you  must  go 

1  True  Delta,  July  23,  1851.         2  Cf.  James  iv:  14. 

3  Sierra  Nevada. 


with  the  current.  Stemming  it  is  destruction;  so  I  closed  for  the  time 
my  "merchandise."  About  the  same  time  the  subject  of  quartz  min- 
ing began  to  attract  attention  and  my  mining  experience  was  sought. 
I  examined  a  vein  at  Grass  Valley,  between  Yuba  and  Bear  rivers, 
made  a  favorable  report,  backed  up  by  an  offer  to  invest  all  I  pos- 
sessed in  the  world,  and  became  a  party  in  a  quartz  mining  com- 
pany. And  this  species  of  mining  will  be  the  text  of  my  sermon. 

Through  the  whole  extent  of  the  California  mountains  veins  of 
quartz  extend  which  have  been  found  to  contain  gold  in  veins,  in 
many  instances  visible  to  the  naked  eye,  and  which,  upon  assay,  are 
found  to  yield  astonishing  results.  It  is  believed  generally  that  here 
is  the  matrix  of  gold  and  that  from  this  source  the  gold  of  the 
gulches  and  streams  comes  by  the  decomposition  of  the  rock  as  well 
as  by  being  thrown  out  by  volcanic  force;  and  by  the  action  of  the 
elements  it  slides  down  to  where  it  is  found  on  the  banks  of  streams 
and  in  low  grounds.  It  is  found  in  the  rock  from  the  finest  particles, 
invisible  to  the  naked  eye,  to  that  of  spangles  and  in  lumps  such  as 
are  picked  up  in  the  gulch  and  river  diggings. 

In  large  masses  of  rock  you  trace  a  regular  vein,  generally  in 
small  spangles  but  sometimes  in  decayed  or  porous  portions.  It  pre- 
sents many  fantastic  shapes;  I  have  seen  it  assume  the  shape  of  a 
tree,  then  of  leaves,  a  heart,  a  human  face,  &c,  &c.  These  veins  of 
quartz  vary  in  thickness  from  that  of  a  knife-blade  to  three  feet,  and 
a  few  score  feet  may  exhibit  these  changes;  but  twelve  to  eighteen 
inches  may  be  a  kind  of  maximum.  They  seem  to  have  been  forced 
up  through  strata  of  slate  or  of  gray  granite,  which  often  present  an 
appearance  of  decomposition.  Sometimes  they  are  in  proximity 
with  hornblende.  Occasionally  the  quartz  is  found  decomposed,  and 
in  its  stead  is  a  rich  gravel  and  earth  which  yields  from  ten  cents  to 
five,  ten,  even  fifty  dollars  to  the  pan.  Gold  Tunnel,  at  Nevada  City, 
is  of  this  character. 

By  the  politeness  of  G.  S.  McMakin,  Esq.,  one  of  the  proprietors 
of  that  rich  mine,  I  was  enabled  to  make  a  thorough  inspection  of 
their  tunnel.  It  lays  in  a  small  ravine  worn  by  water  and  is,  perhaps, 
sixty  feet  above  the  bed  of  Deer  Creek,  which  flows  at  its  base.  In 
sinking  a  shaft  for  the  purpose  of  coyote  digging  in  October  last, 
they  struck  the  vein  of  quartz  which  was  mostly  decomposed,  and 
in  December  they  commenced  a  regular  tunnel  to  follow  the  vein. 
The  vein  is  of  a  reddish  or  iron  brown,  but  all  the  earth  which  is 
excavated  appears  to  be  extremely  rich. — Mr.  McMakin  took  about 
half  a  pound  of  dirt  indiscriminately  in  a  pint  cup  from  the  side  of 
the  mine  in  my  presence,  and  without  using  much  care  in  washing, 
it  had  fifty  cents,  and  in  1  15-16  of  dirt  in  another  instance  he  found 
two  dollars  and  eighty  cents.  They  have  followed  the  vein  an  hun- 
dred and  ten  feet,  and  it  is  now  about  three  feet  thick,  with  a  dip  of 
forty-five  degrees  to  the  east.  The  base  and  surrounding  rock  is 


gray  granite,  partially  decomposed.  Occasionally  a  large  boulder 
is  found  through  which  they  blast.  They  are  following  the  vein,  not 
downward,  but  horizontally.  There  are  other  tunnels  at  Nevada 
City,  but  none  so  rich  as  this  have  been  discovered,  and  in  some  the 
vein  has  not  been  struck. 

At  Grass  Valley,  five  miles  below  Nevada  City,  are  probably  the 
most  extensive  quartz  mining  operations  that  exist  at  this  moment 
in  California.  Late  last  fall  a  layer  of  quartz  was  struck  in  sinking  a 
shaft  for  coyote  digging  on  the  top  of  a  hill,  since  called  Gold  Hill, 
which  was  found  to  contain  a  large  deposit  of  gold.  The  quartz  here 
seems  to  lay  in  slabs  and  boulders  as  if  it  had  been  raised  and  a  mass 
of  earth,  falling  in,  filled  the  cavity,  leaving  the  quartz  near  the  sur- 
face; and  consequently,  although  there  is  a  large  quantity  of  ore, 
there  is  not  a  regular  vein,  unless  at  a  greater  depth  than  it  has  been 
prospected.  Across  a  small  ravine  south,  and  perhaps  eighty  rods 
distant  from  Gold  Hill,  is  Massachusetts  Hill,  where  the  Sierra  Ne- 
vada Quartz  Mining  Company  is  located.4 

On  this  hill  the  last-named  company  are  in  active  operation  and 
are  opening  their  mine  scientifically  so  that  it  may  be  worked  for 
years.  Here  they  struck  a  well-defined  vein  four  inches  thick  and 
which  increased  in  richness  and  thickness  as  they  proceeded  down, 
when  at  the  depth  of  sixty  feet  the  vein  was  eighteen  inches  thick, 
the  dip  being  to  the  east  at  an  angle  of  forty-five  degrees.  At  this 
depth  they  came  to  water,  but  the  vein  can  be  followed  north  and 
south  above  the  water.  They  then  commenced  a  tunnel  at  the  base 
of  the  hill  about  an  hundred  and  fifty  feet  below  its  apex,  and  had 
proceeded  only  twenty  feet  when  they  struck  what  is  supposed  to 
be  a  lateral  vein  twelve  inches  thick  of  the  same  character  of  earth 
as  at  Gold  Tunnel  at  Nevada  City.  They  are  continuing  the  tunnel 
through  this  vein  in  the  direction  of  the  vein  which  they  must  reach 
within  two  hundred  feet. 

You  may  judge  something  of  the  character  of  the  vein  when  I  tell 
you  that  they  employed  from  five  to  twenty  men  at  an  expense  of 
five  dollars  per  day  in  prospecting — have  dug  at  least  four  hundred 
feet,  and  probably  nine  tenths  of  the  labor  in  opening  the  mine  has 
been  unproductive  of  revenue;  yet  they  have  paid  all  expenses  of 
labor,  board  and  tools,  and  acquisition  of  working  territory  from 
the  mine  itself,  by  crushing  pieces  of  quartz  by  hand  in  a  mortar  and 
washing  without  quicksilver,  and  have  at  this  moment  ten  thousand 
dollars'  worth  of  rock  and  rich  earth  raised  (estimating  it  at  thirty 
dollars  per  ton,  the  price  paid  at  the  mills)  clear  of  expense. 

The  mines  in  that  vicinity  do  not  sell  their  richest  specimens  to 
the  crushing  mills.  It  is  only  the  refuse  rock  or  that  in  which  gold  is 
not  visible  to  the  naked  eye.  The  rich  specimens  the  miners  crush 
themselves  by  hand,  and  these  yield  one  to  ten  dollars,  and  even 

4  Delano  was  a  member  of  this  company. 


two  ounces  to  the  pound.  Indeed,  I  have  one  piece  weighing  nine 
ounces  avoirdupois  which,  by  estimating  its  specific  gravity,  con- 
tains three  ounces  of  gold. 

I  will  at  some  convenient  opportunity  send  you  a  specimen.  One 
of  the  specimens  weighing  fourteen  pounds,  from  this  vein,  contain- 
ing over  six  hundred  dollars,  was  sold  to  go  to  the  World's  Fair,5 
after  being  shown  in  New  York.  A  year  ago  there  was  but  a  single 
shanty  at  Grass  Valley;  now  there  are  two  hundred  wood  houses, 
good  hotels,  stores,  a  sawmill,  four  steam  crushing  mills  in  opera- 
tion, and  four  more  in  active  progress  of  erection,  and  vast  quanti- 
ties of  rock  piled  up  ready  for  use.  New  veins,  or  rather  new  open- 
ings of  the  vein,  are  continually  made,  and  it  appears  to  be  uni- 
formly rich  as  a  general  thing,  though  some  placers  are  richer  than 
others.  The  mills  in  operation  are  too  light  and  too  imperfect.  They 
should  be  not  less  than  twenty  horsepower,  with  stampers  weighing 
two  hundred  and  fifty  to  five  hundred  each.  Those  now  operating 
are  of  from  ten  to  twelve  horsepower  engines,  with  stampers  weigh- 
ing about  one  hundred  pounds,  though  heavy  mills  are  being 
erected.  One  by  Walsh,  Esq.,  is  of  sixty  horsepower  and  no  doubt 
will  be  effective.  But  the  greatest  difficulty  is  in  saving  the  gold;  not 
more  than  one  fifth  is  extracted  or  saved.  The  general  average  saved 
by  the  mills  is  five  cents  to  the  pound  in  the  refuse  rock.  Repeated 
experiments  have  shown  that  four  fifths  of  the  gold  is  lost  and  that 
there  is  much  more  in  the  quartz  which  is  passed  off  at  the  mill  than 
is  saved.  This  subject  is  occupying  the  attention  of  scientific  men 
here,  and  I  hope  it  will  at  home.  But  a  small  part  will  amalgamate 
with  quicksilver;  if  fire  is  applied,  no  flux  is  known  which  may  be 
reduced  to  extensive  practical  use,  and  if  dissolved  by  acids,  the 
expense  of  the  latter  absorbs  all  the  profits.  A  new  era  in  gold-dig- 
ging seems  to  have  arisen.  Although  surface  digging  is  still  carried 
on  with  its  usual  labor  and  disappointments,  with  its  very  few 
successful  ones,  the  mode  of  washing  the  earth  has  steadily  im- 
proved and  dirt  that  at  first  would  not  be  touched  with  the  pan  is 
often  made  very  profitable  with  the  sluice.  But  the  developments 
made  in  the  quartz  veins  seem  to  make  it  as  certain  here  as  mining 
in  Peru,  Chile  or  Mexico,  where  mines  have  been  worked  for  more 
than  two  hundred  years,  and  it  is  thought  that  capital  may  be  as 
safely  invested  in  this  species  of  mining  as  in  railroad,  factory  or 
bank  stock,  in  shipping,  farming  or  merchandise.  But  this  requires 
capital  to  commence  with.  Individual  labor  and  poor  machinery 
amounts  to  nothing  and  must,  in  general,  prove  a  failure.  To  open 
a  mine  properly  it  may  cost  twenty  thousand  dollars,  though  in  some 
instances  by  good  luck,  two  thousand  dollars  may  strike  the  vein; 
and  then  to  purchase  the  requisite  machinery  thirty  to  forty  thou- 
sand dollars  more  may  be  required  before  a  dollar  is  returned,  but 

5  The  first  international  exhibition,  at  the  Crystal  Palace,  London,  1851. 


by  an  expense  of  two  or  three  thousand  dollars  a  vein  may  be  pros- 
pected and  a  degree  of  certainty  arrived  at  which  will  justify  a 
farther  expenditure.  I  append  a  calculation  predicated  upon  what  is 
actually  done  at  some  of  the  mines  at  Grass  Valley.  I  will  take  a 
twelve-horsepower  engine  with  poor  crushers  and  imperfect  ma- 
chinery and  exorbitant  wages  as  a  basis : 

10  tons  crushed  in  24  hours  is 20,000  lbs. 

Yield  per  pound 5c. 

Total  per  day $1,000.00 

20  men  at  $10  per  day,  men 

boarding  themselves $200 

Wear  and  tear  and  extras 100 —  300.00 

Profit $        700.00 

One  year,  say  days 300 


Leaving  a  profit  of  two  hundred  and  ten  thousand  dollars  per 
year.  Men  can  be  hired  at  from  three  to  five  dollars  per  day;  and 
with  proper  machinery  thirty  and  forty  tons  of  rock  can  be  crushed 
as  well  as  ten,  which,  of  course,  increases  your  profits.  Now,  instead 
of  estimating  the  yield  at  five  cents  make  it  one  half  or  two  and  one 
half  cents,  and  you  will  find  you  are  doing  rather  a  snug  cash  busi- 
ness; and  then  hit  upon  some  method  of  saving  all  the  gold,  and 
instead  of  two  and  one  half  cents  to  the  pound,  you  will  have  from 
fifteen  to  twenty-five  cents  at  least. 

God  forbid  that  I  should  mislead  anyone  on  this  subject.  I  have 
suffered  too  much  myself  to  wish  even  a  dog  to  endure  what  I  have, 
but  I  desire  to  give  my  countrymen  the  truth  and  the  benefit  of  my 
experience  without  my  hardships.  It  is  an  impression  gaining  favor 
here  that  quartz  mining  will  become  a  legitimate  business  of  Cali- 
fornia as  much  as  woolgrowing  in  the  Western  States,  and  I  confess 
that  I  am  compelled  to  adopt  that  opinion  from  what  I  have  seen.  I 
have  personally  traced  this  vein  by  outcrops  and  excavations  more 
than  a  hundred  and  fifty  miles,  and  feel  confident  of  its  extent.  It 
passes  through  the  country  in  a  southeast  and  northwest  direction, 
following  the  main  direction  of  the  Sierra  Nevada  Mountains,  and 
the  general  dip  is  to  the  east  at  an  angle  of  forty-five  degrees.  There 
are  evidences  of  silver  in  quantities,  but  I  defer  that  subject  until  my 
information  is  more  definite,  although  I  have  seen  beautiful  speci- 
mens of  pure  metal  that  had  been  melted  like  the  lumps  of  gold 
which  we  find. 


The  awful  fire  at  San  Francisco  has  beggared  hundreds  and 
ruined  thousands.0 1,  too,  come  in  for  my  share  of  loss  and  at  pres- 
ent can  only  say  as  the  fellow  did  when  the  saddle  turned  and  threw 

him  into  the  mud,  "just  like  my  d d  luck." 

Truly  yours, 

A.  Delano. 

6  This  was  the  fifth  "great  fire."  Soule  et  al.,  Annals,  329. 


San  Francisco,  June  13,  1851.1 

Friends  Osman — I  was  most  agreeably  surprised  by  a  visit  from 
my  friend  Dr.  Hall,  who  is  on  his  way  home.  If  I  can  rejoice  at  the 
success  of  any  man,  it  is  at  his,  for  one  of  a  better  heart  or  more 
moral  honesty  I  never  met.  He  is  one  who  returns  unscathed  by  the 
vices  of  California  and  is  the  same  here  as  at  home.  He  is  among 
those  who  are  entitled  to  my  best  regards,  and  I  cordially  hope  that 
his  last  days  may  be  prosperous  and  happy. 

I  wish  you  would  tell  McNeil  to  write  me,  for  in  our  long  sojourn 
together,  in  the  hour  of  trial  and  amid  danger  and  difficulty,  I 
learned  to  appreciate  his  kindness  and  good  will.  Oh!  how  I  should 
love  to  sit  down  with  some  of  those  old  returned  Californians  and 
while  away  an  hour  or  two  in  talking  over  our  travels  along  the 
Nemahas,  the  Platte,  the  plains,  the  desert,  the  canons,  and  the 
mountains.  I  could  almost  come  on  purpose  to  see  Captain  George 
Green  and  the  brave  old  pioneer,  his  father,  and  other  good  men 
and  true  who  suffered  the  perils  of  that  arduous  trip.  You  see  my 
heart  is  expanding  towards  them,  and  I  can't  help  giving  utterance 
to  my  feelings. 

As  your  country  is  great  for  reports,  I  have  been  amused — not 
offended — at  one  I  have  recently  heard  respecting  myself  and  to 
this  effect,  "that  Delano  provided  nothing  for  his  family  when  he 
left  home,  that  he  had  sent  them  nothing  since  he  has  been  here,  and 
that  he  traveled  across  the  plains  with  another  woman."  As  to  the 
first  two,  it  may  spoil  a  good  story  when  I  refer  the  lovers  of  the 
dark  side  to  my  own  family  for  the  truth  of  the  two  first  counts,  and 
for  the  third,  I  simply  ask  those  who  traveled  in  our  train  to  state 
the  facts.  As  for  women,  I  did  save  the  life  of  one  here  in  San  Fran- 
cisco, and  gave  her  shelter  and  protection  after  the  fire  for  two  or 
three  days,  until  she  got  a  situation  with  Captain  Sutter's  family  at 
one  thousand  dollars  a  year;  and  could  you  hear  her  story,  it  would 
be  that  of  respect,  and  that  even  here  a  man  may  do  a  good  deed 

1  Free  Trader,  August  9,  1851. 


which  he  may  not  blush  to  own.  Except  this  one,  who  by  circum- 
stances was  thrown  upon  my  protection  by  a  course  of  events — an 
interesting  tale  of  itself — when  a  man  should  blush  not  to  do  as  I 
did,  and  when  I  was  encouraged  by  pious  and  good  people  of  both 
sexes,  there  are  not  three  other  females  in  California  that  even  know 
my  name;  and  I  do  not  blush,  nor  need  any  of  my  friends  blush  for 
any  act  of  mine  since  I  have  been  in  this  God-forsaken  land,  nor 
will  they  have  occasion  to.  I  feel  that  it  is  scarcely  necessary  for  me 
to  speak  a  word  in  defense  of  myself,  and  I  drop  the  subject. 

We  are  in  the  midst  of  certainly  a  moral  and  nearly  a  political 
revolution.  The  outrages  upon  the  order-loving  people  have  been  so 
great — so  many  murders,  robberies,  and  incendiary  conflagrations 
have  been  committed,  not  only  here  but  throughout  California,  and 
so  wretchedly  has  the  law  been  administered,  that  the  people  have 
arisen  in  their  might  to  protect  themselves. 

Since  the  great  fire,  eight  different  palpable  attempts  have  been 
made  to  fire  the  city.  It  is  no  longer  safe  to  walk  the  streets  after 
dark  unarmed,  and  we  do  not  know  when  we  lay  down  at  night  but 
that  before  the  morning  sun  our  dwellings  may  be  burnt  to  ashes. 
The  magistrates  and  police  cannot  execute  the  laws  if  they  would. 
Lawyers  are  found  who  will  make  the  technicalities  and  subtleties  of 
the  law  subservient  to  the  horde  of  villains  who  are  in  our  midst,  to 
screen  them  from  justice.  The  penal  colonies  of  Great  Britain  are 
emptying  their  hordes  of  convicts  upon  our  shores,  and  every  arrival 
from  Sydney  swells  the  number  by  hundreds.  A  mass  meeting  was 
held  on  the  Plaza  yesterday — another  today,  and  another  will  be 
held  tomorrow,  to  adopt  some  measures  to  protect  ourselves  and 
check  the  crime  that  is  carrying  murder  and  desolation  to  our  citi- 
zens in  their  dwellings.  This  is  no  fancy  sketch.  Ask  any  man  who 
is  returning  from  California — he  will  attest  its  truth. 

A  man  was  caught  in  the  act  of  setting  fire  to  the  city  a  few  days 
ago.  He  is  in  the  hands  of  the  law  and  will  escape.2  Night  before  last 
a  man  was  caught  with  a  safe  which  he  had  stolen.  He  was  seized, 
tried  by  the  citizens  fairly  and  impartially,  found  guilty,  and  hung 
before  daylight.3 

There  are  thousands  upon  the  Plaza  today,  and  with  a  small  ex- 
ception, the  feeling  of  self-defense  was  the  ruling  one.  A  few  at- 
tempted to  stem  the  popular  current,  and  a  gang  of  bullies  and 
rowdies  attempted  to  put  down  the  movement  on  the  part  of  the 
people,  and  at  one  time  there  were  indications  of  a  severe  fight.  But 
the  people  triumphed — resolutions  passed  which  amounted  to  little 

2  On  June  3,  1851,  Benjamin  Lewis  underwent  a  preliminary  examination  on  the  charge 
of  arson;  his  indictment  was  twice  quashed  for  "defects"  and  he  was  released.  Soule  et  al., 
Annals,  340-341. 

3  On  June  10  John  Jenkins  stole  a  safe  from  a  store  on  Long  Wharf.  At  midnight  the 
Vigilance  Committee  hanged  him.  Ibid.,  570. 


else  than  revolution,  and  tomorrow  another  mass  meeting  is  to  be 

All  men  regret  that  the  exigencies  of  the  case  demand  the  stormy 
interposition  of  the  people  to  punish  crime,  but  lamentable  as  it  is, 
the  case  is  necessary.  No  man  has  ever  been  legally  executed  for 
murder  in  San  Francisco,  and  but  two  in  the  State,4  out  of  the  hun- 
dreds committed.  In  one  of  the  cases  alluded  to  it  was  for  a  cool 
unprovoked  murder  of  an  influential  citizen.  The  culprit  was  con- 
demned to  be  hung,  but  the  Governor  (McDougal)  gave  him  a  re- 
spite and  then  a  full  pardon,  but  the  people  broke  into  the  jail  and 
executed  the  just  sentence  themselves.5  Some  forty  persons  have 
been  murdered  here  since  last  fall,  and  every  murderer  has  escaped. 
You  can  form  but  little  idea  of  the  actual  state  of  things,  but  Dr. 
Hall  can  tell  you  more  than  I  have  time  to  write. 

The  city  is  nearly  rebuilt  since  the  fire.  I  am  once  more  in  my  old 
office — rather,  in  a  new  one,  where  the  old  one  stood.  I  find  my 
actual  loss  by  the  fire  was  a  little  over  twelve  hundred  dollars,  but 
as  luck  would  have  it,  it  didn't  break  me.  It  came  a  little  hard,  as  it 
was  money  loaned  out. — Quartz  mining  is  still  good  and  will  be  for 

Business,  I  mean  merchandising,  is  good  for  nothing.  Goods  are 
lower  than  in  New  York — even  in  the  mines  it  does  not  pay  as  a 
general  thing.  Men  dare  not  employ  capital,  and  there  is  neither 
confidence  nor  credit. 

I  am  writing  out  my  journal  as  I  get  leisure,  and  although  I  have 
not  determined  to  publish  it,  I  may  conclude  to  do  so  eventually.6 

After  leaving  the  Humboldt  we  were  in  a  country  but  little 
known,  and  almost  every  day  presented  something  new  and  strange. 
I  saw  in  a  number  of  the  Free  Trader  that  a  regular  trade  had 
sprung  up  between  San  Francisco  and  Sydney  in  importing  women 
who  are  sold  at  public  auction.  This  is  certainly  news  to  us.  No  such 
thing  has  happened  since  I  have  been  a  resident  of  the  city,  and  all 
I  can  learn  about  it  is  that  about  a  year  ago  some  females  were 
brought  from  Sydney,  and  by  their  own  consent  their  time  was  sold 
by  the  Captain  long  enough  to  pay  their  passage.  I  send  you  a 

4  Bancroft  lists  fifteen  executions  in  the  State  during  the  first  nine  months  of  its  existence, 
but  which,  if  any,  were  strictly  legal  is  not  now  discoverable.  Popular  Tribunals  (2  vols., 
San  Francisco,  1887),  I,  155-171. 

5  Hamilton  McCauley  was  tried,  convicted  of  murder,  and  sentenced  to  death  by  the  Napa 
court  of  sessions  in  March,  1851,  the  execution  to  take  place  on  May  15.  Governor 
McDougal  sent  a  reprieve,  but  it  failed  to  arrive  in  time  to  prevent  the  hanging.  Ibid.,  I, 
166-170.  John  McDougal  (1818-1866),  second  governor  of  California,  was  a  "gentle- 
manly drunkard,  and  democratic  politician  of  the  order  for  which  California  was  destined 
to  become  somewhat  unpleasantly  notorious."  Bancroft,  History  of  California,  VI,  645. 

6  It  was  published  in  part  in  the  Free  Trader,  February  8-9,  1850,  and  in  full  as  Life  on 
the  Plains  and  Among  the  Diggings,  1854.  Cf.  p.  19. 


Courier  (Daily)  which  contains  a  Pen  Knife  Whittling — the  last 
number.7 — I  am  writing  hurriedly,  as  you  perceive. 

I  can't  tell  when  I  shall  come  home.  Perhaps  your  newsmongers 
will  have  me  married  again  soon,  and  then  you  know  I  shall  not 
dare  come.  There  are  many  of  your  citizens  for  whom  I  entertain 
warm  feelings  of  friendship,  and  I  hope  to  take  them  by  the  hand 
within  a  year. — I'm  growing  garrulous  and  will  close. 

Truly  yours, 

A.  Delano 

7  The  San  Francisco  California  Daily  Courier,  June  21,  1851,  carried  "Pen  Knife  Sketches 
— 2d  Series,  No.  5,  By  an  Old  Block."  But  earlier  numbers  are  unavailable. 


Grass  Valley,  Sierra  Nevada  Quartz  Mines, 

June  29,  1851.1 

Climate,  &c. — I'm  going  to  give  a  lecture.  Please  be  seated  and 
attend  respectfully  to  the  speaker.  I  am  about  to  make  some  experi- 
ments, my  dear  hearers  (or  readers),  for  your  edification,  and  you 
will  of  course  follow  my  directions  in  order  that  your  understanding 
may  be  properly  enlightened  with  regard  to  the  subject  before  us. 
Climate,  then,  the  first  matter  for  our  consideration,  is  bounded  on 
the  West  by  Sacramento  City.  Wheugh!  who  ever  heard  of  climate 
being  a  geographical  discovery  before? — attention!  then — no  inter- 
ruption. We  do  up  things  in  California  to  suit  ourselves,  and  the 
Lord  knows  some  of  'em  are  antagonistic  to  all  natural  and  human 
laws.  If  we  freeze  in  San  Francisco  and  sweat  in  the  Valley  of  the 
Sacramento,  it  is  our  privilege  to  do  so.  I  am  now  in  the  sweat  re- 
gion and  am  about  giving  you  its  boundaries  according  to  my  dis- 
coveries. Climate,  then,  is  bounded  on  the  North  by  the  Cascade 
and  Pit  River  Mountains;  on  the  East  by  Nevada  City,  Auburn,  and 
that  line  of  hills;  on  the  South  by  Mount  Diablo,  and  how  much 
further  I  can't  tell,  as  I  have  only  been  to  the  Devil — I  meant  the 
Devil's  Mountain.  It  has  been  a  mooted  point  whether  the  sun  is 
hot  or  cold,  but  it  is  generally  allowed  that  the  sun  makes  the  climate 
warm.  In  California  there  are  two  causes — first,  big  fires  under- 
ground— second,  the  sun  overhead — and  by  climbing  Mount  Di- 
ablo just  beyond  Sacramento  City  in  a  hot  day,  you  will  see  that  the 
sun  is  a  red-hot  mass  that  sends  his  burning  rays  hizzing  and  fizzing 
from  above  to  meet  the  steam  and  internal  heat  of  the  fires  under 
the  Valley  of  the  Sacramento,  so  that  the  climate  here  is  between 
two  fires,  and  would  you  experiment  on  the  warmth  of  this  climate? 

1  True  Delta,  August  6,  1851. 


Well,  take  off  your  coat — "good" — now  your  vest — "very  well" — 
slip  off  your  pants — "ridiculous" — off  with  your  shirt — "git  out" — 
why,  the  natives  do  it  here — now  go  to  a  baker's  oven  just  as  he  is 
putting  in  his  bread,  and  crawl  in,  and  you'll  not  only  be  done 
brown  but  get  a  pretty  correct  idea  of  the  climate  about  these  days 
in  this  part  of  California.  At  this  blessed  moment  I  am  setting  in  my 
nice  log  cabin  breathing  the  hot  but  pure  mountain  air  of  this 
pleasant  location,  divested  of  all  covering  except  shirt  and  pants  and 
I  wish  they  were  off — and  my  handkerchief  is  doing  duty  manfully, 
but  hang  me  if  it  can  dry  up  the  streams  that  course  o'er  my  brows. 

Now  for  the  "and  so  forth."  The  determination  of  the  people  in 
the  cities  to  protect  themselves  against  the  lawless  gangs  of  des- 
perados who  are  bringing  ruin  upon  the  whole  country  is  extending 
itself  to  the  mining  districts.  Sensible  that  such  felons  will  take 
refuge  in  the  mines  when  an  asylum  is  no  longer  afforded  them  in 
the  cities,  the  miners  are  associating  for  the  purpose  of  punishing 
crime,  and  Vigilance  Committees  are  organizing.  One  was  formed 
here  last  night,  and  we  are  ready  to  pay  our  respects  to  all  scoundrels 
who  may  be  inclined  to  pay  us  a  visit.  Repugnant  as  this  course  is 
to  Americans  who  are  brought  up  in  the  school  of  law  and  order, 
there  is  no  other  way  to  save  our  lives  and  to  protect  our  property, 
for  the  technicalities  of  the  law  have  been  perverted  to  screen  the 
guilty  and  protect  them  in  their  career  of  crime  so  long  that  nothing 
is  left  but  a  resolution  in  fact  to  put  the  law  into  the  hands  of  the 
people  to  protect  themselves.  You  will  learn  by  the  public  prints  the 
infamous  use  made  of  the  pardoning  power  by  Governor  McDougal 
in  granting  a  full  and  free  pardon  to  a  murderer,  a  wanton  and  de- 
liberate murderer.2  It  is  but  a  sample  of  the  manner  in  which  the 
law  has  been  administered  by  those  entrusted  with  its  execution. 

I  am  cognizant  of  all  the  transactions  of  the  people  at  San  Fran- 
cisco, having  taken  an  active  part  in  some  of  the  public  meetings 
there;  yet  I  leave  a  description  of  them  to  others.  I  am  now  at  work 
on  my  claim  in  the  mountains.  The  condition  of  things  is  lamentable 
in  other  ways  than  the  disorders  of  judicial  proceedings.  Business 
is  nearly  at  a  stand.  By  the  late  fires  thousands  are  completely 
ruined  and  thrown  out  of  employment.3  Those  who  can  stand  the 
sun  and  severe  labor  go  to  the  mines,  but  there  are  many,  very 
many,  who  are  unused  to  labor  and  although  they  may  have  the 
will,  do  not  possess  the  strength  and  are  in  vain  seeking  employ- 
ment. At  this  time  the  best  business  and  literary  talent  can  be  em- 
ployed in  San  Francisco  for  their  board.  Indeed,  I  know  men  of 
ability,  of  honesty,  and  of  good  morals,  who  could  not  even  get 
that,  and  have  not  money  either  to  live  on  or  to  get  out  of  town.  I 

2Cf.  p.  119. 

3  The  sixth  "great  fire"  occurred  June  22,  1851.  Soule  et  ai,  Annals,  345. 


never  wanted  to  be  rich  so  much  in  my  life  as  since  the  fire.  Rich, 
humph!  Do  you  know  that  Colonel  Grant  has  become  a  prophet? 
He  had  the  impudence  to  declare  to  Dr.  Morse4  the  other  day  that 
I  never  would  be  rich.  The  only  thing  I  care  about  the  prophecy  is 
it's  truth.  Well,  I  can't  steal,  and  if  I  can't  get  rich  without,  I  shall 
enjoy  the  company  of  two  Californians  who  can 

"Teach  me  to  feel  another's  woe,"5 

and  Grant  re-Morse  for  my  sins  of  omission — eh,  Colonel ? 

Let's  see,  where  was  I?  O,  talking  about  business.  It  is  but  little 
better  in  the  mines  than  in  the  cities.  Goods  and  provisions  are 
abundant  and  cheap,  affording  but  little  profit.  So  many  have  rushed 
into  trade  that  profits  are  cut  down  to  little  more  than  a  living,  and 
although  mining  is  uncertain,  yet  at  this  moment  it  is,  in  my  opin- 
ion, the  surest  business  of  the  country.  Agriculture  is  attended  to, 
and  where  land  can  be  irrigated  very  good  crops  are  raised.  I  think 
there  will  be  potatoes  enough  raised  very  nearly  to  supply  the  de- 

Many  places  are  found  in  the  mountains — the  foothills — which 
can  be  cultivated,  for  the  mountain  streams  afford  the  means  of 
irrigation.  One  of  our  company  has  160  acres  enclosed,  and  we  are 
eating  lettuce  and  radishes  of  his  raising,  and  his  potatoes  are  doing 
well.  Indian  corn  has  a  bilious  look,  but  barley  and  wheat  thrive 
well.  I  think  it  possible  to  raise  potatoes  enough  in  the  mountains 
to  supply  the  miners.  If  this  is  ever  done,  it  will  cut  off  one  great 
item  of  trade  below. 

A  general  meeting  of  quartz  miners  is  called  to  be  held  at  Sacra- 
mento City  on  the  2d  of  July,  for  the  purpose  of  agreeing  on  some 
general  regulations  respecting  the  amount  of  territory  which  a  man 
may  hold.0  This  call  is  not  responded  to  by  all  of  the  quartz  dis- 
tricts. In  some  the  laws  are  just  and  liberal,  founded  upon  equity, 
and  the  utmost  harmony  reigns,  as  is  the  case  here.  It  is  thought 
that  each  district  can  make  its  own  laws,  which  will  apply  better  to 
its  own  locality  than  any  general  law.  Here,  the  laws  are  made  and 
allow  a  man  to  hold  by  preemption  one  hundred  square  feet  of 
quartz  ground,  but  he  may  purchase  and  hold  for  the  purpose  of 
running  machinery,  or  for  working  actually,  any  number  of  claims 
within  reason.  To  change  this  law  might  do  much  injustice  to  those 
who  have  made  improvements  or  who  have  bought  claims  for  the 
purpose  of  working  crushing  mills,  and  as  all  are  satisfied  now,  our 

4  Dr.  John  Frederick  Morse  (1815-1874),  physician,  editor  of  the  Sacramento  Union,  and 
local  historian.  San  Francisco  Aha  California,  December  31,  1874. 

5  Pope,  The  Universal  Prayer. 

6  The  miners  met  and  on  July  3  passed  a  resolution  limiting  each  claim  on  "the  lead"  to 
three  hundred  feet  for  the  claimant  and  150  feet  for  each  partner.  Sacramento  Union, 
July  4,  1851. 


people  have  determined  to  let  well  enough  alone  and  not  go  into 
convention.  This  community  is  an  orderly,  peaceable  and  quiet  one. 
There  are  seven  crushing  mills  in  operation,  and  many  people  at 
work.  There  are  many  scientific,  literary  and  well-educated  gentle- 
men among  them,  and  several  families  are  located  here.  We  have  a 
daily  stage  and  mail  passing  through  from  Sacramento  City  to 
Nevada  City,  although  a  year  ago  a  road  was  not  opened,  and  the 
Indians  were  killing  and  driving  off  the  whites.  And  lastly,  I  want 
to  tell  you  a  true  story  and  conclude.  Just  before  the  great  fire  I  was 
coming  up  here  on  foot;  I  took  a  cut  across  the  mountains  by  a  trail 
which  led  me  several  miles  from  any  settlement.  Passing  along  a 
dark  and  deep  ravine  which  was  as  still  and  silent  as  the  grave,  I 
suddenly  came  upon  the  remains  of  an  old  camp  where  had  stood  a 
solitary  and  isolated  miner's  tent.  In  one  corner  I  saw,  partly  cov- 
ered with  dirt,  the  remains  of  a  newspaper,  and  prompted  by  curi- 
osity I  carefully  uncovered  it  and  looking  at  the  head,  saw  that  it 
read  California  True  Delta.  Comment  is  unnecessary,  but  I  know 
how  that  poor  fellow  felt  when  he  was  poring  over  its  pages  in  that 
lonely  spot. 

A.  Delano. 


San  Francisco,  August  1,  185 1.1 

When  the  history  of  California  shall  be  written,  after  time  has 
mellowed  the  asperities  of  passing  events,  the  occurrences  of  the 
present  day  will  form  a  singular  but  strange  chapter  for  the  perusal 
of  the  statesman  and  philanthropist,  as  well  as  the  bookworm.  In  a 
country  whose  people  are  proverbial  for  their  love  of  justice  and 
order,  where  the  force  of  early  education  and  of  public  example  has 
tended  to  the  observance  of  the  law  for  the  preservation  of  order 
and  the  protection  of  those  rights  which  belong  to  free  citizens,  a 
state  of  things  exists  which  borders  upon  anarchy  and  threatens  to 
dissolve  the  social  compact  of  the  community;  in  fact,  they  have 
already  arrived  at  the  point  where  strong  individual  combinations 
are  required  to  protect  life  and  property  from  organized  bands  of 
desperadoes  and  heartless  men  who  have  made  the  existing  laws  an 
instrument  to  protect  them  in  crime  and  high-handed  villainy.  If 
this  state  of  things  existed  in  a  single  town,  city,  or  district,  the  evil 
could  be  corrected  by  the  law  itself,  but  strange  to  say  the  whole 
length  and  breadth  of  California  is  so  beset  with  unprincipled  men 
who  set  law,  order  and  justice  alike  at  defiance,  or  make  use  of  the 

1  True  Delta,  September  16,  1851. 


first,  by  its  technicalities,  to  subvert  the  others,  that  a  revolution 
has  become  necessary  for  the  protection  of  rights  and  at  this  mo- 
ment exists  in  progress  throughout  the  State.  On  every  side  is  sus- 
picion and  distrust  of  men  and  authorities.  In  the  cities,  as  well  as 
in  the  mountain  wilds,  it  is  unsafe  for  men  to  go  unarmed,  and  par- 
ticularly after  nightfall;  and  even  in  thoroughfares  in  the  largest 
towns,  men  are  compelled  to  take  the  middle  of  the  street,  fearful 
that  the  first  man  they  meet  may  be  an  assassin  or  robber  with  a 
slung  shot  or  pistol.  For  a  long  time  this  was  patiently  endured. 
That  reverence  for  existing  law  which  is  almost  an  intuitive  feeling 
with  Americans  endured  there,  to  await  its  action,  in  the  hope  that 
its  just  administration  would  rid  society  of  its  pests  and  excres- 
cences; but  when  at  length  it  was  seen  that  the  executive  itself,  if  not 
in  actual  collusion  with  crime,  pardoned  it  in  its  most  glaring  de- 
formity; that  criminals  almost  universally  escaped  punishment;  that 
in  more  than  two  hundred  murders  in  less  than  a  year  but  a  single 
legal  execution  had  taken  place  in  the  whole  State;2  that  the  police 
force  was  wholly  inefficient  and  sometimes  even  connected  with  the 
commission  of  crime;  that  witnesses  notoriously  perjured  them- 
selves to  screen  their  companions  in  guilt  and  prove  an  alibi;  that 
public  officers  were  guilty  of  peculation  and  malfeasence;  and  that 
for  the  guilty  to  be  in  any  event  condemned  to  prison  was  only 
affording  an  easy  mode  to  escape  punishment  by  the  insecurity  of 
the  jails  and  the  negligence  of  the  jailors;  in  short,  when  it  was 
found  that  under  the  administration  of  the  law  the  insecurity  of  life 
and  property  increased  instead  of  diminished,  the  people  became 
aroused  to  a  sense  of  their  own  wrongs  and,  convinced  that  there 
was  no  other  mode  of  redress,  resolved  to  take  the  punishment  of 
their  aggressors  into  their  own  hands,  not  in  opposition  to  law  and 
order,  but  to  aid  the  law  to  do  what  of  itself  it  could  not  do,  pro- 
tect the  honest  part  of  the  community.  Not  a  morning  paper  ap- 
peared in  San  Francisco  that  did  not  herald  the  perpetration  of 
some  robbery  or  murder  the  previous  night  in  the  city,  and  it  was 
the  same  from  the  mines  and  different  parts  in  the  whole  country. 
In  distant  counties,  goaded  on  to  desperation  by  repeated  acts  of 
violence,  the  citizens  occasionally  tumultuously  arose  and  seized 
the  perpetrator,  when  the  constituted  authorities  would  interfere, 
generally  with  success,  and  the  criminal  almost  invariably  would 
escape  punishment,  till  at  length  it  became  a  byword  and  reproach 
when  an  arrest  was  made:  "He  will  escape  by  the  law."  Up  to  the 
present  moment,  although  within  the  past  year  at  least  forty  murders 
have  been  committed  in  San  Francisco  and  its  immediate  vicinity, 
there  has  never  been  a  legal  execution.  In  several  glaring  cases  the 
perpetrators  were  admitted  to  merely  nominal  bail,  without  the 
ceremony  of  incarceration,  and  were  free  to  continue  their  assaults 

2Cf.  p.  119. 


and  depredations.  Incendiarism  was  so  common  that  when  the  citi- 
zen laid  down  at  night,  his  papers  and  valuables,  as  well  as  clothes, 
were  placed  in  a  situation  where  they  could  be  seized  at  a  moment's 
warning,  and  the  thought  was  constant  that  before  daylight  should 
appear  he  might  be  a  houseless,  homeless,  ruined  man.  These  things 
could  no  longer  be  endured.  Self-preservation  rendered  it  imperative 
that  the  first  law  of  nature  should  be  observed,  and  that  unless  some 
united  effort  was  made,  society  must  resolve  itself  into  its  primitive 
elements  and  brute  force  be  the  only  defense  against  aggression  and 
violence.  Every  ship  from  the  penal  colonies  of  Great  Britain  only 
added  numbers  to  the  English  convicts  already  here,  while  the  vicious 
of  all  nations  seemed  by  instinct  to  find  a  rendezvous  on  our  shores, 
so  that  California  contained  hordes  of  the  most  accomplished  vil- 
lains who  had  passed  through  every  grade  of  crime  and  were  pre- 
pared to  practice  their  infernal  arts  upon  the  honest  and  industrious 
part  of  the  community  at  the  moment  of  their  arrival.  Under  this 
state  of  things  an  association  was  organized  in  San  Francisco,  com- 
posed of  its  best  and  most  prominent  citizens,  which  soon  swelled 
to  a  thousand,  encouraged  and  approved  by  nine  tenths  of  the  whole 
community,  who  were  determined  to  bring  palpable  offenders  to 
prompt  and  speedy  justice. 

Their  first  act  was  to  take  into  custody  a  thief  who  was  caught  in 
the  act  of  stealing  a  safe.  He  was  fairly  tried  before  a  jury  immedi- 
ately summoned,  full  proof  of  guilt  was  adduced,  and  without  noise 
or  parade  he  was  taken  to  the  plaza  about  midnight  and  hung  on 
the  piazza  of  the  Adobe.3 

The  second  day  after,  a  public  meeting  was  called  at  which  thou- 
sands of  citizens  were  assembled,  who,  with  but  one  single  dissent- 
ing voice  (from  a  lawyer),  ratified  by  vote  the  acts  of  the  Vigilance 
Committee  (as  it  was  called).4 

A  second  meeting  took  place  the  following  day  at  which  a  series 
of  resolutions  were  introduced,  the  object  of  which  was  to  sustain 
the  Committee  in  purifying  the  city  from  the  pest  of  society  and 
censuring  the  uncertain  and  tardy  administration  of  justice  by  the 
officers  of  the  law.  An  attempt  was  made  to  prevent  the  passage  of 
these  resolutions  by  a  prominent  member  of  the  Legislature,  backed 
up  by  a  gang  of  rowdies  and  gamblers  whom  he  had  rallied  around 
him  and  who  endeavored  to  interfere  with  the  meeting  by  violent 
and  unfair  means.  But  the  resolutions  passed  by  overwhelming 
acclamation.5 — A  revolution  had  in  fact  taken  place. 

3  This  was  the  Jenkins  affair.  Cf.  p.  118.  The  "Adobe"  was  the  Custom  House  on  the 
northwest  corner  of  Portsmouth  Plaza.  Soule  et  al.,  Annals,  255,  343,  571. 

4  At  the  meeting,  held  June  11,  H.  K.  W.  Clarke  "almost  alone"  protested  against  the 
Committee's  actions.  San  Francisco  Alta  California,  June  12,  1851. 

5  On  June  12  David  C.  Broderick  (1820-1859),  President  of  the  State  Senate  (later  U.  S. 
Senator  from  California),  effectively  led  the  opposition  to  the  Committee,  but  its  actions 
were  finally  endorsed  the  next  day.  Ibid.,  June  13-14,  1851;  "Broderick,"  Dictionary  of 
American  Biography. 


The  Vigilance  Committee  were  looked  upon  as  the  true  purifiers 
of  society,  instead  of  the  courts;  yet  in  no  case  did  the  former  im- 
pede the  acts  of  the  latter  in  its  administration  of  justice;  its  only 
aim  was  to  punish  speedily  those  who  were  not  secured  by  the 
police,  without  going  through  with  the  technicalities  of  the  law,  its 
insecurity  and  uncertainty;  and  yet  they  punished  no  criminal  with- 
out a  fair  trial,  without  full  and  positive  proof  of  guilt.  The  effect  of 
this  association  was  speedily  felt.  After  the  execution  of  Jenkins, 
numbers  of  known  thieves  and  burglars  left  the  city,  and  the  Re- 
corder's dock,  instead  of  being  filled  every  morning  with  criminals, 
fell  off  at  once  to  a  few  cases  of  drunkenness  and  disorderly  con- 
duct. Determined  to  effect  a  thorough  renovation,  the  Committee 
gave  notice  to  notorious  villains  to  leave  the  city  in  five  days,  and 
when  they  refused  to  obey,  they  were  seized  and  placed  in  durance 
until  they  could  be  sent  out  of  the  country.  Ships  from  the  penal 
colonies  were  boarded  and  the  characters  of  the  passengers  enquired 
into,  and  when  they  were  satisfactorily  proven  to  be  convicts,  they 
were  not  suffered  to  land,  but  compelled  to  return  in  the  same  vessel 
which  brought  them  out.  As  a  matter  course  there  was  opposition 
to  the  measures  of  the  Vigilance  Committee.  The  constituted  au- 
thorities, sworn  to  administer  the  law  (which,  even  if  willing,  they 
had  been  unable  to  do),  looked  upon  these  acts  of  the  Committee 
as  a  breach  of  the  law;  the  gamblers,  thieves,  their  aiders  and  abet- 
tors, their  counselors,  who  were  deriving  a  revenue  in  shielding 
them  from  justice,  weak  men  who  had  but  little  at  stake  or  who 
could  be  influenced  by  the  specious  reasoning  of  those  directly 
interested  in  opposing  justice  and  speedy  punishment,  formed  a 
party  in  opposition  to  the  people,  for  the  Vigilance  Committee  was 
now  the  only  recognized  organ  of  the  people  as  a  body. — Yet  in 
spite  of  the  remonstrances  of  the  Courts,  the  maligners  of  those 
interested,  and  the  doubts  of  the  weak,  the  Committee  steadily 
persevered  in  their  work,  and  a  feeling  of  security  began  to  be  felt 
which  had  not  been  done  for  a  year  and  a  half  before.  Even  the  pul- 
pit came  forward  to  the  rescue,  and  ministers  of  the  gospel  were 
heard  from  the  sacred  desk  to  approve  of  the  acts  of  the  Vigilance 
Committee,  under  the  peculiar  circumstances  of  the  case.  The  ex- 
ample of  San  Francisco  was  speedily  followed  in  all  other  towns  in 
California,  and  Vigilance  Committees  were  formed  even  in  the 
mountains,  at  nearly  every  extensive  digging,  and  at  this  moment, 
while  the  constituted  authorities  are  endeavoring  to  throw  impedi- 
ments in  the  way  of  these  Committees,  thus  indirectly  encouraging 
the  commission  of  crime  which  they  cannot  punish,  these  associa- 
tions are  calmly  and  steadily  pursuing  their  object,  and  are  restor- 
ing a  degree  of  confidence  in  the  community  which  has  not  been 
felt  for  many  months. 

In  addition  to  other  benefits,  these  associations  have  had  the 


effect  of  instigating  the  Courts  to  renewed  energy  and  more  prompt 
execution  of  law  and  of  justice;  and  when  the  time  shall  arrive  that 
there  is  sufficient  honesty  and  power  in  the  Courts  to  faithfully  dis- 
charge their  duties  in  repressing  crime  and  bring  offenders  to  just- 
ice, they  will  at  once  resign  the  right  of  arrogating  to  themselves  the 
power  of  punishing  the  guilty  and  leave  it  with  those  whose  duty  it 
is  to  protect  the  honest  against  fraud  and  violence. 

By  the  indefatigable  energy  of  the  Vigilance  Committee  a  notori- 
ous robber  was  arrested,  and  the  proof  was  so  satisfactory  that  he 
was  condemned  to  death.  Previous  to  his  execution,  Stuart  con- 
fessed his  crimes,"  and  brought  to  light  what  had  long  been  sus- 
pected, that  organized  bands  of  desperadoes  existed,*  that  certain 
lawyers  were  engaged  to  protect  them  with  the  chicanery  of  the  law, 
and  men  of  standing  were  implicated  as  aiders  and  abettors  in  their 
nefarious  practices.  Upon  the  execution  of  Stuart  in  open  day  at  the 
instance  of  the  committee,  the  authorities  expressed  themselves  as 
being  highly  indignant  of  what  they  termed  an  outrage  (on  what? — 
their  authority? — certainly  not  on  justice).  A  grand  jury  was  im- 
paneled at  the  instance  of  the  Judge,7  who  charged  them  that  an 
awful  outrage  had  been  committed  in  thus  hanging  a  man  contrary 
to  law,  although  the  felon  had  confessed  himself  guilty  of  the  black- 
est crimes,  and  they  were  directed  to  bring  in  a  true  bill  of  indict- 
ment. The  Mayor,8  too,  came  out  with  a  proclamation  on  the  sub- 
ject, but  the  Committee,  disregarding  those  impotent  offerings  of 
spleen,  calmly  and  deliberately  pursued  the  even  tenor  of  their 
way,9  determined  that  justice  should  overtake  the  guilty. 

A  few  days  ago  at  Sacramento  City,  a  young  man  just  from  the 
mines,  named  Wilson,  was  robbed  in  open  daylight  by  four  despera- 
does who  decoyed  him  to  an  unfrequented  part  of  the  city.  An 
alarm  was  raised,  and  in  half  an  hour  the  robbers  were  in  the  hands 
of  the  Vigilance  Committee.  The  authorities  interfered  and  prom- 
ised most  solemnly  that  they  should  be  tried  immediately  without 
delay,  and  they  were  finally  given  up.  It  became  known  the  follow- 
ing day  that  the  trial  had  been  postponed  four  days  by  the  inter- 
ference of  the  lawyers,  when  the  people  assembled  and  in  a  deter- 
mined manner  called  upon  the  executors  of  the  law  to  redeem  their 
promises,  and  told  them  decidedly  that  unless  they  proceeded  at 
once  with  the  trial,  they  would  take  the  prisoners  themselves.  Seeing 
that  the  people  were  not  to  be  put  off  with  promises,  they  then  went 

6  James  Stuart,  arrested  for  murder  and  robbery,  was  hanged  by  the  Vigilance  Committee 
on  the  Market  Street  Wharf,  July  11,  1851.  Soule  et  al,  Annals,  314-315,  368,  578-582. 

7  Justice  Alexander  Campbell  (1820-1911)  of  the  county  court  of  sessions.  San  Francisco 
Alta  California,  June  13,  1851;  Chronicle,  July  7,  1911. 

8  Charles  J.  Brenham  (1817-1875).  San  Francisco  Alta  California,  July  12,  1851;  May 
11,  1875;  Soule  et  al,  Annals,  735-739. 

9  Gray,  Elegy. 


on  with  the  examination  according  to  law,  and  a  week  has  been 
dragged  along,  during  which  one  has  been  sentenced  to  ten  years' 
imprisonment,  two  to  be  hung,  and  one  remains  to  be  tried.  The 
testimony  is  positive,  as  the  robbery  was  witnessed  by  several  in- 
dividuals; yet,  had  not  the  Courts  been  urged  on  by  the  people, 
weeks  would  have,  in  all  probability,  been  consumed;  and  it  is  not 
at  all  improbable  that  the  villains  might  have  escaped.10 

And  such  is  the  present  condition  of  California.  With  a  beautiful 
climate,  abounding  in  the  elements  of  wealth  and  of  comfort,  it  is 
on  the  verge  of  anarchy  from  the  imbecility  of  its  rulers;  and  were 
it  not  for  the  stern  determination  of  the  honest  part  of  community 
to  rid  the  country  of  its  hideous  excrescences,  it  would  soon  resolve 
into  the  primitive  condition  of  society  when  justice  and  protection 
could  only  be  given  by  the  power  of  the  sword  and  the  will  of  the 
strong.  You  will  think  the  picture  too  highly  drawn.  You  will  think 
I  am  excited.  On  the  contrary,  I  am  of  a  dispassionate  tempera- 
ment, and  the  portrait  may  be  judged  by  every  public  account  which 
you  receive  through  the  press,  as  well  as  at  the  hands  of  returning 


A.  D. 

*On  the  4th  of  July  at  Nevada  City,  a  young  man  whom  I  had 
known  many  years  told  me  that  he  was  offered  seven  hundred  dol- 
lars a  month  to  steal  mules,  horses  and  cattle.  It  is  needless  to  say 
that  he  indignantly  refused. 

10  James  Wilson  was  robbed  of  two  hundred  dollars  on  July  9,  and  the  next  day  William 
Robinson,  John  Thompson,  James  Gibson,  and  Owen  Cruthers  were  indicted.  A  Vigilance 
Committee  was  organized,  July  11.  A  jury  convicted  Robinson,  July  15.  Robinson,  Gib- 
son, and  Thompson  were  sentenced  to  death,  July  20.  All  three  were  hanged,  August  22. 
Sacramento  Union,  July  10-12,  16,  21,  August  23,  1851. 


Sacramento  City,  August,  6,  185 1.1 

Gentlemen:  I  find  my  time  so  much  occupied  that  I  shall  be  un- 
able to  continue  my  correspondence  with  your  paper  and  of  course 
must  relinquish  all  claim  on  you  for  sending  your  paper  either  to 
me  or  to  my  friends  on  my  account. — Since  the  fire  of  the  4th  of 
May,2  I  have  been,  like  thousands  of  others,  a  gentleman  loafer, 
living  on  the  glories  which  were  left  after  the  fire  had  done  its  worst 
and  thinking  what  I  would  do  if  I  was  a  respectable  man — that  is, 

1  Free  Trader,  September  27,  1851. 

2  At  San  Francisco. 


if  I  had  money.  As  a  man's  merit  is  chiefly  measured  by  the  fullness 
of  his  purse,  my  claim  to  the  high  consideration  of  my  countrymen 
is  only  moderate;  but  I  console  myself  with  the  pleasing  reflection 
that  I  care  but  devilish  little  about  it.  I  have  just  read  two  numbers 
of  the  Free  Trader  and  a  letter  written  by  Mr.  Gum  to  Mr.  Keefer, 
by  which  I  see  that  you  are  blessed  with  floods,  scarcity  of  money, 
office  seekers,  and  high  life  below  stairs3  in  various  ways.  The  con- 
clusion that  we  come  to  here  is  that  no  man  knows  anything  unless 
he  has  been  to  California,  for  we  are  about  fifty  years  ahead  in 
knowledge  to  you  poor  deluded  mortals  at  home.  When  we  see  you 
chaffering  and  higgling  about  a  few  cents  in  county  operations  or  a 
half  a  cent  in  the  price  of  coal,  it  looks  mighty  small,  and  the  con- 
clusion we  come  to  is  that  you  are  a  picayune  people. 

Why,  I  haven't  seen  but  one  copper  cent  since  I  have  been  in  this 
country  and  that  gave  me  the  diarrhea.  I  gave  the  fellow  two  bits 
to  throw  it  away.  A  strange  convulsion  of  nature  has  recently  oc- 
curred here.  The  mountains  have  all  turned  into  gold,  and  instead 
of  digging  as  was  formerly  the  case,  and  living  on  pork  and  bread, 
all  you  have  to  do  is  to  load  up  a  wagon  with  rock  and  dine  on  mush 
and  milk  which  fill  the  gulches.  I've  written  truth  so  much  before 
that  I  can  afford  to  lie  a  little  now.  Well,  now  in  sober  earnest,  the 
streams  are  so  low  that  the  beds  can  be  worked  to  advantage,  and  a 
vast  amount  of  gold  will  be  taken  out,  more  than  in  any  previous 
season.  The  quartz  mining  is  becoming  profitable  and  begins  to  be 
worked  systematically — $  1 ,520  was  taken  from  one  mine  last  week. 
— All  of  our  company  have  sold  out  except  myself.  They  call  the 
trade  thirty  thousand  dollars.  I  still  hold  on  with  the  new  company 
and  am  to  superintend  the  mining  for  three  hundred  dollars  per 
month.  I  intended  to  have  come  home  this  fall,  but  as  I  want  fifteen 
barrels  of  gold,  I  must  wait  till  spring.  I  have  but  little  idea  of  ever 
coming  back  to  live,  and  somehow  the  conviction  is  forced  upon  my 
imagination  that  I  have  a  good  chance  here.  But  let  me  tell  you  one 
thing,  boys,  if  you  come  here  to  get  rich,  you  will  have  to  look  the 
elephant  square  in  the  face  in  some  shape  or  other. 

I  intend  to  get  married  next  week;  I  have  bribed  two  sheriffs  and 
four  auctioneers  to  buy  a  woman  or  two  at  the  first  auction  sale  of 
livestock.  Would  you  like  a  few  dozen?  They  are  of  but  little  account 
here,  and  although  there  is  quite  a  rush  of  them  from  the  States, 
they  will  find  the  market  glutted  and  will  be  compelled  to  work  for 
a  living  at  from  fifty  to  a  hundred  dollars  per  month  on  their  arrival. 
They  had  better  stay  at  home.  The  squaws  have  vastly  improved  the 
Bloomer  dresses.  From  neck  to  heels  they  wear  only  a  small  grass 
apron.  This  they  say  does  not  impede  the  free  use  of  their  limbs  and 
is  much  more  comfortable  in  hot  weather;  besides  'tain't  half  the 

3  Cf.  High  Life  Below  Stairs,  a  popular  farce  by  James  Townley,  first  produced  in  Lon- 
don, 1759. 


trouble  to  dress  and  undress. — Pshaw!  what's  the  use  of  dictating  to 
women  what  dress  they  shall  wear?  They'd  do  as  they  please  any- 
how. I  intend  to  let  all  my  wives  take  their  own  way  and  thereby 
save  myself  a  hatchelling. 

Murder,  robberies  and  gambling  is  on  the  wane.  The  glorious 
Vigilance  Committees  are  teaching  the  courts  their  duty,  and  order 
is  coming  out  of  chaos  and  confusion. 

Had  Milton  lived  now  he  would  have  placed  the  scene  of  the 
grand  combat  in  California;  at  all  events  his  devils  would  have 
found  plenty  of  ammunition  here. 

There  is  no  suffering  on  the  plains  this  year  so  far.  But  '49  and 
'50  will  afford  a  thrilling  theme  for  some  future  historian.  Saw 
Keefer  just  now — he  is  doing  well,  and  I  am  glad  of  it.  He  is  an 
energetic,  industrious  man,  and  has  the  milk  of  human  kindness  in 
his  veins.  I  saw  Pete  Hoes  at  Grass  Valley  last  week — is  doing  noth- 
ing, and  probably  will  not.4  I  haven't  got  to  drinking,  stealing  or 
gambling  yet,  but  expect  to  commence  in  a  day  or  two. 

There  is  lots  of  news,  but  the  papers  have  it  all,  and  letter-writers 
are  getting  below  par. — Money  is  scarce  and  taters  is  fell.5 

Yours,  &c, 

A.  Delano. 

4  Peter  Hoes,  of  Ottawa.  He  was  reported  to  have  been  in  San  Francisco  in  September, 
1849.  Free  Trader,  December  7,  1849. 

5  I.e.,  fallen  in  price. 



Grass  Valley,  August  30,  1851.1 

Once  more  a  miner — once  more  a  delver  in  earth  in  search  of  its 
hidden  treasures.  Speculation,  merchandise,  literary  efforts,  idling 
and  the  various  employments  which  men  are  forced  into  in  this  un- 
paralleled country,  unparalleled  for  good  and  evil,  have  again  set- 
tled into  primitive  operations,  and  I  am  again  a  mountaineer,  my 
castle  a  cabin,  my  frills  a  red  shirt,  my  hope  in  the  mines,  and  my 
heart  with  my  family  beyond  the  Missouri.  But  gracious  heaven! 
what  a  change  two  years  has  produced. 

When  I  detailed  to  you,  in  my  first  letters,  the  toils  and  hard- 
ships of  the  miner  exemplified  in  my  own  experience,  I  little  thought 
that  in  so  brief  a  space  of  time  such  a  mighty  change  would  occur. 
Where  we  then  climbed  mountains  weary  and  fainting  under  the 
heavy  loads  we  carried  on  our  backs,  where  by  difficult  paths  a  mule 
brought  us  our  hard  and  homely  fare,  where  the  bare  means  of  ex- 
istence was  all  we  expected — now  good  roads  are  opened  with  daily 
stages  running  over  them  from  the  principal  towns  in  the  Valley; 
these  roads  are  lined  with  comfortable  houses  for  the  accommoda- 
tion of  travellers,  where  the  luxuries  of  life  may  be  had  in  profusion, 
and  a  vast  number  of  teams  loaded  with  all  the  necessaries  and 
comforts  for  man  are  constantly  passing.  Villages  and  towns  are 
springing  up  among  the  hills  which  exhibit  the  life  and  bustle  of 
trading  towns,  and  society,  though  by  no  means  purified  of  its 
excrescences,  begins  to  assume  the  form  of  civilization.  Immense 
works  are  undertaken  which  might  daunt  the  resolution  of  wealthy 
capitalists  at  home,  and  are  carried  through  with  success.  In  short, 
in  every  direction  you  behold  a  sublime  spectacle  of  the  energy  and 
indomitable  perseverance  of  a  free  people,  who  think  and  act  for 
themselves,  and  make  science  and  art  their  slaves  in  securing  the 
talisman  of  Earth — gold.  Rivers  and  creeks  are  turned  from  their 
channels  and  carried  by  canals  miles  along  mountains,  over  hills, 
across  gulches,  by  means  of  aqueducts,  for  forty  miles  or  more,  thus 
distributing  the  indispensable  element  to  the  miner  for  separating 
the  gold  from  the  earth  and  opening  to  man  rich  deposits  which 
could  not  be  worked  without  water. 

The  water  of  Deer  Creek  is  thus  turned  and  by  ditches,  troughs 
and  hose  is  carried  many  miles  in  various  directions,  giving  em- 
ployment to  thousands  who  without  it  would  be  idle;  and  a  canal  is 
in  progress,  to  be  forty  miles  in  length,  which  will  turn  the  water  of 
Bear  River  from  its  bed  for  a  similar  purpose,  as  well  as  expose  its 

1  True  Delta,  October  8,  1851. 


own  rich  deposits  to  the  miner.  Another  gigantic  scheme  was  in 
agitation,  and  the  stock  of  the  company  was  subscribed.  This  was 
to  turn  the  Yuba  for  similar  purposes,  high  in  the  mountains,  with 
a  canal  of  sufficient  capacity  to  float  lumber  and  ice  to  the  Valley. 
It  was  then  projected  to  continue  the  canal  across  the  plain  to  the 
mouth  of  the  American  River,  thus  supplying  Sacramento  City  with 
lumber  and  ice — the  latter  an  essential  article  in  this  fervid  climate. 
The  engineer  assured  me  the  route  and  work  were  feasible,  except 
about  forty  or  fifty  rods,  where  it  would  have  to  pass  along  a  per- 
pendicular canon  so  high  that  there  were  no  means  of  erecting 
works  for  a  flume,  and  so  many  difficulties  presented  themselves  at 
that  point  which  seemed  to  require  the  whole  wealth  of  California 
to  overcome,  that  the  plan  was  reluctantly  abandoned,  for  the 
present  at  least. 

Since  the  discovery  of  gold  in  its  matrix,  which  are  the  quartz 
veins  extending  apparently  through  the  whole  length  and  breadth 
of  the  country,  a  new  impulse  has  been  given  to  the  energies  of 
Californians.  There  is  at  this  place  perhaps  more  machinery  in 
active  operation  at  this  time  than  at  any  other  point  in  the  State, 
although  it  is  highly  probable  that  many  other  places  are  quite  as 
rich  which  still  remain  undiscovered.  At  this  time  there  are  six 
steam  quartz  mills  and  one  water  mill  in  operation,  and  one  steam 
mill  and  another  water-crushing  mill  are  in  progress  of  erection. 
Instead  of  one  hill  and  one  vein  of  quartz,  it  appears  by  examina- 
tion that  many  veins  exist  in  nearly  all  the  hills  in  this  region,  and 
this  gives  such  a  certainty  for  continuing  operations  for  a  term  of 
years — a  permanency  of  business —  that  the  mountain  valleys  are 
being  taken  up  for  farms  and  cultivated;  good  buildings  are  erected 
in  the  villages,  and  this  hitherto  wild  and  inhospitable  mountain 
country  is  fast  assuming  the  settled  condition  of  the  active,  bustling, 
yet  permanent  towns  of  the  iron  mountains  of  Pennsylvania. 

Notwithstanding  the  horde  of  villains  who  throng  in  our  midst, 
the  high  character  of  the  miners  and  operatives  for  intelligence  and 
various  acquirements  still  deservedly  continues.  Among  them  I  have 
for  a  neighbor  and  friend,  Mr.  Frederick  M.  Catherwood,  cele- 
brated the  world  over  as  an  artist  and  traveler.2  You  would  little 
dream  that  that  modest,  quiet  man,  standing  by  that  puffing,  stamp- 
ing, noisy  crushing  mill,  without  a  particle  of  ostentation  in  his 
manner,  dressed  in  a  plain,  coarse,  drab  corduroy  dreadnought  coat 
and  pants,  with  high  coarse  leather  boots  reaching  above  his  knees, 
his  head  covered  with  a  broadbrim  California  hat  and  his  somewhat 

2  (1799-1856).  A  native  of  England,  Catherwood  was  also  a  railroad  promoter.  He  came 
to  San  Francisco  in  1849,  took  an  active  interest  in  a  Panama  railroad,  and  was  now 
associated  with  the  Benicia-Marysville  railroad  survey.  He  returned  to  England  in  1852 
and  was  lost  on  the  steamer  Pacific,  never  heard  of  after  leaving  Liverpool  for  New  York 
in  1856.  Frederick  Boase,  Modern  English  Biography  (3  vols.,  London,  1892-1901),  I, 
571;  Victor  W.  Von  Hagen,  Frederick  Catherwood,  Archt.  (New  York,  1950),  3,  110-113. 


prominent  nose  bridging  a  pair  of  spectacles,  was  the  artist  who 
illustrated  the  admirable  works  of  Stephens'  Petraea  and  Yucatan, 
with  drawings  taken  on  the  spot.3  It  is  even  he,  and  if  you  would 
make  him  blush,  why  speak  to  him  of  his  works?  He  has  too  much 
modesty  to  intrude  himself  on  your  notice,  but  if  you  will  draw  him 
out  you  will  find  him  a  gentleman  as  well  as  an  artist,  and  he  is  the 
president  of  his  company  and  one  of  the  proprietors  of  the  mill. 

A  year  ago  there  were  no  inhabitants  here. — Occasionally  a  soli- 
tary miner  might  be  seen  resting  his  weary  limbs  in  the  shade  of  a 
magnificent  pine,  or  while  prospecting  under  the  weight  of  his 
blankets,  mining  tools  and  transient  supply  of  pork  and  hard  bread, 
keeping  a  cautious  watch  with  his  hand  on  his  trusty  rifle  to  guard 
against  surprise,  not  knowing  but  in  another  instant  an  arrow  from 
the  bow  of  some  lurking  treacherous  savage  might  terminate  his 
toil  and  earthly  career  at  one  and  the  same  moment.  Now  in  this 
immediate  vicinity  there  are  probably  two  thousand  men  at  work, 
with  all  the  comforts  of  life  within  their  reach,  and  the  only  danger 
is  from  the  robber  and  midnight  assassin,  and  these  are  now  held  in 
check.  Families  are  coming  in,  and  although  female  influence  is  but 
little  felt,  still  the  germ  is  laid,  and  the  lower  mines  will  soon  present 
that  feature  in  the  happiness  of  isolated  man. 

I  must  confess,  however,  that  my  former  ideas  of  the  purity  and 
stern  morality  of  the  opposite  sex  have  been  somewhat  lowered — 
perhaps  my  ideas  have  been  too  exalted — but  it  too  often  happens 
here  that  females  who  have  borne  unexceptionable  characters  at 
home  adopt  the  code  of  morals  of  the  country  and  instead  of  en- 
deavoring to  stem  the  current,  float  along  with  it.  I  am  no  casuist 
and  will  not  seek  for  the  cause.  This  sentiment  may  draw  down 
upon  me  the  frowns  of  my  fair  countrywomen  at  home,  but  I  can't 
help  it,  and  as  I  am  no  candidate  for  even  a  place  in  their  affections, 
I  shall  take  the  world  as  I  find  it  and  ask  no  favors. 

Near  us  is  an  Indian  ranch  filled  with  dirty,  squalid,  disgusting 
savages,  but  as  I  have  given  you  a  picture  of  Indian  life,  I  will  not 
advert  to  it  now.  They  are  peaceable  and  quiet,  and  their  chief  is 
friendly  to  the  whites.  The  nights  are  getting  cold,  and  my  blankets 
are  scarcely  sufficient  to  keep  me  warm,  but  the  days  are  hot. 

A.  D. 

3  John  Lloyd  Stephens  (1805-1852).  Known  as  "the  American  traveler,"  he  wrote  Inci- 
dents of  Travel  in  Egypt,  Arabia,  Petraea,  and  the  Holy  Land  (2  vols.,  New  York,  1838) ; 
Incidents  of  Travel  in  Central  America,  Chiapas,  and  Yucatan  (2  vols.,  New  York,  1841), 
with  sixty-five  plates  by  Catherwood;  and  Incidents  of  Travel  in  Yucatan  (2  vols.,  New 
York,  1843).  Stephens  was  also  a  steamship  and  railroad  executive,  associated  with  a 
transatlantic  line,  the  Hudson  River  Railroad,  and  the  Panama  Railroad;  he  went  with 
Catherwood  to  South  America  in  1839  on  a  confidential  mission  for  President  Van  Buren. 
Dictionary  of  American  Biography. 


Grass  Valley,  September  29,  1851.1 

Science  is  progressive.  The  wonderful  development  of  the  power 
of  steam  by  Fulton  was  only  the  prelude  to  vast  and  material  im- 
provement, until  it  has  at  length  reached  the  perfection  exhibited  at 
the  present  day.  It  is  so  in  mechanics — it  is  the  same  in  astronomy, 
in  geology;  it  will  be  so  in  mining  and  its  modus  operandi.  On  the 
first  discovery  of  gold  in  the  placers  of  California,  the  first  mode  of 
washing  was  by  the  pan;  then  a  rough  rocker  was  substituted,  which 
was  subsequently  much  improved,  and  quicksilver  introduced.  This 
was  succeeded  by  the  Long  Tom  and  then  by  the  sluice,  by  which 
it  was  found  that  dirt  which  would  not  pay  by  the  pan  or  rocker 
yielded  a  handsome  profit,  and  ground  which  had  been  passed  over 
as  worthless  was  found  to  contain  gold  in  such  quantities  that  for- 
tunes were  made.  When  the  first  quartz  veins  were  worked  the 
specimens,  or  those  pieces  in  which  gold  was  visible  only,  were 
saved,  and  these  were  pounded  out  by  hand,  until  by  repeated  ex- 
periments and  the  introduction  of  machinery  it  was  found  that  much 
of  the  rock  which  had  been  discarded  was  really  rich  and  contained 
gold  enough  to  make  its  extraction  a  profitable  labor.  Another  dis- 
covery followed,  that  the  dirt  in  immediate  proximity  with,  and  in 
which  the  quartz  was  imbedded,  was  rich,  often  richer  than  the 
quartz  itself,  and  it  was  not  until  many  tons  had  been  thrown  away 
or  mixed  up  with  valueless  dirt  that  this  fact  became  known,  and 

1  True  Delta,  November  5,  1851. 


now,  on  visiting  a  mine,  you  will  see  its  pile  of  quartz  on  one  side 
and  its  pay  dirt,  as  it  is  termed,  on  the  other.  The  first  mill  erected 
here  was  a  small  one,  by  water  power,  which  proved  a  failure.  This 
proceeded  from  the  want  of  a  proper  application  of  the  power.  The 
next  was  a  twelve-horsepower  steam  engine,  which  was  abandoned 
or  sold  out  by  the  company,  after  involving  them  in  debt.  Another 
steam  mill  of  the  same  power  was  put  into  operation  and  by  being 
properly  constructed  and  prudently  managed,  was  successful,  and 
this  company  became  the  purchasers  of  the  first  steam  mill,  and 
after  spending  money  enough  to  get  it  into  the  right  condition  and 
making  such  improvements  in  the  mode  of  saving  gold  as  were 
suggested  by  their  experiments,  this  mill  was  made  effective. 

Other  mills  were  then  erected,  having  the  benefit  of  the  experi- 
ence of  the  pioneers,  and  they  have  gradually  improved  one  upon 
the  other,  until  all  are  now  able  to  save  much  more  of  the  precious 
metal  than  it  was  possible  to  do  in  the  first  experiment — enabling 
them  to  crush  poorer  rock  and  at  less  prices  than  at  first,  and  make 
a  profit  to  themselves  and  to  the  miner. 

Experience  develops  facts,  too,  which  are  of  the  utmost  import- 
ance to  those  who  would  engage  in  gold  working.  The  estimates  of 
the  capabilities  of  the  machines  for  crushing  have  generally  been 
too  high — where  it  was  confidently  asserted  that  thirty  and  forty 
tons  of  rock  could  be  crushed  in  a  day,  it  is  found  that  ten  to  fifteen 
is  the  result,  by  the  power  applied,  and  when  the  power  of  the  engine 
has  been  called  from  twenty-five  to  thirty-five  or  forty  horse,  it  may 
go  from  fifteen  to  twenty  or  twenty-five.  Sufficient  power  is  abso- 
lutely important,  and  too  much  is  far  preferable  to  too  little.  The 
expense  of  running  an  hundred-horsepower  engine  is  but  a  trifle 
more  than  that  of  a  ten-horse,  being  chiefly  in  the  amount  of  fuel 
consumed,  and  when  forty  or  fifty  tons  of  rock  is  actually  crushed 
in  a  day,  the  profit  to  the  mill  as  well  as  to  the  miner  is  proportion- 
ably  great.  Poorer  rock  can  be  worked,  and  at  a  less  price,  and  it  is 
a  mistaken  idea  to  suppose  that  all  veins  are  equally  auriferous. 
Some  will  yield  little  or  nothing,  others  will  barely  pay,  while  some 
are  decidedly  rich,  and  these  varieties  not  unfrequently  occur  in  the 
same  hill,  and  there  is  a  difference,  too,  in  the  same  vein,  but  so  far 
as  my  experience  goes,  the  same  vein  will  give  a  fair  general  aver- 
age. While  some  veins  will  yield  an  average  of  five  cents,  others  will 
give  only  three,  two,  or  perhaps  less,  and  a  mill  of  forty  horsepower 
can  make  money  in  working  a  medium  average  of  rock,  while  a  ten- 
horse  would  run  in  debt.  Instead  of  there  being  a  single  general  vein 
running  through  the  country,  with  lateral  veins,  as  I  once  supposed, 
we  find  several  veins  often  in  the  same  hill,  some  rich,  some  of 
medium  value,  others  of  little  value.  An  experienced  eye  will  detect 
the  quality  of  the  rock  at  a  glance;  that  is,  he  can  tell  with  much 
probability  whether  the  vein  will  pay  for  working  or  not,  and  if 


there  is  doubt,  he  can  determine  by  a  simple  process  with  much 
certainty,  so  that  money  and  labor  may  be  saved  before  large  in- 
vestments are  made.  And  in  prospecting  too,  a  man  accustomed  to 
it  will  find  the  locality  of  a  ledge  by  a  process  he  can  hardly  explain, 
where  others  would  pass  it  unnoticed.  There  are  mills  here  which 
are  working  on  three  different  principles.  First — the  stampers,  by 
steam;  second — a  small  water  mill  with  six  stampers  on  the  trip- 
hammer principle,  with  a  flutter  wheel  about  thirty  inches  in  diam- 
eter, in  which  there  is  a  great  waste  of  power  as  it  is  arranged;  and 
the  third  is  upon  the  Chilian  system,  having  four  upright  crushing 
wheels,  the  individual  weight  of  which  can  be  made  to  reach  twenty- 
five  hundred  pounds.  This  last  is  nearly  ready  to  run.  The  two  first 
do  the  work  very  well;  as  for  the  last,  if  I  may  be  allowed  to  hazard 
an  opinion,  it  will,  I  think,  be  found  that  it  will  crush  the  rock  ad- 
mirably, as  well  perhaps  as  is  desired,  but  that  it  cannot  crush  as 
great  an  amount  in  a  given  time  as  the  stampers.  Still  this  remains 
to  be  seen.  One  apparent  advantage  that  it  suggests  is  that  the 
amalgamation  proceeds  with  the  crushing,  and  hot  water  will  be 
used,  which  will  expand  the  quicksilver,  giving  it  a  greater  surface 
and  consequently  collecting  more  gold  than  by  the  ordinary  amal- 
gamating process.  Another  water  mill  is  in  progress  of  erection 
about  two  miles  below  here  by  Mr.  Kelley,  having  a  water  wheel  of 
thirty  feet  in  diameter,  where  there  will  be  not  only  a  great  saving 
of  power  but  thousands  of  dollars  a  year  in  the  way  of  wood,  engi- 
neers, firemen,  wood-choppers,  &c,  &c.  His  mill  will  probably  work 
as  well  as  any  in  this  vicinity. 

Experiment  has  proved  that  only  about  one  half  of  the  gold  is 
now  saved  by  the  improvements  which  have  been  made  since  the 
commencement  of  operations.  A  small  quantity  of  rock  which  had 
been  worked  over  was  submitted  to  chemical  analysis,  when  it 
yielded  in  addition  at  the  rate  of  ninety  dollars  per  ton,  showing  that 
an  ample  field  for  investigation  and  experiment  is  still  open  to  the 
scientific  and  ingenious.  You  will  frequently  hear  of  rich  specimens 
being  found  in  quartz.  This  is  so,  but  do  not  confound  this  with  the 
average  yield. — All  paying  veins  will  occasionally  produce  rich 
specimens,  and  although  it  is  desirable  to  see  gold  visible  to  the 
naked  eye  in  quartz,  it  is  not  necessary  in  order  to  determine 
whether  it  contains  gold  or  not. 

I  do  not  know  that  any  positive  maximum  of  the  amount  which 
an  engine  can  crush  or  not  has  been  arrived  at,  but  suppose  it  will 
be  from  half  a  ton  to  a  ton  to  the  single  horsepower,  carrying  the 
necessary  gearing  and  machinery.  But  one  thing  is  certain,  power- 
ful engines  are  more  profitable  than  small  ones,  and  I  think  that  in 
a  short  time  the  small  engines  in  the  country  will  be  abandoned,  to 
be  superseded  by  more  powerful  ones.  Lest  I  be  thought  too  prolix, 
I  will  bring  this  subject  to  a  close,  only  observing  that  what  I  write 


or  have  written  has  been  according  to  the  best  information  I  could 
obtain  at  the  time.  Since  my  first  communication  on  quartz  mining, 

1  have  acquired  more  particular  knowledge.  It  still  continues  to 
excite  a  lively  interest  in  our  State.  Among  other  distinguished  visi- 
tors to  Grass  Valley,  General  Atocha,-  of  whom  you  are  cognizant, 
has  made  a  tour  of  observation,  and  it  gave  me  pleasure  to  afford 
him  all  the  knowledge  I  possessed  of  mines  and  mining.  I  found  him 
an  intelligent  and  agreeable  gentleman,  with  enlarged  views  and  a 
mind  capable  of  forming  and  carrying  out  great  designs,  and  I  have 
spent  no  time  more  agreeably  in  California  than  the  two  evenings 
and  one  day  that  we  were  together.  I  sincerely  hope  that  the  result 
of  his  investigations  may  prove  profitable  both  to  himself  and 
Mexico.  Ex-Governor  Blanshard,  of  Vancouver  Island,3  and  Cap- 
tain Fanshawe,  of  the  British  Navy,4  were  here  at  the  same  time,  and 
all  seemed  delighted  with  their  visit.  It  is  a  pleasure  to  meet  gentle- 
men of  any  nation. 

The  Sierra  Nevada  Quartz  Mining  Company,  of  which  I  have 
spoken  in  a  former  communication,  have  sold  out  their  mine  to  Dr. 
J.  Delavan,  the  agent  of  the  Rocky  Bar  Company,5  and  he  is  erect- 
ing machinery  and  driving  ahead  with  characteristic  Yankee  energy. 
— Some  of  the  mills  have  taken  out  eight  hundred  to  a  thousand 
dollars  per  day,  though  this  must  always  vary  according  to  the 
quality  of  the  rock  and  other  circumstances;  some  days  more,  some 
days  less. 

A.  Delano. 

2  Colonel  A.  J.  Atocha  was  the  personal  representative  of  General  Antonio  Lopez  de 
Santa  Anna  in  the  U.  S.,  1846-1848.  Wilfrid  H.  Callcott,  Santa  Anna  (Norman,  Okla- 
homa, 1936),  230,  248,  262. 

3  Richard  Blanshard,  first  governor  of  Vancouver,  left  the  island  August  27,  1851,  to  re- 
turn to  England.  Bancroft,  History  of  British  Columbia,  1792-1887  (San  Francisco, 
1887),  265-282. 

4  Edward  G.  Fanshawe  (1814-1906),  captain,  Royal  Navy,  1845;  rear  admiral,  1863; 
lord  of  the  admiralty,  1865;  vice  admiral,  1871;  K.  C.  B.,  1881.  Dictionary  of  National 
Biography,  Second  Supplement. 

5  Dr.  James  Delavan.  Sacramento  Placer  Times,  November  24,  1849.  The  Rocky  Bar 
Company  was  "memorable  as  the  first  of  its  class  to  mine  on  a  large  scale  in  the  pockets 
of  Eastern  investors."  Pen-Knife  Sketches,  xiii. 



Shasta  City,  October  20,  1851.1 

The  air  was  bracing  but  not  cold  when  at  sunrise  on  the  morning 
of  the  4th,  I  took  a  seat  with  the  driver  on  the  box  of  the  stage  for 
Shasta  City,  whose  locale  is  among  the  foothills  and  at  the  very 
southern  base  of  that  rugged  broken  range  of  mountains  which 
stretch  from  the  extreme  northern  end  of  the  Valley  of  the  Sacra- 
mento through  to  Oregon,  and  thence  in  wild  and  solemn  grandeur 
through  the  British  and  Russian  possessions  in  North  America,  and 
interrupted  only  by  the  narrow  Strait  of  Behring  into  Asia.  Cross- 
ing the  Sacramento  as  we  left  town,  we  were  soon  gaily  rolling  over 
the  bosom  of  the  broad  Valley,  with  the  bold  dark  outline  of  the 
Coast  Range  looming  up  on  the  west,  and  on  the  east  the  Sierra 
Nevada  with  its  broad  foothills  seemed  gradually  to  rise  till  at  a 
great  distance  it  blended  with  the  sky  like  sombre  clouds  without 
indicating  its  own  extreme  altitude,  still  presenting  a  prominent  and 
vivid  component  part  in  the  charming  view.  Occasionally  we  were 
driving  along  the  banks  of  the  river  through  groves  of  evergreen  oak 
and  then  launching  out  into  a  tule  swamp  miles  in  length,  over- 
flowed by  the  river  in  flood  seasons,  making  a  large  lake,  when  about 
eleven  o'clock  we  reached  the  city  of  Fremont,  our  first  change.2 
This  important  town  is  situated  near  the  confluence  of  Rio  de  las 
Plumas  (Feather  River)  with  the  Sacramento,  and  stands  an  ex- 
ample of  the  speculative  energy  of  the  Calif ornians  of  '49.  Like 
every  other  town  on  a  navigable  stream  it  is  at  the  head  of  naviga- 
tion, though  steamboats  do  run  an  hundred  miles  above.  It  contains 
about  forty  houses,  twelve  of  which  are  occupied  by  families;  the 
others  are  to  rent  on  easy  terms  to  any  who  would  like  a  quiet  nook 
far  from  the  noise  and  bustle  of  the  city.  In  the  fall  and  winter  of 
'49  it  possessed  extensive  water  privileges,  for  during  the  overflow 
the  communications  between  the  houses  was  by  means  of  boats,  and 
an  acquaintance  of  mine  who  was  the  wealthy  proprietor  of  eight 
hundreds  lots  in  the  city  assured  me  the  fishing  on  them  was  ex- 
cellent. For  any  person  desirous  of  making  a  permanent  investment 
an  excellent  opportunity  is  offered  here. 

Leaving  Fremont  with  its  reminiscences,  we  drove  along  the 
Sacramento  for  a  few  miles,  when  our  road  launched  out  upon  the 
plain,  where  for  fifty  miles  there  was  no  water,  only  in  wells  dug  at 

1  True  Delta,  December  7,  1851. 

2  A  town  across  the  Sacramento  River  from  Verona  (formerly  Vernon).  Fremont  was 
founded  in  1849  and  abandoned  not  long  after  Delano's  visit.  H.  E.  and  E.  G.  Rensch 
and  Mildred  B.  Hoover,  Historic  Spots  in  California:  Valley  and  Sierra  Counties  (Stan- 
ford, 1933),  535. 


intervals  of  eighteen  to  twenty  miles,  and  where  much  of  the  way 
the  tules  and  vegetable  mould  indicated  submersion  in  flood  season, 
making  it  by  no  means  a  desirable  location  for  the  biped  creation. 
The  plain  was  dotted  with  large  herds  of  elk,  antelope,  and  deer 
which  in  seeming  security  scarcely  moved  beyond  gunshot  from  us, 
barely  raising  their  heads  with  curiosity  as  we  passed,  as  if  to  en- 
quire what  the  devil  we  were  doing  on  their  stamping  ground,  while 
we  on  our  part  were  smacking  our  lips  with  the  poetic  thought  of  a 
broiled  steak  from  their  haunches.  About  sixty  miles  above  Sacra- 
mento City,  between  the  Sacramento  and  Feather  rivers  and  about 
midway  of  the  plain,  rises  a  strange,  queer,  isolated  old  mountain 
called  the  Buttes,3  that  looks  as  if  it  had  been  one  of  the  hills  which 
the  fallen  angels  had  used  for  ammunition  in  Milton's  Paradise 
Lost.  There  it  stands,  where  the  Valley  is  twenty  miles  wide  on 
either  side,  lifting  its  bare,  craggy,  misshapen,  undescribable  brown 
peaks  two  thousand  feet  towards  heaven,  baring  its  rough  brows  to 
the  elements,  its  furrowed  and  rent  sides  attesting  the  power  of  time 
and  might  of  the  Almighty,  and  a  beacon  to  the  bewildered  traveler 
on  the  plain.  It  is  one  of  the  strange  things  of  California  which  defies 
my  power  of  description,  and  the  only  way  I  can  get  at  it  is  to  leave 
a  blank  thus, 

and  let  you  fill  it  with  an  artist's  pencil  to  suit  your  own  imagining. 
As  the  sun  disappeared  behind  the  dark  hills  of  the  Coast  Range, 
his  rays  still  shone  brightly  on  the  high  crest  of  the  Buttes,  and  it 
seemed  as  if  twilight  was  approaching  before  the  old  mountain  gave 
up  the  contest  for  light  and  fairly  bade  us  good  night.  A  little  after 
dark  we  were  sitting  down  to  a  glorious  supper  at  the  city  of  Colusa, 
a  thriving  capital  of  just  twelve  houses,  beautifully  situated  on  the 
west  bank  of  the  river  and  of  course  at  the  head  of  navigation — that 
is,  for  steamboats  that  don't  run  higher.  Adjoining  the  town  is  a 
large  village  of  Indians.4 1  was  strolling  along  the  river  by  starlight 
after  having  discussed  a  savory  elk  steak,  when  I  was  startled  by  an 
unearthly  yell,  a  sound  of  lamentation  from  the  direction  of  the 
Indian  village.  Curious  to  know  the  cause  of  this  sudden  outcry,  I 
bent  my  steps  in  that  direction.  Before  every  lodge  were  seated 
several  women  and  children  who  were  piteously  lamenting  with  tears 
of  grief  coursing  down  their  cheeks,  while  in  groups  the  men  sat 
silent  or  talking  in  subdued  tones,  and  I  never  saw  a  whole  com- 
munity who  seemed  more  grief-stricken  than  these  untutored  and 
naked  savages.  An  old  warrior  replied  to  my  enquiry  by  informing 
me  that  five  of  their  men  had  accompanied  a  gentleman  of  Colusa 
to  the  mines  to  dig  for  gold.  Four  of  them  had  set  out  on  their  return 

3  Sutter  Buttes,  Colusa  County. 

4  Wintun  Indians.  Kroeber,  Handbook  of  the  Indians  of  California,  351-390. 


alone,  when  they  were  assaulted  by  the  mountain  Indians  and  two 
of  them  killed;  the  others,  making  their  escape,  had  just  arrived  with 
the  sad  intelligence.  With  them  it  was  a  national  calamity  and  their 
grief  was  as  sincere  as  it  was  touching.  And  death  was  rife  among 
them.  Supported  in  the  arms  of  three  or  four  squaws  a  woman  was 
dying.  The  death  rattle  was  in  her  throat,  and  before  morning  she 
too  was  numbered  with  the  dead.  All  night  long  the  wailings  were 
continued,  and  as  we  left  early  the  following  morning  we  observed 
a  large  circle  of  squaws  dancing  a  slow  and  measured  tread  around 
the  body  of  their  departed  sister.  May  the  Great  Spirit  be  propi- 
tiated and  the  soul  of  the  poor  savage  be  made  happy  according  to 
its  capacity. 

Our  nearest  approach  to  the  Coast  Range  was  probably  not 
nearer  than  fifteen  miles.  We  could  see  that  a  range  of  lesser  but 
rugged  hills  extended  along  the  base  of  the  main  range  with  appar- 
ently a  valley  between  them,  but  from  this  the  mountains  seemed  to 
rise  in  broken  and  abrupt  masses  to  a  great  height,  more  like  the 
Sierra,  from  the  desert  on  the  eastern  side  of  the  snowy  mountains. 
They  appear  too  broken  to  admit  of  a  wagon  road,  and  only  here 
and  there  show  signs  of  vegetation,  but  up  to  this  time  it  is  a  sealed 
and  mysterious  country  opening  a  new  field  of  enterprise  and  of  toil 
to  some  future  explorer.  All  I  could  learn  was  that  a  party  of  men 
had  once  attempted  to  make  explorations.  They  were  gone  from 
home  six  days,  had  ascertained  that  gold  existed  in  the  hills,  that 
there  were  fine  valleys  with  beautiful  streams  flowing  through  them 
and  an  abundance  of  magnificent  pines,  but  that  the  country  was 
inhabited  by  bold  and  warlike  tribes  who  were  hostile  and  treacher- 
ous and  that  an  ingress  among  those  lofty  hills  was  attended  with 
difficulty  and  danger.5  But  the  time  will  soon  come  when  the  atten- 
tion of  the  indomitable  Yankee  will  be  diverted  from  the  eastern 
mountains  towards  the  West,  and  then  the  tales  of  suffering,  of  toil 
and  blood,  of  savage  warfare  and  Christian  cupidity,  will  find  a 
locale  in  the  broad,  broken  belt  between  the  Pacific  Ocean  and  the 
Valley  of  the  Sacramento.  As  we  approached  the  termination  of  the 
Valley  towards  the  close  of  the  third  day,  the  ground  became  more 
uneven,  and  near  Red  Bluff  we  entered  the  foothills  which  were  the 
stepping  stones  to  the  united  ranges  of  the  Coast  and  Sierra  Nevada 
mountains.  On  the  left  were  the  lofty,  rugged  peaks  of  the  Coast, 
before  us  the  Trinity  and  Sacramento  mountains  stood  out  in  bold 
relief,  and  on  the  east  and  north  the  Sierra  was  surmounted  by  the 
snow-clad  points  of  Lawson's  Peak  and  Shasta  Butte,  the  latter  ris- 
ing like  a  white  cloud  an  hundred  and  twenty  miles  distant,  attain- 
ing the  immense  altitude  of  thirteen  thousand  feet.G  The  road  be- 

5  The  Lassik  Indians  inhabited  Mendocino  County.  Ibid.,  143-144. 

6  Mount  Shasta  is  actually  14,161  feet  high. 


came  more  broken,  the  hills  higher,  till  at  dark  we  arrived  at  Shasta 
City,  the  extreme  point  attainable  by  wagons  in  this  direction  in  the 
mountains.  Beyond  this,  mules  alone  can  thread  the  narrow  and 
intricate  passes  of  the  hills,  and  the  constant  arrival  and  departure 
of  large  pack  trains  with  supplies  for  thousands  of  miners  in  that 
isolated  country  gave  the  town  an  appearance  of  life  and  bustle 
quite  unexpected. 

Here  the  stores  were  well  filled  with  merchandise,  the  hotels 
afforded  comfortable  quarters  and  their  tables  were  loaded  with  not 
only  the  comforts  but  the  luxuries  of  California,  and  the  dream  of 
hardship  is  only  to  be  realized  in  the  mountain  country  beyond. 
From  this  point  northward  it  is  necessary  to  go  with  some  show  of 
force  and  to  keep  a  constant  guard  at  night  to  prevent  attacks  from 
the  Indians,  and  during  the  day  it  is  not  safe  to  leave  the  train  even 
for  a  short  distance.  Yet  an  hundred  and  fifty  miles  north  of  Shasta 
City  is  a  rich  valley,  thirty  to  fifty  miles  long  by  three  to  five  wide, 
taking  its  name  from  the  gigantic  Butte  at  its  head  and  affording  a 
local  habitation,  even  in  this  distant  and  isolated  region,  for  another 
town  of  five  hundred  houses,  called  Shasta  Butte  City.7  Would  you 
believe  it  that  such  a  town  exists  in  this  remote  region?  It  is  even  so. 
Supplies  are  brought  by  mules  from  the  south,  while  on  the  north  a 
very  feasible  wagon  road  is  opened  to  Oregon  City,  from  whence 
supplies  are  also  drawn;  so  that  a  communication  is  now  open 
through  the  wildest  imaginable  country  from  California  to  Oregon. 
The  geography  of  the  Cascade  Mountains  is  no  longer  a  mystery, 
and  the  rivers  are  explored,  rich  valleys  are  found,  and  their  cultiva- 
tion already  begun.  The  northern  Indians  are  a  larger,  more  intelli- 
gent and  more  warlike  race  than  those  of  California.  They  wear 
clothes  and  live  in  log  or  wood  dwellings  and  are  very  ingenious  in 
many  articles  of  domestic  manufacture,  while  a  portion  of  their 
country  is  valuable  for  agricultural  purposes.8 

In  the  neighborhood  of  Shasta  I  observed  vast  quantities  of  auri- 
ferous quartz,  more  than  can  be  exhausted  in  hundreds  of  years,  and 
I  also  saw  many  specimens  which  were  brought  in  from  Shasta  Butte 
City,  from  Scott  and  Trinity  rivers  and  their  affluents,  indeed  in  all 
directions,  north  and  eastward,  for  an  hundred  miles  or  more.  The 
imagination  can  scarcely  stop  at  estimating  the  amount  of  mineral 
wealth  still  existing  undisturbed  in  its  matrix  in  the  northern  moun- 
tains; yet,  while  it  is  there,  men  will  not  stop  to  calculate  the  ex- 
pense, the  difficulty  and  hazard  of  life  in  obtaining  it. 


7  Now  Yreka.  Gudde,  California  Place  Names. 

8  Battles  between  the  whites  on  the  one  hand  and  the  Shasta,  Pit  River,  Rogue  River,  and 
Modoc  Indians  on  the  other  were  fought  from  1851  on,  culminating  in  the  bloody  Modoc 
War  of  1873,  which  cost  the  lives  of  eighty-one  whites  and  uncounted  Indians.  After  this 
the  Indians  remained  on  reservations  assigned  to  them.  Caughey,  California,  383-386. 



Parkman,  Ohio,  June,  1852.1 

Eds.  True  Delta — My  last  communication  was  from  Grass  Valley, 
California,  dated,  I  think,  in  February.  I  do  not  know  whether  it 
reached  you  or  not,  but  it  was  my  last  from  the  land  of  gold.2  On 
my  arrival  at  home,  I  became  fully  aware  of  the  vastness  of  the 
throng  which  is  hurrying  on  to  distress,  to  misery,  and  immense 
suffering  by  a  headlong  journey  across  the  plains.  If  a  true  repre- 
sentation of  the  condition  of  California  would  have  any  effect  in 
preventing  individual  suffering,  the  readers  of  the  True  Delta  would 
be  benefited,  for  your  columns  have  set  forth  these  things  in  their 
proper  light  always,  and  to  me  it  seems  strange  that  people  should 
become  so  infatuated  as  to  rush  into  dangers  with  eyes  wide  open. 
California  is  indeed  a  great  country,  with  a  beautiful  climate  and 
fertile  soil,  and  in  this  last  particular  I  have  been  compelled  to 
change  my  early  opinion.3  And  gold  is  there  in  such  quantities  that 
I  do  not  believe  that  the  labor  of  a  century  can  exhaust  it.  But  be- 
cause such  is  the  fact,  do  not  let  any  man  say,  "If  it  is  there,  I  can 
get  it."  There  are  difficulties  in  the  way  which  are  insuperable. 
There  are  just  as  smart  men  there  who  are  as  industrious,  as  ener- 
getic and  prudent,  as  the  best  who  are  now  on  their  way.  Three 
years'  experience  proves  that  where  one  of  these  energetic  men  is 
successful,  hundreds  are  scarcely  making  a  living.  From  the  com- 
mencement to  the  present  moment  the  continual  cry  of  "new  dis- 
coveries— rich  diggings,"  has  been  brought  to  the  public  eye,  and 
how  many  have  been  successful?  Not  one  tenth  part  of  those  en- 
gaged in  mining,  and  those  are  mostly  of  that  class  of  men  whose 
nerves  and  sinews  are  braced  to  stand  the  severe  labor  by  practice 
from  childhood.  Thousands  of  those  who  cannot  endure  the  labor 
of  the  mines,  or  who  have  been  unsuccessful,  have  returned  to  the 
Valley  and  are  exercising  the  various  trades  and  professions  to 
which  they  were  accustomed  at  home,  so  that  every  trade  is  over- 
represented,  and  profits  are  cut  down  to  a  living  business — in  many 
instances  scarcely  affording  that — and  before  I  left,  hundreds  were 
unable  to  obtain  employment  for  their  board.  And  when  you  add 
fifty  thousand  souls  to  those  already  there,  the  number  of  helpless 
ones  will  increase  rather  than  diminish. 

1  True  Delta,  June  23,  1852.  The  editor  writes:  "The  following  interesting  letter  from  a 
gentleman  whose  former  contributions  to  the  columns  of  the  True  Delta,  from  California, 
excited  much  attention,  will  not  be  without  interest  at  this  time,  when  the  tide  of  emigra- 
tion is  again  rapidly  setting  towards  the  modern  Ophir." 

2  Apparently  it  was  not  received. 
3Cf.  p.  21. 


There  may  be  five  thousand  farms  opened  in  California  this  sea- 
son, perhaps  more,  and  next  year  double  that  number.  Farming  at 
this  moment  is  profitable,  but  will  it  continue  so  to  the  end  of  time? 
When  I  first  went  there,  all  our  vegetables  were  brought  from  the 
Sandwich  Islands,  Australia,  and  Oregon,  and  a  small  part  from 
Spanish  America,  and  the  prices  were  exorbitant. 

Now  California  raises  her  own  vegetables,  or  nearly  so,  and  in 
such  abundance  that  prices  have  fallen  almost  immeasurably.  For 
instance,  in  1849-50  potatoes  sold  in  San  Francisco  from  twenty  to 
thirty  cents  per  pound.  These  were  brought  from  abroad.  Now  they 
are  sold,  of  a  superior  quality  and  raised  at  home,  at  from  three  to 
five  cents.  Importation  has  virtually  ceased.  Flour  is  still  imported, 
but  in  one  year  California  will  raise  wheat  enough  for  home  con- 
sumption; in  two  there  will  be  a  surplus,  and  with  no  outlet  prices 
must  fall  so  much  as  to  reduce  farming  to  a  mere  living  profit.  The 
soil  of  California  is  capable  of  producing  a  greater  amount  than 
that  of  our  Western  prairies  even.  Sixty  and  eighty  bushels  of  wheat 
to  the  acre  is  common.  I  have  many  statistical  items  in  my  posses- 
sion attesting  its  agricultural  capacities,  and  you  know  my  early 
opinion  was  at  antipodes  with  this.  Now  all  this  in  political  economy 
is  well,  and  speaks  well  for  the  capacity  of  the  State;  but  when  we 
reflect  that  beyond  home  consumption  the  market  will  be  limited, 
the  natural  inference  is  that  farming  in  a  short  time  will  be  no  more 
profitable  than  other  kinds  of  business.  And  those  who  cannot  work 
cannot  live.  The  immense  emigration  of  this  year4  will  probably 
keep  the  prices  of  provisions  up  for  the  season.  They  may,  in  fact, 
advance,  while  the  price  of  labor  will  decline  and  thousands  seek 
employment  as  they  do  now,  in  vain;  but  at  the  moment  there  is  a 
surplus,  which  will  be  within  the  next  two  years,  there  will  be  no 
sale.  The  only  business  that  I  know  of  now  that  is  not  being  over- 
done is  lumbering.  The  mountains  are  accessible  for  wagons  and 
railroads  and  can  furnish  the  lumber  which  is  now  imported,  and 
will  do  so  as  soon  as  the  prices  of  labor  and  hauling  are  sufficiently 
reduced  to  compete  with  importing  prices.  The  country  is  large 
enough  and  productive  enough  to  support  a  dense  population,  and 
individual  suffering  would  be  less  if  it  was  filled  up  by  degrees;  but 
one  great  difficulty  is,  too  many  are  rushing  in  at  once  before  the 
way  is  sufficiently  prepared  for  them.  Now  a  limited  number  can 
cross  the  plains  safely  and  with  comfort  if  properly  provided,  but 
this  year  there  are  too  many  going  at  once.  In  addition  to  the  stock 
actually  required  to  draw  the  wagons  on  the  road,  a  large  number  of 
cattle  are  being  driven  for  market.  They  will  generally  reach  the 
Rocky  Mountains  in  safety — that  is,  there  will  be  grass  enough  to 
sustain  the  cattle.  But  immediately  on  going  through  the  South  Pass 

4  The  climax  of  the  Gold  Rush  may  be  dated  1852,  when  more  than  100,000  went  to 
California.  Bancroft,  History  of  California,  VII,  696. 


the  desert  country  commences,  grass  will  be  difficult  to  obtain  and, 
I  believe,  impossible  for  so  great  a  number.  The  consequence  will 
be  that  the  cattle  of  emigrant  trains  will  die,  and  families  will  have 
a  terra  firma  shipwreck,  hundreds  of  miles  from  human  aid.  If  they 
have  money  to  duplicate  their  teams  from  droves,  they  may  be  parti- 
ally relieved;  but  very  many  will  not  be  able  to  pay  the  California 
prices  which  will  be  asked,  and  they  will  be  left  to  get  along  the  best 
way  they  can,  which  will  be  on  foot,  or  die. 

We  shall  probably  receive  as  heart-rending  accounts  of  the  suffer- 
ings of  the  present  emigration  across  the  plains  as  any  which  have 
preceded  it.  After  the  emigration  of  1850,  such  was  the  waste  of 
property  on  the  road  that  travelers  from  Salt  Lake  or  between  trad- 
ing posts  in  the  region,  where  there  was  little  or  no  wood,  were 
scarcely  troubled  a  single  night  to  collect  fuel  to  cook  with,  for  the 
wagons  abandoned  and  the  furniture,  handles  of  picks,  shovels, 
axes,  &c,  &c,  furnished  them  an  abundant  supply,  and  this  will 
probably  be  the  case  after  the  present  emigration  has  passed. 

I  had  intended  to  have  spoken  of  the  Nicaragua  route  in  this 
communication,  but  it  is  already  long  enough.  With  my  experience 
in  crossing  the  plains  I  would  rather  take  a  family  to  California  by 
the  land  route,  provided  the  emigration  did  not  exceed  ten  thousand, 
than  through  Central  America,  with  the  present  facilities  of  travel- 
ing up  the  San  Juan  River  and  to  San  Juan  del  Sur.  As  it  is,  I  would 
not  risk  their  lives  this  year,  either  way. 

A.  D 


Parkman,  Ohio,  August  1,  1852.1 

The  immense  resources  of  California,  as  yet  only  partially  de- 
veloped, afford  to  the  political  economist  and  to  business  men  a 
fruitful  theme  of  contemplation.  Although  there  is  now  much  in- 
dividual suffering  and  misfortune,  the  elements  of  prosperity  are  at 
work  which,  in  an  unparalleled  short  period  in  the  history  of  na- 

1  True  Delta,  August  12,  1852.  The  superscription  is  a  glowing  valedictory,  but  no  more 
than  Delano  deserved:  "We  have  pleasure  in  publishing  the  following  letter  from  one  of 
the  ablest  correspondents  it  was  our  good  fortune  to  secure  in  California  in  the  early  days 
of  the  gold  discoveries.  The  writer,  Mr.  A.  Delano,  left  Ohio  [actually  Illinois]  among 
the  first  of  the  bold  adventurers  to  the  shores  of  the  Pacific,  and  passed  through  the 
perilous  trials  which  then  beset  those  who  heroically  braved  the  dangers  of  flood  and  field 
in  their  exciting  explorations.  His  letters  to  this  paper  were  graphic,  truthful,  eloquent  and 
patriotic,  overflowing  with  generous  sentiment  and  the  spirit  of  manly  independence  so 
characteristic  of  the  sons  of  the  glorious  West.  Should  he  again  return  to  California — and 
who  that  has  once  been  there  can  long  remain  away? — we  hope  to  hear  from  him  fre- 
quently, as  of  yore,  and  shall  always  cheerfully  and  gladly  give  him  a  conspicuous  place 
in  the  columns  of  the  True  Delta." 


tions,  must  place  it  among  the  most  prominent  States  of  the  Union 
for  wealth  and  extensive  business  operations.  With  a  most  prolific 
soil,  a  genial  climate,  with  vast  mineral  wealth,  the  genius  of  the 
people  only  requires  the  fostering  protection  of  a  liberal  govern- 
ment to  develop  these  resources,  and  where  public  effort  fails  in 
many  instances  to  carry  out  important  ends,  individual  associations 
will  not  be  wanting  for  their  consummation.  In  a  country  so  new  as 
California,  having  so  vast  a  field  for  varied  enterprise,  Government 
cannot  at  once  effect  all  the  facilities  necessary  for  the  transaction 
of  the  immense  business  carried  on  by  its  citizens;  and  the  commer- 
cial world,  but  for  individual  association,  would  labor  under  im- 
mense disadvantages.  The  transmission  of  dust  and  coin  from  one 
extreme  point  to  another,  from  the  most  distant  mines  over  almost 
impracticable  mountain  roads  to  the  Atlantic  States,  would  be  next 
to  impossible,  with  certainty,  by  any  Government  provision.  The 
merchant  at  home  or  in  the  cities  along  the  Pacific  seaboard  might 
look  in  vain  for  remittances  if  dependent  on  Post  Offices,  and  at 
isolated  points  the  poor,  toil-worn  miner  would  live  for  months 
without  the  gratification  of  hearing  from  home  or  of  sending  a  por- 
tion of  his  hard-earned  gains  to  those  who  are  dearer  to  his  memory 
than  life,  were  it  not  for  the  express  companies  which  individual 
enterprise  has  established.  These,  in  fact,  have  grown  out  of  the 
necessity  of  the  case,  and  by  system,  energy,  and  perseverance  have 
grown  into  an  important  link  in  the  great  chain  of  commercial 

At  first  established  for  the  speedy  transmission  of  letters,  money, 
and  small  packages  from  one  important  town  to  another  along  the 
principal  roads  and  thoroughfares  of  the  Atlantic  States,  by  degrees 
they  have  spread,  like  the  veins  of  the  human  system  from  the  prin- 
cipal arteries,  not  only  over  the  body  corporate  of  our  own  country, 
but  their  fibres  reach  Europe,  Asia — in  fact,  the  whole  civilized 
globe;  and  no  country  has  felt  their  vivifying  influence  more  than 
California.  These  connected  links  reach  every  mountain  and  dell 
where  civilized  man  finds  an  abiding  place.  Almost  every  bar  and 
diggings  beyond  the  reach  of  mail  arrangements  has  its  connecting 
express  line,  and  the  glistening  eye  of  the  sunburnt  miner,  as  through 
them  he  receives  the  missive  of  love  from  home,  attests  the  estima- 
tion in  which  they  are  held  in  California.  But  for  them,  how  many 
hearts  would  be  sad — how  many  hopes  disappointed! 

Why,  I  myself  had  toiled  a  year,  suffering  all  that  human  nature 
could  endure  on  the  plains  and  in  the  mines,  without  hearing  a 
single  word  from  my  family,  and  although  they  had  written  monthly 
by  the  mail,  the  first  letter  I  received  to  tell  me  they  were  still  alive 
was  delivered  into  my  hands  by  a  mountain  express.2  To  Califor- 
nians  and  those  connected  with  them,  this  is  a  matter  of  infinite  im- 

2  Cf.  p.  42. 


portance,  and  a  grand  consideration  is  that  of  responsibility.  No 
man  likes  to  trust  valuable  packages  to  irresponsible  hands,  and  it  is 
a  matter  of  public  congratulation  that  companies  of  undoubted 
means,  as  well  as  of  indomitable  energy,  are  in  existence.  Livings- 
ton and  Wells3  are  known  among  the  successful  pioneers  of  ex- 
presses, and  I  see  by  the  public  papers  that  they  are  extending  their 
operations  by  association  to  California,  under  the  name  of  Wells, 
Fargo  and  Company.  These  veterans  of  the  Express  are  too  well 
known  for  comment.  Some  of  those  connected  with  them  I  have 
known  from  childhood,4  and  I  speak  understandingly  when  I  say 
that  more  energetic,  faithful,  and  perfectly  responsible  men  do  not 
exist  in  any  express  company  than  these.  They  have  commenced 
their  California  Express  with  an  actual  capital  of  three  hundred 
thousand  dollars,  have  contracted  for  the  transmission  of  parcels 
with  the  U.  S.  Mail  steamers,  thus  avoiding  the  possibility  of  delay, 
and  they  send  a  trusty  messenger  with  every  ship.  Their  arrange- 
ments for  crossing  the  Isthmus  are  such  that  speed  and  certainty  are 
assured,  and  drafts  drawn  by  them  are  honored  as  surely  as  those 
of  any  bank  in  the  Union. 

The  ramifications  of  their  express  will  extend  to  every  mining 
district  in  California,  as  it  does  now  to  nearly  every  town  in  the 
Atlantic  States;  and  the  estimation  in  which  they  are  held  on  the 
Atlantic  will  insure  their  success  on  the  Pacific  side  of  the  continent. 
As  an  old  miner,  knowing  the  wants  and  feelings  of  that  busy  class 
of  our  California  community,  I  most  humbly  wish  them  success.  I 
sail  on  the  5th  for  San  Francisco,  and  you  will  hear  from  me  again 
as  usual,  from  time  to  time.5 


A.  Delano. 

3  Johnston  Livingston  was  associated  with  Henry  Wells  in  an  express  business  in  New 
York  State,  1845-1854,  before  the  formation  of  Wells,  Fargo  and  Company.  Henry  Wells, 
Sketch  of  the  Rise,  Progress,  and  Present  Condition  of  the  Express  System  (Albany, 
1864),  10. 

*  Cf.  p.  64. 

5  But  this  apparently  was  the  last  Delano  letter  published  in  the  True  Delta. 





Acapulco,  Mexico,  64 

Across  the  Plains  and  Among  the  Diggings 
(originally  Life  on  the  Plains  and  Among 
the  Diggings),  xi-xiii,  xv-xvii,  xxiii,  1-2, 
4,  9,  12,  16,  19,  22-23,  25-26,  31,  38,  42- 
43,  62,64,  74-75,  106,  119 

Admission  Day,  86-87,  93 

Albion,  Michigan,  89 

Alciope,  a  ship,  71 

Allgeier,  Nicolaus,  44 

Allingham,  John  T.,  100 

American  River,  55,  132 

Amsterdam,  42 

Angle  and  Company,  74 

Angle,  Dr.  M.  B.,  xiv,  74 

Appletons'  Cyclopaedia  of  American  Biog- 
raphy, 27 

Armstrong  family,  68 

Asheville,  North  Carolina,  20 

Ashley,  William  H.,  75 

Asia,  29,  56,  138,  145 

Atocha,  General  A.  J.,  xxi,  137 

Auburn,  California,  120 

Auburn,  New  York,  xxx 

Aurora,  New  York,  xi,  xxi-xxii,  xxiv,  16, 
64,  142 

Australia,  81-82,  106,  118-119,  125-126, 

Bacon,  James,  43,  69 

Baker,  Captain,  7 

Baldwin,  Elmer,  42 

Bancroft,  Hubert  H.,  xxiv,  16,  20,  47,  55, 

66,  71,  75,  104,  108,  119,  137,  143 
Barry,  Captain  John,  xix,  103-104 
Bean,  Edwin  F.,  xxiv 
Bear  Creek,  43-44 
Beardstown,  Illinois,  2 
Bear  River,  55,  71,  113,  131 
Bear  Springs,  Idaho,  65 
Beckwourth    (or   "Beckwith"),    James    P., 

xvi,  75-77 
Beckwourth  Pass,  xvi,  75 
Bedford  Company,  86 
Behring  Strait,  138 
Benicia,  36,  132 
Bensley,  John,  42 
Benson,  Ivan,  102 
Benton  City,  16 
Benton,  Senator  Thomas  H.,  16 

Bible,  35,  39,  42,  105,  111-112 

Bidwell  Bar,  xv,  22,  32,  40,  77 

Bidwell,  John,  32 

Billinghurst,  Mr.,  34,  85 

"Black  Bart"  (Charles  C.  Bolton),  2 

Blackfeet  Indians,  75-77 

Black  Hills,  75 

Blanshard,  Richard,  xxi,  137 

Boase,  Frederick,  132 

Bolton,  Charles  C.  ("Black  Bart"),  2 

Boonville,  Missouri,  6 

Boonville  (Missouri)  Observer,  70 

Boston,  71,  103,  107 

Brenham,  Charles  J.,  127 

Broderick,  David  C,  125 

Brown,  Mr.,  of  Chicago,  85 

Brown,  Robert,  xii,  4,  6,  32,  69,  100 

Bryant,  Edwin,  27,  31,  37,  41,  54,  85,  109 

Buchanan  County,  Missouri,  8 

Burch,  Charles  H.,  55 

Burns,  Robert,  xii,  42,  59,  62,  67 

Butte  County,  82 

Byron,  42 

Calaveras  County,  2 

California  Farmer,  xxiv 

Callcott,  Wilfrid  H.,  137 

Campbell,  Alexander,  127 

Campbell,  Thomas,  1,  13 

Canton,  44,  48 

Cape  Horn,  25,  44 

Cascade  Mountains,  21,  29,  68,  120,  140- 

Catalogue  of  the  Officers  and  Alumni  of 

Washington  and  Lee  University,  19 
Catherwood,  Frederick  W.,  xxi,  132-133 
Caton,  John  D.,  46,  51-52,  92 
Caton,  Laura  A.  S.,  52 
Caughey,  John  W.,  7,  141 
Central  America,  xxii,  xxiv,  25,  36,  44,  65, 

132-133,  143,  144,  146 
Central  Pacific,  The,  xxiv 
Chagres,  Panama,  36 
Chamisso,  Adelbert  von,  10 
Chapultepec,  Mexico,  46 
Charleston,  Maine,  82 
Chautauqua,  New  York,  32 
Chicago,  34,  57,  82,  85 
Chico,  47,  75 
Chile,  49,  115,  136 


China,  48-49,  63,  109 
Chinese,  xix,  109-110 
Chipman,  31 
Clarke,  H.  K.  W.,  125 
Clear  Creek,  47 
Cleland,  Robert  G.,  93 
Clemens,  Samuel  L.,  102 
Coast  Range,  27,  56,  138-140 
College  of  the  Pacific,  74 
Columbia  College,  42 
Colusa,  xxi,  139-140 
Colusa  County,  139 
Conaway,  Mary  V.,  xi 
Concord,  New  Hampshire,  9 
Constance,  a  ship,  xix,  103-104 
Cornyn,  John  H.,  2 
Council  Bluffs,  Iowa,  8 
Crow  Indians,  75,  77 
Cruthers,  Owen,  128 
Crystal  Palace,  London,  115 
Cutting,  Mr.,  18 

Dane,  G.  Ezra,  xi,  xviii,  xxv 

Davis,  M.  G.,  36,  142 

Davis,  Peter  L.,  20,  47 

Dawly,  Mr.,  37,  46,  79 

Dawlytown,  xv,  22,  36,  38-40,  42,  53,  61, 

77,  79 
Dayton,  Illinois,  xii,  xiv,  7,  9,  13-14,  43 
Dayton,  Ohio,  3 
Dean,  Edwin  F.,  xxxiv 
Deer  Creek,  16,  20,  113,  131 
Delano,  Alonzo  ("Old  Block")  — 

pronunciation  of  surname,  xi-xii 

appearance,  xi 

birth  and  family,  xi 

early  career  and  marriage,  xi 

voyage  to  St.  Joseph,  Missouri,  xii-xiii 

overland  journey,  xiii-xiv,  12-27 

in   the   upper   diggings,   xiv-xxv,    22-98, 
111-116,  120-123,  131-137 

at  Sacramento  and  San  Francisco,  xviii- 
xxi,  99-112,  117-120,  123-130 

Shasta  City,  xxi,  138-141 

Nicaragua  and  New  York,  xxi-xxii,  xxiv 

Ohio,  xxii,  142,  145 

publications,  xiii,  xxiii-xxiv 

second  marriage  and  death,  xxv 
Delano,  Austin,  64 
Delano,  Columbus,  xi 
Delano,  Fred,  xi-xii,  xix-xxi,  xxiv,  16,  22, 

46,  105,  109,  117,  131 
Delano,  Dr.  Frederick,  xi,  64,  67 
Delano,  Harriet,   xi-xii,  xix-xxi,   xxiv-xxv, 

16,  22,  46,  64,  105,  109,  117,  131 

Delano,  Hariett,  64 

Delano,  Joanna  Doty,  xi,  64 

Delano,  Joel  A.,  xi,  64,  67 

Delano,  Maria  Harmon,  xxiv-xxv 

Delano,  Mary  Burt,  xi-xii,  xiv-xv,  xix- 
xxi,  xxiv-xxv,  10,  16,  19,  21-22,  46,  64, 
89,  105,  109,  111,  117,  131 

Delano,  Mortimer  F.,  64 

Delano,  California,  xi 

De  La  Noye,  Jonathan,  xi 

Delavan,  Dr.  James,  137 

Derby,  George  Horatio,  xviii,  xxv 

Dictionary  of  American  Biography,  xxii, 
15,  32,  46,  75,  125,  133 

Dictionary  of  National  Biography,  137 

Donner  Pass,  xxiii 

Dunning,  Lola,  82 

Dunning,  Zophar,  82 

Eliza,  43,  69 

Elliott,  80-81 

Embassy,  a  steamboat,  2-3 

Encyclopaedia  Britannica,  81 

Encyclopedia  Americana,  2 

England  (see  Great  Britain),  132,  137 

English  Grove,  Missouri,  12 

Enterprise,  38,  92 

Erie,  Pennsylvania,  42 

Europe,  48-49,  63,  145 

Fandango  Pass,  xiv 

Fanshawe,  Captain  Edward  G.,  xxi,  137 
Fargo,  William  G.,  xxii,  xxiv,  64,  146 
Feather  River,  xv-xvii,  16, 20, 22, 24,  32,  38, 

40,  43-44,  46,  52-53,  55,  58,  60-61,  64, 

67,69,  77,  81-84,  86-87,  92,  96,  105,  138- 

Ferguson,  Milton  J.,  xi 
Fires — 

Grass  Valley,  xxiii 

San   Francisco,   xviii-xx,    68,    117,    119, 

121-123,  128 
Fisher,  Charles  A.,  19,  42 
Fletcher,  Dr.  Mary  Delano,  xii,  xxiv,  16 
Floods,  41-42,  44,  106,  129 
Forbestown,  38 
Ford,  Henry  L.,  55 
Fort  Childs,  9 
Fort  Hall,  Idaho,  19,  65 
Fort  Kearny,  Nebraska,  9,  12,  13-15 
Fort  Laramie,  Wyoming,  19,  85 
Fort  Leavenworth,  Kansas,  8 
Foster,  Stephen  C,  34 


Fox  River,  Illinois,  xii,  2,  74 

France,  98 

Fredenburg,  Isaac  H.  ("Fred"),  xii,  2,  4, 

6-7,  9,  13,  43,  68,  100 
Freeland,  Captain  John,  xvi,  37,  46,  78-79 
Fremont,  California,  138 
Fremont,  John  Charles,  47,  65 
Frenchmen,  75-76,  81-82 
Friendship,  a  ship,  103 
Fulton,  Robert,  134 

Galveston,  a  steamer,  65 

Gibbon,  Edward,  95 

Gibson,  James,  128 

Gihon,  John  H.,  xviii-xix,  68,  117-118,  121, 

125,  127 
Gillis,  James  L.,  xii 
Gold  Bluff,  107-108 
Gold  Hill,  114 

Gold  Lake,  xvii-xviii,  89,  92,  97 
Gold  Lake  mountains,  xvii-xviii,  97,  106 
Goldsmith,  Oliver,  xvii,  84 
Gold  Tunnel,  113-114 
Goochland  County,  Virginia,  19 
Goodspeed  Bros.,  43 
Goose  Lake,  18 
Grand  Island,  Nebraska,  15 
Grant,  Colonel  Joseph,  xv-xvi,  xix,  36-38, 

41,  44-45,  52-53,  69,  78-79,  85,  94,  96, 

99-106,  122 
Grant,  Joseph,  36 
Grant,  Joseph  Osborn,  36 
Grant,  Ulysses  S.,  xi 
Grass  Valley,  xi,  xix-xxii,  xxiv-xxv,  16,  112- 

116,  120-121,  130-137,  142 
Grass  Valley  Telegraph,  xxii-xxiv 
Grass  Valley  Union,  xxv 
Gray,  T.  E.,  xvi,  65,  68 
Gray,  Thomas,  53,  127 
Great  Britain  (see  England),  118,  125,  137- 

Greeley,  Horace,  96 
Green,  George,  74,  112,  117 
Green,  Jesse,  xi,  7,  9,  14,  43,  68,  74,  111, 

Gregory,  Winifred,  36 
Gridley,  Samuel  B.,  42 
Gudde,  Erwin  A.,  xi,  xvii,  43,  89,  141 
Gum,  Mr.,  129 
Gutierrez  rancho,  71 

Hall,  Dr.  Josiah,  69,  117,  119 
Hamilton,  100 
Handy,  89 

Hanna,  Phil  T.,  22,  37,  44 

Hardy,  96 

Harney's  Landing,  Missouri,  15 

Harney,  William  S.,  15 

Harris,  Matthew,  xii,  12-14 

Haskins,  C.  W.,  36,  65 

Hawaii  (see  Sandwich  Islands) 

Hennepin,  Illinois,  22 

Henry,  Andrew,  75 

Henry  County,  Illinois,  xvii,  85 

Herkimer  County,  New  York,  42 

Hesperian,  xxiv 

High  Rock  Canyon,  Nevada,  17-18 

History  of  LaSalle  County,  Illinois,  9,  42 

History  of  Nevada  County,  xxiii 

History  of  Sacramento,  xviii,  41,  100 

History  of  Santa  Clara  County,  20 

Hoes,  Peter,  130 

Holland,  Erholtz,  34 

Hollister,  W.  B.,  83 

Hoover,  Mildred  B.,  138 

Hudson  River  Railroad,  133 

Hudson's  Bay  Company,  44 

Humboldt  County,  20 

Humboldt  (or  Mary's)   River,  xiv,    16-19, 

22-23,  53,  79,  89-90,  119 
Hurlbut,  Henry,  22 
Hutchings'  California  Magazine,  xxiv 

Idle  and  Industrious  Miner,  The,  xxiv 

Illinois  River,  xii,  2 

Illustrated  History  of  Palumas,  Lassen,  and 
Sierra  Counties,  16 

Independence  Bar,  xvii,  xix,  88,  94,  98 

Independence,  Missouri,  7-8 

Independent  Company  of  Louisiana  Vol- 
unteers, 77 

Independent  Order  of  Odd  Fellows,  xii,  46, 

Indians,  xiii-xiv,  xvi-xvii,  xx-xxi,  2,  5,  8,  11, 
14-15,  17,  22-23,  28,  38-39,  42,  47,  58, 
64,  68-81,  87-89,  96,  100,  108,  110,  123, 
129-130,  133,  139-141 

I.O.O.F.,  xii,  46,  52 

Irwin,  William,  42 

Isthmus  of  Panama,  25,  36,  44,  65,  132- 
133,  146 

Japan,  xix,  104,  110 
Japanese,  xix,  104,  110 
Jefferson,  Thomas,  xix,  110 
Jenkins,  John,  118,  125-126 
"John  Phoenix" 

(see  Derby,  George  Horatio) 


Johnson,  William,  71-72 
Journal  of  Proceedings  of  the  Grand  Lodge 
of  the  State  of  California,  xxiv 

Kansas  River,  8 
Kearney,  Nebraska,  9 
Kearny,  Stephen  W.,  9 
Keefer,  Mr.,  Ill,  129-130 
Kelley,  Mr.,  136 
Kendall,  George  W.,  1 
Kern  County,  xi 
King,  Captain,  69,  80 
King,  Joseph  L.,  36 
Klamath  Lake,  29 
Klamath  River,  107 
Kroeber,  A.  L.,  28,  68,  139-140 

La  Salle  County,  Ilinois,  22,  42-43 

Lassen  (or  "Lawson's")  Peak,  140 

Lassen  ( or  "Lawson"), Peter,  xiv,  16,  20,  47 

Lassen  Trail,  xiv,  16,  20,  23,  53 

Lassen's   (or  "Lawson's")   Settlement,  xiv, 

16,  18-20,  27,  32,  43,  55 
Lassik  Indians,  140 
"Lawson"  (see  Lassen) 
Leeper,  David  R.,  82 
Lewis,  Benjamin,  118 
Life  on  the  Plains  and  Among  the  Diggings 

(see  Across  the  Plains  and  Among  the 

Little  Nemaha  River,  65,  117 
Little  Volcano,  95-98 
Liverpool,  132 

Live  Woman  in  the  Mines,  A,  xxiv 
Livingston,  Johnston,  xxii,  146 
London,  115 
Long's  Bar,  40,  68,  85 
Loo  Choo  (Ryukyu  Islands),  xix,  104 
Loring,  Thomas,  69 
Louisville,  Kentucky,  3 
Lynchburg,  Virginia,  xiii,  3-5 

McCauley,  Hamilton,  119,  121,  124 

McDougal,  Governor  John,  119,  121,  124 

McKee,  Irving,  14 

McMakin,  G.  S.,  113 

MacMinn,  George  R.,  xxiv 

McNeil,  William,  43,  68,  73-74,  117 

Maginnis,  John,  36,  142 

Maidu  Indians,  xvi,  xx,  28,  38-39,  47,  58, 

64,  68-74,  87-88,  96,  100,  110,  123,  129- 

130,  133 
Malays,  103 
Manila,  103 

"Mark  Twain,"  102 

Marshall,  John,  xix,  110 

Mary's  River  (see  Humboldt) 

Marysville,  xvi-xviii,  43,  61-62,  69,  82,  89, 

96,  101,  132 
Massachusetts  Hill,  114-115 
Mazatlan,  75 
Memphis,  Tennessee,  19 
Mendocino  County,  140 
Merlin,  a  ship,  104 
Mexicans,  xviii,  27-28,  47-48,  60,  62,  93, 

106,  137 
Mexican  War,  1,  5,  9,  37,  42,  46,  68 
Mexico,  5,  48-49,  63-64,  75,  78,  115,  137, 

Miller,  William,  42-43 
Milton,  John,  130,  139 
Miners'   codes   and   associations,   xv,   xvii, 

40-41,  49-50,  58,  63,  86-87,  93-94,  122- 

Mishawaka,  Indiana,  43,  80,  82-83 
Mississippi  River,  3 
Missouri  River,  xiii-xiv,  4,  6-8,  14-15,  22- 

23,  42,  131 
Modoc  County,  141 
Modoc  War,  141 
Monroe,  New  York,  46 
Montez,  Lola,  xxiii-xxiv 
Moore,  William,  80-81,  83 
Morgan,  Edwin  B.,  xxii,  64 
Morrill,  John,  9 

Morse,  Dr.  John  F.,  36,  74,  102,  122 
Mount  Diablo,  120 
Mount  Shasta,  140-141 
"Mud  Hill,"  xv,  26,  34-37,  39,  45,  52-53, 

104,  106 

Nahl,  Charles,  xi 

Napa,  119 

Neal,  Samuel,  47,  55 

Nebraska  City,  9 

Nelson  Creek,  xvii,  94 

Nemaha  Cut-off,  xiv,  23,  65 

Nemaha  River,  65,  117 

Nevada  City,  xx,  113-114,  120,  122,  128 

Nevada  County,  82,  112 

Newark,  Ohio,  7 

New  Holland  (Australia),  168 

New  Lisbon,  Ohio,  34 

New  Orleans,  xix,  36,  65,  102 

New  Orleans  California  True  Delta,  36,  74, 

New  Orleans,  a  steamboat,  102 
New  Orleans  Times,  36 


New  Orleans  True  Delta,  xiii,  xv,  xix-xxii, 
xxv,  1,  36-37,  41,  44-45,  52,  60-61,  69, 
75,  77,  84-85,  88,  94,  96,  99,  101-102, 
105-106,  112,  123,  131,  134,  138,  142, 
144,  146 

New  World,  a  steamboat,  102 

New  York  City,  xxi,  44,  48,  84,  94,  111, 
115,  119,  132 

New  York  Herald,  36 

New  York  Times,  xxiv 

New  York  Tribune,  96 

Nicaragua,  xxi-xxii,  xxiv,  144 

Nicolaus,  California,  44,  55 

Nisbet,  James,  xviii-xix,  68,  117-118,  121, 
125,  127 

Norton,  William,  82 

Octavia,  a  ship,  36 

"Old  Block,"  Delano's  pseudonym,  xi,  xxiii- 
xxv,  109,  120 

Old  Block's  Sketch  Book,  xxiv,  105 

Oleepa,  an  Indian  chief,  xvi,  69-70 

Oleepa,  an  Indian  village,  xvi-xvii,  xix,  64, 
67-69,  105 

Olmstead,  John,  1 1 1 

"Olos"  (Indians),  87-88 

Oregon,  xviii,  8,  17-18,  22-23,  29,  49,  63, 
68,  95,  98,  138,  141,  143 

Oregon  and  California  Trail,  23,  141 

Oregon  Bar,  40 

Oregon  City,  141 

Oroville,  xv,  26,  34,  36 

Osman,  Moses,  xiii,  1,  21,  81,  108,  117 

Osman,  William,  xiii,  xix  1,  5,  16,  21,  35, 
64,  81,  89,  94,  108,  117 

"Ottawa  Bar,"  xv,  38,  40,  46,  52,  58,  73 

Ottawa,  Illinois,  xii-xiii,  xv,  xix-xx,  1-4,  6, 
9,  12,  19,  42-43,  46,  65,  68-69,  83,  89, 
99,  100,  111,  130 

Ottawa  (Illinois)  Free  Trader,  xiii,  xvii,  xix- 
xx,  xxii,  xxv,  1,  8,  12,  15-16,  19,  21-23, 
26,  39,  42-43,  46,  64,  69,  80-81,  88-89, 
94,  99-100,  108,  111,  117,  119,  128-130 

Ottawa:  Old  and  New,  xii,  1-2,  7,  22,  42- 
43,  46,  52,  68-69 

Overland  Monthly,  28 

Pacific,  a  steamer,  132 
Pacific  Medical  College,  74 
Panama,  25,  36,  44,  65,  132-133,  146 
Panama  Railroad,  132-133 
Parkman,  Ohio,  xxii,  142,  144 
Past  and  Present  of  LaSalle  County,  Illi- 
nois, 7 

Patrick,  Dr.  Sceptre,  66-67 

Pen-Knife  Sketches,  xi,  xviii-xix,  xxii-xxv, 

9,  16,  87,  109,  120,  137 
Periam,  82,  84-85 
Peru,  115 

Peru,  Illinois,  xii,  2 
Peter  Schlemihl,  21 
"Pikeys"  (Indians),  87-88 
Pit  River,  xiv,  18,  120 
Placerville,  1 1 1 

Platte  River,  9,  15,  22-23,  54,  75,  117 
Plumas  County,  89 
Pomeroy,  F.  C,  xiv-xv,  22 
Pope,  Alexander,  122 
Pope,  Mr.,  68 

Potawatomi  (or  Pottawatomie)  Indians,  14 
Pottawatomie  County,  Kansas,  14 
Potter,  John,  47,  55 

Reading,  Pierson  B.,  47 
Red  Bluff,  140 
Reddick,  Joseph,  68 
Reddick,  William,  68 
Redding,  74 
Reed,  Henry  J.,  42,  69 
Register  of  the  General  Assembly  of  Vir- 
ginia, 19 
Renfro  and  Company,  86 
Rensch,  H.  E.  and  E.  G.,  138 
Revolution,  a  steamboat,  xii,  2 
Reynolds,  Mr.,  42 
Roberts,  William  H.,  37 
Robinson,  William,  128 
Rocky  Bar  Company,  xxi,  137 
Rogue  River,  141 
Rood,  Walter  D.,  43,  69 
Roosevelt  family,  xi 
Roosevelt,  Franklin  D.,  xi 
Royce,  Josiah,  28,  48,  93 
Russia,  138 
Ryukyu  Islands,  xix,  104 

Sacramento,  xiii,  xv-xvi,  xviii,  xx-xxi,  20-21, 

25,  27-28,  32,  35-37,  39-42,  44-47,  49-52, 
54-56,  63,  66-68,  93,  96,  99-102,  105, 
120,  122-123,  126-128,  132,  138-139 

Sacramento  Democratic  State  Journal,  xxiv 
Sacramento  Placer  Times,  137 
Sacramento  Themis,  43 
Sacramento  River,  xiv,  xix,  16,  18,  21-22, 

26,  41,  43,  53,  57-58,  102,  138-139 
Sacramento   Transcript,  xviii,  28,   36,   44, 

93,  103 
Sacramento  Union,  xxiii-xxv,  2,  16,  20,  36, 


47,  67,  122,  128 
Sacramento  Valley,  xiv,  xvii,  xxi,  3,  16,  20- 

21,  23,  26-28,  29,  31-32,  34,  37,  39,  41- 

44,  47,  52-56,  58,  61,  65,  77,  81,  83,  87- 

88,   90,  94-98,   106,   110,   120,   131-132, 

138-140,  142 
St.  Joseph,  Missouri,  xii-xiv,  xvii,  1-3,  6-10, 

13-15,  85 
St.  Joseph  Rpad,  xiii 
St.  Louis,  Missouri,  xii,  2-5,  7-9,  13,  65 
St.  Louis  (Missouri)  Republican,  7,  85 
Salem,  Massachusetts,  xix,  103 
Salem  (Massachusetts)  Register,  103 
Salt  Lake,  Utah,  18,  144 
Sandwich  Islands  (Hawaii),  49,  63,  71,  75, 

San  Francisco,  xiii,  xvi,  xviii-xx,  xxii-xxiii, 

6,  28,  39,  42-44,  48,  50,  63,  65,  68,  74, 

82,  100-110,  112,  117-128,  130,  132,  143 
San  Francisco  Alta  California,  6,   19,  20, 

36,  39,  74,  102-103,  122,  125,  127 
San  Francisco  California  Chronicle,  36 
San  Francisco  California  Courier,  xviii, 

xxiii,  109,  120 
San  Francisco  Call,  42 
San  Francisco  Chronicle,  127 
San  Francisco  Golden  Era,  xxiii-xxiv 
San  Francisco  Pacific  Marine  Review,  103 
San  Francisco  Pacific  News,  xix,  36,  110 
San  Francisco  Stock  and  Exchange  Board, 

San  Joaquin  County,  20 
San  Joaquin  Valley,  47 
San  Jose,  106 

San  Juan  del  Sur,  Nicaragua,  xxii,  144 
San  Juan  River,  Nicaragua,  xxii,  144 
Santa  Anna,  General  Antonio  Lopez  de, 

Santa  Buenaventura  rancho,  47 
Santa  Clara  County,  20 
Santa  Clara  Valley,  106 
Savannah,  Missouri,  14 
Scott  Mountains,  29 
Scott  River,  xxi,  141 
Shakespeare,  xvii,  2,  13,  34,  38-39,  74,  84, 

101,  109 
Shasta  Butte  (Mount  Shasta),  140-141 
Shasta  Butte  City  (Yreka),  xxi,  141 
Shasta  City,  xxi,  138,  141 
Shasta  County,  47,  141 
Shinn,  Charles  H.,  41 
Sierra  Nevada   Quartz  Mining   Company, 

xix-xxi,  114,  120,  129,  137 
Smith,  Ebenezer,  xii,  6-7,  9,  32,  69 

Solano  County,  36 

Soule,  Frank,  xviii-xix,  68,   117-118,    121, 

125,  127 
South  America,  49,  56,  63,  115,  133,  136, 

South  Bend,  Indiana,  xii,  9,  14,  22,  43 
South  Bend  (Indiana)  Register,  9 
South  Bend  (Indiana)   Tribune,  9 
South  Pass,  Wyoming,  143 
Spencer,  Mr.,  44 
Springfield,  Illinois,  74 
Squatter  Riots,  xviii,  28,  48,  60,  92-93 
Stadden,  Dan,  69 
Starr,  Bensley  and  Company,  42 
Stephens,  John  L.,  133 
Stony  Point,  79 

Stringtown,  xv,  xvii,  81,  84-85,  88,  92 
Stuart,  James,  127 
Sumatra,  103 
Sutter  Buttes,  139 
Sutter,  John  Augustus,  xviii,  xx,  28,  44,  47, 

75,  117 
Sutter's  Fort,  16,  19-20,  21,  25,  55 
Sydney,  New  Holland  (Australia),  81,  106, 


Table  Mountain,  37 

Taylor,  Colonel,  65 

Tecumseh,  Michigan,  3 

Tehama  County,  55 

Terre  Haute,  Indiana,  67 

Thompson,  John,  128 

Thorn,  Benjamin  K.,  2,  7,  43,  68,  100 

Townley,  James,  129 

Trinity  County,  29 

Trinity  River,  xxi,  29 

Truckee,  xxiv 

Turner,  S.  K.  (?),  xvii,  85 

Tutt,  Charles  M.,  9 

Ulster  County,  New  York,  2 

U.  S.  Biographical  Dictionary,  52 

Utica,  New  York,  46 

Van  Buren,  President  Martin,  133 
Vancouver  Island,  137 
Vernon  (or  Verona),  43,  138 
Vigilance  Committees — 

Grass  Valley,  xx,  121,  130 

Sacramento,  xx,  126-128,  130 

San  Francisco,  xx,  118-119, 121, 120-128, 
Von  Hagen,  Victor  W.,  132 


Wabash  River,  66 

Wakeman,  Captain  Edgar,  xix,  102 

Walsh,  Esq.,  115 

Warren,  Ohio,  xxiv 

Washington  and  Lee  University,  19 

Washington,  D.  C,  95 

Watkins,    Colonel   Joseph    S.,   xix,    19-20, 

Weaverville,  142 
Wells,  Fargo  and  Company,  xxii,  xxiv,  64, 

Wells,  Henry,  xxii,  xxiv,  64,  146 
Welsh,  Captain  Charles  (?),  xix,  104 
Willoughby,  Dr.  D.  W.  C,  39 
Wilson,  Charles  L.,  43 
Wilson,  James,  127-128 

Wind  River  Mountains,  Wyoming,  65 
Wintun  Indians,  xxi,  139-140 
Wood's  Bar,  38 
World's  Fair,  115 

Yates,  Captain  John,  75 

Yateston,  64,  75,  100 

Yreka,  xxi,  141 

Yuba  City,  43,  69 

Yuba  County,  89 

Yuba  River,  xv,  xvii,  19,  22,  33-34,  39,  43- 

44,  55,  62,  68,  87,  113,  132 
Yubaville,  43 
Yucatan,  78 

Zeluff,  Mr.,  9 


310  copies,  of  which  298  are  for 

sale,  were  printed  by  Grant  Dahlstrom 

at  the  Castle  Press  in  Pasadena, 

California,  in  December, 



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